THE NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR NUCLEAR PHYSICS AND HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS LHCb Project Document No: LHCb-2003-XXX Institute Document No. NIOT01-35246 Created: 24/11/2003 Page: 1 of 9 Modified: 26/04/2004 Rev. No: 4 (DRAFT) SUPPLY OF GOLD-PLATED TUNGSTEN WIRE FOR THE LHCb OUTER TRACKER DETECTOR MODULES - Annex to Partial Order 35246 - Abstract The first part of this note defines the specific technical requirements of the sense wires for the LHCb Outer Tracker detector modules. The sense wires are the anodes of the drift straw tubes. The base material of the wire is tungsten, plated with 6% of gold. The second part of this note defines the programme of work for the production of the sense wires, as agreed between NIKHEF and California Fine Wire, 338 So. Fourth Street, Grover Beach, CA 93433-0199. Prepared by: Antonio Pellegrino, NIKHEF Checked by: Distribution List Approved by: LHCb Project Document No: LHCb-2003-XXX Page: 2 of 8 Rev. No.3 - (DRAFT) History of Changes Rev. No. Date Pages Description of changes 1 25/11/2003 All 2 30/11/2003 All Modified technical specification of gold-plating. Added Part II – Statement of Work, with detailed description of tentative production program schedule 3 03/12/2003 All Updated section cross-references. Added 5 Km to 1st batch and subtracted 5 Km to 3rd batch. Update section on quality control: measurements every 5 spools 4 26/04/2004 Updated production schedule LHCb Project Document No: LHCb-2003-XXX Page: 3 of 8 Rev. No.3 - (DRAFT) Table of Contents 1 PART I – TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION....................................................................................................4 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 2 SCOPE .................................................................................................................................................................4 TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION...................................................................................................................................4 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ..............................................................................................................................4 CLEANLINESS .....................................................................................................................................................4 WIRE SPOOLING .................................................................................................................................................4 TESTING .............................................................................................................................................................5 1.6.1 Tests of Engineering and Electrical Properties .....................................................................................5 1.6.2 Test Reports and Traceability ...............................................................................................................5 PART II – STATEMENT OF WORK ............................................................................................................7 2.1 2.2 2.3 WIRE QUANTITIES AND BATCHES ......................................................................................................................7 PACKING AND TRANSPORT .................................................................................................................................7 PROVISIONAL ACCEPTANCE ...............................................................................................................................8 LHCb Project Document No: LHCb-2003-XXX 1 1.1 Page: 4 of 8 Rev. No.3 - (DRAFT) Part I – Technical Specification Scope This document details the technical specifications of the Au-plated tungsten wire used as sense wires for the strawtubes of the LHCb Outer Tracker detector modules. 1.2 Technical Description The wire selected as anode wire for the LHCb Outer Tracker is the same wire used for the Outer Tracker detector of the HERA-B experiment at DESY, Hamburg. It was produced by California Fine Wire, 338 So. Fourth Street, Grover Beach, CA 93433-0199, henceforth referred to as CFW. The basic elements to which we will refer in this note are: The raw tungsten wire, henceforth referred to as “base wire” The Au-plated wire, henceforth referred to as “final wire”. 1.3 Technical Specifications The wire must fulfill the following technical specifications: 1. Radius of the final wire: 0.001 (0.0254 mm) ±1.5% by weight. 