Lesson Plan Template - Unit Plan: WEG (work energy gas!)

Day 7: Gas Laws Review
Name: Steven Bjankini
Class/Subject: High School Chemistry
Content Standards/Performance expectations
NGSS Standard HS-PS3-2.
Develop and use models to illustrate that energy at the macroscopic scale can be
accounted for as a combination of energy associated with the motions of particles
(objects) and energy associated with the relative positions of particles (objects).
[Clarification Statement: Examples of phenomena at the macroscopic scale could include
the conversion of kinetic energy to thermal energy, the energy stored due to position of
an object above the earth, and the energy stored between two electrically-charged plates.
Examples of models could include diagrams, drawings, descriptions, and computer
Student Objectives
Assessment criteria
(example) Students will
Studetns models will
develop models of
include X, Y and Z
evaporation condenstaion
1. Students will review
1. Module two of the
their conceptual
worksheet will be
knowledge of
graded according to
kinetic energy and
the key attached to
speed as it pertains
this document then
to gases.
returned to the
2. Students will gain
student for them to
make corrections to.
2. Module two of the
worksheet will be
graded according to
3. Students will review
the key attached to
the Kinetic
this document then
Molecular Theory of
returned to the
Gases and realize
student for them to
the limitations its
make corrections to.
assumptions puts on
3. Module three of the
worksheet will be
4. Students will record
graded according to
the relationship
the key attached to
between variables in
this document then
the Ideal Gas Law to
returned to the
review the other gas
student for them to
laws and gain
make corrections to.
4. Module four of the
Where in the lesson is this
Activity 2 and wrap up
1. Module two of the
worksheet explores
the relationship
between kinetic
energy and speed.
2. Module two of the
worksheet requires
students to sketch
several graphs and
compare them.
3. Module three of the
worksheet discusses
the assumptions
kinetic moleuclar
theory makes and
how the simulation
does or does not
represent them.
4. Module four of the
worksheet discusses
the relationship
between pressure,
and volume, volume
and temperature,
and volume and
understanding of
them to match the
understanding they
gained during day 6.
worksheet will be
graded according to
the key attached to
this document then
returned to the
student for them to
make corrections to.
number of gas
Prior Knowledge
Students are expected to be familiar with Boyle’s, Charles’s, Gay Lussac’s
and Avogadro’s gas laws as well as the Ideal Gas Law. This activity is meant to be a
Computers capable of runing http://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulation/gasproperties that will be accessable to all students during and after class.
Copies of the worksheet for each student.
The key to the worksheet for the teacher.
NOTE: The worksheet used in this activity and it’s accompanying key were based
on the worksheet provided by Julia Chamberlain, and Ingrid Ulbrich titled Gas
Properites Modular Homework Activity found on the same web page as the
simulation under the section “Teaching Ideas”.
(additional sections will be added as we move through the course)
Time (this is presented in a table bu need not be done in a table.
5 min
Start of Class:
How will you start class?
I will explain to the students that the plan for the day is to leave and go to the
computer lab or library (wherever the necessary computers can be accessed) and
tell the studetns to pack up and lead them there. Once there I will pass out the
worksheet and explain it is to be done and turned in by the end of class. It will
be graded and returned the next day (day 8) and then due for a grade on (day 9).
I will explain that this is because it is meant to be a final review of gas laws
5 min
Introduction of Lesson:
How will you hook the students or introduce the lesson activities
I will spend a few minutes guiding the students through loging into the
simulation and then encourage them to spend five minutes just playing
around with its features, making sure to familiarize themselves with
measurement tools and adding specific amounts of heavy and light
species to the container. I will encourge them to ask questions of me or
their peers during this time. After five minutes I will inform them that
they can begin working on modules two through four and remind them
that they can be completed in any order. I will also remind them that the
worksheet is to be collected at the end of class and that it is not essential
to finish it by that time, but that any questions you do answer will be
checked and then returned to them tomorrow so they can make
corrections and ask further questions.
35 min
Lesson Instruction:
Activity descriptions, questions that you might ask, etc Be detailed here,
you will be asked to revise if it is not detailed enough
The students will spend this time working their way through their worksheets.
