Observational, Insight and Latent Learning Revision Test Multiple


Observational, Insight and Latent Learning

Revision Test

Multiple choice questions


In Bandura’s original experiments on aggression and observational learning, he found that the number of aggressive acts displayed was at its highest when observing

A a model act aggressively.

B a model act pleasantly.

C a model do nothing.

D all of the above.


In Bandura’s research, it was found that boys had a higher mean number of aggressive acts than girls. How is the mean calculated?

A by finding the midpoint in a group of scores

B by finding the most commonly occurring number in a group of scores

C by subtracting the lowest from the highest score

D by adding all the scores up and dividing by the number of scores


Köhler’s work with chimpanzees is said to illustrate the effect of insight learning. When the monkey gathered the necessary tools, such as the sticks, this stage was known as

A preparation.

B incubation.

C insightful experience.

D verification.


Which of the following is not an element involved in observational learning?

A attention

B retention

C reproduction

D perception


Which of the following is not a stage involved in insight learning?

A preparation

B attention

C verification

D incubation


Jason is ten years old and learning to snowboard. He spends several hours watching video replays of the last Winter

Olympics, and can’t wait to be a champion himself. According to observational learning principles, which component will most likely be missing to enable Jason to be able to snowboard like his idols?

A attention

B retention

C reproduction

D motivation–reinforcement


Questions 7 and 8 refer to the following scenario.

Bandura had many variations of experiments that measured the effect of observational learning on aggression. One of his experiments investigated whether different types of models would influence the number of aggressive acts exhibited, such as by watching a cartoon model or a live model.


In his experiment, what was the dependent variable?

A the number of children used

B the number of aggressive acts

C the type of model viewed

D the intelligence of the children


What was the independent variable?

A the number of children used

B the number of aggressive acts

C the type of model viewed

D the intelligence of the children


Which of the following psychologists is well known for their work investigating latent learning?

A Watson

B Köhler

C Skinner

D Tolman


Which of the following models produced the highest amount of aggression in children when the model was rewarded, according to Bandura’s experiments on observational learning?

A A real-life model.

B A video recording of a model.

C A cartoon model.

D They all produced equally high amounts of aggression.


During insight learning there is the sudden realisation of the solution to a problem. This is known as the

________________ experience.

A ‘aha’

B light bulb

C learning

D momentary


Which of the following was not a finding of Bandura’s work on the influence of observational learning on children?

A Children who viewed a model being punished showed significantly more aggressive acts than those who saw a model receive no consequences.

B Children who viewed a model being punished showed less aggressive acts than those who saw a model receive no consequences.

C Children who viewed a model being punished showed more aggressive acts than those who saw a model being rewarded.

D All of the above.



To measure the effect of observational learning, Bandura measured the mean number of aggressive acts. The mean is a measure of central tendency. Which of the following statistical measures is also a measure of central tendency?

A variance

B standard deviation

C median

D p value


During insight learning, what happens in the incubation stage?

A The problem is processed and understood.

B The problem is put aside for a time.

C The problem is solved.

D The problem is attempted.

Questions 15, 16 and 17 refer to the following scenario.

In Tolman’s experiment, three groups of rats were taught to run a maze. The rats that were never shown food in the maze appeared not to have learned it.

However, when food appeared they could find it just as quickly as rats that had always been shown food.


This demonstrates the effect of

A latent learning.

B observational learning.

C operant conditioning.

D insight learning.


The operationalised dependent variable in Tolman’s experiment was

A the number of groups of rats.

B whether rats were shown cheese originally.

C the amount of electric shocks the rats were given.

D the time it took the rats to solve the maze.


Tolman used rats in his experimentation. When using animals in psychological research

A ethics do not apply.

B ethics only apply to animals that are domestic not wild.

C similar ethical principles apply to animals and humans.

D similar ethical principles apply to animals and humans, but you are not charged for breaking ethics against animals.

Short answer questions


In terms of observational learning, discuss two factors that make it more likely that a learner will pay attention to a model.





2 marks



Hana would like to teach her daughter Nadia how to make lasagne. Using the subheadings below, explain how this would happen using observational learning.

Make sure you relate each step to the example.











5 marks


a What is insight learning?



b What was the conclusion of Köhler’s experiment investigating insight learning?




1 + 2 = 3 marks


Mario’s mother has been making home-made pasta all her life. When Mario gets married, his wife asks him to cook her some home–made pasta. Mario has never made it before but realises he knows exactly what to do. What sort of learning is this?


