OLD TESTAMENT STUDY QUESTIONS Compiled by E.M. Gregorio OLD TESTAMENT STUDY QUESTION SERIES UNIT I – PART 1 of 3 Old Testament Orientation The Book of Genesis COMPLETE AND RETURN TO CHRISTIAN LEADERSHIP INSTITUTE CHRISTIAN INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY www.cistonline.org ATTACH TO E-MAIL: e-mail: emgregorio@yahoo.com COMPILED BY EDWIN M. GREGORIO Reference from: Hearing of Faith Bible Institute P.O. Box 372 Axtell, Texas 76624 www.cistonline.org - 04252005 1 OLD TESTAMENT STUDY QUESTIONS Compiled by E.M. Gregorio NAME: REVIEW QUESTIONS INSTRUCTIONS In-order to get the feel of the book , the book which you are studying needs to be read in its entirety in one sitting. Then, after having read the entire book in one sitting: Using the material in the Old Testament Survey Notes, answer the General Questions in the Answer Booklet concerning the book you are studying; and Then read/study each chapter and do the chapter summary in the Answer Booklet for each chapter of the book. I. GENERAL QUESTIONS Study Notes: OT SURVEY ORIENTATION 1. How did the early Hebrews know which writings should be included in their scriptures and which should not? 2. How is Inspiration defined? 3. What is the Method of Inspiration? 4. What are some of the False Theories of Inspiration ? 5. What are some of the Proofs of Inspiration ? 6. In what ways does Bible claims Inspiration? 7. What are the Results of Inspiration ? 8. What about the "Bible-science" Conflict? Study Notes: THE BOOK OF GENESIS 9. In what way is the Mosaic authorship of the Pentateuch affirmed? 10. What are the two natural divisions of the Book of Genesis? What chapters are in each division? 11. List the different beginnings in Genesis, the book of beginnings. 12. What are the grounds for saying that the six days of Genesis describe the restoration of the earth, and not its original creation? 13. What is "Parallel Repetition"? 14. Why can we say, "Since evil did not originate within man, herein lies the hope of victory"? 15. Were the "sons of God" in Genesis, chapter 6 fallen angels? If not, why not? 16. Who are the seven outstanding "men of faith" in Genesis? II. SUMMARY QUESTIONS ON EACH CHAPTER OF THE BOOK OF GENESIS WHAT IS THE: 1. Theme of Chapter? 2. Most important Verse? 3. Most Prominent Word? www.cistonline.org - 04252005 2 OLD TESTAMENT STUDY QUESTIONS Compiled by E.M. Gregorio 4. Teaching About Christ? 5. Command to Obey? 6. Promise to Claim? 7. New Truth learned? YOUR ANSWERS TO THE ABOVE QUESTIONS www.cistonline.org - 04252005 3 OLD TESTAMENT STUDY QUESTIONS Compiled by E.M. Gregorio OLD TESTAMENT STUDY QUESTION SERIES Old Testament Study - Unit I - Part 2 of 3 The Book of Exodus The Book of Leviticus COMPLETE AND RETURN TO CHRISTIAN LEADERSHIP INSTITUTE CHRISTIAN INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY www.cistonline.org ATTACH TO E-MAIL: e-mail: emgregorio@yahoo.com COMPILED BY EDWIN M. GREGORIO Reference from: Hearing of Faith Bible Institute P.O. Box 372 Axtell, Texas 76624 www.cistonline.org - 04252005 4 OLD TESTAMENT STUDY QUESTIONS Compiled by E.M. Gregorio NAME: __________________________________________ REVIEW QUESTIONS INSTRUCTIONS In-order to get the feel of the book , the book which you are studying needs to be read in its entirety in one sitting. Then, after having read the entire book in one sitting: Using the material in the Old Testament Survey Notes, answer the General Questions in the Answer Booklet concerning the book you are studying; and Then read/study each chapter and do the chapter summary in the Answer Booklet for each chapter of the book. I. GENERAL QUESTIONS Study Notes: The Book of Exodus 1. What was the situation with the children of Israel as the narrative of Exodus begins? 2. Why was it necessary for Moses to spend 40 years in the desert of Midian? The answer is seen when you contrast the attitude of Moses in chapter 2:11-12 and chapter 3:11. Why was this change of attitude necessary? 3. Why the plagues? Does chapter 12:12b "...against all the gods of Egypt." shed any light on the question, if so what? 4. What does it mean to harden the heart of Pharoah, chapters 4:21, 7:3, 14:4? Does Roman 9:17-24 shed any light on the question, if so what? 5. What is the spiritual significance of the "Passover"? 