“Picturing America” Online Sources 2/3/10 http://www.artsconnected.org/resource/112938/picturing-america-online-list-10 1a. Pottery and Baskets, c. 1100-c. 1960 1. National Museum of the American Indian’s online exhibitions @ http://www.nmai.si.edu/subpage.cfm?subpage=exhibitions&second=online 2. National Museum of Natural History’s Alaska Native Collections @ http://alaska.si.edu/ 1b. Mission Nuestra Senora de la Concepcion, 1755 Art of the Americas: 2.F. The Sport of Life: The Mesoamerican Ballgame @ http://www.ballgame.org/ 3. The DeYoung Museum’s Maya Stela online interactive @ http://www.famsf.org/files/collectionicons/index1.html 4. The National Gallery of Art’s Courtly Art of The Ancient Maya @ http://www.nga.gov/exhibitions/2004/maya/lifeatcourt.shtm 2a. John Singleton Copley’s Paul Revere, 1768 6. The National Portrait Gallery’s American Origins: 1600-1900 online exhibition @ http://www.npg.si.edu/exhibit/origins/index.html 6.F. The Gibbs Museum of Art’s Interactive: Henriette Charlotte Chastaigner by Henriette Johnston @ http://www.gibbesmuseum.org/explore/interactions.html 7. Worcester Art Museum’s Early American Paintings Timeline @ http://www.worcesterart.org/Collection/Early_American/ 7.F. The Met’s Timeline Colonial Essays @ http://www.metmuseum.org/toah/hi/te_index.asp?i=4 8. New Britain Museum of American Art’s American Art Timeline @ http://www.nbmaa.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=38&Itemid=112 9. Monticello Foundation’s Monticello Explorer @ http://explorer.monticello.org/ 1 10. The Getty’s Jean-Antoine Houdon: Sculptor of the Enlightenment exhibition @ http://www.getty.edu/art/exhibitions/houdon/explore_bire.html 11. The Peabody Essex Museum’s Samuel McIntire: Carving An American Style exhibition @ http://www.pem.org/mcintire/ 12. The Peabody Essex Museum’s Luxury and Inovation: Furniture Masterworks by John and Thomas Seymour exhibition @ http://www.pem.org/luxury/ 2b. Silver from the 18th, 19th, & 20th Centuries 13. The Chipstone Foundation’s online exhibitions @ http://www.chipstone.org/framesetspecialprojects.html 3a. Grant Wood’s The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere, 1931 14. Cedar Rapids Gallery of Art’s Grant Wood Gallery @ http://www.crma.org/Content/Grant_Wood/Gallery.aspx 3b. Gilbert Stuart’s George Washington, (Lansdowne Portrait), 1796 15. The National Portrait Gallery’s George Washington: A National Treasure @ http://www.georgewashington.si.edu/portrait/index.html 15.F. Shay’s Rebellion & the Making of a Nation: From Revolution to Constitution @ http://shaysrebellion.stcc.edu/ 15.G. The Seattle Art Museum’s John Trumbull Paints The American Revolution @ http://www.seattleartmuseum.org/exhibit/interactives/yale_rollover/default.asp 4a. Emanuel Leutze’s Washington Crossing the Delaware, 1851 15.H. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, “Explore & Learn, George Washington Crossing the Delaware @ http://www.metmuseum.org/explore/gw/el_gw.htm 4b. Hiram Powers’ Benjamin Franklin, 1862 5a. Thomas Cole’s View From Mount Holyoke (The Oxbow), 1836 5b. N.C. Wyeth’s Cover Illustration for The Last of the Mohicans, 1919 16. The National Gallery’s George de Forest Brush: The Indian Paintings online exhibition @ http://www.nga.gov/exhibitions/2008/brush/index.shtm 17. National Museum of the American Indian’s (New York) Remix: New Modernities in a Post-Indian World @ http://www.nmai.si.edu/exhibitions/remix/ 2 6a. John James Audubon’s American Flamingo, 1838 18. The University of Pittsburgh’s Audubon online feature @ http://digital.library.pitt.edu/a/audubon/ 19. PBS’ American Masters: “John James Audubon: