arvale : journey of illusion

DeMenchev’s Journal: 1000 AD:
I have been studying and researching the ancient civilization of the Mazulen for many years of my life.
By now, I can translate most of their language, and believe that the ancient civilization had access to an
amazing power or…something major that changed the course of history.
After years of research, I have finally discovered where one of the ancient Mazulen Temples can be
found…only to realize it’s been within miles of the village I’ve resided for years! Things are so simple to find
sometimes that we make them difficult.
However, upon entering the temple…things weren’t quite as simple as I had anticipated…
0. Tutorial (Optional)
The tutorial monkey Tuki appears while you are escaping from the Mazulen Temple. The tutorial is absolutely
optional, but could be essential for those who didn’t play Arvale : Journey of Illusion before this. Just follow the
tutorial and grab whatever items and equipment available.
1. Mazulen Temple
You will find two statues in the middle of the temple, which you need to activate with something to open the
door leading further. The two “keys”, Panther Idol and Lunar Idol, are in the left and right rooms of the temple
Panther Idol solution: Let the pillars be A, B, C, D from top to bottom. Push by the sequence A, D, B, C.
Lunar Idol solution : Let the chests be 1, 2, 3, 4 from left to right. Open by the sequence 2, 4, 1, 3, 2.
Behind the door, you will find the Mazulen Artifact. When you are done with the monster, get out of the room,
and step onto the blue tile between the statues to open the exit door, but you will activate the trap at the same
time. You run for your life and get back to your room in Queous.
2. Queous
While you are trying to figure out about the artifact and idols, you learn that Anna, DeMenchev’s girlfriend, is
ill. While you are visiting her, someone sneaks into your room and steal the Mazulen Artifact. As you return to
your room and head out again for the elixir to cure Anna, you hear a noise from the corner. Here you face two
options – go for the elixir or find out about the noise. Choose elixir option, though it is optional. You will come
back for the noise either you choose or do not choose the elixir option, but getting the elixir is necessary in
order to obtain the Ultiven Sword through a side quest in the later part.
3. Elixir Cave (Optional)
You need to get through three trials in order to obtain the elixir.
1st trial: make your way through the mace without running into any monster.
2nd trial: make your way through the boxes to reach for the elixir.
3rd trial: fight the Water Guardian.
4. Queous (Optional)
Unfortunately, the elixir does not seem to be effective on Anna. As you get back to your room, you find a note
left by the Maku-san from the Konija asking you to meet them in the Inn in Invyl. It seems that Anna is being
poisoned by the Konija with Black Powder.
5. Soneros (Optional)
Although you should be heading to Invyl, but you need to carry out a small task in order to obtain the Ultiven
Vest in the later part. Talk to the diver near the beach and donate for his expedition. Do this every time you are
switched to the present in the game, and do it before going for Invyl.
6. Invyl
In the Guild Master’s house, you caught the lazy elf napping and threaten to report him. You ask for 50G for a
beer, but he could not do so, hence he owes you a favor to be accomplished in the future (for the Ultiven Gear
side quest).
Now go to the Inn, and talk to Cervantes, the Konija head. In exchange for Anna’s health, he wants you to get
all the Mazulen time pieces for him. Here, you have to choose where to start to find two of the three time pieces
– Aphote or Stygia. Choose Aphote in this case.
Get out of the house and you will ‘learn’ that you need to charter a ship from Soneros in order to reach Aphote
7. Maestyl Forest (Optional)
South of Invyl, one of the monster camps in the game.
8. Vastid Rain Forest (Optional)
Southwest of Queous, one of the monster camps in the game.
9. Soneros
After you have stocked up whatever you need, head to the dock and talk to the sailor for a ship to Aphote Isle.
10. Hooks Triangle (Optional)
Sea area east of Soneros-Invyl continent, one of the monster camps in the game.
11. Serpent Pass (Optional)
Sea area southeast of Melonchi, one of the monster camps in the game.
12. Iko Village (Optional)
You will find that you cannot understand the language of the villagers. However, you can still do some
shopping here. After you are done, head south to the Mazulen temple.
13. Aphote Temple
Head up to the lift, and you will learn that you need the keys. On this floor, you will find the Iko Tome, which
allows you to understand the Iko language. In the same room, you will find the Lift Key #3 from the skeleton on
the floor.
Level 3: Here you will find a chest which needs some sort of switch to open. You will find the Lift Key #4
inside the chest.
