
Media Policy, Technology and Culture: Changing Perspectives
Organized by: Beida University – Annenberg School for Communication, UPenn
July 17 – August 4, 2006, Beijing
Joseph Turow Readings (7/17-7/19)
For Day 1 (7/17): “The History and Meanings of Mass Communication”
 Steven Chaffee and Miriam Metzger, “The End of Mass Communication?”
 Joseph Turow, “Power Roles in Media Organizations”
For Day 2 (7/18): “Perspectives on Media and Commercialization”
 Matt McAllister and Joseph Turow, “New Media and the Commercial Sphere:
Two Intersecting Trends, Five Categories of Concern”
 Joseph Turow, “Industrial Folklore: George Gerbner’s (Tele) Vision
 Joseph Turow, “Mapping a Fractured Society” from Breaking Up America,
Chinese edition (in Chinese)
For Day 3 (7/19): The Tensions Inherent in the Terms “Media and Globalization”
 Joseph Turow and Rivka Ribak, “Internet Power and Social Context: A
Globalization Approach to Web Privacy Concerns”
 Marwan Kraidy, “Hybridity in Cultural Globalization”
Briar Smith readings (7/21)
Richard Johnson, “What is cultural studies anyway?,” What is cultural studies?
(Arnold, 1996), pp.75-85 & pp.107-109
JEN LIN-LIU, “In China, Big Revolution on a Small Campus” The Chronicle of
Higher Education, November 26, 2004.
Carolyn Marvin: Reading List for Summer, 2006 (7/24-7/26)
(7/24) Challenges to Public Discourse in a Globalized World
 Index on Censorship, vol. 35, No. 2006, pp. 149-187.
 Selection from “Isaiah Berlin on Pluralism,” New York Review of Books, Vol
XLV, Number 8 (1998).
(7/25) Conceptualizing Public Space
 Lyn Lofland, “Toward a Geography and History of the Public Realm,” in The
Public Realm (Aldine de Gruyter, 1998), pp. 1-18.
 Arthur Lubow, “The China Syndrome,” New York Times, May 21, 2006.
(7/26) Public Space in the Media
Daniel Dayan and Elihu Katz, “Defining Media Events,” Media Events
(Haravard, 1992), pp. 1-24.
Nick Couldry and Anna McCarthy, “Orientations: mapping MediaSpace” in
MediaSpace: Place, Scale and Culture in a Media Age, (Routledge, 2004), pp. 1bottom of 8.
Richard Kurnit Readings (8/1-8/2)
(8/1) Concepts of Intellectual Property
 Pierre N. Leval, “Commentary: Towards a Fair Use Standard” Harvard Law
Review, Vol. 103, No. 5, March 1990.
(8/2) Publicity and Identity Rights
 “White v. Samsung Electronics America, Inc” No. 90-55840, 971 F.2d 1395 (9th
Cir. 1992). Federal Reporter, 2d Series, p. 1395.
 “White v. Samsung Electronics America, Inc” No. 90-55840, US Court of
Appeals, Ninth Circuit. 989 Federal Reporter, 2d Series, p. 11512.
 “Wendt v. Host International, Inc.” No. 96-55243, US Court of Appeals, Ninth
Circuit, Dec. 28, 1999. 197 Federal Reporter, 3d Series, p. 1284.
(8/3) Fair Use
 “Campbell v. Acuff-Rose Music Inc.” No. 92-1292, Supreme Court Reporter, 510
U.S. 569, p. 1164.
 Pierre N. Leval, “Campbell v. Acuff-Rose: Justice Souter’s Rescue of Fair Use”
Cardozo Arts & Entertainment, Vol. 13:19, 1994.
Monroe Price Readings (8/3)
The Marketplace for Loyalties: An Approach to thinking about allegiances and
regulation of media
 Monroe Price, “Media and Globalization: A Framework for Analysis,” Media and
Sovereignty (Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press, 2002), Ch.9 pp.227-251