During this time I will walk around the computer laboratory and answer any
questions they have regarding the operation of the simulation or what the
worksheet is asking. If they have quetsions regarding the worksheet’s questions
or gas laws in general, I will ask them further quetsions to probe their
understanding and scaffold them towards the correct answer. If they are still
struggling after that I will get their nearby peers to help them. Only if that fails
will I myself explain the correct answer to them.
0 min
With lesson
instruction )
Assessments/Checks for Understanding:
Formal/informal/ etc. You can also have assessments throughout the
lesson. You can provide the justification/expalnation of the assessments
The worksheet serves as the formal assessment for this lesson, while the
questions asked during the lesson instruction serve as informal
assessment. The worksheet will be graded the afternoon/evening after this
school day and returned to the students tomorrow so that we can review
gas laws one last time and then transiton into learning about pressurevolume work in the context of internal combustion engines.
5 min
This section is key!!! How will you end your lesson? What type of
meaning making will you do?
When five minutes remain in class I will ask that the students return the
worksheets to me completed or not so that they can be graded and
returned tomorrow. Hopefully the worksheet and simulation will have
caused the studetns to make some connections, especially between kinetic
energy, temperature, and mass. The real pay off of this lesson will come
tomorrow when the whole class recieves their graded worksheet so that
they can make corrections and we can have a class discussion regarding
gas laws.
0 min
for the next
Self-Assessment (optional):
The self-assessment in this lesson will come the next day when the
students are asked to do corrections and have a chance to see what parts
of the gas laws unit they have mastered and what parts they still need to
Rationale for the activity, activity structure, planning etc needs to go here
The rational for the activity was to provide the students with something they
couldn’t get without a simuation: a look at how gas particles behave on a molecular scale.
This is intended to be the hook that grabs the student’s interest and keeps them engaged.
The main reason I chose to give them five minutes to just goof around with the
simulation is because I want them to have fun with it. Even if they’re just trying to blas
the lid off of it as fast as possible they’re learning something about gas laws in the
process. This lesson is meant to be a review of days one through six of the unit plan and
allow for a final review of gas laws on day eight followed by a transition from gas laws to
pressure-volume work. The worksheet itself is designed to focus on the conceptual aspect
of the unit since day six ends with practice math problems. That being said, module four
which regards the relationships between variables requries mathamatical thinking in a
way that requires conceptual understanding rather than plug and chug problems. Module
two which regards kinetic energy and speed also builds math skills by requiring extensive
graphing and drawing meaning from graphs and the comparison of graphs, a critical math
and science skill.
Worksheet and accompanying key are found below:
NOTE: The worksheet used in this activity and it’s accompanying key were based
on the worksheet provided by Julia Chamberlain, and Ingrid Ulbrich titled Gas
Properites Modular Homework Activity found on the same web page as the
simulation under the section “Teaching Ideas”.
Gas Properties Simulation Activity
In this activity you’ll use the Gas Properties PhET Simulation to explore and explain the
relationships between energy, pressure, volume, temperature, particle mass, number, and
This activity has four modules the last three of which can be completed in any order:
1. Explore the Simulation (Do this first!)
2. Kinetic Energy and Speed
3. Kinetic Molecular Theory of Gases
4. Relationships between Gas Variables
Part I: Explore the Simulation
Take about five minutes to explore the simulation. Note at least two relationships that
you observe and find interesting. Make sure you know how to set constant parameters.
Practice using the measurement tools and adding specific amounts of heavy and light
species to the container. All of these skills will be needed later in the worksheet. If you
have any questions, just ask me or your peers!
Part II: Kinetic Energy and Speed
Sketch and compare the distributions for kinetic energy and speed at two different
temperatures in the table below. Record your temperatures (T1 and T2), set Volume as a
Constant Parameter, and use roughly the same number of particles for each experiment
(aim for ~100-200). Use the T2 temperature to examine a mixture of particles.
Remember to properly label your graphs!
T1 = __________K
The Species Information and Energy Histograms tools
will help.
T2 = __________K
The system is dynamic so the distributions will fluctuate.
Sketch the average or most common distribution that you
“Heavy” Particles Only
# of particles
sketch for T1
sketch for T1
sketch for T2
“Light” Particles Only
Heavy + Light Mixture
Heavy (~50-100):
Light (~50-100):
sketch for T2
1. Compare the kinetic energy distributions for the heavy vs. light particles at the same
temperature. Are these the same or different? What about the speed distributions?
