American Government Worksheet – Chapter 4

American Government Worksheet – Chapter 4
1. What are delegated powers? What are expressed powers? Give three examples of
expressed powers which belong to Congress and the President.
2. What are implied powers? What is the basis for implied powers? What is it also
called? Give two examples.
3. What are inherent powers? Give three examples.
4. What are reserved powers? Which amendment mentions these powers? Give three
examples of reserved powers.
5. What are concurrent powers? Give three examples.
6. What is the supremacy clause? Where is it found? What Supreme Court case
upheld this clause?
7. List six specific obligations of the national government to the states. Where are most
of these found or stated?
8. What is cooperative federalism? Define grants-in-aid and revenue sharing. Why are
there some critics of these programs?
9. Define the following terms. Interstate compact, full faith and credit clause,
extradition, privileges and immunities clause