Gideon's Trumpet guided film questions

Name _________________________________________ Date _____________ Score _______________
Directions: Answer each of the following questions based what you see and hear in the movie. Answers should be
specific about people, places and things and contain specific evidence for support. Complete sentences that restate the
questions is also required (so, to, and because are usually “danger words” when starting sentences so avoid them)
Section 1
1. For what crimes was Gideon arrested and was there
enough evidence to arrest him?
4. What was life in prison like for Gideon and his fellow
inmates (prisoners)?
Section 3
2. Why didn’t Gideon have a lawyer when he was in
court the first time?
3. How well did Gideon defend himself when he acted
as his own lawyer?
4. How was Gideon’s first trial fair or unfair?
1. What was the conference between the U.S. Supreme
Court justices all about?
2. What is the importance of precedent (stare decisis)
when U.S. Supreme justices consider their decisions?
3. What precedent was set in Betts v. Brady (1942) and
how did affect the discussion of the U.S. Supreme Court
4. What was the role of law clerks?
5. Why do you believe the sentence (punishment)
Gideon received after he was found guilty fair or unfair?
Section 4
Section 2
1. What were the major points made by Abe Fortas
(Gideon's lawyer)?
1. On what parts of the Constitution did Gideon base his
appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court?
2. What arguments were made by the lawyer
representing the state of Florida?
2. What is the importance of the writ of habeas corpus?
3. What is a writ of certiorari and why did Gideon file
one? Why did Gideon hand write his Writ of Habeas
3. How would you have decided the case? Why?
[Combine your answer to include the first trial, Supreme
Court appeal, and the retrial]