Drawn From Nature”@ http://www.pbs.org/wnet/americanmasters/episodes/john-jamesaudubon/introduction/106/ 20. The Royal Collection’s Amazing Rare Things: Natural History In The Age Of Discovery @ http://www.royalcollection.org.uk/microsites/amazingrarethings/ 21. Museum Victoria’s (Australia) Caught and Coloured: Zoological Illustrations from Colonial Victoria @ http://museumvictoria.com.au/caughtandcoloured/ 22. The Getty’s Oudry’s Painted Menagerie exhibition online feature @ http://www.getty.edu/art/exhibitions/oudry/ 23. National Wildlife Art Museum @ http://www.wildlifeart.org/ 24. University of Utah’s Western Soundscapes Archive @ http://westernsoundscape.org/ 6b. George Catlin’s Catlin Painting the Portrait of Mah-to-toh-pa---Mandan, 1861/1869 25. George Catlin @ http://catlinclassroom.si.edu/ 7a. Thomas Cole and Others’ State Capitol, Columbus, Ohio, 1838-1861 7b. George Caleb Bingham’s The Country Election, 1852 8a. Albert Bierstadt’s Looking Down Yosemite Valley, California, 1865 26. The Mythic West and 19th Century Photographs of the West @ http://www.thirdview.org/3v/reference/ 27. The Getty’s Dialogue among Giants: Carleton Watkins and the Rise of Photography @ http://www.getty.edu/art/exhibitions/dialogue_giants/ 28. The Autry National Center’s Yosemite: Art Of An American Icon @ http://www.autrynationalcenter.org/yosemite/ 8b. Black Hawk’s “Sans Arc Lakota” Ledger book, 1880-1881 29. Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History’s Lakota Winter Counts online exhibition @ http://wintercounts.si.edu/ 3 9a. Winslow Homer’s The Veteran in a New Field, 1865 30. The Art Institute of Chicago’s Watercolors by Winslow Homer: The Color of Light online exhibition @ http://www.artic.edu/aic/collections/exhibitions/homer/ 9b. Alexander Gardner’s Abraham Lincoln, February 5, 1865 30.F. Cornell University Library online volume of Gardner’s Photographic Sketch Book of the [Civil] War@ http://rmc.library.cornell.edu/7milVol/index.html 10a. Augustues Saint-Gaudens’ Robert Shaw Memorial, 1884-1897 31. The National Gallery of Art’s Augustus Saint-Gaudens’ Memorial to Robert Gould Shaw and the Massachusetts Fifty-fourth Regiment @ http://www.nga.gov/feature/shaw/home.shtm 10b. Quilts: 19th through 20th Centuries 32. The International Quilt Study Center and Museum’s Online Interactive @ http://explorer.quiltstudy.org/#/browse/ 33. The Art of Gee’s Bend @ http://www.quiltsofgeesbend.com/ 11a. Thomas Eakins’s John Biglin in a Single Scull, c. 1873 11b. James McNeill Whistler’s The Peacock Room, 1876-1877 33.F. The Freer Gallery’s The Peacock Room online feature and James McNeill Whistler Interactive @ http://www.asia.si.edu/exhibitions/online.htm# 12a. John Singer Sargent’s Elizabeth Winthrop Chanler, 1893 12b. Childe Hassam’s Allies Day, May 1917, 1917 13a. Walker Evan’s Brooklyn Bridge, New York, 1929 13b. Louis Comfort Tiffany’s Autumn Landscape—The River of Life, 1923-1924 14a. Mary Cassatt’s The Boating Party, 1893/1894 14b. Joseph Stella’s Brooklyn Bridge, c. 1919-1920 15a. Charles Sheeler’s American Landscape, 1930 34. Charles Sheeler Across Media exhibition @ http://www.nga.gov/exhibitions/2006/sheeler/index.shtm 35. The Phillip’s Collection’s American Art Timeline @ http://www.phillipscollection.org/research/american_art/index.htm 4 36. The Whitney Museum of American Art’s American Collection @ http://whitney.org/learning/gallery/index.php 15b. William Van Alen’s The Chrysler Building, 1926-1930 16a. Edward Hopper’s House by the Railroad, 1925 37. The National Gallery’s Edward Hopper online exhibition @ http://www.nga.gov/exhibitions/2007/hopper/introduction/index.shtm 