¡Ven conmigo

¡Ven conmigo!
Capítulo 1
Level 2
Situación 1-A
You and your friend are at school and you are making
introductions. Have a discussion asking whether or not
your partner knows your friend and introducing your
partner to your friend him. Be sure to respond
appropriately to the introductions.
¡Ven conmigo!
Capítulo 1
Level 2
Situación 1-B
You and your friend are at school and you are making
introductions. Have a discussion asking whether or not
your partner knows your friend and introducing your
partner to your friend him. Be sure to respond
appropriately to the introductions.
¡Ven conmigo!
Capítulo 1
Level 2
Situación 2-A
You and a friend are describing classmates to each other that
the other does and does not know. Ask and answer questions
relating to knowing and or not knowing who the classmates
are and be sure to include physical descriptions
¡Ven conmigo!
Capítulo 1
Level 2
Situación 2-B
You and a friend are describing classmates to each other that
the other does and does not know. Ask and answer questions
relating to knowing and or not knowing who the classmates
are and be sure to include physical descriptions
¡Ven conmigo!
Capítulo 1
Level 2
Situación 4-A
You are talking to a friend about plans for the weekend.
Using the future tense ir + a + infinitive, discuss plans. Have
a discussion with your partner about your weekend plans,
discussion what you are planning, with who, where, etc…
¡Ven conmigo!
Capítulo 1
Level 2
Situación 4-B
You are talking to a friend about plans for the weekend.
Using the future tense ir + a + infinitive, discuss plans. Have
a discussion with your partner about your weekend plans,
discussion what you are planning, with who, where, etc…
¡Ven conmigo!
Capítulo 2
Level 2
Situación 1-A
You and your partner are friends and are going on a trip tomorrow
morning. Have a conversation with your partner asking and
responding about if things have or have not yet been done to get
ready for the trip. Use vocabulary like: go to the bank, buy the
tickets, pack, etc. Use the Preterit! Be sure to answer
affirmatively & negatively.
¡Ven conmigo!
Capítulo 2
Level 2
Situación 1-B
You and your partner are friends and are going on a trip tomorrow
morning. Have a conversation with your partner asking and
responding about if things have or have not yet been done to get
ready for the trip. Use vocabulary like: go to the bank, buy the
tickets, pack, etc. Use the Preterit! Be sure to answer
affirmatively & negatively.
¡Ven conmigo!
Capítulo 2
Level 2
Situación 2-A
You and your roommate leaving for a trip to Mexico and you are
asking each other for help. Have a conversation with your
roommate about asking and offering help finding items, packing,
cleaning, etc… Be sure to offer and refuse help.
¡Ven conmigo!
Capítulo 2
Level 2
Situación 2-B
You and your roommate leaving for a trip to Mexico and you are
asking each other for help. Have a conversation with your
roommate about asking and offering help finding items, packing,
cleaning, etc… Be sure to offer and refuse help.
¡Ven conmigo!
Capítulo 2
Level 2
Situación 4-A
You and your friend are having midterms this week. You are both
stressed out and overwhelmed. Using information that you have
learned from chapter two, have a conversation both complaining
about problems and issues and making suggestions in order for
him/her to relax.
¡Ven conmigo!
Capítulo 2
Level 2
Situación 4-B
You and your friend are having midterms this week. You are both
stressed out and overwhelmed. Using information that you have
learned from chapter two, have a conversation both complaining
about problems and issues and making suggestions in order for
him/her to relax.
¡Ven conmigo!
Capítulo 3
Level 2
Situación 1-A
You and a friend are discussing your morning & evening routines.
Using reflexive verbs, ask and answer questions related to what
you both do in the morning before school and at night before bed.
Respond appropriately to the questions with three to five things
you both do. Try to use different verbs than your partner used.
¡Ven conmigo!
Capítulo 3
Level 2
Situación 1-B
You and a friend are discussing your morning & evening routines.
