Posting New In-Progress Photos and Updating CURRENT PROJECTS Page
Updating the CURRENT PROJECTS page can now be done by
SDA personnel directly (Chris, Vicki, etc.) The process is accomplished in two steps:
Using J-Album , compose and publish an updated Photo Album of all photos to appear for the specified project.
Using Contribute , Log-in to the SDA website, browse to the SDA/Current Projects page, and add a new project or revise the latest current project information and link to the associated Photo Album
Step 1.a Create a Directory (Folder) for the new album in your SDA\CURRENT / directory (naming it today’s date would be a good idea ie:
10-6-06. The directory path would look something like:
C:\SDA Web Site\SDA\current\10-12-06
Next, inside the new album folder, make a folder called JPEGs and choose photo images you wish to include in the album and copy them into the JPEGs folder.
Now copy into this folder (JPEGs) those photos from your last-most-recent photos folder you want to appear in the Current In-Progress Photo Album.
Step 1.b Create Jalbum Photo Album…
Go to your SDA/current folder and open the last Jalbum Project document: in the example below the previous Photo album document is 8-17-06.jap:
To make a new Photo Album for the new photos. choose File > “ Save As ” under a New
Project Name in the appropriate directory.
(Using the Shoot date’ - possibly with the Project Name or Number –
will help keep everything clear and well organized.)
The screen for a sample Album is shown below
Make the necessary adjustments in J-Album :
Revise Image directory path as necessary – it should point to the JPEGs folder
Revise Output Directory path as necessary – it should point to the new album date folder ( in this case 10-12-06 )
Revise the # of rows and columns in THUMBNAIL LAYOUT section to nicely display all the Thumbnails
Choose a SKIN and STYLE in the Appearance box
Press Make Album - then View Album to test and review what the new album will look like. Revise as necessary to produce a suitable result
Step 1.c When the album looks good, Click on the PUBLISH Tab.
Here are the settings for Publishing to the website (Current Projects directory):
Press the Test Connection button, and the following box should appear:
Click yes to have JAlbum set up the remote directory
Use the Upload All button to upload the entire photo album to the
Step 2.a Now that the album is online, Open Contribute and browse to the SDA/ Current page. ( Reminder: If you don’t have an entry in your Start menu or on the desktop,
Contribute appears in the Macromedia Program group listed as Macromedia Contribute 2 .)
Before editing, prepare an image for the new/revised CURRENT PROJECTS panel. The image can be within half the panel (250 to 300 pixels wide) Landscape would work best but the image could fill morte than half the space - say 320 to 400 pixels wide. A full with picture ( with no text) would be 540 Pixels wide
Also prepare any comments or descriptive text you may want to appear in the panel.
Step2.b To begin editing, either
1. Click the Welcome to SAMYND’ELIA ARCHITECTS … link under the
Begin editing my website section at the lower right, or
2. Click the Home Pages button in the Contribute toolbar, and choose Welcome to SAMYND’ELIA ARCHITECTS
Next, browse to the CURRENT PROJECTS page.
Click the Edit Page Button to open a draft copy of the page for editing.
Step 2.c Insert The image , plus text information into the empty table at the top of the
CURRENT PROJECTS page. Add links to the photo album by browsing to the index page inside the album folder
( the album document to link to is \SDA\current\10-12-06\index.html
When all revisions to current page are complete, PUBLISH the finished page in
Directory of SDA files: