This excel file has two tabs: one of the tabs has the data for the soil inoculation experiment
(“experiment 1, see manuscript), the other tab has the data for the genetic effects experiment
(“experiment 2, see manuscript). Below are descriptions of the variables in this data file. More
information is in the manuscript.
plantid: randomly assigned plant ID number.
shootmass: dry above ground mass of individual experimental plant (units is grams).
leafnum: number of leafs counted on an individual experimental plant
stolonnum: number of stolons counted on an individual experimental plant
nodulenum: number of nodules counted on an individual experimental plant
MassofNodules: mass of 1st 100 nodules (approximately, see “Nodulesintube” variable) taken from an
individual experimental plant. Units is grams.
NodulesinTube: the number of nodules that were weighted in for the “MassofNodules” variable
meannodulemass: estimated average mass of a nodule sampled from an individual experimental plant,
calculated by dividing the “MassofNodules” variable by the “NodulesinTube” variable
totalnodulemass: estimated total mass of all nodules for an individual experimental plant, calculated by
multiplying “meannodulemass” variable by “nodulenum” variable
Chlor: measured chlorophyll level for an individual experimental plant (no units)
Harvester: initials of individual that harvested an individual experimental plant.
Harvestdate: date that an individual exerperimental plant was harvested.
Harvestday: number of days that had past since the 1st experimental plant was harvested.
strain: identity of rhizobia strain that inoculated that particular experimental plant
nitrogen: describes whether the particular rhizobia strain inoculating this experimental plant was
originally sampled from a fertilized field plot (1) or a nonfertilized field plot (0)
field: LTER T7 experimental field from which the particular rhizobia strain inoculating this experimental
plant was originally sampled from
plot: label associated with a particular plot within a particular LTER T7 field coded thusly: 1A = the
nonfertilized subplot of LTER field 1, 1B = the fertilized subplot of LTER field 1, 2A = the nonfertilized
subplot of LTER field 2, 2B = the fertilized subplot of LTER field 2, and so on…
plantspori: Trifolium species from which a particular rhizobia strain was isolated during the soil
inoculation experiment
plantpopori: particular population (associated with a Trifolium species) from which a particular rhizobia
strain was isolated during the soil inoculation experiment
plantssprear: Trifolium species of that particular experiment plant
plantpoprear: population (associated with a Trifolium species) of that particular experimental plant.