2. Circularity tolerance (ovality) of the final wire: maximum 0.001 mm. 3. The base wire shall be plated with 5-7% Au by weight, per electro-deposition. The gold used will be soft gold (mean knoop hardness between 70 and 110), with a percentage of impurities below 100 PPM. 4. The final Au-plated wire shall have a minimum tensile strength of 130 g and a minimum elongation of 1%. 5. The final Au-plated wire shall have good straightness (CFW straightness grade #1) with a maximum average deviation of 50 mm from a straight line joining the wire ends of a 1000mm wire flat on a clean glass. Specifically kinks, curls, twists etc. are not acceptable. 6. The base wire must be free of volume and surface defects, specifically cracks, splits, deep-scratches, inclusions etc. 7. A light electrolytic cleaning must remove all traces of oxides and contaminants (e.g. graphite, lubricants, etc.) 8. Any additional element deposited (e.g. nickel flashes, alloying elements) shall be clearly indicated by the supplier. 9. The Au plating must be smooth, compact, of uniform thickness and free of defects: specifically, lack of plating, poor adhesion, flaking, peeling, deep scratches, blisters, discoloration, inclusions etc. are not acceptable. 10. The final Au-plated wire shall have an electrical resistance of approx. 110 Ohm/m at 25º Celsius. 1.4 Cleanliness As the final wire shall be used in a gas detector, the cleanliness of the product is of extreme importance. The final Au-plated wire shall have a clean surface finish and be free of any contaminant, e.g. oil, dirt, dust, fibres, etc. The wire is intended to be used without further cleaning at the production sites. Any cleaning must be done without affecting the quality of the wire. Handling of the finally cleaned wire must be done in clean conditions, in particular using gloves. 1.5 Wire Spooling The final wire will be spooled on CFW bakelite spools type “CFW 400”. Each spool shall contain 1,000 meters of wire. Only one continuous length of wire shall be wound on each spool. Spooling shall be done with controlled tension to give a uniform layer type winding: specifically no loose winding, stretching, and sticking is acceptable. The wire must unreel readily and uniformly from the top to the bottom of the spool. LHCb Project Document No: LHCb-2003-XXX 1.6 Page: 5 of 8 Rev. No.3 - (DRAFT) Testing The quality of the product and its compliance to the technical specification (see Sect.1.3) shall be tested by CFW at the production facility. Test results shall be included in a test report (certification of compliance), which shall contain: A unique test report ID An optical bar-code (see Sect.1.6.2) Test data Description of failure modes in each case Description of any conditioning performed Test-coupons, wherever appropriate. 1.6.1 Tests of Engineering and Electrical Properties The following tests shall be carried out by CFW on wire samples at the beginning of each production run, every five wire spools produced, and at the end of each production run, and 1. Physical test of tensile and yield strength. 2. Physical test of elongation. 3. Metallographic test of percentage of Au plating. The Au plating quality shall be controlled by visual, microscopic examination and certified against defects. 4. Electrical test of wire resistance. 5. Chemical analysis of base-wire material. NIKHEF reserves the right to request base- and final-wire production samples to be supplied for testing at NIKHEF. The delivered wire and wire samples will be tested at NIKHEF and provisional acceptance (see Sect.2.3) of the wire shall be based on the results of the following tests: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Measurement of wire diameter Microscopic and metallographic inspection of gold plating Measurement of wire straightness Measurement of tensile strength Measurement of electrical conductivity Inspection of cleanliness The test results will be shared with the supplier and taken into account in production. In case of failed tests, the supplier is notified and the affected batches are returned (see below about Provisional Acceptance). 