Dept. V-19 – Computer Science – Adult Division Dept. VP-69 – Computer Science – Junior Division Premiums Offered: Dept. V-10A Dept. VP-61A Superintendent: Naomi Barr, (630) 890-7621, Bill Britton (630) 947-4870 a. b. c. d. e. f. Entry Fee: $1 per entry Exhibitors may enter TWO entries per class and must comply with Agricultural Science, Home Economics and Arts General Rules and Regulations (pages 1-3). Protective cover will be provided for all submitted hard copy and CDs. Computer Science exhibit judging will be based on functionality, design, content, originality, creativity and overall effectiveness. NEW: Use of Hallmark Card Creator software is not permitted for greeting card classes. The current year Fair Theme is “Let’s Get Together”. A Champion Award will be made to the EXHIBITOR WINNING THE MOST POINTS ON THE FOLLOWING SCALE: 1ST-8 points; 2nd-4 points; 3rd-2 points Premiums Offered: 1st Junior $278.00 $252.00 2nd $6.00 8801 6802 8802 6803 8803 6804 8804 6805 8805 4th $4.00 $3.00 Class Description Adult 6801 3rd $5.00 Computer Assisted Images: Digital manipulations - predominately comprised of the submitting photographer’s own original images. Print out on 8½”x11” paper and include CD. Spreadsheet: Develop/exhibit spreadsheet based on income and expenses. Print out on 8½”x11” paper and include CD. PowerPoint: Develop/exhibit a PowerPoint presentation to provide information or an explanation of a topic. (If flash animation is used, please indicate which slides and describe effects.) Print out on 8½”x11” paper and include CD. Any other Computer Application not listed – Exhibit hard copy and disk. (If flash animation is used, please indicate which slides and describe effects.) Print out on 8½”x11” paper and include CD. Movie / Slide Show Presentation – include CD only in this class For Classes 6801-6805 and classes 8801-8805: All entries must indicate the hardware (PC or Mac compatible) and software (including version number), instructions as to how to access and run the software, and any passwords necessary to enter the software program. Any entry not indicating the above, or failing to include a disk copy and a hard copy, will not be accepted or judged. Web Page Design Competition: Entries will be written using authoring software or text editors. The project must be centered on an educational theme. Entries must be original. All submissions should include the URL address of the Website for consideration. All websites should be compatible with either Mozilla Firefox or Microsoft Internet Explorer browsers. Please inform us if you use an alternative browser. All Websites need to be currently online from entry deadline through the end of the current year’ DuPage County Fair. Entries must adhere to copyright laws. Class Description Junior 6806 Adult 8806 Junior Adult 6807 8807 Flyer 6808 8808 Business Card, Letterhead or Envelope Design 6809 8809 Newsletter – using a desktop publishing program 6810 8810 Invitation 6811 6812 6813 6814 8811 8812 8813 8814 Computer Graphics – Birthday Greeting Card Website: Any website – personal, business, or non-profit. Class Description Computer Graphics – Christmas Greeting Card Computer Graphics – Any other occasion Greeting Card Exhibit a current year Fair - themed article appropriate for the Computer Science Department. Dept. V-19 – Computer Science – Adult Division (Cont’d) Premiums Offered: 1st Adult 8815 2nd $8.00 3rd $7.00 4th $6.00 $5.00 Class Description Market the Fair – New ! Create a design for a marketing element for the 2013 DuPage County Fair. It must be useable for anything from a shirt, hat, or souvenir to a newspaper, billboard, poster, bumper sticker, or tattoo. Entry should show various sizes of design to show variety in use: i.e., pin, T-shirt logo, etc. Maximum size of entire entry is 11” x 17”. Exhibit must include the following information: Create your own original theme concept. 59th DuPage County Fair July 24-28, 2013 Wheaton, IL Open Class, 4-H, and Horse Shows It should be effective with a minimum of two colors but maximum of four colors with black as one of the colors. All entries must include a CD with fonts included and color comp mounted for presentation. Preferred programs: Adobe Illustrator, Quark Express (a file created in Print Shop will NOT be accepted). The DuPage County Fair reserves the right to manipulate the entry or colors of the winning entries to meet the needs of the printer and/or our publicity campaign. All entries will become the property of the DuPage County Fair. We will retain the rights to use the designs on promotional and advertising material, awards and other published materials. Special Award: CHAMPION COMPUTER SCIENCE EXHIBITOR – Junior Division CHAMPION COMPUTER SCIENCE EXHIBITOR – Adult Division ROSETTE & AWARD ROSETTE & AWARD