Words matching solution: Lunar-Solar, Jaguar-Panther, Willow-Cedar
Level 4: Here you will find two locked doors which you need the Aphote Key to open. You will also find the
Lift Key #2.
Level 2: Here you will find a door locked by the security sensor.
Security solution: Move the bug onto the color tiles to de-activate respective sensor and restore the
Security Bridge (A) in the security room.
Back to the locked door near the lift. Step on the blue tile on the floor to restore the Security Bridge (B)
in the security room. That leads you to the Aphote Key.
Level 4: With the Aphote Key, the locked door to the left has nothing but a ‘monster generator’.
The locked door below will lead you to the Past Idol, the Panther Eye. You have to defeat the
Security Rat for it.
Notes: Before you obtain the Past Idol, you may want to head back to Iko Village to activate a side quest.
Now that you understand their language, talk to the Strange Man near the well, and agree to help him to
look for his missing skull necklace.
As you exit the Aphote Temple with the Past Idol, you will be transported to the Aphote Isle in the past.
14. Aphote Isle Past
While you seem to end up alone on the isle, you meet a fisherman whom will give you a ride to Kluma.
15. Kluma Past
You meet Rufus II in the town, and he tells you that there is a temple in the middle of the Stygian Lake to the
16. Hermit Cave Past (Optional)
North of Kluma, one of the monster camps in the game.
17. Idrac Village Past (Optional)
This is totally optional as there is nothing to do here except shopping.
18. Stygian Temple Past
Inside the temple, you will need to collect some Stygian Pots and place them onto the tiles in order to activate
some doors. Also, you can move (push) some crates into the water in order to cross certain gaps between
separated floors. When you found a valve-like and a bottle-like object left and right of the temple underground
respectively, the ‘Action’ button will light up. When you have ‘act’ on both, you will hear sound of water
flowing. In the room where you first came down from the temple, the water opens up creating a path to the door.
In the next room, you need to pass the security test in order to release the seal to the next chamber. You need to
exterminate the four Stationary Monsters from the smallest to largest in size. The Stationary Monsters are at the
four corners of the floor respectively.
Stationary Monsters solution: Rat, Wolf, Orc, Ogre.
After you have beaten them, step on the blue tile on the floor behind the door and you will hear a click, but
nothing happen. As soon as you are wondering, the Hydro Defender shows up. After you defeat him, the time
piece, the Cedar Root, will appear to the right of the room, which previously has nothing.
As you exit the temple and back onto the ferry, you will be transported to the Stygia Continent in the future, and
you are heading to Entoque.
19. Idraces Future (Optional)
You will learn that the people in the future use an ID Card to enter city, and you don’t have one. But luckily
there is a vending machine in Idraces, north of the Stygian toll bridge, which you can trade equipment and items
with Gold Equivalent.
20. Stygian Wood Future
You need to get pass the wood in order to reach the Klumet port, where you can charter a ship to Entoque
21. Old Port Klumet Future
Talk to the sailor in the house, and you are off the Entoque continent.
22. Old Port Dhierce Future
Nothing much you can do here.
23. Locrian Mountains Future (Optional)
Nothing much here except some treasure chests.
24. Thimpote Future (Optional)
You can buy some equipment and items from Rufus The Old here.
25. Arhaeldem City Future (Optional)
Nothing much here, but the guard tells you that you probably can get an ID Card from the Entoque King.
26. Nikal Future (Optional)
Nothing here except if you need to rearrange your stat.
27. Castle Duncan Future
Talk to the Entoque King, Duncan XXXIII (!). Although he cannot issue an ID Card to you, he allows you to
trade for equipment and items with gold equivalent. He also tells you that there is probably a temple on the
other side of the Gleymdal Bridge.
28. Gleymdal Bridge Future
There is a treasure chest below the bridge entrance. Near the middle of the bridge, there is a room where you
can get a rope you needed to cross the bridge. At the end of the bridge, you will meet Rufus The Old again (is
he ghost?).
29. Gleymdal Temple Future
In the temple, you need to collect the Gleymdal Stones in order to cross the separated floors. One of the two
rooms to the right of the temple is locked by the Gleymdal Key. Inside is the last Gleymdal Stone you need.
Further up into the temple, you come into a room with a locked door, which requires you to play the “song of
the eclipse” to enter. The color tiles on the floor represent different notes, and the hints are given in the left and
right rooms. (You may want to turn off the background music in order to hear the tones clearly.)