Using reflexive verbs, ask and answer questions related to what
you both do in the morning before school and at night before bed.
Respond appropriately to the questions with three to five things
you both do. Try to use different verbs than your partner used.
¡Ven conmigo!
Capítulo 3
Level 2
Situación 2-A
You and your brother / sister are arguing whose turn it is to do
chores and complaining. Have a conversation asking whose turn it
is to do all the different chores and be certain to respond with as
many different complaints as possible. You can add another
sibling and be sure to mention that it is his/her turn.
¡Ven conmigo!
Capítulo 3
Level 2
Situación 2-B
You and your brother / sister are arguing whose turn it is to do
chores and complaining. Have a conversation asking whose turn it
is to do all the different chores and be certain to respond with as
many different complaints as possible. You can add another
sibling and be sure to mention that it is his/her turn.
¡Ven conmigo!
Capítulo 3
Level 2
Situación 3-A
You and your friend are talking about your favorite pastimes.
Using the vocabulary you know, have a discussion about your
favorite pastimes making sure you tell them how much you like
them. Ask leading questions as well: “Do you like to collect
stamps?” Feel free to improvise.
¡Ven conmigo!
Capítulo 3
Level 2
Situación 3-B
You and your friend are talking about your favorite pastimes.
Using the vocabulary you know, have a discussion about your
favorite pastimes making sure you tell them how much you like
them. Ask leading questions as well: “Do you like to collect
stamps?” Feel free to improvise.
¡Ven conmigo!
Capítulo 3
Level 2
Situación 4-A
You and your friend are talking about your hobbies and how long
you have been doing them (hace + tiempo + que + verbo). Have a
conversation with your partner asking and answering questions
related to different activities.
¡Ven conmigo!
Capítulo 3
Level 2
Situación 4-B
You and your friend are talking about your hobbies and how long
you have been doing them (hace + tiempo + que + verbo). Have a
conversation with your partner asking and answering questions
related to different activities.
¡Ven conmigo!
Capítulo 4
Level 2
Situación 1-A
You and your friend are talking about recommendations to
do better in Spanish next year. Have a conversation both
asking and answering questions about what he/she should
do to do well or get good grades. Offer suggestions with,
“You should.”
¡Ven conmigo !
Capítulo 4
Level 2
Situación 1-B
You and your friend are talking about recommendations to
do better in Spanish next year. Have a conversation both
asking and answering questions about what he/she should
do to do well or get good grades. Offer suggestions with,
“You should.”
¡Ven conmigo!
Capítulo 4
Level 2
Situación 2-A
You and your friend are talking about opinions about famous
people, classmates, & mutual friends. Use más / menos / mejor /
peor / menor / mayor que. Each partner should make at least
three different comparisons using three different words: less
than, older than, worse than, etc.
¡Ven conmigo!
Capítulo 4
Level 2
Situación 2-B
You and your friend are talking about opinions about famous
people, classmates, & mutual friends. Use más / menos /
mejor / peor / menor / mayor que. Each partner should make
at least three different comparisons using three different
words: less than, older than, worse than, etc.
¡Ven conmigo!
Capítulo 4
Level 2
Situación 3-A
You and a friend are determining if you know two new
students. Have a conversation with your partner asking and
answering questions and offering clues using más / menos /
mejor / peor / menor / mayor que.
¡Ven conmigo!
Capítulo 4
Level 2
Situación 3-B
You and a friend are determining if you know two new
students. Have a conversation with your partner asking and
answering questions and offering clues using más / menos /
mejor / peor / menor / mayor que.
¡Ven conmigo!
Capítulo 4
Level 2
Situación 4-A
You are leaving school and you see a friend. You
want to make plans with him/her. Using the
vocabulary you know, make plans with your partner
to do a couple activities.
¡Ven conmigo!
Capítulo 4
Level 2
Situación 4-B
You are leaving school and you see a friend. You
want to make plans with him/her. Using the
vocabulary you know, make plans with your partner
to do a couple activities.