2. Compare the kinetic energy distributions for the heavy vs. light particles at different
temperatures. Are these the same or different? What about the speed distributions?
3. Compare the kinetic energy distributions for the mixture to those of the heavy-only and
light-only gases at the same temperature. Are these the same or different? What about
the speed distributions?
4. Summarize your observations about the relationships between molecular mass (heavy
vs. light), kinetic energy, particle speed, and temperature.
Part III: Kinetic Molecular Theory (KMT) of Gases
Our fundamental understanding of “ideal” gases makes the following 4 assumptions.
Describe how each of these assumptions is (or is not!) represented in the simulation.
Assumption of KMT
1. Gas particles are separated by
relatively large distances.
2. Gas molecules are constantly in
random motion and undergo
elastic collisions (like billiard
balls) with each other and the
walls of the container.
3. Gas molecules are not attracted
or repulsed by each other.
4. The average kinetic energy of
gas molecules in a sample is
proportional to temperature (in K).
Representation in Simulation
Part IV: Relationships Between Gas Variables
Scientists in the late 1800’s noted relationships between many of the state variables
related to gases (pressure, volume, temperature), and the number of gas particles in the
sample being studied. They knew that it was easier to study relationships if they varied
only two parameters at a time and “fixed” (held constant) the others. Use the simulation
to explore these relationships.
Constant Parameters
(see hint below)
pressure, volume
directly proportional
inversely proportional
volume, temperature
directly proportional
inversely proportional
volume, number of
gas particles
directly proportional
inversely proportional
Hint: A pair of variables is directly proportional when they vary in the same way (one
increases and the other also increases). A pair of variables is inversely proportional
when they vary in opposite ways (one increases and the other decreases). Label each of
your relationships in the table above as directly or inversely proportional.
Gas Properties Simulation Activity
In this activity you’ll use the Gas Properties PhET Simulation to explore and explain the
relationships between energy, pressure, volume, temperature, particle mass, number, and
This activity has four modules the last three of which can be completed in any order:
1. Explore the Simulation (Do this first!)
2. Kinetic Energy and Speed
3. Kinetic Molecular Theory of Gases
4. Relationships between Gas Variables
Part I: Explore the Simulation
Take about five minutes to explore the simulation. Note at least two relationships that
you observe and find interesting. Make sure you know how to set constant parameters.
Practice using the measurement tools and adding specific amounts of heavy and light
species to the container. All of these skills will be needed later in the worksheet. If you
have any questions, just ask me or your peers!
2 points:
One point will be awarded for each observation listed.
Part II: Kinetic Energy and Speed
Sketch and compare the distributions for kinetic energy and speed at two different
temperatures in the table below. Record your temperatures (T1 and T2), set Volume as a
Constant Parameter, and use roughly the same number of particles for each experiment
(aim for ~100-200). Use the T2 temperature to examine a mixture of particles.
Remember to properly label your graphs!
T1 = 1 pt completion K
The Species Information and Energy Histograms tools
will help.
T2 = 1 pt completion K
The system is dynamic so the distributions will fluctuate.