Song solution: Blue, Green, Yellow, Red, Blue
Inside the room, there is the Present Idol, Lunar Tear. You will fight the Skel Guardian before you can leave.
As you get out of the temple, surprisingly you are not transported to the present as expected. Let’s cross the
bridge, and here it goes…you are transported back to the present.
30. Gleymdal Bridge (Optional)
You can enter the bridge to grab some items from the chests and fight some monsters.
31. Entoque Castle (Optional)
Nothing much here. Just a chest in the garden.
32. Nikal (Optional)
Just do some shopping and find a rune card.
33. Thimpote Cabin (Optional)
Nothing much here. Just a chest in the house.
34. Phrygian Falls (Optional)
West of Dhierce, one of the monster camps in the game.
35. Dhierce
As soon as you enter Dhierce, the Konija warriors will transport you to the Konija castle, where you will meet
Cervantes again.
36. Konija Castle
While you hand over the time pieces to Cervantes, he somehow uses the Past Idol to transport you together with
him to the Konija Castle in the past.
37. Konija Castle Past
Here you will meet the Konija Emperor of the past, and Cervantes doesn’t seem to keep his promise regarding
Anna. You end up being locked up in the prison, and you have to find your way to escape. Break the window to
get outside, and walk across the bridge to reach the opposite tower. Break the window as well to enter the room,
and you will meet a Mazulen prisoner inside. He will then agree to follow you. Note that you can buy items
from him. Make your way back to the left tower. Unfortunately, the Konija warriors have found out and catch
you on the bridge. After you settle the first round of battle, Carvantes shows up and call upon the Konija
Dragon. While there are too many Konija warriors to handle, the Mazulen prisoner suggests that both of you
jump down from the bridge to the sea in order to escape, and you do.
38. Queous Stronghold
As you regain consciousness, you realize that you are in your room in Queous. You appear to be back to the
beginning of the game, but soon you realize that things are not the same – Anna is Dr Rosen, and you are
working for Sorcynth. After talking to Anna, it seems that you are in the middle of a research on the Mazulen
Temple to the south of Queous.
39. Vastid Jungle
You have to get through the Vastid Jungle in order to reach the Mazulen Temple. When you found the temple,
the entrance is blocked and you need an alternative way to get in. You will find a water gate which you need to
get the color gems in order to activate it to control the water flow. You found two gems in the jungle, but the
third gem is locked by a monkey-shape key in a small hut. Talk to the monkey in front of the temple, and he
will give you the Monkey Key. Put the three gems onto the respective tile/statue, and you will be able to enter
the water. The water way leads you to the back of the temple.
40. Mazulen Temple
In the temple, you found a letter written to you by yourself in the past. You inform you (:-D) that there is more
than one stabilizer idol, and the other one is in the Melonchi Cave.
41. Soneros
You need to charter a ship to get to Melonchi.
42. Melonchi
Here you meet Grofun, the Jewel Master. He suggests you to check out the chamber behind the waterfall in
your search for ancient artifact. Outside the waterfall, you will find a Mithryl – which you need to make the
Ultiven Gear later. At the waterfall, you find out that there seems to be a hidden room behind it.
43. Melonchi Temple
Well, I would say this is the worst puzzle in the game where the hint is confusing. Anyway, you should activate
the statues in the correct order so that the correspondent counterweight can be reached/stepped on clockwise
from 6- to 3-o’clock direction. If you activate the statues in wrong order, nothing will happen i.e. the stepping
tile to the counterweight will not appear. I salute anyone who makes it all by him/herself.
Statue/counterweight solution: Lower left statue-> bottom counterweight -> upper right statue -> left
counterweight -> lower right statue -> top counterweight -> upper left statue ->
right counterweight
The door at the top will open if you do it correctly. (For this kind of puzzle, I suggest you turn off the
background music to hear the ‘click’ sound clearly.) However, to reach for the chest in the middle of the room,
you need to activate the lower right then lower left statues again. Inside the room, you will find the Mazulen
Artifact II. While you expect a monster to show up, you hear a sound but no monster. So exit the temple
through the waterfall, and here it comes. After you defeated the Leviathan, you are supposed to head for the
Konija Castle.
44. Gaki Fort
The security here is very strict. Only officers of certain levels are allowed to enter different sections of the fort.