38. The National Gallery’s Later the Same Evening: an opera inspired by five paintings of Edward Hopper (podcast of one song)@ http://www.nga.gov/podcasts/index.shtm Scroll down to the bottom 39. The Seattle Art Museum’s Hopper’s Women online interactive @ http://www.seattleartmuseum.org/exhibit/exhibitDetail.asp?eventID=14365# 16b. Frank Lloyd Wright’s Fallingwater, 1935-1939 17a. Jacob Lawrence’s The Migration Series, no. 57, 1940-1941 The Phillip’s Collection online Interactive selections @ 40. Jacob Lawrence: The Migration Series @ http://www.phillipscollection.org/research/over_the_line/index.html 41. Jacob Lawrence: Over Line http://www.phillipscollection.org/migration_series/index.cfm 42. The Whitney Museum of American Art’s Jacob Lawrence Exploring Stories @ http://whitney.org/jacoblawrence/ 43. Spencer Museum of Art’s Aaron Douglas: African American Modernist exhibition @ http://www.aarondouglas.ku.edu/exhibition/ 43.F. Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, “In Motion, The AfricanAmerican Migration Experience” website@ http://www.inmotionaame.org/home.cfm 17b. Romare Bearden’s The Dove, 1964 44. The Art of Romare Bearden = http://www.nga.gov/feature/bearden/index.shtm 18a. Thomas Heart Benton’s The Sources of Country Music, 1975 44.F. The New Britain Museum, “The Murals of Thomas Hart Benton” online exhibition @ http://www.nbmaa.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=58&Itemid=89 18b. Dorothea Lange’s Migrant Mother, 1936 45. The Library of Congress’ Dorothea Lange and Migrant Workers @ http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/fsahtml/fachap03.html 5 46. The Oakland Museum of Art’s Dorothea Lange Archive @ http://www.museumca.org/global/art/collections_dorothea_lange.html 47. The Getty’s About Life: The Photographs of Dorothea Lange and Horace Bristol’s California @ http://www.getty.edu/art/exhibitions/lange/ 48. The University of Indiana’s The People’s America: Farm Security Administration Photographs @ http://www.iub.edu/~iuam/online_modules/fsa/fsa.html 19a. Norman Rockwell’s Freedom of Speech, The Saturday Evening Post, 1943 49. The National Archives, ‘Four Freedoms’ segment of the “Powers of Persuasion” site [with clips of FDR’s, radio broadcast speech, Rockwell’s posters, etc.} @ http://www.archives.gov/exhibits/powers_of_persuasion/four_freedoms/four_freedoms.ht ml 19b. James Karales’ Selma-to-Montgomery March for Voting Rights in 1965, 1965 50. National Portrait Gallery’s Let Your Motto Be Resistance: African American Portraits exhibition @ http://www.npg.si.edu/exhibit/motto/index.html 51. The Civil Rights Digital Library @ http://crdl.usg.edu/voci/go/crdl/home/ 20a. Richard Diebenkorn’s Cityscape 1, 1963 52. The San Francisco Museum of Modern Art’s online exhibitions @ http://www.sfmoma.org/education/edu_online.html Voices and Images of California Art 20b. Martin Puryear’s Ladder for Booker t. Washington, 1996. 53. The Museum of Modern Art’s Martin Puryear online exhibition @ http://www.moma.org/interactives/exhibitions/2007/martinpuryear/ 54. The Columbus Museum of Arts’s Aminah’s World @ http://aminahsworld.org/ 55. The San Francisco Museum of Modern Art’s Kerry James Marshall Art in The Atrium Project @ http://www.sfmoma.org/pages/interactive_features 56. The Gibbs Museum’s Interactions: Denmark Vesey by Charles White Sarah Remembered by Leo Twiggs @ http://www.gibbesmuseum.org/explore/interactions.html 6 American Post-1945: 57. The San Francisco Museum of Modern Art’s Explore Modern Art @ http://www.sfmoma.org/view/page.feature/explore 58. The Museum of Modern Art’s Multimedia Features @ http://www.moma.org/ 7