Chapter 10- The Criminal Trial

Chapter 10- The Criminal Trial
What does it mean when the text states that “The criminal trial is at the
heart of society’s perception of the administration of justice”?
What does the ‘Rule of Law’ mean in the criminal context?
What are the requirements of a ‘Case to Meet”?
Do all people who are charged with indictable offences have the option of
a trial by jury or a trial by judge?
What are the different ways that the defence or the Crown can challenge
the jury?
Case- Jury Selection: Challenging Racial Bias- Page 295
Evidence-What is evidence and what is its purpose in a criminal trial?
What is the trier of fact?
Who conducts the examination in chief, and the cross-examination?
Rules of Evidence- Many of the rules of evidence are designed to prevent
the trier of fact from being misled.
What is hearsay?
When a question about admissibility of evidence arises in court, a
hearing called a voir dire is held? What is this?
Defences: After the Crown has presented its case, the accused is entitled
to raise a defence. What is the difference between a negativing defence
and an affirmative defence?
Chapter 10 – The Criminal Trial Part II
Negativing Defence
Mistake of Fact
What is this defence based on? Provide some examples.
The mistake must be:
Mental Disorder
One’s ability to understand either the nature or consequences of
their criminal behaviour.
What does the defence of mental disorders attempt to identify?
Define the term Not Criminally Responsible (NCR):
The unconscious behaviour can be caused by:
1. _________________________________
2. _________________________________
3. _________________________________
4. _________________________________
5. _________________________________
6. _________________________________
Define the term automatism.
Famous case study: Case – Sleepwalking of Murder? Page 305-306
Law looks at this in two ways:
i. General Intent ____________________________________________
ii. Specific Intent ____________________________________________
What impact does the defence of intoxication have on general intent
and specific intent offences?
Case: 307 – Defence and Disclosure
Affirmative Defence
Why does the legal system excuses them sometimes?
Many requirements of proof:
 ___________________________________
 ___________________________________
 ___________________________________
The defence of compulsion excuses:
Define compulsion: