Roll Hill Kids Expedition - Rolling Hills Christian Church


Roll Hill Kids Small Group Leader Guide Toddlers

2 year olds

February 9, 2014

Theme: Mission L.O.V.E.

Basic Truth: Jesus Wants to Be My Friend Forever

Key Question: Who does Jesus love?

Bottom Line: Jesus loves everyone.

Memory Verse: “Love each other as I have loved you.” John 15:12, NIV

Bible Story: Jesus loves us when we do something wrong.

Zacchaeus • Luke 19:1-8

Our Goal:

Toddler classrooms are one of the most unique places in the church. Between the diaper changes, snacking, and rocking, there are small windows of playtime that are an amazing opportunity to teach children about their loving Heavenly Father. This curriculum is designed to bridge the gap as your young toddlers move from the baby room towards the twos.

We want toddlers to take a first look at who God is and understand... o God made me. o God loves me. o Jesus wants to be my friend forever.


Jesus wants to be my friend forever


Who does Jesus love?


Jesus loves everyone


“”Love each other as I have loved you.” John 15:12


Luke 19: 1-8

Roll Hill Kids Small Group Leader Guide Toddlers

2 year olds

February 9, 2014

Bible Story

What You Need: A Bible


“Come sit with me! It’s story time! Yay for story time! Our story comes from this very special book —the Bible! (Hold up Bible, give it a big hug, and lay it down.) We love the

Bible because it has God ’s stories in it. (Open Bible.)

“Today’s story is about a man named Zacchaeus. We can call him Zac. Can you say Zac?

(Repeat the name Zac a few times.) Good job! Zac was a wee little man (hold your thumb and pointer finger out measuring an inch) who didn ’t have any friends. That’s right. He had no friends, because Zac did something mean. He took away his friends

’ money and made them sad. Can you make a sad face? (Encourage the children to make a sad face.)

“One day, Zac heard that Jesus was coming. He really wanted to see Jesus, but there were too many people. So Zac got an idea! He climbed a tree so he could get way up high and see

Jesus! (Use climbing motions with arms and hands.) Climb with me! (Encourage children to join in with you.)

“Now Zac could see Jesus! And guess what! Jesus could see Zac! Jesus told Zac he wanted to go to his house to eat supper! Zac was so happy that Jesus was his friend that he gave all the people their money back and wanted to be nice to everyone. This made his friends happy! Can you make a happy face? (Encourage the children to make a happy face.)

“Yay, Jesus! Yay, Zac! Yay for friends!

(Clap.) I

’m so glad

[Bottom Line] Jesus loves everyone, even when we

’ve been mean or done something wrong. Say it with me.

Who does

Jesus love?


“Jesus loves everyone!”

STORYTELLER: “Who does Jesus love?

CHILDREN and STORYTELLER: [Bottom Line] “Jesus loves everyone!”

STORYTELLER: “Let’s pray and talk to God.

“God, thank You for loving us, even when we do something wrong. Thank You for Jesus. He is the best friend EVER! We love You, God. In Jesus

’ name, amen.”


Jesus wants to be my friend forever


Who does Jesus love?


Jesus loves everyone


“”Love each other as I have loved you.” John 15:12


Luke 19: 1-8

Roll Hill Kids Small Group Leader Guide Toddlers

2 year olds

February 9, 2014

Make It Stick

Choose one or more of the following activities to help make the Bottom Line stick. Lead the activities with small groups of children. Encourage children to play on their own if they do not wish to take part in an activity.

Activity #1: Giving You My Hearts

“Giving You My Hearts” is an activity that helps the children show love by giving them an opportunity to tell others about Jesus.

What You Do:

During the activity: Place candy hearts in the center of the work area. Give each child a bag, and some heart stickers. Guide the children to decorate their bags using the stickers and then have them place 20-25 hearts into their bags.

At the end of the activity: Explain to the children that we should tell others about Jesus and allow the children to sample a few of the conversation hearts.

What You Say:

Before the activity: “I love to get gifts! How about you? (Pause.) But do you know what is even better? Giving gifts! I love to make someone smile when I give a present!

During the activity: “I have some bags, and stickers that we can use to make someone a special gift bag. I also have some yummy heart candy that we can put in the bags when we ’re done decorating them. Are you ready to get started? (Pause.) Great! You can use your heart stickers to decorate your bags any way you would like. While you

’re decorating, I will give you some candy hearts to put in your bag” (Assist children as needed.)

At the end of the activity:

“These are wonderful gift you made! I have one last thing for you to add before you give them away. It ’s this special sticker that says, [Bottom Line] ‘ Jesus loves everyone!

’ Put that on your bag where you ’ll be sure to see it. When you give it to someone, point out the special sticker and the hearts and tell them that Jesus loves them. It is important to tell others about Jesus and how much He loves EVERYONE! Who does Jesus love ? YES!

[Bottom Line] Jesus loves everyone!

Now who would like to taste a few of these candy hearts? (Pause.) Me, too! Here

’s some for you and you!”

(Hand a heart to each child.)


Jesus wants to be my friend forever


Who does Jesus love?


Jesus loves everyone


“”Love each other as I have loved you.” John 15:12


Luke 19: 1-8

Roll Hill Kids Small Group Leader Guide Toddlers

2 year olds

February 9, 2014

Optional Activity #2: Pass the Pillow

“Pass the Pillow” is an activity that uses repetition and movement to teach this month’s Memory

Verse to the children.

What You Need: Small-sized heart-shaped pillow.

What You Do:

Before the activity: Have the children stand in a circle with you included.

During the activity: Hold the pillow and start to say the Memory Verse. Encourage the children to say the verse with you. As the verse is being said, pass the pillow around the circle.

At the end of the activity: When the verse is finished, ask the child who is holding the pillow his or her name. Then say,


’s name),

Jesus loves you!

” Repeat several times.

What You Say:

Before the activity: “Let’s practice our Memory Verse! I have a great idea! We can use this pillow

(hold up pillow ) to remind us how much Jesus loves us! As we say our verse we can pass the pillow. Everyone make a circle. Perfect! Are you ready to practice our verse and pass the heart pillow? (Pause.) Great! Let ’s get started!”

During the activity: “I am going to pass the pillow to (child on your right ). Remember to say the

Memory Verse with me! ‘Love each other as I have loved you,’ John 15:12. Good job! Who has the pillow? (Name child), Jesus loves you! Okay, let

’s try it again!”

(Repeat as many times as desired.)

At the end of the activity: “Our verse tells us that Jesus loves us sooo much and He wants us to love others just like He loves us! He loves us even when we make mistakes and we should love others even if they make mistakes. Who does Jesus love?

(Pause.) Absolutely! [Bottom Line]

Jesus loves everyone!


Jesus wants to be my friend forever


Who does Jesus love?


Jesus loves everyone


“”Love each other as I have loved you.” John 15:12


Luke 19: 1-8