To begin with, you need to be at least a private to enter the fort. Go to the left dock, defeat the Konija Private
and you will get a Private Uniform. To go up to the wall, you need to be a sergeant. Remember you meet a
sergeant in the bar? He says that you can get any related thing in his house. There you get a Sergeant Uniform
from his cabinet. On the wall, the Konija Colonel finds out you are not one of his sergeants. Defeat him and you
get his Colonel Uniform. At last, you need to be a General to leave the fort. Go to the right dock, defeat the
Konija General and you will get his General Uniform.
45. Beka Village (Optional)
Nothing much here. Do some shopping if you need.
46. Konija Castle
You have to fight off the Konija Priest, Konija Attacker and Konija Defender at the entrance. The door in the
first room is locked by the Fire Key. The key can be found easily. In the next room, there is another door locked
by the Dragon Key. Now go upstairs, and you will run into a big group of Konija guys. And there you will find
the Dragon Key. Go back downstairs and through the door. There, you will meet Cervantes. He doesn’t seem to
be the same Cervantes you know in the “actual” present. After some talking, you are transported to the vortex,
meeting the Panther God.
47. Vortex
The Panther God is accusing human for disrupting and distorting the time, particularly you who creating all the
troubles. And you have to fight him.
After the battle, you hear a mysterious voice, saying that this time you must make the decisions that you did not
make before.
48. Queous
You are back at the beginning of the game. Unlike the previous return to present, everything remains the same
this time, except yourself, and you have to make the different decision this time.
49. Soneros (Optional)
Just like the first time around, talk to the diver here before you head for Invyl. The diver will give you a Thin
Skin from his previous expedition. Donate again this time.
50. Invyl
Remember the lazy elf who owes you a favor? Talk to him, and he realize you have the mithryl from Melonchi,
and he can build a shield with it. But he needs the permission from the Guild Master in order to carry out the job.
The Guild Master requires you to get him a pair of new shoes in exchange for the job. You have to get the
Bronston & Kurphy kind of shoe from Pike. This is a side quest in a side quest (:-/). Now go to the Inn and
meet Cervantes. This time, choose to go for Stygia instead of Entoque.
51. Soneros
Stock up a bit and charter a ship to go to Stygian continent.
52. Klumey
Talk to the Grumpy Old Man near the center of the town. You somehow manage to fool him to tell that there is
a temple in the middle of the Stygian Lake and you can only reach there by the ferry.
At the southwest corner of the town, talk to the bard who has broken his lute. You may want to promise him to
look for a lute for him, which is one of the side quests to obtain the Ultiven Bolt III.
In one of the house where you find a blind man, he lost his glasses after a nap. While you agree to find his
glasses, you somehow accidentally step on his glasses near his bed, so you have to replace his glasses. This is
another side quest to obtain the Ultiven Bolt II.
At the western side of the town, there is a survey lady whom you will get 100G by participating in her survey
on Klumey’s name change suggestion. Answers other than Klumet will only give you 10G.
53. Stygian Forest
Just go through the forest to the northern part of Stygia Continent.
54. Pike (Optional)
Here you can fulfill the shoe quest. First, talk to the Lovestuck Bronston in the Inn and the Smitten Phil in the
town center. Both are in love with Lynetthe the waitress. Second, talk to Lynetthe in the bar and her whom she
likes, and she will give you some tips on things she likes. Now, tell Phil that Lynetthe likes him and tell him the
tips. Next, tell Bronston that Lynetthe likes Phil. Lastly, exit and re-enter the Inn, and Lynetthe will run away
with Phil. Talk to Bronston again and he will be back to his shoe business. Talk to him again in his house and
request for a pair of shoes for elf, as required by the Guild Master in Invyl. You will then receive the Bronston
55. Fatyn Falls (Optional)
Located at the western side of the Stygian Lake, one of the monster camps in the game.
56. Idraces (Optional)
In the Inn, there is an Experimenter who can temporarily carry out a transmutation, which transforms you into
any character in the game.
Outside the Item shop, talk to the Sneaky Kid and agree to play hide and seek with the kids.
Hide and seek solution: Behind the item shop, behind the weapon shop, behind the Inn, outside the Inn, behind
the first house to the right, lower right corner of town, lower left corner of town, left
wall of the town entrance.
After you find all the kids, talk to the Sneaky Kid again, and he will give you a One Hit for playing with them.