¡Ven conmigo!
Capítulo 4
Level 2
Situación 5-A
Your cousin lives in another city and you have gone
to visit him/her. You are spending the school day
with him/her and you have some questions about his
¡Ven conmigo!
Capítulo 4
Level 2
Situación 5-B
Your cousin who lives in another city wants to
know about your typical day. He/she has come for
a visit.
¡Ven conmigo!
Capítulo 5
Level 2
Situación 1-A
You and a friend are discussing what you do during
health week.
 Ask your friend what he/she normally does
during Health Week (La semana de Salúd)
 Respond appropriately to the question
providing three things you do during Health
¡Ven conmigo!
Capítulo 5
Level 2
Situación 1-B
You and a friend are discussing what you do during
health week.
 Respond appropriately to the question
providing three things you normally do
during Health Week (La semana de Salúd)
 Ask your friend what he/she does during
Health Week.
¡Ven conmigo!
Capítulo 5
Level 2
Situación 2-A
You are talking to your friend who is complaining
about school and the amount of work he/she has.
 Give him/her some advice using “tú”
commands (three times).
¡Ven conmigo!
Level 2
Capítulo 5
Situación 2-B
You are talking to a friend and complaining about
how much schoolwork you have.
 Make three different complaints. After each
complaint, your friend will tell you what to
¡Ven conmigo!
Capítulo 5
Level 2
Situación 3-A
You are traveling to the US for the first time and
want to know the weather in different cities during
different seasons.
 Greet you partner as if you have never met.
 Ask him/her if he/she can help you.
 Choose three different cities one at a time
and ask how the weather is in different
¡Ven conmigo!
Capítulo 5
Level 2
Situación 3-B
You meet someone who is traveling to the US for
the first time and wants to know the weather in
different cities during different seasons.
 Greet you partner as if you have never met
 Respond that you can help.
 Respond to the three questions using
different weather for each city.
¡Ven conmigo!
Capítulo 6
Level 2
Situación 1-A
You and your partner are visiting each other’s
town for the first time this upcoming summer.
Have a conversation using tú commands asking and
giving directions to two different places for each
¡Ven conmigo!
Capítulo 6
Level 2
Situación 1-B
You and your partner are visiting each other’s
town for the first time this upcoming summer.
Have a conversation using tú commands asking and
giving directions to two different places for each
¡Ven conmigo!
Level 2
Capítulo 6
Situación 2-A
You and a friend are discussing what you did last
night. Using the preterite, tell him/her what you did
and whom you did them with. Be certain to ask
questions as well.
¡Ven conmigo!
Capítulo 6
Level 2
Situación 2-B
You and a friend are discussing what you did last
night. Using the preterite, tell him/her what you did
and whom you did them with. Be certain to ask
questions as well.
¡Ven conmigo!
Capítulo 6
Level 2
Situación 3-A
You are a waiter at a nice restaurant in Mexico.
Have a conversation about what they would like to
eat, food, drinks, desert, flavors, and be sure to ask
if they would like anything else.
¡Ven conmigo!
Capítulo 6
Level 2
Situación 3-B
You are a customer at a nice restaurant in Mexico.
You are approached by a waiter / waitress your
partner). Have a conversation about food, drinks,
deserts, flavors, etc…
¡Ven conmigo!
Capítulo 7
Level 2
Situación 1-A
You and your best friend are comparing teachers at
your school. Using the expressions you know,
más…que; menos…que; tan…como, compare
several teachers at your school.
¡Ven conmigo!
Capítulo 7
Level 2
Situación 1-B
You and your best friend are comparing teachers at
your school. Using the expressions you know,
más…que; menos…que; tan…como, compare
several teachers at your school.
¡Ven conmigo!
Capítulo 7
Level 2
Situación 2-A
You and your friend are talking about what you
were like as a child. Using the imperfect tense, talk
to your friend about when you were little and what
things you used to do. Feel free to include your
family as well.
