FALL 2010 CALCULUS 1, MA280-05 M, R, F; 11:00-11:50; IRALL003 T; 11:00-11:50; ANXCN 103 Instructor name: Prof. Anita Penta Office location: IRALL214 Office telephone number: 617 989 4351 Office hours and Location: M, T, R 10:00 - 11:00 Email address: pentaa@wit.edu Credits/Hours: 4-0-4 ______________________________________________________________________________ COURSE DESCRIPTION: Introduction to limits, definition of the derivative, differentiation of algebraic and transcendental functions, implicit differentiation and applications of the derivative. Course concludes with an introduction to integration of algebraic and transcendental functions, the fundamental theorem of calculus, and area. REQUIRED TEXTBOOK(s): The text is Calculus with Early Transcendentals (1st edition) by Hass, Weir and Thomas with MyMathLab. Published by Pearson. See the attached outline for chapter references and other details. THE COLLEGE BOOKSTORE: Location: 103 Ward Street Boston MA 02115 Telephone: 617-445-8814 RECOMMENDED LEARNING MATERIALS: A standard graphing calculator is encouraged. Calculators with a CAS (computer algebra system) will not be permitted. 1 COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES: I. Functions and Limits Find Find Find Find the average rate of change over an interval. limits graphically. limits algebraically. where a function is continuous graphically. II. Differentiation Know basic concepts of inverse functions. Know basic concepts of logarithms. Find the slope and tangent lines for polynomial functions using the limit definition of the derivative. Graphically find points where the function is differentiable. Find the derivative of algebraic functions. Find derivatives of trigonometric functions. Find the derivative of inverse trigonometric functions. Find the derivative of the logarithmic function. Find the derivative of the exponential function. Find higher order derivatives. Find the derivative of composite functions. Use implicit differentiation. Use logarithmic differentiation. Find the differential. Find the slope, the equation for the tangent line and the normal line. Find the body’s displacement and average velocity. Solve free fall applications. Find the velocity, speed, acceleration and jerk of a body in simple harmonic motion. Solve related rates applications. III. Integration 2 Find indefinite integrals of basic algebraic, trigonometric, and exponential functions. Evaluate definite integrals using the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. Find the area of regions using definite integrals. Solve initial value problems. IV. Applications of Derivatives Find critical points, increasing and decreasing intervals, and local and absolute extrema using the First Derivative Test. Find inflection points and intervals of concavity using the Second Derivative Test. Solve optimization applications. INSTRUCTIONAL METHODOLOGIES: Classroom instruction is interactive, beginning each day with a discussion of difficulties and questions encountered in the daily homework assignment. New topics are introduced through problem solving, using applications in which the topics arise as motivation. Classroom discussion elicits the fundamental difficulties of the application and suggests means for their solution. Each investigation is followed by nightly homework exercises that are completed online using the MyMathLab software package. Periodic examinations, that are taken in class and are not online, require students to demonstrate their level of mastery. ATTENDANCE POLICY: Any student missing 15% of scheduled classes may be withdrawn according to the attendance policy. Refer to the Student Handbook for details. If you miss a class for any reason, it is your responsibility to check on any announcements that were made. GRADING POLICY: Homework: Homework will be assigned daily on MyMathLab. Homework done on time will receive extra credit at the end of the term. Up to four points will be added to your final average. In order to receive any extra credit your 3 homework average has to be greater than 60%. Tests: There will be at least four one-hour tests. The dates will be announced in class. Each test is worth 100 points. A final exam will be scheduled during finals week. The final exam will also be worth 100 points. The lowest test will be dropped at the end of the term. Should an emergency force you to miss a test, that test will be the one that is dropped. Quizzes: There will be some short quizzes. Each quiz is worth 10 points. There are no make-ups to any quiz. The lowest quiz grade will be dropped at the end of the semester. Should an emergency force you to miss a quiz, that quiz will be the one that is dropped. Wentworth Grading System: Grade Definition Weight Numerical A Student learning and accomplishment 4.00 96-100 A- far exceeds published objectives for the course/test/assignment and student work is distinguished consistently by its high level of competency and/or innovation. 3.67 92-95 B+ Student learning and accomplishment 3.33 88-91 B goes beyond what is expected in the 3.00 published objectives for the course/test/ assignment and student work is frequently characterized by its special depth of understanding, development, and/or innovative experimentation. 84-87 BC+ Student learning and accomplishment meets all published objectives for the 2.67 2.33 80-83 76-79 C course/test/assignment and student work demonstrates the expected level of understanding, and application of concepts introduced. 2.00 72-75 C- Student learning and accomplishment 1.67 68-71 4 D+ based on the published objectives for 1.33 64-67 D the course/test/assignment were met with minimum passing achievement. 