The Canterbury Tales College Prep English Geoffrey Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales Group Presentations Directions: In covering the Canterbury Tales, you will be placed in groups to “teach” a portion of the text. Your group will be required to communicate content over a group of 4-5 pilgrims AND one of their “tales”. A leader should be chosen to facilitate this project. Each group presentation should be approximately 20-25 minutes long and each group will be assigned a specific day to present. If a group member is not present on their specific day, they will NOT receive credit. Presentations will be over the course of several days beginning on November 3rd. Group 1 (November 3) Group 2 (November 3) Group 3 (November 4) Group 4 (November 4) Group 5 (Nov. 5th/6th) Pilgrim Prologue Lines Knight description Squire description Yeoman description 43-80 Wife of Bath description 455-486 81-102 103-121 Pilgrim Summoner description Pardoner description Sergeant at Law description Merchant description Prologue Lines 641-688 689-734 319-340 Pilgrim Friar description Monk description Nun Prologue Lines 212-279 169-211 122-168 (Prioress) 280-294 description Workers description Cook description Pilgrim Host description Miller description Sailor Prologue Lines 735-803 561-584 398-420 (skipper) 371-389 390-397 description Manciple description Clerk 585-604 295-318 (Oxford Cleric) description “The Wife of Bath’s Tale” “The Pardoner’s Tale” “The Cook’s Tale” “The Miller’s Tale” Pilgrim Prologue Lines Reeve description Franklin description Parson description 605-640 Plowman description Doctor 539-555 341-370 487-538 421-454 (Physician) description “The Parson’s Tale” Each group should present the content in the following format AND in this order: Part 1. Notetaker~ Quote Sheet /Handout/Notetaker: [10 pts] For your character description, you must print and hand-out a notetaker and/or outline of the power-point presentation. While presenting the information on the screen about your characters, you will need to elaborate on each character – more than just reading the words from the powerpoint. Each student in the class will be responsible for ALL of the content – each character described in “The Prologue”, so make sure you have great notes – and great QUOTES - to share with your classmates. (note: You will need turn in a hard copy of this to me ahead of time so I can make enough copies for the class). Part 2. Character Description~ Oral/ppt: [25 pts] In “The Prologue” Chaucer provides a description of each character. It is your group’s responsibility to present a description of each of the pilgrims assigned to your group. In sharing this information, you must present the info on the main projector screen! The format of the visual presentation is up to you. You may choose to present a power point, movie maker production, a video/DVD, etc…..anything that can be projected on the front board. You must make sure you accurately communicate the description of each character that includes their physical appearance, their personality, and Chaucer’s opinion of them (Make sure you know WHY he likes or dislikes them!!!) Part 3. Class Activity ~ characters: [10 pts] With the character descriptions, you should lead the rest of the class in some sort of activity that will help your classmates remember and/or record information about the characters in your group. Ideas for activity: - short writing task followed by a discussion - a “game show” question and answer- a quiz over quotes - have the class sing a creative tune or “rap” - crossword puzzle (does not count as your handout) Part 4. Tale Presentation~ Drama: [15 pts] Along the way, each pilgrim tells a “tale” or a short story to entertain the group. With your group of pilgrims, you must share one of their “tales” with the rest of the class. With each group, I have indicated which pilgrims' tales you can choose to share [for example, group 2 must do “The Pardoner’s Tale”]. [Note: the tales are not in “The Prologue” they can be found on the internet link in Moodle]. Then, you must present the story as a DRAMATIC SKIT! You need not turn in a script for the tale. You may act out the story in class or you may choose to shoot a video that shows the members of your group acting out the tale. With this dramatic presentation, you must incorporate costumes and props appropriate to your skit. You may choose to present the tale as in the Middle Ages, or you can re-write the skit using different motifs that may include more modern characters (i.e.: rednecks, 70’s groove, yuppies, valley girls….etc). You may provide the class with a summary of the tale itself, but you must choose a creative way to tell the tale to the class. Canterbury Tales Group Project Presentation Assessment Rubric College Prep English Group No: Group Members:___________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ Presentation Content [60 points] Part 1.________ Notetaker: (handouts printed, and adequate outline for students to “fill-in”) [10 points] Part 2.________ Character Description: (each pilgrim is ACCURATELY described in detail – including [25 Points] appearance, personality, and Chaucer’s opinion) Part 3.