57. Stygian Temple
Go straight downstairs, get the future idol, the Cedar Root just the way you did – step on the blue tile on the
floor and go right. As you are back on the ferry, you will be transported to the future.
58. Stygian Woods Future
Just go through the woods to reach Old Port Klumet to the southeast.
59. Old Port Klumet Future
Talk to the sailor in the house and charter a ship to Aphote Isle.
60. Ecko Village Future (Optional)
Go to the center of the village and talk to the Tourist Shop man, and he seems to be selling an authentic Iko
skull necklace. You may thought this is for the side quest, but it is not. The true necklace is obtained later.
61. Aphote Temple Future
Go straight up to level 4 and get the past idol, the Panther Eye. Beat the Security Robot and leave the temple.
You will then be transported to the past.
62. Aphote Isle Past
While you seem to end up alone on the isle, you meet a fisherman whom will give you a ride to Dhirk.
63. Dhirk Past
Nothing much to do here.
64. Arhaeldem Past
Go inside and talk to Tsilon. He senses that you are not “normal”, and he suggests that you may go to the
Gleymdal Temple near the Gleymdal Forest to the southwest. Blynt also appears in the middle of the
65. Nikalo Past (Optional)
Go to the bar and talk to the Day Drinker. He will give you his old lenses. This is for the broken glass side quest.
66. Gleymdal Temple Past
Go all the way to the room with the present idol, the Lunar Tear. Fight the Plat Skeleton and exit the temple.
You will then be transported back to the present.
67. Nikal (Optional)
In the house with a note to someone name Sephine, you can find a frame from the bookcase. With the frame and
the lenses you obtained from Nikalo, you now combine them and have the glasses, which you suppose to return
to the blind man in Klumey.
68. Dhierce
As soon as you enter Dhierce, the Konija warriors will transport you to the Konija castle, where you will meet
Cervantes again.
69. Konija Castle
While you hand over the time pieces to Cervantes, he somehow uses the Past Idol to transport you together with
him to the Konija Castle in the past.
70. Konija Castle Past
Here you will meet the Konija Emperor of the past, and Cervantes doesn’t seem to keep his promise regarding
Anna. You end up being locked up in the prison, and you have to find your way to escape. Break the window to
get outside, and walk across the bridge to reach the opposite tower. Break the window as well to enter the room,
and you will meet a Mazulen prisoner inside. He will then agree to follow you. Note that you can buy items
from him. Make your way back to the right tower. Unfortunately, the Konija warriors have found out and catch
you on the bridge. After you settle the first round of battle, Carvantes shows up and call upon the Konija
Dragon. While there are too many Konija warriors to handle, the Mazulen prisoner suggests that both of you
jump down from the bridge to the sea in order to escape, and you do.
71. Queous Stronghold
As you regain consciousness, you realize that you are in your room in Queous. You appear to be returning to the
beginning of the game, but soon you realize that things are not the same – Anna is married to General Topf, and
you are working for the Konija army as a Corporal on weapon invention and battle strategies. Talk to Anna, and
it seems that you two had broken up. While you are thinking of Anna’s words over and over again through the
night, you suddenly realize what is happening. Talk to General Topf, pretending you forgot what you have been
doing, he tells that you are going for the ruins in the jungle to the south.
72. Vastid Jungle
You have to get through the Vastid Jungle in order to reach the Mazulen Temple. Follow the water way to the
back of the temple.
73. Mazulen Temple
In the temple, you found a letter written to you by yourself in the past. You inform you (:-D) that there is more
than one stabilizer idol, and the other one is in the Kytar.
74. Soneros
You need to charter a ship to get to Kytar continent.
75. Kytar City
Talk to the Occult Woman, and she tells you that the Dividon has found the ancient artifact, and perhaps you
should check underneath their castle.
Visit the Nice and Mean brothers. Tell the Mean Brother that the Nice Brother invited you to upset him. He
gives you the Brother Key2. Tell the Nice Brother that the Mean Brother give you the key to open his chest. He
will give you Brother Key1. With the keys you can open the two chests in the house.
Talk to the Bewildered Man behind the Item shop, and buy the skulls he found on the floor from him. This is for
the skull necklace side quest.
Talk to King Kytar. It seems that you are a traitor to him. After your apology, he suggests that you may travel
north to the Dividon castle in your search for the ancient artifact.
76. Majesto Grove (Optional)
North of the broken bridge, one of the monster camps in the game.