1.00 60-63 F Student learning and accomplishment based on the published objectives for than 60 the course/test/assignment were not sufficiently addressed nor met 0.00 Less DROP/ADD: The drop/add period for day students ends on Friday of the first week of classes. Dropping and/or adding courses is done online. Courses dropped in this period are removed from the student’s record. Courses to be added that require written permission, e.g. closed courses, must be done using a Drop/Add form that is available in the Student Service Center. Non-attendance does not constitute dropping a course. If a student has registered for a course and subsequently withdraws or receives a failing grade in its prerequisite, then the student must drop that course. In some cases, the student will be dropped from that course by the Registrar. However, it is the student’s responsibility to make sure that he or she meets the course prerequisites and to drop a course if the student has not successfully completed the prerequisite. The student must see his or her academic advisor or academic department head for schedule revision and to discuss the impact of the failed or withdrawn course on the student’s degree status. MAKE-UP POLICY: See the above grading policy. Should an emergency force you to miss a test, this will be the one that is dropped. Should an emergency force you to miss a quiz, this will be dropped ACADEMIC SUPPORT: The Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) assists all Wentworth students with academic challenges in the areas of math, science, technical courses specific to majors, and writing. The CTL is a supportive and safe learning environment for students looking to improve or maintain their academic standing. In this student-based learning environment, students can receive 5 individual help with their studies, meet and work in study groups, or go on-line to find resources to assist them in meeting their goals for academic success. It includes tutors in many subjects, online writing assistance and workshops. Make appointments at www.wit.edu/academics/resources or through Lconnect. ACADEMIC HONESTY STATEMENT: “Students at Wentworth are expected to be honest and forthright in their academic endeavors. Academic dishonesty includes cheating, inventing false information or citations, plagiarism, tampering with computers, destroying other people’s studio property, or academic misconduct” (Academic Catalog). See your catalogue for a full explanation. STUDENT ACCOUNTABILITY STATEMENT: Cheating is not tolerated and will result in failure (Refer to the Student Handbook). DISABILITY SERVICES STATEMENT: Any student who thinks s/he may require a disability-related accommodation for this course should contact me privately to discuss your specific needs. Disability Services coordinates reasonable accommodations for students with documented disabilities. They are located in Watson Hall 003 (the Counseling Center) and can be contacted at 617-989-4390 or counseling@wit.edu. For more information on acceptable documentation and the Disability Services process, visit the Disability Services website at www.wit.edu/disabilityservices ASSIGNMENTS: Homework will be assigned daily on MyMathLab. Homework done on time will receive extra credit at the end of the term. Up to four points will be added to your final average. In order to receive any extra credit your homework average has to be greater than 60%. WENTWORTH INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND SCIENCES 6 MATH 280 CALCULUS I: Syllabus I. Functions and Limits Sec 1.3 Rates of Change and Tangents to Curves Find the average rate of change over an interval. Find the equation of a tangent line at a point. Sec 1.4 Limit of a Function and Limit Laws Find limits graphically. Find limits by eliminating zero denominators algebraically. Sec 1.6 One-Sided Limits Find limits graphically. Sec 1.7 Continuity Determine where a function is continuous graphically. II. Differentiation Sec 2.1 Tangents and Derivatives at a Point Find the slope and tangent lines for polynomial functions using the limit definition of the derivative. Sec 2.2 The Derivative as a Function Graphically find points where the function is differentiable. Sec 2.3 Differentiation Rules Find the derivative of the function. Find higher order derivatives. Solve applications. Sec 2.4 The Derivative as a Rate of Change Find the body’s displacement and average velocity. Solve free fall applications. Solve application problems. Sec 2.5 Derivatives of Trigonometric Functions Find derivatives of trigonometric functions. Find the equation for the tangent to the curve. 7 Find the velocity, speed, acceleration and jerk of a body in simple harmonic motion. Sec 2.6 Exponential Functions Find the first and second derivatives of the function. Sec 2.7 The Chain Rule Find the derivative of composite functions. Solve application problems. Sec 2.8 Implicit Differentiation Use implicit differentiation. Find the slope, the tangent line, or the normal line. Sec 2.9 Inverse Functions and Their Derivatives Review basic concepts of inverse functions. Sec 2.10 Logarithmic Functions Sec 2.11 Review basic concepts of logarithms. Find the derivative of the logarithmic function. Use logarithmic differentiation. Find the derivative of the exponential function. Inverse Trigonometric Functions Find the derivative of inverse trigonometric functions. Sec 2.12 Related Rates Sec 2.13 Linearization and Differentials Solve related rates applications. Find the differential. III. Integration Sec 4.1 Antiderivatives Find an antiderivative or indefinite integral. Solve initial value problems. Sec 4.5 The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus Evaluate the integral. Find the total area between the region and the x-axis. Find the area of the shaded region. 8 IV. Applications of Derivatives Sec 3.3 Monotonic Functions and The First Derivative Test Find critical points, increasing and decreasing intervals, and local and absolute extrema. Sec 3.4 Concavity and Curve Sketching Find inflection points and intervals of concavity using the Second Derivative Test. Sec 3.6 Applied Optimization Solve applications. 9