________ Class Activity: (all students engaged in activity/game that aides in content retention) [10 points] Part 4. ________ Tale Presentation: (accurate sharing of the story and the moral/purpose of the tale) [15 points] Presentation [40 points] ________ Preparation: (Group handouts, power-point, costumes, props are all ready to go. Each person has an equal part and/or contributes to the presentation) [5 points] ________ Enthusiasm: (Everyone is excited to present and shows enthusiasm for the project) [5 points] ________ Volume and Clarity: (Each person speaks clearly so that audience can hear. There is no reading off of power-point or handout. If there is a video, each part is easily understood/audible). [5 points] ________ Flow: (Effective Pace, Smooth Transition, Point Emphasis/Review) [5 points] ________ Visual Aides: (Projector Screen, Props, Costumes, Diagrams, Pictures, Videos) [20 points] ____________ Total Points [100 points ~ 100%] Overall Comments: The Canterbury Tales – Pilgrim Notetaking Graphic Organizer Group 1 (Knight, Squire, Yeoman, Wife of Bath) The Military - Nobility Knight (43-80) Occupation: ________________________________________________________________ Appearance Quotes: _______________________________________________________________________________ Personality Quotes: ________________________________________________________________________________ Chaucer’s Opinion / Satirizing: (WHY Chaucer admires -or- dislikes this pilgrim) Squire (81-102) Occupation: ________________________________________________________________ Appearance Quotes: _______________________________________________________________________________ Personality Quotes: ________________________________________________________________________________ Chaucer’s Opinion / Satirizing: (WHY Chaucer admires -or- dislikes this pilgrim) Yeoman (103-121) Occupation: ________________________________________________________________ Appearance Quotes: _______________________________________________________________________________ Personality Quotes: ________________________________________________________________________________ Chaucer’s Opinion / Satirizing: (WHY Chaucer admires -or- dislikes this pilgrim) Freemen, middle-status Wife of Bath (455-486) Occupation: _____________________________________________________________ Appearance Quotes: _______________________________________________________________________________ Personality Quotes: ________________________________________________________________________________ Chaucer’s Opinion / Satirizing: (WHY Chaucer admires -or- dislikes this pilgrim) Group 2 (Summoner, Pardoner, Merchant, Sergeant at Law) Freemen, contested-status Summoner (641-688) Occupation:_______________________________________________________________ Appearance Quotes: _______________________________________________________________________________ Personality Quotes: ________________________________________________________________________________ Chaucer’s Opinion / Satirizing: (WHY Chaucer admires -or- dislikes this pilgrim) Pardoner (689-734) Occupation: ________________________________________________________________ Appearance Quotes: _______________________________________________________________________________ Personality Quotes: ________________________________________________________________________________ Chaucer’s Opinion / Satirizing: (WHY Chaucer admires -or- dislikes this pilgrim) Free, High-Status noblility Merchant (280-294) Occupation: _____________________________________________________________ Appearance Quotes: _______________________________________________________________________________ Personality Quotes: ________________________________________________________________________________ Chaucer’s Opinion / Satirizing: (WHY Chaucer admires -or- dislikes this pilgrim) Sergeant at Law (319-340) Occupation: __________________________________________________________ Appearance Quotes: _______________________________________________________________________________ Personality Quotes: ________________________________________________________________________________ Chaucer’s Opinion / Satirizing: (WHY Chaucer admires -or- dislikes this pilgrim) Group 3 (Nun, Monk, Friar, workers, Cook) The High Clergy Nun/Prioress (122-168)Occupation: _____________________________________________________________ Appearance Quotes: _______________________________________________________________________________ Personality Quotes: ________________________________________________________________________________ Chaucer’s Opinion / Satirizing: (WHY Chaucer admires -or- dislikes this pilgrim) Monk (169-211) Occupation: ________________________________________________________________ Appearance Quotes: _______________________________________________________________________________ Personality Quotes: ________________________________________________________________________________ Chaucer’s Opinion / Satirizing: (WHY Chaucer admires -or- dislikes this pilgrim) The Low Clergy