37 The superior vena cava.

37. The superior vena cava. Veins of the head and neck. Azygos and hemiazygos veins. Veins of
the upper limbs.
! The superior vena cava is formed by:
right and left brachiocephalic veins
#right and left subclavian vein
external and internal jugular veins
azygos and hemiazygos veins
! The superior vena cava drains into:
right atrium
#left atrium
left ventricle
right ventricle
! The brachiocephalic vein is formed by:
subclavian and internal jugular veins
#internal and external jugular veins
subclavian and external jugular vein
subclavian and vertebral veins
! Which veins do not open into brachiocephalic vein?
azygos and hemiazygos veins
#thymicae veins
bronchial veins
oesophageal veins
! The azygos vein is continuation of:
right ascending lumbar vein
#left ascending lumbar vein
right lumbar veins I and II
paraumbilical veins
! The hemiazygos vein is continuation of:
left ascending lumbar vein
#right ascending lumbar vein
left lumbar veins I and II
paraumbilical veins
!1 The right ascending lumbar vein enters the thoracic cavity via:
opening between the muscular fibers of the right crus of
the diaphragm
#aortic hiatus of the diaphragm
caval opening of the diaphragm
oesophageal opening of the diaphragm
! Where is azygos vein located?
in the posterior mediastinum on the right
#in anterior mediastinum
in middle mediastinum
in the posterior mediastinum on the left
! The azygos vein drains into:
superior vena cava
#inferior vena cava
right atrium
right brachiocephalic vein
! Which of the following is not the tributary of the azygos vein?
internal thoracic vein
#posterior intercostal veins IV-IX
right superior intercostal veins
hemiazygos vein
!1 The left ascending lumbar vein enters the thoracic cavity via:
opening between the muscular fibers of the left crus of the
#aortic hiatus of the diaphragm
caval opening of the diaphragm
oesophageal opening of the diaphragm
! Where is azygos vein located?
in the posterior mediastinum on the left
#in anterior mediastinum
in middle mediastinum
in the posterior mediastinum on the right
! The hemiazygos vein drains into:
azygos vein
#superior vena cava
accessory hemiazygos
internal thoracic vein
! Which vein drains into hemiazygos vein?
accessory hemiazygos vein
#right internal thoracic vein
left internal thoracic vein
left superior intercostal vein
! The posterior intercostal veins anastomoses with:
anterior intercostal veins
#mediastinal veins
oesophageal veins
pericardiac veins
! Where are posterior intercostal veins located?
in intercostal space along inferior margin of the upper rib
#on internal surface of the corresponding rib
on external surface of the corresponding rib
in intercostal space along superior margin of the lower rib
!1 What veins drain directly to the posterior intercostal vein?
intervertebral and dorsal vein
#oesophagial veins
mediastinal veins
pericardial veins
! How are the veins of the upper limbs divided?
deep and superficial veins
#medial and lateral veins
visceral and parietal veins
anterior and posterior veins
! The superficial veins of upper limbs gather blood from:
skin and venous network of the subcutaneous fat
#muscles of the upper limb
joints of the upper limb
bones of the upper limb
! The deep veins of the upper limb do not gather blood from:
venous network of the subcutaneous fat
#muscles of the upper limb
joints of the upper limb
bones of the upper limb
! Which of the following are superficial veins of upper limbs?
cephalic and basilic veins
#radial veins
ulnar veins
brachial veins
! Where are the dorsal metacarpal veins located?
on the dorsal surface of the hand in the subcutaneous tissue
#on the palmar surface of the hand under skin
on the palmar surface of the hand under palmar aponeurosis
in the muscles of the hand
! The dorsal metacarpal veins form:
dorsal venous network of the hand
#superficial palmar venous arch
deep palmar venous arch
palmar metacarpal veins
! The deep veins of the forearm originate from:
superficial and deep palmar arches
#dorsal metacarpal veins
dorsal venous network of the hand
median cubital vein
! Which vein continues as cephalic vein?
dorsal metacarpal vein I
#superficial palmar venous arch
deep palmar venous arch
palmar digital I
! Where is the cephalic vein located?