Sketch the average or most common distribution that you
“Heavy” Particles Only
# of particles 1 pt: # listed between 100
(~100-200) and 200
“Light” Particles Only
Heavy + Light Mixture
1 pt: # listed between 100
and 200
Heavy (~50-100): 0.5 pt #
listed between 50 and 100
Light (~50-100): 0.5 pt #
listed between 50 and 100
sketch for T1
1 pt: proper labels of
kinetic energy on x axis
and number of particles on
y axis
1 pt: Bell curve that fits
data (should be identical to
light particles)
1 pt: proper labels of
kinetic energy on x axis
and number of particles on
y axis
1 pt: Bell curve that fits
data (should be identical to
heavy particles)
sketch for T1
1 pt: proper labels of speed
on x axis and number of
particles on y axis
1 pt: Bell curve that fits
data (should be slower
than light particles)
1 pt: proper labels of speed
on x axis and number of
particles on y axis
1 pt: Bell curve that fits
data (should be higher than
heavy particles)
sketch for T2
1 pt: proper labels of
kinetic energy on x axis
and number of particles on
y axis
2 pts: Bell curve that fits
data (should be identical to
light particles and if T2>T1
should be higher KE or
vice versa)
1 pt: proper labels of
kinetic energy on x axis
and number of particles on
y axis
2 pts: Bell curve that fits
data (should be identical to
light particles and if T2>T1
should be higher KE or
vice versa)
1 pt: proper labels of
kinetic energy on x axis
and number of particles on
y axis
1 pt: Bell curve that fits
data (should be identical to
light particles and heavy
sketch for T2
1 pt: proper labels of speed
on x axis and number of
particles on y axis
2 pts: Bell curve that fits
data (should be slower
than light particles and if
T2>T1 should be higher
speed or vice versa))
1 pt: proper labels of speed
on x axis and number of
particles on y axis
2 pts: Bell curve that fits
data (should be faster than
heavy particles and if
T2>T1 should be higher
speed or vice versa)
1 pt: proper labels of speed
on x axis and number of
particles on y axis
1 pts: Bell curve that fits
data (should be between
light and heavy)
1. Compare the kinetic energy distributions for the heavy vs. light particles at the same
temperature. Are these the same or different? What about the speed distributions?
1 pt: Kinetic energy distribuition at the same temperature is the same.
1pt: Speed distribuation at the same temperature is different.
1pt: Lighter particles are faster at the same temperature.
2. Compare the kinetic energy distributions for the heavy vs. light particles at different
temperatures. Are these the same or different? What about the speed distributions?
2 pts: Kinetic energy increases with temperature for both types of gas.
2 pts: Spped increases with temeperature for both types of gas.
3. Compare the kinetic energy distributions for the mixture to those of the heavy-only and
light-only gases at the same temperature. Are these the same or different? What about
the speed distributions?
1 pt: Kinetic energy is the same as light and heavy gas.
1 pt: Speed is between light and heavy gas.
4. Summarize your observations about the relationships between molecular mass (heavy
vs. light), kinetic energy, particle speed, and temperature.
1 pt: increasing temperature increases speed.
1 pt: increasing temperature increases kinetic energy.
1 pt: kinetic energy doesn’t depend on the mass of the gas.
1 pt: speed depends on the mass of the gas.
1 pt: lighter gases travel faster than heavier gases when both are at the same
Part III: Kinetic Molecular Theory (KMT) of Gases
Our fundamental understanding of “ideal” gases makes the following 4 assumptions.
Describe how each of these assumptions is (or is not!) represented in the simulation.
Assumption of KMT
Representation in Simulation
1. Gas particles are separated by
relatively large distances.
2 pts: Gas particles are not separated by relatively large
distances in the simulation. They are massively enlarged
so that they can be seen.
2. Gas molecules are constantly in
random motion and undergo
elastic collisions (like billiard
balls) with each other and the
walls of the container.
2 pts: Gas molecules bounce off of each other and the
walls of the container.
3. Gas molecules are not attracted
or repulsed by each other.
2 pts: Gas molecules move like balls. They experience
no force as a result of proximity to each other.
4. The average kinetic energy of
gas molecules in a sample is
proportional to temperature (in K).
2 pts: The greater the temperature the faster the
particles move on average.
Part IV: Relationships Between Gas Variables
Scientists in the late 1800’s noted relationships between many of the state variables
related to gases (pressure, volume, temperature), and the number of gas particles in the
sample being studied. They knew that it was easier to study relationships if they varied
only two parameters at a time and “fixed” (held constant) the others. Use the simulation
to explore these relationships.
pressure, volume
volume, temperature
volume, number of
gas particles
Constant Parameters
(see hint below)
1 pt: Temperature
1 pt: number of
2 pts: inversely
directly proportional
inversely proportional
1 pt: Pressure
1 pt: number of
2 pts: directly
directly proportional
inversely proportional
1 pt: Pressure
1 pt: Temperature
2 pts: directly
directly proportional
inversely proportional
Hint: A pair of variables is directly proportional when they vary in the same way (one
increases and the other also increases). A pair of variables is inversely proportional
when they vary in opposite ways (one increases and the other decreases). Label each of
your relationships in the table above as directly or inversely proportional.