Friar (212-279) Occupation: ________________________________________________________________ Appearance Quotes: _______________________________________________________________________________ Personality Quotes: ________________________________________________________________________________ Chaucer’s Opinion / Satirizing: (WHY Chaucer admires -or- dislikes this pilgrim) The guildsmen Workers (371-389) Occupations: __________________________________________________________ Appearance Quotes: _______________________________________________________________________________ Personality Quotes: ________________________________________________________________________________ Chaucer’s Opinion / Satirizing: (WHY Chaucer admires -or- dislikes this pilgrim) Cook (390-397) Appearance: __________________________________________________________________ Appearance Quotes: _______________________________________________________________________________ Personality Quotes: ________________________________________________________________________________ Chaucer’s Opinion / Satirizing: (WHY Chaucer admires -or- dislikes this pilgrim) Group 4 (Host, Skipper, Miller, Manciple, Clerk) Other Host (735 – 766/ 767-803) Occupation: __________________________________________________________ Appearance Quotes: _______________________________________________________________________________ Personality Quotes: ________________________________________________________________________________ Chaucer’s Opinion ….of himself: (Chaucer obviously admires himself) Freemen, middle-status Skipper (398-420) Appearance: ________________________________________________________________ Appearance Quotes: _______________________________________________________________________________ Personality Quotes: ________________________________________________________________________________ Chaucer’s Opinion / Satirizing: (WHY Chaucer admires -or- dislikes this pilgrim) Freemen, contested-status Miller (561-584) Occupation: ________________________________________________________________ Appearance Quotes: _______________________________________________________________________________ Personality Quotes: ________________________________________________________________________________ Chaucer’s Opinion / Satirizing: (WHY Chaucer admires -or- dislikes this pilgrim) Manciple (585-604) Occupation: ________________________________________________________________ Appearance Quotes: _______________________________________________________________________________ Personality Quotes: ________________________________________________________________________________ Chaucer’s Opinion / Satirizing: (WHY Chaucer admires -or- dislikes this pilgrim) Free, High-Status noblility Oxford Cleric (295-318) Occupation:_____________________________________________________________ Appearance Quotes: _______________________________________________________________________________ Personality Quotes: ________________________________________________________________________________ Chaucer’s Opinion / Satirizing: (WHY Chaucer admires -or- dislikes this pilgrim) Group 5 (Franklin, Doctor, Reeve, Parson, Plowman) Free, High-Status noblility Franklin (341-370) Occupation: ________________________________________________________________ Appearance Quotes: _______________________________________________________________________________ Personality Quotes: ________________________________________________________________________________ Chaucer’s Opinion / Satirizing: (WHY Chaucer admires -or- dislikes this pilgrim)men, Doctor (421-454) Appearance: ________________________________________________________________ Appearance Quotes: _______________________________________________________________________________ Personality Quotes: ________________________________________________________________________________ Chaucer’s Opinion / Satirizing: (WHY Chaucer admires -or- dislikes this pilgrim) Freemen, contested-status Reeve (605-640) Occupation: ________________________________________________________________ Appearance Quotes: _______________________________________________________________________________ Personality Quotes: ________________________________________________________________________________ Chaucer’s Opinion / Satirizing: (WHY Chaucer admires -or- dislikes this pilgrim) Freemen, low-status Parson (487-538) Appearance: _________________________________________________________________ Appearance Quotes: _______________________________________________________________________________ Personality Quotes: ________________________________________________________________________________ Chaucer’s Opinion / Satirizing: (WHY Chaucer admires -or- dislikes this pilgrim) Plowman (539-555) Appearance:________________________________________________________________ Appearance Quotes: _______________________________________________________________________________ Personality Quotes: ________________________________________________________________________________ Chaucer’s Opinion / Satirizing: (WHY Chaucer admires -or- dislikes this pilgrim)