1 mark


a What sort of learning was Albert Bandura known for investigating?



b Define this type of learning.



c In Bandura’s work investigating the influence of the type of model on aggressive behaviour, what was a possible hypothesis that was investigated?




1 + 1 + 2 = 4 marks


Explain why watching a live model produced a higher number of aggressive acts by participants in Bandura’s Bobo doll experiment than watching a cartoon model.



1 mark


Name and explain any two of the four stages of insight learning. Make reference to how the chimpanzees in Köhler’s experiment demonstrated this stage.






6 marks


Bandura conducted many different experiments on the influence of observational learning on aggressive behaviour.

In one variation, he investigated the effect of vicarious reinforcement on aggressive behaviour.

a What is vicarious reinforcement?



b When the children in Bandura’s experiment watched a model rewarded for aggressive behaviour, how did this influence their behaviour?




c When the children in Bandura’s experiment watched a model punished for aggressive behaviour how did this influence their behaviour?



1 + 1 + 1 = 3 marks


Tolman conducted research into latent learning by teaching rats to run a maze to find food. One group was always presented food and learned to run the maze quickly. Another group was not shown food for the first ten trials but was shown food on the eleventh trial.

a What was the aim of Tolman’s work in investigating latent learning?



b What was the conclusion of Tolman’s research on insight learning?



1 + 1 = 2 marks


a Discuss the importance of reinforcement in observational learning.



b What is ‘self-reinforcement’? Explain the term and provide an example to support your answer.




1 + 2 = 3 marks


Explain what occurs during the preparation stage in insight learning.



1 mark



Multiple choice


















Short answer

Question 1

Discuss any two of the following: if the model is similar to the learner; if the model is liked; if the model is known to the learner; if the model’s behaviour is able to be imitated; the type of motivation or reinforcement offered for learning the behaviour.

Question 2

Attention: Nadia must actively watch Hana cooking the lasagne

Retention: Nadia must remember the steps to cooking lasagne; Hana could ask her what comes next.

Reproduction: Nadia must have the physical and mental capabilities to be able to make lasagne; she must be able to stir the sauce.

Motivation: Nadia must have the desire to make the lasagne; she may want to impress her mother.

Reinforcement: Nadia could be given pocket money or receive praise from her mother for making lasagne.

Question 3

a. Insight learning occurs when a learner is trying to solve a problem and the solution is not instantly apparent.

When the learner thinks about the solution, it will appear as an ‘aha’ experience.

b. Köhler researched chimpanzees and found that when presented with a problem, there is a period of rest before a solution to the problem is received. This solution presents as an insightful experience.

Question 4

Latent learning.

Question 5

a. Observational learning.

b. Observational learning involves actively watching a model and their actions and consequences to guide future behaviour.

c. It was hypothesised that children who watch a live model act aggressively will display a higher average number of aggressive acts than children who watch a cartoon model act aggressively.

Question 6

A live model is more similar to the participants used in the experiment. Having a model that is similar to the learner is one factor that increases the likelihood of observational learning occurring.

Question 7

Stage: Preparation

Explanation: Gathering the necessary tools to solve a problem and attempting possible solutions. Example: The chimpanzees picked up the two sticks and tried to reach the banana.

Stage: Incubation

Explanation: Not making any outward attempts to solve the problem; a rest period.

Example: The chimpanzees did not make any attempt to solve the problem for a period of time.

Stage: Insightful experience

Explanation: The solution suddenly becomes apparent in a light bulb or ‘aha’ experience.

Example: The chimpanzees suddenly figure out putting one stick in the other would enable them to reach the banana.


Stage: Verification

Explanation: Trying the solution to the problem to check that it is successful.

Example: After putting one stick in another the monkey reached the banana.

Question 8

a. Vicarious reinforcement involves the tendency to repeat behaviours that we have seen others rewarded for, and to avoid those we have seen others punished for.

b. The level of aggression increased.

c. The level of aggression decreased.

Question 9

a. The aim of the investigation was to see if rats who had not previously found food in a maze could run the maze as quickly as those who had learned to run a maze to find food when food was presented, thus demonstrating latent learning.

b. Rats that were not previously shown food could run the maze as quickly as rats that had learned to run a maze for food, thus demonstrating latent learning.

Question 10

a. Without reinforcement in observational learning, there is no incentive or desire to produce the behaviour.

b. Self-reinforcement is when you have an intrinsic desire to produce a particular behaviour. For example, you may have watched someone slam dunk a basketball and want to do it too just to prove to yourself that you can, not for any external reward.

Question 11

The learner seeks to understand the problem and conducts preliminary attempts to solve it.

