Stress management

(Stress management.doc)
Stress management
The following quotations were taken from
Assorted stress & emotional health quotes. n.d. Stress Management and Emotional Wellness Page
<> 2000, October 30.
When written in Chinese, the word "crisis" is composed of two characters. One represents danger, and the
other represents opportunity.
John F. Kennedy
A pessimist is one who makes difficulties of his opportunities, and an optimist is one who makes
opportunities of his difficulties.
Harry Truman
Holding on to anger is like holding on to a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are
the one who gets burned.
Its not stress that kills us, it is our reaction to it.
Hans Selye
Rule 1. Don't sweat the small stuff.
Rule 2. It's all small stuff.
Rule 3. If you can't fight or flee, then flow.
Man's troubles are rooted in extreme attention to senses, thoughts, and imagination. Attention should be
focused internally to experience a quiet body and a calm mind.
The only difference between a diamond and a lump of coal is that the diamond had a little more pressure
put on it.
The key is not to prioritize what's on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.
Stephen Covey
Some stress (eustress) is helpful; too much stress (distress) is injurious—mentally or
To reduce stress
relax and vacation
eat and drink sensibly
manage your time effectively
practice acceptance
get sufficient rest (sleep)
develop and maintain friendships
set reasonable goals and
develop a sense of humor
Stress Management
Page 2
MSU resources
Counseling Center
245 CSU (SU245)
Fitness Center
123 Highland Center (HC123)
Health Services/Medical Clinic
21 Carkoski Commons (CC21)
WWW resources
The following sites provide general explanations of stress and guidelines for managing stress:
Randolfi, Earnesto. 2000. The Web's stress management & emotional wellness page. Optimal
Health Concepts <> 2000, October 30.
Sime, Wesley. n.d. Stress management: a review of principles. Wesley E. Sime: Stress
Management, Biofeedback and Peak Performance <>
2000, October 30.
Yamauchi, Kent. 1986. Stress management: Ten self-care techniques. Virginia Tech Division of
Student Affairs <> 2000, October 30.
The following site provides an excellent set of links to stress management and emotional
wellness sites:
Randolfi, Earnesto. 2000. Stress management and emotional wellness links. Optimal Health
Concepts <> 2000, October 30.
The following site provides a full-length and an abridged coping skills inventory:
Coping skills test. 2001. QueenDom.Com
<> 2001, October 30.
Coping skills test—abridged. 2001. QueenDom.Com
<> 2001, October 30.