6. How do the following scriptures relate to events in the life of Christians? Exodus 15:1-22 Exodus 15:23-26 Exodus 15:27 Exodus 16:1-15 Exodus 17:1-7 Exodus 17:8-16 Exodus 18:1-18 7. What is the place of the 10 Commandments in the life of Christians? 8. What is the spiritual significance of the Tabernacle? 9. What is the overall theme of the Book of Exodus? Study Notes: The Book of Leviticus www.cistonline.org - 04252005 5 OLD TESTAMENT STUDY QUESTIONS Compiled by E.M. Gregorio 1. What is the time period for Leviticus? 2. What is the purpose of Leviticus? 3. What is the two-fold message of Leviticus? 4. How is Christ pictured in the sacrifices? 5. How is Christ pictured in the Day of Atonement? 6. Why does God supply such minute details for daily living? 7. What is significant about the feasts? II. SUMMARY QUESTIONS ON EACH CHAPTER OF THE BOOKS OF EXODUS AND LEVITICUS WHAT IS THE: 1. Theme of Chapter? 2. Most important Verse? 3. Most Prominent Word? 4. Teaching About Christ? 5. Command to Obey? 6. Promise to Claim? 7. New Truth learned? YOUR ANSWERS TO THE ABOVE QUESTIONS www.cistonline.org - 04252005 6 OLD TESTAMENT STUDY QUESTIONS Compiled by E.M. Gregorio OLD TESTAMENT STUDY QUESTION SERIES Old Testament Study - Unit I - Part 3 of 3 The Book of Numbers The Book of Deuteronomy COMPLETE AND RETURN TO CHRISTIAN LEADERSHIP INSTITUTE CHRISTIAN INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY www.cistonline.org ATTACH TO E-MAIL: e-mail: emgregorio@yahoo.com COMPILED BY EDWIN M. GREGORIO Reference from: Hearing of Faith Bible Institute P.O. Box 372 Axtell, Texas 76624 www.cistonline.org - 04252005 7 OLD TESTAMENT STUDY QUESTIONS Compiled by E.M. Gregorio NAME __________________________________________ REVIEW QUESTIONS INSTRUCTIONS In-order to get the feel of the book , the book which you are studying needs to be read in its entirety in one sitting. Then, after having read the entire book in one sitting: Using the material in the Old Testament Survey Notes, answer the General Questions in the Answer Booklet concerning the book you are studying; and Then read/study each chapter and do the chapter summary in the Answer Booklet for each chapter of the book. I. GENERAL QUESTIONS Study Notes: The Book of Numbers 1. What would be a fitting summary statement concerning the 40 years the children of Israel wandered in the wilderness? 2. Why is Numbers 14:29-31 the Key verse to understanding the Book of Numbers? 3. What lesson are taught from the wandering of the children of Israel in the Wilderness? 4. How does Balaam play such an important in Scripture? 5. Summarize the four prophecies of Balaam. 6. Distinguish between "the Way of Balaam"," the error of Balaam", and "the doctrine of Balaam." Study Notes: The Book of Deuteronomy 7. In what was Moses relationship with God different from that of the children of Israel? 8. In what way can we say that Deuteronomy is the "second law?" 9. What is the key to understanding the Book of Deuteronomy? 10. What is to be the motive for keeping the law? 11. What are the 4 arguments Moses uses is his pleading with the children of Israel to keep the law? 12. Why did the older generation of Israelites die in the wilderness? 13. Why did Moses review with the new generation the experiences in the wilderness and restate emphasize certain features of the law? 14. What do the critics of this Book claim as their point of attack? 15. What is the probable reason for the satanic attack upon the Book of Deuteronomy? 16. What are the striking features of this Book? 17. What do we learn from the Song of Moses? 18. Give a description of the death of Moses. www.cistonline.org - 04252005 8 OLD TESTAMENT STUDY QUESTIONS Compiled by E.M. Gregorio II. SUMMARY QUESTIONS ON EACH CHAPTER OF THE BOOKS OF NUMBERS AND DEUTERONOMY WHAT IS THE: Theme of Chapter? Most important Verse? Most Prominent Word? Teaching About Christ? Command to Obey? Promise to Claim? New Truth learned? YOUR ANSWERS TO THE ABOVE QUESTIONS END of Questions Reference from: Hearing of Faith Bible Institute P.O. Box 372 Axtell, Texas 76624 www.cistonline.org - 04252005 9