¡Ven conmigo!
Capítulo 7
Level 2
Situación 2-B
You and your friend are talking about what you
were like as a child. Using the imperfect tense, talk
to your friend about when you were little and what
things you used to do. Feel free to include your
family as well.
¡Ven conmigo!
Capítulo 8
Level 2
Situación 1-A
You and a friend are going away this weekend
together. Using the future tense, discuss with each
other what you need to do. Be sure to ask a
question or two about what still needs to be done.
¡Ven conmigo!
Capítulo 8
Level 2
Situación 1-B
You and a friend are going away this weekend
together. Using the future tense, discuss with each
other what you need to do. Be sure to ask a
question or two about what still needs to be done.
¡Ven conmigo!
Capítulo 8
Level 2
Situación 2-A
Talk to your partner with enthusiasm about
something that you did this past weekend using the
preterite and imperfect tenses and ísimo(a). You
can discuss the zoo, the movie you saw, or the
amusement park.
¡Ven conmigo!
Capítulo 8
Level 2
Situación 2-B
Talk to your partner with enthusiasm about a few
things that you did this past weekend using the
preterite and imperfect tenses and ísimo(a). You
can discuss the zoo, the movie you saw, or the
amusement park.
¡Ven conmigo!
Capítulo 8
Level 2
Situación 3-A
You and your friend are on the phone discussing
the party you both attended last weekend. Using
mientras, and the imperfect tense, discuss what
was happening while other things were happening.
¡Ven conmigo!
Capítulo 8
Level 2
Situación 3-B
You and your friend are on the phone discussing
the party you both attended last weekend. Using
mientras, and the imperfect tense, discuss what
was happening while other things were happening.
¡Ven conmigo!
Capítulo 9
Level 2
Situación 1-A
You are clothes and shoe shopping at a store and
your partner is a sales person. Role play a situation
where you would try on clothes, ask for sizes,
colors, stripes, plaid, etc.; ask how you look and
how the clothes/shoes fit.
¡Ven conmigo!
Capítulo 9
Level 2
Situación 1-B
You are a sales clerk at a clothing and shoe store
and your partner is a client. Role play a situation
where he/she tries on clothes, ask for sizes, colors,
stripes, plaid, etc.; tell him/her how they look and
ask how everything fits.
¡Ven conmigo!
Capítulo 9
Level 2
Situación 2-A
You and your partner are strangers from different
cities and have met on the street in NY City. Using
Ud. commands ask and give directions to a couple
of places and respond giving appropriate directions
in return.
¡Ven conmigo!
Capítulo 9
Level 2
Situación 2-B
You and your partner are strangers from different
cities and have met on the street in NY City. Using
Ud. commands ask and give directions to a couple
of places and respond giving appropriate directions
in return.
¡Ven conmigo!
Level 2
Capítulo 9
Situación 3-A
You are at an outside market in Bolivia. You see a
clothing item that you want to barter for. Strike up
a conversation with the salesclerk and barter for the
item. Use vocab like: ask for the price, tell him/her
it is too expensive, a rip off, a bad price, and go
back and forth a few times.
¡Ven conmigo!
Capítulo 9
Level 2
Situación 3-B
You are a sales clerk at your family’s stand at an
outside market in Bolivia. Strike up a conversation
with your partner who is a customer. He/she is
going to barter for an item. Use vocab like: price,
tell him/her it is cheap, a bargain, a good price go
back and forth a couple times.
¡Ven conmigo!
Capítulo 10
Level 2
Situación 1-A
You and your friend are discussing what happened
in school today. Using regular and reflexive verbs
in the preterite & imperfect, tell your friend three
things you saw happen or that happened to you.
¡Ven conmigo!
Capítulo 10
Level 2
Situación 1-B
You and your friend are discussing what happened
in school today. Using regular and reflexive verbs
in the preterite & imperfect, tell your friend three
things you saw happen or that happened to you.