Cold War Assignment Sheet

Global History II
Unit 6: The Cold War
Assignment Sheet
Assignment #1: Two Superpowers Face Off After World War 2
Read pages 965-970 and answer the following questions.
1) Study the chart on page 966. In what ways did the aims of the U.S. and USSR in Europe conflict
with one another?
2) Answer Questions #1 & #2 Connect to Today on p. 971.
3) What was meant by Containment? How was each of the following designed to put containment
into practice: Truman Doctrine, Marshall Plan, Berlin Airlift, NATO, Brinkmanship, U-2
4. Define/Identify: Cold War, Warsaw Pact, Iron Curtain
Assignment #2: Collapse of Chinese Imperial Rule and the Struggle for Power
Read pages 972-974 and answer the following questions.
1) Define/Identify: Jiang Jieshi (Chiang Kai Shek)
2) What conditions existed in China that helped the Nationalists to overthrow the Qing Dynasty?
3) What were Sun Yixian's Three Principle's of the People" and why was he unable to meet the
goals of the Revolution?
4) Why did communism appeal to the peasants? ,
5) Identify Mao Zedong, The Long March
6) Complete Skillbuilder: Interpreting Charts Questions #1 & #2 on page 973.
Assignment #3: Communists Triumph in China
Read pages 974-975 and answer the following questions.
1) In what ways did the U.S. and U.S.S.R. react to the victory of the Communists over the
Nationalists in China?
2) Complete the "Skillbuilder" questions on page 863?
3) How did Mao Zedong's reforms affect the political, economic, and social life of the Chinese
4) Define: Commune, Red Guards, Cultural Revolution, Five Year Plan, and Great Leap
Assignment #4: War in Korea and Vietnam
Read pages 976-981 and answer the following questions.
1) Define/Identify: Douglas MacArthur, Ho Chi Minh, Domino Theory, Pol Pot, Khmer Rouge.
2) Answer #2 on page 981
3) Complete the "Geography Skillbuilder" on page 977
4) To what extent does modern day Korea and Vietnam still reflect Cold War policies?
Assignment #5: The Cold War Spreads to the Third World
Read pages 982-987 and answer the following questions.
1) What is the Third World? How did the US and USSR compete for their support? Why did some
nations stay non-aligned?
2) How did the Cold War affect the nations of a) Cuba b) Nicaragua c) Iran
d) Afghanistan? Which side did each superpower take in these conflicts?
3) Study the map on page 984: What other nations were drawn into Cold War rivalries?
4) If they do not appear in Question #2, Define/Identify: Fidel
Castro, Cuban Missile Crisis, Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi, Ayatolla Khomeini
Assignment #6: The Cold War Thaws
Read pages 988-991 and answer the following questions.
1) Define/Identify: Nikita Krushchev, Destalinization, Leniod Brezhnev, Realpolitik, Detente,
SALT, and Star Wars.
2) How did Khrushchev and Breznev react to attempts by Hungary and Czechoslovakia to
3) Why did President Richard Nixon begin to pursue a policy detente with China and the Soviet
Union? How did relations with these nations change as a result of the change in policy?
4) How did President Nixon and President Reagan's policies towards the Soviet Union differ?
Assignment #7: Gorbachev Moves Towards Democracy
Read pages 1046-1051 and answer the following questions.
1) Explain Gorbachev's policies of Glasnost, Perestroika and Democratization. How did each
help move the Soviet Union closer toward democracy?
2) How did the reforms in the Soviet Union effect: a) Hungary b) Poland c) East Germany d)
Czechoslovakia e) Romania
3) Identify Solidarity, Lech Walesa, Vaclav Havel
Assignment #8: Collapse of the Soviet Union
Read pages 1052-1058 and answer the following questions.
1) Identify Boris Yeltsin. How did he come to power?
2) What were the main reasons for the breakup of the nations of: a) Soviet Union b) Czechoslovakia
c) and Yugoslavia? What problems have resulted from the splits?
3) Why did Bosnia's mixed population cause a problem after Bosnia declared its independence?
4) Complete the Geography Skillbuilder on page 1057.
5) What role has the international community played in the former Yugoslavia?
Assignment #9: China Follows Its Own Path
Read pages 1059-1063 and answer the following questions.
1) How did people react to Mao Zedong's radical economic policies? How did it affect communism
in China?
2) What did Deng Xiaoping hope to accomplish with his Four Modernizations Plan in China?
Why do you think he initiated these changes?
3) Identify and discuss the causes and results of the events in Tiananmen Square.
4) Answer "Supporting opinions" on page1063. (For thought: what do you think will happen to