1.6.2 Test Reports and Traceability Production runs and each test report shall be clearly identified and traceability insured. Each production batch shall be assigned a unique LOT ID. To ensure traceability, each test report (certificate of compliance) shall be assigned a unique Test Report ID and, additionally, each hardcopy of a test report shall bear an optical-bar code encoding the following information: “W” – LOT ID – Test Report ID. Each test report shall be labeled by a label containing: 1. Optical-bar code: W–LOT ID–Test Report ID 2. Radius of the final wire 3. Date (of testing or manufacturing) 4. LOT ID 5. Test Report ID 6. Rating 7. % of Au plating LHCb Project Document No: LHCb-2003-XXX Page: 6 of 8 Rev. No.3 - (DRAFT) Each packed wire spool shall also be clearly identified by an optical-bar code encoding “W” – LOT ID – Test Report ID; the “Test Report ID” assigned to a wire spool shall be either the ID of the last test performed prior to the production of the spool or the ID of the next test performed after the production of the spool. The complete labeling of the wire spools is described in Sect.2.2, Packing and Transport. LHCb Project Document No: LHCb-2003-XXX 2 2.1 Page: 7 of 8 Rev. No.3 - (DRAFT) Part II – Statement of Work Wire Quantities and Batches The hardware considered a deliverable in this program, henceforth referred to in whole or in part as the “Supply”, is a total length of 225 Km of the final Au-plated wire. The technical description of the wire is given in Part I of this note. All test-coupons and –samples are also deliverable items. The production program is divided into several phases. In Phase 1, the first batch of the final Au-plated wire shall be produced to check the manufacturing process and expected performances of the wire, as described in Sect.1.3 of Part I of this note, and the tests of the engineering, physical and electrical properties, as described in Sect.1.6 of Part I of this note. After final acceptance by NIKHEF of this first batch as described in Sect.2.3, in Phases 2, 3, and 4 of the program, the remaining 100% of the supply will be delivered to NIKHEF. The first batch shall be delivered before January 19th 2004. The schedule of the remaining production program shall be agreed between NIKHEF and CFW after final acceptance of the first batch at NIKHEF. The production schedule of each batch shall be confirmed by CFW within one week after receiving NIKHEF order. A tentative production program is given in Table 1 below. Activity Duration: Start Date: Phase 1 (1) Agreement on Technical specification and Statement of Work Completion Date: 01/12/2003 Delivery of first batch of 30 Km of final wire to NIKHEF 7 weeks 01/12/2003 19/01/2004 Notification of Acceptance or Rejection of first batch 2 weeks 19/01/2004 30/01/2004 Review of End-Item Tests 1 week 20/02/2004 1 week 27/02/2004 Review of Packaging, Transportation Shipping and Phase 2 (2) 70 Km of final wire delivered 6 weeks 26/04/2004 04/06/2004 Acceptance or Rejection at NIKHEF 2 weeks 07/06/2004 18/06/2004 Phase 3 (3) 60 Km of final wire delivered 6 weeks 27/09/2004 05/11/2004 Acceptance or Rejection at NIKHEF 2 weeks 08/11/2004 19/11/2004 Phase 4 (4) 65 Km of final wire delivered 6 weeks 24/01/2005 04/03/2005 Acceptance or Rejection at NIKHEF 2 weeks 07/03/2005 18/03/2005 Table 1 Tentative production schedule. NIKHEF reserves the option to purchase additional wire at the same conditions during the course of 2004 and 2005. 2.2 Packing and Transport Packing must ensure adequate protection against damage, loss of cleanliness, dust etc. during handling and transport. LHCb Project Document No: LHCb-2003-XXX Page: 8 of 8 Rev. No.3 - (DRAFT) Each wire spool shall be enclosed in a plastic bag to protect against dust: a dehumidifier bag is included; each plastic bag with a wire spool shall be packed into a plastic box matching the spool dimensions such that no movement of the spool within the plastic box is possible. Boxes and method of delivery must ensure against damage during transport. In particular, movements of the wire in the direction perpendicular to the spool winding direction caused by drop of the spool, bad handling etc. must be prevented. The different batches must be clearly identifiable; therefore each spool shall bear a label containing: Optical bar code, as in Sect.1.6 Lot ID Test Report ID Tare Base material (tungsten) and Au-plating percentage Length of the spooled wire Production date 2.3 Provisional Acceptance NIKHEF reserves the right to sample test each delivered batch in order to check that the characteristics and quality of the supplied wire conforms to our Technical Specification: provisional acceptance will be granted within 4 (four) weeks of delivery. In case of non-conformance, NIKHEF will allow the supplier an additional 4 (four) weeks to deliver an acceptable batch. If this batch is again non-conforming, NIKHEF reserves the right to cancel the order without further notice and without any payment or compensation being due by NIKHEF with respect to such cancellation. If defects are detected in the delivered wire during use, NIKHEF will return the defective container for full replacement, free of charge.