Activity for Spanish 101 Maria Fellie Topic: Frida Kahlo (connected to the cultural section for Mexico in the 101 textbook, chapter 2) Elements: ser + adjectives, estar + adjectives, family vocabulary, possibly colors Homework the previous night: To look up some of Kahlo’s paintings and come up with descriptive words that relate to them. Materials: PowerPoint presentation with a few facts and dates and lots of paintings. Activity: 1) Briefly introduce Frida Kahlo, her life and art, using the PowerPoint presentation as a guide. This activity can be used within the first month of Spanish 101, so the explanations must be simple and have a lot of cognates. 2) Show photographs of Frida and Diego; ask ¿Cómo es? y ¿Cómo está? for each. 3) First painting: “Mis abuelos, mis padres y yo” (1936); use family vocabulary. 4) Continue with various other paintings, mainly her self-portraits, and ask the students to describe Friday (¿Cómo es?, ¿cómo está?, y ¿cómo es la pintura?) (15-25 minutes) - I had given them the words “artista,” “pintura,” and “autorretrato” the day before. - Many of them had looked up extra words to describe the paintings they had reviewed for homework the night before (like “oscuro,” etc.). - Only two or three out of nineteen students had even heard of Frida Kahlo. I think this activity worked well because her paintings and life story are so different from what they may have seen before (violent, controversial, etc.). They seemed to have strong feelings about several of the paintings.