on the anterior surface along the radial aspect of the forearm
#on the dorsal surface of the forearm
on the ulnar aspect of the forearm
on the hand
! Which vein continues as basilic vein?
dorsal metacarpal vein IV
#superficial palmar venous arch
palmar digital IV
dorsal metacarpal vein I
! Where is the basilic vein located?
on the anterior surface along the ulnar aspect of the forearm
#on the anterior surface along the radial aspect of the forearm
on the dorsal surface of the forearm
on the hand
! What vein anastomoses the cephalic and basilic veins?
median cubital vein
#median vein of the forearm
dorsal metacarpal vein I
dorsal metacarpal vein IV
! Which vein is used for intravenous injections?
median cubital vein
#median vein of the forearm
basilica vein
dorsal metacarpal vein IV
! The cephalic vein drains to:
axillary vein
#subclavian vein
brachial vein
basilic vein
! Where is the median cubital vein located?
under skin in the cubital fossa
#under skin in the region of medial epicondile of the humerus
under skin in the region of lateral epicondile of the humerus
under skin in the region of olecranon
! The median cubital vein joints the following veins:
basilic and cephalic veins
#basilic and radial veins
cephalic and radial veins
radial and ulnar veins
! How many veins accompany the radial artery?
! How many veins accompany the ulnar artery?
!1 How many veins includes the nervo-vascular bundle in lower third of arm?
! The brachial veins are formed by:
junction of the ulnar and radial veins
#junction of the cephalic and ulnar veins
junction of the basilic and radial veins
junction of the cephalic and basilic veins
! Two brachial veins meet forming the following vein:
axillary vein
#subclavian vein
cephalic vein
basilic vein
! The axillary vein arises at the level:
on the lower border of the latissimus dorsi muscle
#on lower border of the pectoralis minor muscle
on upper border of the pectoralis minor muscle
at the level of first rib
! The axillary vein continues as a following vein:
subclavian vein
#basilic vein
cephalic vein
brachiocephalic vein
! What is border between the axillary and subclavian veins?
external margin of the first rib
#second rib
inferior margin of the pectoralis minor muscle
inferior margin of the latissimus dorsi muscle
!1 What tributary of the axillary vein takes part in formation of the cava-caval anastomoses?
thoracoepigastric vein
#ulnar vein
radial vein
brachial vein
! Which of the following does not joint the axillary vein?
basilic vein
#cephalic vein
anterior circumflex humeral vein
lateral thoracic vein
! Which of the following does joint the axillary vein?
anterior circumflex humeral vein
#ulnar vein
basilic vein
lateral thoracic vein
! The thoracoepigastric vein is tributary of_____ vein?
lateral thoracic vein
#mediastinal veins
internal thoracic veins
anterior intercostal veins
! The lateral thoracic vein is tributary of_______ vein?
axillary vein
#subclavian vein
internal thoracic veins
anterior intercostal veins
!1 Which of the following anastomoses with superficial epigastric vein?
thoracoepigastric vein
#anterior intercostal veins
posterior intercostal veins
brachial veins
! Where is subclavian vein located?
anterscalen space
#interscalen space
intercostal space I
suprasternal space
! Which venous sinus continues as internal jugular vein?
sigmoid sinus
#transverse sinus
cavernous sinus
straight sinus
! The internal jugular vein originates at the level of:
jugular foramen
#magnum foramen
lacerum foramen
external carotid foramen
!1 The dilated segment of the internal jugular vein situated within the jugular foramen is:
superior bulb of the jugular vein
#inferior bulb of the jugular vein
sinus of the jugular vein
cistern of the jugular vein
! The internal jugular vein joints with following vein:
subclavian vein
#anterior jugular vein
external jugular vein
retromandibular vein
! Where is vertebral vein located?
in foramen transversarium of cervical vertebrae
#on posterior surface of transverse processes of cervical vertebrae
on anterior surface of transverse processes of cervical vertebrae
in the vertebral canal
! The vertebral vein drains into:
brachiocephalic vein
#external jugular vein
internal jugular vein
retromandibular vein
!1 Which of the following is not intracranial tributary of the internal jugular vein?
