Getting Started With Moodle: Student Guide

Getting Started With Moodle: Student Guide
How do I log into Moodle?
Go to and log in using your College network username and password.
Alternatively, click on the MOODLE link on the 'quick links' bar found at the top of the screen on the Student Intranet
Once you have clicked the link enter your College username and password and click 'LOGIN'
What is my Moodle username/password?
Your Moodle username/password is the same as your College network username/password (i.e. what you use to log
into computers in College). Your username is your student ID number (8 digits) and your password at the start of the
year is your date of birth in the format DDMMYYYY (e.g. 01121998 for 1st December 1998) though you should change
this the first time you logon.
If you are unable to logon please visit one of the College Library desks or contact the IT Helpdesk on 0161 920 3333.
You can also email
How do I change my Moodle Password?
Your Moodle password is always the same as your College network password. So, if you want to change it on
Moodle, you'll have to change it on the network. You can do this on any College computer by pressing ctrl + alt + del
once you have logged in and then choosing the 'Change Password' option. Alternatively you can contact the IT
Helpdesk on 0161 920 3333 or email
What Should I See?
Once you have logged onto Moodle you should see a list of courses that you are enrolled onto in the 'Course
Overview' area shown below. Click on the relevant course title to access that Moodle area. If you cannot see a
course area for your subject please contact your tutor who will investigate this for you.
How do I submit an assignment on Moodle?
Moodle assignments are either shown on the course homepage or within a specific course area. You should see a
warning (such as below) on the course homepage if you have an assignment due.
Click on this message to see the details of the assignment.
The assignment submission page will now show the assignment brief, deadline and further details. The exact steps
for submitting an assignment depend on the settings chosen by your tutor but it will look similar to the example
below of an Automotive History assignment.
The 'Submission Status' section shows the earliest date you can submit your assignment and the closing date for
work to be submitted. The information also shows if you have submitted your work or not. To submit your
assignment to your tutor click on the 'Add Submission' button shown above (marked by the blue arrow).
Assignments can either be typed into Moodle directly or you may upload a file that you have created elsewhere.
For text only submissions, add your text to the 'Online Text' box and when completed click on the blue 'Save
changes' button at the bottom of the screen.
For file submissions (such as Microsoft Word documents), click 'Add' on the 'File Submissions' box and browse for
the file to upload. Once done, click the blue 'Save changes' button to confirm.
It may be possible to read, edit and resubmit your assignment type depending on the settings your teacher has
chosen. If your teacher is providing feedback and grades through Moodle you be able to see this by clicking on the
assignment once it has been marked. You will usually receive an email notification.
Can I access my Moodle course after leaving college?
Most Moodle courses are automatically reset at the end of each academic year (usually the end of July). This means
that your Moodle course enrolments and any course contributions including discussion postings, quiz and
assignment submissions are automatically removed.
Where can I get help and support with Moodle?
If your Moodle question is not answered here please speak to your tutor or contact the Learning Technology Team
on 0161 920 4332 or via email
For logon issues contact the IT Helpdesk on 0161 920 3333 or email