77. Dividon Castle
The guards won’t let you in, so you need to find a way to sneak in. Go to the back side of the castle (left or
right), and you shall see there are “side doors” that you can get into the castle. Move the statue aside and the
staircase going down is unveiled. As you reach the lower lever, you are surrounded by monsters. Just get rid of
them. Make your way up.
78. Dividon Temple
You have to get the correct color combination to open the door.
Color combination solution: Red, Green, Orange, Blue, Yellow, Dark Purple, Dark Gold, Light Purple.
To get to one of the chests in the middle of the room, you need to collect the Dividon Stone (crate on the floor).
Enter the door, and you will meet Beylord, your old friend. Unfortunately, he doesn’t seem to know you. Defeat
him and you will obtain the Mazulen Artifact III. You are supposed to head to the Konija Castle now.
79. Gaki Fort
Just pass through the fort.
80. Konija Castle
As you enter the castle, you have to deal with those Konija guys. Settle them off and go straight to the back
room and meet Cervantes there. He doesn’t seem to be the same Cervantes you know in the “original” present.
After some talking, you are transported to the vortex, meeting the Lunar Goddess.
81. Vortex
The Lunar Goddess is accusing human for disrupting and distorting the time, particularly you who creating all
the troubles. And you have to fight her.
After the battle, you hear a mysterious voice, saying that this time you must make the decisions that you did not
make before.
82. Queous
You are back at the beginning of the game. Unlike the previous return to present, everything remains the same
this time, except yourself, and you have to make the different decision this time.
83. Soneros (Optional)
Just like the first time around, talk to the diver here before you head for Invyl. The diver will give you a Big
Fists from his previous expedition. Donate again this time.
84. Invyl
Talk to the Guild Master and hand the Bronston shoes to him, and he will approve your job request. Talk to the
Lazy Elf, and he will make the Ultiven Gear with the mithryl. Now go to the Inn and meet Cervantes. This time,
you have no option but to go to Entoque.
85. Soneros
Surprisingly the diver is back from his expedition. Talk to him and he will give you a Big Hit from his previous
expedition. Donate again this time. Next, charter a ship to Entoque continent.
86. Dhierce
Go to the Inn. You meet a Selfish Bard there, hoping he can give you his lute, but you have to pry it from his
dead hands…
Talk to the bartender, and it seems that the waitress has a sprained ankle. Talk to the waitress and you notice she
has a beautiful necklace. She will give you the necklace if you would help her for her shift. You have to take
order from the customers, relay the best choices, and serve the food correctly. You have to do it one by one.
Foods that are ready are on the crates in the kitchen.
Waitress solution: Spice Addict -> Curry from Hell
Egg Head -> Demon Eggs
Retired Dwarf -> Carbon Crunch
Talk to the waitress again, and she will give you the Shiny Necklace. Combine it with the Strange Skull you
bought from Kytar, you get the Skull Necklace.
Talk to Talynn’s son near the entrance of the town. It seems that his father has closed down the weapon shop
and drinking all day ever since his wife’s death. Talk to Talynn in the bar. Cure his condition with the elixir you
obtained in the beginning of the game. That wakes him up and he is back to his business again. As a token of
appreciation, he gives you the Ultiven Sword.
87. Gleymdal Bridge
Just get pass it to the temple.
88. Gleymdal Temple
Go straight to the room where the idol is. Get the Lunar Tear and defeat the Ultimate Skeleton. Now that you
have got the present idol first, you will be staying in the present no matter what. Next, you just have to get the
remaining two idols.
89. Iko (Optional)
Talk to the Strange Man in the center of the town. Give him the Skull Necklace, and he will give you the
Ultiven Bolt in return.
90. Aphote Temple
Go straight to level 4. Get the Panther Eye and defeat the Security Flames.
91. Klumey
Talk to the Blind Man and give him the glasses. He will give you the Ultiven Bolt II in return.
92. Stygian Forest
Get pass it to the northern part of the continent.
93. Stygian Temple
Go straight to the room where the idol is. Step on the blue tile and defeat the Hydro Lizard. Get the Cedar Root.
Now that you have got all the three idols and stabilizers, you are not going to be stupid and give them to
Cervantes again. You need to talk to the Mazulens. There is another Mazulen Temple on the remote Mazulen
Island south of Konija continent. Anyway, the island cannot be reached by ship, so you have to work out a
device which allows you to get there. So get back to Queous and see what you can do.