pharyngeal vein
#diploic vein
superficial cerebral vein
superior ophthalmic vein
!1 Which of the following is not intracranial tributary of the internal jugular vein?
lingual vein
#dural venous sinuses
deep cerebral vein
inferior ophthalmic vein
!1 Which of the following is intracranial tributary of the internal jugular vein?
labyrinthic veins
#pharyngeal veins
superior palpebral veins
inferior palpebral veins
! Where is superior sagittal sinus located?
along the upper border of falx cerebri
#along the lower border of falx cerebri
along the origination of falx cerebelli
along free margin of the falx cerebelli
!1 Which of the following does not take part in formation of the confluence of sinuses?
sphenoparietal sinus
#occipital sinus
straight sinus
superior sagittal sinus
! Where is inferior sagittal sinus located?
along the lower free border of falx cerebri
#along the upper border of falx cerebri
along the origination of falx cerebelli
along free margin of the falx cerebelli
! The inferior sagittal sinus drains into:
straight sinus
#transverse sinus
sigmoid sinus
cavernous sinus
! Which of the following drains into straight sinus?
great cerebral vein
#superficial cerebral vein
ophthalmic vein
inferior choroid vein
! Where is transverse sinus located?
along the base of tentorium cerebelli
#along the lower free border of falx cerebri
along the upper border of falx cerebri
on the base of the skull on sides the Turkish saddle
! Where is occipital sinus located?
along the origination (base) of falx cerebelli
#along the lower free border of falx cerebri
along the upper border of falx cerebri
along free margin of the falx cerebelli
! The transverse sinus continues to:
sigmoid sinus
#internal jugular vein
straight sinus
occipital sinus
! The sigmoid sinus continuous to:
internal jugular vein
#external jugular vein
anterior jugular vein
basal vein
! Where is cavernous sinus located?
on both lateral sides of the Turkish saddle
#at the base of the falx cerebelli
along the lower free border of falx cerebri
along the upper border of falx cerebri
!1 Through the cavity of the cavernous sinus passes the following artery:
internal carotid artery
#external carotid artery
anterior cerebral artery
middle cerebral artery
! The right and left cavernous sinuses communicate via:
anterior and posterior intercavernous sinuses
#inferior and superior communicating veins
diploic veins
emissary veins
! What vein opens into the cavernous sinus?
superior ophthalmic nerve
#inferior ophthalmic nerve
frontal diploic vein
parietal emissary vein
! Where is sphenoparietal sinus located?
along the posterior border of the lesser wing of sphenoid
#along squamous border of greater wing of sphenoid
along sphenofrontal suture
along coronal suture
! The emissary veins communicate:
dural venous sinuses with extrinsic veins of the head
#dural venous sinuses with cerebral veins
dural venous sinuses with spinal veins
cerebral and spinal veins
!1 Which of the following is not extracranial tributaries of the internal jugular vein?
condylar emissary vein
#lingual vein
facial vein
retromandibular vein
!1 Which of the following is extracranial tributaries of the internal jugular vein?
superior thyroid vein
#parietal emissary vein
mastoid emissary vein
inferior ophthalmic vein
! The lingual vein is formed by:
dorsal and deep lingual veins, sublingual vein
#superior labial veins
inferior labial veins
parotid veins
! Which of the following is not tributaries of the facial vein?
retromandibular vein
#angular vein
superior and inferior labial veins
palatine vein
! Where is external jugular vein located?
near anterior margin of the sternocleidomastoid muscle
#in mental region
in omotrapezoid triangle
in submandibular triangle
!1 Which of the following is not tributary of the external jugular vein?
auricular (temporomandibular) vein
#transverse cervical vein
anterior jugular vein
supraclavicular vein
! The right and left anterior jugular veins join by:
jugular venous arch
#emissary veins
transverse colli vein
superior anastomotic vein
! Where is subclavian vein located?
in antescalenus space
#in interscalenus space above trunks of brachial plexus
in interscalenus space below trunks of brachial plexus
in the suprasternal interaponeurotic space