Proposal - University of Central Oklahoma


Proposal # AY15-319R Proposal #

(Academic Affairs use only) (College use only)


University of Central Oklahoma

Name of program-major or minor to be changed:

(maximum of 30 spaces)

Existing Name:

Liberal Studies

Proposed Name:

(if changing)(maximum of 30 spaces)

*Remember when abbreviating names, this is how they will appear on student’s transcripts.

Proposed Name:

(full name of program/major if longer than 30 spaces)

Is this a: x Program x Major Minor

Proposed change:

Name Change

Degree Designation

Admission Requirement x Curriculum Change

GPA Requirement


Sequence of Courses

Is this program: Undergraduate x Graduate

Is this a teacher preparation program? (All courses required for any teacher preparation program must have approval from the Council on Teacher Education (CTE) before approval from AACC or Graduate Council.)

Yes x No If yes, send copy of proposal to the Director of Teacher Education, Dr. Bryan Duke.

CTE Approval (Stamp or initial) ______________________

Dept. of Humanities & Philosophy

Department submitting the proposal

Theresa A. Vaughan

Person to contact with questions

Approved by:

email address


Ext. number

College Curriculum Committee Chair Date

(Please notify department chair when proposal is forwarded to dean.)

Department Chair Date

College Dean Date

(Please notify department chair when proposal is forwarded to AA.)

Office of Academic Affairs Date

Academic Affairs Curriculum or Graduate Council Date

Effective term for this program change

(Assigned by Academic Affairs)

Academic Affairs Form

May, 2014

Functional review _________

(undergraduate proposals only)

1. Does this program change affect other programs or departments?

Yes x No

If yes, provide name(s) of department chair(s) contacted, date(s), and results of discussion(s).

2. Proposed curriculum change(s):

(Please include entire major/minor as it exists and as it is proposed. Italicize and bold changes.)


(Existing Catalog Requirements)

University of Central Oklahoma Graduate

Catalog 2014-2015


Graduation Requirements

Required Courses


13 Hours





Course Title

HUM 5113 Ancient Traditions

HUM 5133 Medieval Traditions

HUM 5203 Early Modern Traditions

HUM 5213 Modern and Contemporary Traditions

HUM 5521 Methods for Liberal Study

Guided Electives


21 Hours

All students must select either the thesis or comprehensive examination option.

Up to six hours taken in other UCO programs, with approval from Graduate






Course Title

HUM 5103 Pagan Europe

HUM 5113 World Religions

HUM 5133 Women, Witches, and Religion

HUM 5223 Jerusalem: One City/Three Religions

HUM 5303 National Cinemas

HUM 5083 Advanced Film Criticism

HUM 5153 Enlightenment Traditions

PHIL 5163 Philosophy of Science

PHIL 5323 Philosophical Issues in Social Science

PHIL 5323 Philosophy of Religion

PHIL 5343 Philosophy of Morality

PHIL 5363 Philosophy of History

HUM 5910 On Human Nature

HUM 5910 The Heroic Tradition

HUM 5910 Women in the Humanities

HUM 5910 Western Mysticism

(Proposed Catalog Requirements)

University of Central Oklahoma Graduate

Catalog 2014-2015


Graduation Requirements

Required Courses


13 Hours





Course Title

HUM 5113 Ancient Traditions

HUM 5133 Medieval Traditions

HUM 5203 Early Modern Traditions

HUM 5213 Modern and Contemporary Traditions

HUM 5521 Methods for Liberal Study

Guided Electives


21 Hours

All students must select either the thesis or comprehensive examination option.

Up to six hours taken in other UCO programs, with approval from Graduate






Course Title

HUM 5XX3 Pagan Europe (number change)

HUM 5XX3 World Religions (number change)

HUM 5XX3 Women, Witches, and Religion

(number change)

HUM 5223 Jerusalem: One City/Three Religions

(Please Remove)

HUM 5303 National Cinemas

HUM 5083 Advanced Film Criticism

HUM 5153 Enlightenment Traditions

PHIL 5163 Philosophy of Science

PHIL 5183 Philosophical Issues in Social Science

(change course number to reflect current catalog)

PHIL 5323 Philosophy of Religion

PHIL 5343 Philosophy of Morality

PHIL 5363 Philosophy of History

Academic Affairs Form

May, 2014

Functional review _________

(undergraduate proposals only)

HUM 5910 Traditions of the Romantic Era

PHIL 5910 Philosophy of Music

HUM 5910 Eastern Traditions




PHIL 5XX3 On Human Nature (proposal submitted, change prefix to PHIL)

HUM 5XX3 The Heroic Tradition (proposal submitted)

HUM 5XX3 Women in the Humanities (proposal submitted)

HUM 5910 Western Mysticism (Please Remove)

HUM 5XX3 Traditions of the Romantic Era

(proposal submitted)

PHIL 5910 Philosophy of Music (Please Remove)

HUM 5XX3 Eastern Traditions (proposal submitted)

HUM 5XX3 The Origins of the Bible (proposal submitted)

HUM 5XX3 Anthropology of Religion (proposal submitted)

HUM 5XX3 Medieval Folklore (proposal submitted)




3. Degree Designation: (Example, B.A. to B.F.A.)

Existing Designation: To:

4. Change(s) in Minimum GPA Requirements:


(Existing Catalog Requirements)


(Proposed Catalog Requirements)

5. Change(s) in Admission Requirements for the Program/Major:


(Existing Catalog Requirements)


(Proposed Catalog Requirements)

6. Other requested action:

Yes x No 7. Will requested change require additional funds?

If yes, please specify the amount of the additional costs, the source of the funds, and how they will be expended over the next three years, including new or re-allocated full or part time faculty/staff.

Additional Funds

Amount of additional costs

Source of funds

How funds will be expended

20__ 20__ 20__

8. Please provide a summary of the requested changes.

Correcting the course number: HUM 5XX3 Pagan Europe (number change)

HUM 5XX3 World Religions (number change)

HUM 5XX3 Women, Witches, and Religion (number change)

PHIL 5183 Philosophical Issues in Social Science (change course number to reflect current catalog)

Delete selection due to incorrect course number and/or no proposal submitted:

HUM 5223 Jerusalem: One City/Three Religions (Please Remove)

HUM 5910 Western Mysticism (Please Remove)

Academic Affairs Form

May, 2014

Functional review _________

(undergraduate proposals only)

PHIL 5910 Philosophy of Music (Please Remove)

New courses for which proposals are being submitted this cycle:

PHIL 5XX3 On Human Nature (proposal submitted, change prefix to PHIL)

HUM 5XX3 The Heroic Tradition (proposal submitted)

HUM 5XX3 Women in the Humanities (proposal submitted)

HUM 5XX3 Traditions of the Romantic Era (proposal submitted)

HUM 5XX3 Eastern Traditions (proposal submitted)

HUM 5XX3 The Origins of the Bible (proposal submitted)

HUM 5XX3 Anthropology of Religion (proposal submitted)

HUM 5XX3 Medieval Folklore (proposal submitted)

9. Please provide a concise, yet comprehensive, statement that explains the reasons for requesting the change . Include documentation or assessment information supporting the specific request (if possible).

Changes are to add corrected course numbers, which were entered incorrectly in the original

M.A.L.S. proposal. Other changes are to add courses which are being submitted this cycle.

Academic Affairs Form

May, 2014

Functional review _________

(undergraduate proposals only)
