The Jornada Basin LTER will provide support for half-time, 12 month ($23, 017/y) or summer fellowships
($4000/summer) for graduate students conducting research related to the goals of the Jornada LTER.
Interested applicants are encouraged to visit the Jornada LTER home page for more information
(, including the most recent funded proposal (2012 LTER-VI). Fellowships
will be available annually (depending on funding), and can be renewed for graduate students in good
standing with their university and with the Jornada LTER Program. A student may be eligible for up to 2
years (halftime) or 3 summers of support. The number of fellowships each year will depend on funds
available. Students can apply any time during the year, although evaluation of applications will begin
March 1. Applications received after March 1 will be evaluated if funds are still available. Priority for
funding will be given to students with: (1) academic advisors who are Jornada LTER scientists, (2)
research objectives that address specific goals of the Jornada-VI proposal, (3) evidence of products to
result from the research (e.g., journal papers), and (4) need for funding. Applicants do not need to be
NMSU students.
Half-time, 12-month Jornada Fellows agree to:
1. participate in a Desert Ecology short course (2-3 day) each summer the student is funded and
the course is offered. The course will be held at the Jornada USDA headquarters.
2. conduct 10 hours of education-related activities under the supervision of staff from the
Asombro Institute for Science Education
3. provide data and metadata from their research to the Jornada Information Manager prior to
graduation (see data policies at:, and pdf
copies of publications when available to the site manager
4. present a seminar to the LTER group on the campus of NMSU prior to graduation
Summer Jornada Fellows agree to:
1. provide data and metadata from their research to the Jornada Information Manager prior to
graduation (see data policies at:, and pdf
copies of publications when available to the site manager
2. present a seminar to the LTER group on the campus of NMSU prior to graduation
Summer Jornada Fellows are encouraged to: (a) participate in a Desert Ecology short course (2-3 day)
each summer the student is funded and the course is offered. The course will be held at the Jornada
USDA headquarters; (b) conduct 10 hours of education-related activities under the supervision of staff
from the Asombro Institute for Science Education
Applications will be evaluated by the Jornada LTER Executive Committee.
For questions or to submit an application, contact Dr. Deb Peters, Jornada Basin LTER Lead PI,
Applicant name ____________________________________________________ Date ________________________
Fellowship requested (annual/summer) ________________________ Start date___________________
Advisor name ______________________________________________________ Degree (MS/PhD)__________
University ___________________________________________ Expected graduation date ________________
Other sources of funding __________________________________________________________________________
Title of thesis/dissertation _______________________________________________________________________
Objectives of research and how they relate to the Jornada LTER-VI objectives (attach
additional page if needed)
Submit applications to:
Dr. Deb Peters (
Lead Principal Investigator, Jornada Basin LTER, Las Cruces, NM