PTA Minutes – Robert Gray Middle School

PTA Minutes – Wilson High School
General Meeting, May 12, 2014
Wilson Library
Chantal Wright, President, called the meeting to order at 7:00pm.
In attendance: Chantal Wright, Maureen Berrie-Lawson, Leslie Baird, Leanne Hartman,
Matt Schiewe, Kathy Jennings, Shawn Mershon, Annie Bottinelli, Joan Stein, Sue Stahl,
Danni McLaughlin, Caverly Morgan, Allyson Capacino, Andrea Bradbury, Maggie Daly,
Jennifer Hansen, Susan Kuznitsky, Colleen Naughton, Terry Price, Karen Russell, Brian
Thanks to Board and Committee Chairs from the PTA
Slate of Officers for next school year – Chantal Wright
President – Chantal Wright
Co-President – Maureen Berrie-Lawson
Vice-President – Leanne Hartman
Treasurer – need to fill
Volunteer Coordinator – need to fill
Secretary – Leslie Baird
Webmaster – Shawn Mershon
Officers voted in
Committee chairs for next year Auction – Danni McLaughlin
Graduation Night – need to fill
Parent Education – Carter Latendresse
Hospitality – need to fill
Scholarship – Andrea Bradbury
Preliminary SAT – Maureen Berrie-Lawson – need volunteers for event.
Clothing Center – Bev Masters
Budget Discussion – Kathy Jennings
Budget is on track
Auction exceeded in revenue
Net Surplus Discussion - $15,161. Committee will be formed to discuss use of
the surplus funds.
Will keep Scholarship line item at $2,000
Auction Treasurer – Karen Russell
$86,000 total revenue, $21,000 expenses
Leave $2400 for seed money in the fall.
Funds distributed to various club and sports participants.
Scholarship Committee – Andrea Bradbury
5 applicants this year
Deadline extended once.
Requirements – 3.0 GPA, 2 letters of recommendation and essay.
Winners will be decided soon. 1 girl and 1 boy will each receive $500
scholarship. Next year - $1,000 per student will be offered.
Minutes from February General Meeting approved.
Auction – Danni McLaughlin
Auction went well
About 300 attendees
Next year event will be held at MJCC on April 18.
Danni would like to find a Co-Chair who is from Rieke or Robert Gray area.
Ticket price will need to be increased to cover expenses. May have early
discounted price at school registration then increase price for later ticket
Staff and Teachers will be able to attend auction for free.
Parent Education – Chantal Wright
Events – Raphael House spoke at event, teen relationships discussions.
3 meetings will be held next year.
One meeting will include a cultural gathering.
Graduation Night – Maggie Daly and Annie Bottinelli
Enough money was raised for the event
211 students signed up.
In need of overnight volunteers and registration volunteers (from 3:30 – 7:30pm).
Grant Requests - Chantal Wright
$1,000 – New motherboard for lighting system in Auditorium. (Already donated Choir - $3,000, Boosters - $1,000 and Leadership - $1500).
Request voted in – approved.
$300 – to send Edward Szczepanski to Speech and Debate team finals.
Already granted - $300 from Boosters and $633 from Speech and Debate team.
Request voted in – approved. Check will be written to Speech and Debate
Fred Meyer Rewards – Chantal Wright
Please sign up for Fred Meyers Rewards to benefit Wilson PTA. This will not
affect rewards already receiving from Fred Meyers. This will be extra monies
gained for PTA
Principal's Report – Brian Chatard
Yoga/Mindfulness classes will be added as elective for next school year.
90 student spots available. About 300 students wanted to sign up.
Caverlee Morgan – One House of Peace and Alison Copacino – Move Yoga will
be coordinating the classes.
3 sections of Yoga will be added.
Principal is interested in finding PE teacher that is Yoga Certified.
May partner with OHSU to research Yoga's impact on students.
Grants will be written to help out with Yoga program costs.
May be able to outfit extra rooms near cafeteria to be available for Yoga
Staffing – will be filling 15 positions throughout every department at Wilson.
Added/Adding – Business/Marketing, Video and Audio Production, 3 AP classes,
American Sign Language.
8 Full-time teachers are retiring.
1 new ceramics teacher hired from DaVinci arts program.
Principal is looking at hiring outside PPS district.
Library discussion – would like to have committee formed to help with
fundraising/grant writing for new books/supplies for the library. Most books are
out of date.
College Counseling – Sue Stahl and Brian Chatard
Principal would like to propose that some of surplus PTA funds be used (approx.
$10,000) to hire Sue Stahl to staff College Counseling center – part-time. She is
currently a volunteer. She coordinated set up of the center and training of
The College center is dedicated to assisting students with college applications,
information about FAFSA, Scholarships and general info about universities and
colleges. Especially geared to those students who don't have support at home.
Sue Stahl is interested in setting up connections with local businesses and
scholarship organizations so that Wilson students can gain access to scholarship
This topic will be discussed at the Surplus Committee Meeting.
Bell Schedule – Brian Chatard
There will be change in schedule to add instructional hours to school year. 130
instructional hours per course.
2 school days will be added at end of school year and time added during school
day. May shorten lunch time, but not sure at this point.
School conferences will be held at end of October instead of November.
Persons Recognized for assisting PTA and Wilson – Chantal Wright
Erica Meyers, Danni McLaughlin, Annie Bottinelli, and Maureen Berrie-Lawson.
Meeting adjourned at 8:50pm by President, Chantal Wright
Minutes respectfully submitted by Leslie Baird, Secretary