94. Stygian Forest
Get pass it to the southern part of the continent.
95. Klumey
Get the ship and sail back to Soneros.
96. Soneros
Dock here from Klumey.
97. Queous
Get back to your room. After a while, you manage to create a flying device and you need to test it out, and the
best place is from Soneros’s dock.
98. Soneros
Talk to the sailor and ask for his permission to use the dock. From there, you are heading to the Izulta Temple
on the Mazulen Island.
99. Izulta Temple
Place the three time pieces onto the altars and the three stabilizer idols onto the pedestals. You will be
transported to the past.
100. Izulta Temple Past
You show up in the middle of a class. Talk to the Mazulen Teacher and he suggest that you can meet their
leader Tarsche in the capitol city of Ayotkul to the east.
101. Ezkal Village Past
Talk to the Garduno in the garden. It seems that the path to Ayotkul is blocked by bushes. He will help you if
only you clean up the problem with the local temple. Talk to the Mazulen Priest outside the temple. It seems
that the Konija has occupied the temple with monsters, and you are going to get rid of all of them. After you are
done with the monsters, talk to Garduno again and he will give you the Garden Shears.
102. Ayotkul City Past
You learn that the Mazulen leader Tarsche is inside the inner sanctum of the Ayotkul Temple, and it seems that
you must go through some sort of path to enlightenment in the temple.
103. Ayotkul Temple Past
According to the hint, you need to enlighten the chest that holds the key in order to enter the Chamber of
Enlightenment. In the right most room, a locked chest with the enlightenment key is in the middle of the room.
In the left most room, the Sun is shining down brightly onto a fountain. If you zoom out to look at the map, you
will find that there is an arrow pattern on the floor connecting the four rooms from left to right. Also, if you
observe carefully, there are mirrors on the walls in the rooms. So it seems that you have to reflect the light from
the fountain to the chest with a combination of the mirrors. Collect all five Mazulen Mirrors. Let the rooms be
room 1,2,3,4 from left to right.
Enlightenment solution: Put a mirror at the fountain in room 1. Move the pillar in room 2. Put a mirror on the
pillar. Put a mirror on the right window in room 2. Take the Ayotkul Pot in room 4. Put
a mirror on the upper right and lower right pillars in room 4 respectively. Put the
Ayotkul Pot onto the blue tile in room 3.
Get the Enlightenment Key from the chest. Enter the middle room – after answering some questions with
definite answers from the developer… You will meet Tarsche in the room. It seems that he is the owner of the
mysterious voice after the battles with the time gods. He then tells you all the stories behind what you have been
going through. So, knowing that the Konija has got all the time pieces and stabilizing idols that didn’t travel to
the past with you, you are going to stop them from doing anything with them. The only way you can reach the
Konija place is through the underground tunnel west of the Ayotkul Temple.
104. Konija Castle Past
As you enter the castle, those Konija guys are there to “greet” you. Go straight up and you will meet Cervantes.
He has killed the Konija Emperor of that era and has all the idols with him. After some chit-chatting, defeat him
and take the Cedar Root. You are then transported to the vortex, meeting the Cedar God.
105. Vortex
He claims that you are destroying time, while you believe you should free the world from the slavery of the
time gods. After you defeat the Cedar God for the first time, he will then transform to his true form. Defeat him
and game over.
106. Konija Castle Past
In the dark, Tarsche is calling you. He has sent the Mazulen Warriors going after you, and found you badly
injured. Now with all the time pieces and stabilizer idols are back in hand, your quest has come to an end and
you just want to go home.
107. Ayotkul City Past
Back in Ayotkul City, Tarsche give you the Antidote which was found in the Konija castle by his warriors.
Before you leave, Tarsche asks you a favor to destroy the idols when you are back to present, while their
technology doesn’t seem to be able to do so. Lastly, Tarsche introduce you to Petya, the Mazulen prisoner you
met in Konija Castle, who were escaping with you. Just like you, he doesn’t feel like knowing you, but were
having all the visions.
DeMenchev’s Journal: 1001 After Dragons:
After returning to my era, I was able to devise a way of destroying the time pieces Stabilizer Idols by applying a
concoction that included some Black Powder, monosodium glutamate, and salt water.
Then I simply dropped the remains of them in the volcano on Aphote Isle, just to be sure.
And finally. after my ridiculously long journey, I was able to go back home to Queous, the way it should be.
Anna, on the other hand…