CONSTRUCTION STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) TEMPLATE FOR LAND DISTURBANCES OF GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO ONE ACRE (Revised December 2013) Prepared for: San Diego Community College District 2275 Camino Del Rio South San Diego, CA 92108-3883 URS Project No.27679105.06000 Consultant Support Agreement #2634, Stormwater Design and Management Services Patricia T. Samora, P.E. California Construction General Permit Qualified SWPPP Developer Project Manager This page intentionally left blank. INSTRUCITON FOR THE SWPPP PREPARER: This SWPPP template was created for use by a Qualified SWPPP Developer (QSD) in preparing Risk Level 1 and 2 SWPPPs for the San Diego Community College District (SDCCD) to meet the requirements for the Construction General Permit (Order No.2009-009-DWQ) and San Diego Community College District policies for construction site stormwater management. As the permit is interpreted by the State and Regional Boards, new requirements are phased in, better practices are identified and the SDCCD Stormwater Management Program evolves, there may be a need to update the template or SWPPPs prepared using this template. The decision to create a Risk Level 1 and 2 template was based on a preliminary Risk Determination for the Propositions S and N Bond projects using their anticipated construction durations effective 9/01/10. The requirements captured in this template are for Risk Levels 1 and 2 only, which are based on the anticipated projects’ duration, sediment risk, and receiving water risk. This template is not intended for use in developing Risk Level 3 project SWPPPs. This template does not address Linear Underground/Overhead Projects (LUP), the use of Advanced Treatment Systems (ATS), Bioassessment Monitoring, or Receiving Water Monitoring programs as these items are not anticipated to be encountered on the majority of SDCCD projects. The QSD should evaluate the project scope and project site conditions and confer with the SDCCD on specific campus regulatory concerns to determine if these requirements are necessary for a specific project. This SWPPP is only for Risk Level 1 and Risk Level 2 traditional construction projects with land disturbances greater than one acre. For projects with less than one acre of land disturbance or no land disturbance, but with non-stormwater management and material and waste management concerns, the SDCCD Less Than an Acre (LTA) SWPPP should be used. This SWPPP Template was prepared to facilitate the preparation of SWPPPs for the SDCCD projects using a standard format and organization. The use of this SWPPP template is intended to provide consistency in the way project specific information is organized and communicated to the Construction Contractor. Consistency of forms, appendices and the inclusion of SDCCD reporting procedures is an added benefit of using this SWPPP template for SDCCD projects. This template is intended to be used by a QSD to identify, edit, organize and communicate project specific information. The preparation of a SWPPP using this template still requires the Qualified SWPPP Practitioner (QSP) to use professional judgment in the research and evaluation of project site conditions and regulatory requirements and a knowledge of the Construction General Permit (CGP) to interperate and apply the permit requirements to the project conditions. This may include an intepretation of the requirements, making calculations and analyzing site conditions to determine the appropriate BMPs, their size and location within the project and applicable sampling requirements. The use of this SWPPP template does not relieve the QSP from the responsibility to ensure the completed SWPPP prepared using this template meets the CGP requirements for the project conditions. INSTRUCTIONS The SWPPP preparer shall complete all yellow highlighted sections with project specific details. It is recommended that yellow highlighting be removed once the document is finalized and submitted for signature. Additonal instructions for completing the SWPPP are located throughout the document in blue text. All blue text should be deleted from the document once finalized and submitted for signature. Detailed information about the SDCCD roles and responsibilites for Document for administering the SMARTs system are located in Appendix B, under Permit Registration Documents. The procedures for obtaining a SDCCD SMARTS account, documenting a risk determination, drafting an NOI and reviewing and approving the SWPPP, and inputting post-construction BMP information are included. This information should be read and followed by the Civil Design firm/Architect responsible for preparing the SWPPP. The CGP requirements that phased- in on September 2, 2011(risk determinations for projects with a waiver) and 2012 (requirement to comply with Post-Construction Standards, Section XIII) are now in full effect. Additionally, the CGP has been modified twice by orders No. 2010-0014-DWQ and No. 2012-006-DWQ, and those requirements are incorporated in this SWPPP template. The copy of the CGP retained on site should include the most current version of this permit, as amended. The SDCCD is a non-traditional small municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4) as defined in Water Quality Order No.2013-001-DWQ, but has not yet been designated. As such, the SDCCD is not subject to the post-construction standards of an active Phase I or II MS4 that has an approved Storm Water Management Plan. Because of this, most SDCCD project are subject to the Post-Construction Standards in CGP Section XIII and Appendix 2. However, projects at Miramar College must comply with the post-construction design standards of Water Quality Order No. 2003-0005-DWQ. The Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) prepared by the San Diego Community College District based on the February 12, 2007 Final Report committed to this water quality mitigation measure to fully mitigate the impacts of the Miramar College Facilities Master Plan. Since these standards fully mitigate the impacts, there is no need to comply with increased standards as the permit was subsequently modified, and any hydro modification requirements that phase in during subsequent renewals of the permit would not apply to development of the Miramar College Facilities Master Plan. Some projects may require a City of San Diego permit to tie into the existing City of San Deigo storm drain or another permit (i.e. Coastal Development Permit) that may require the SDCCD to comply with the City of San Diego Standard Urban Stormwater Mitigation Plan. These requirements, including the requirement to prepare a Water Quality Technical Report, should be discussed in section 3.8 of the SWPPP Template. Roles and responsibilites for administering the SMARTs system are located in Appendix B, under Permit Registration Documents. The procedures for obtaining a SDCCD SMARTS account, documenting a risk determination, drafting an NOI, reviewing and approving the SWPPP, and inputting postconstruction BMP information are included. This information should be read and followed by the Civil Design firm/Architect responsible for preparing the SWPPP. Prepare and insert a Vicinity Map and Project Site Map for the project, with the required and recommended elements listed in Table 3, Required Map Information, into Appendix A. Evaluate the historical contamination, construction site phasing and activities, and identify the potential construction site pollutants. These pollutants will be used to identify BMPs and the constituents to be sampled should non-visible pollutant monitoring be required. Select approriate BMPs for the project using the tables provided in the SWPPP. The QSD should ensure that the minimum BMPs required by the permit are selected as well as BMPs necessary to meet the Best Available Technology Economically Achievable (BAT) and the Best Conventional Pollutant Control Technology (BCT) standards. All of the columns in a table associated with a BMP being used on site shall be completed for that BMP. Attach the California Stormwater Quality Association (CASQA) Stormwater BMP Handbook Portal: Construction BMP fact sheets that correspond to the BMPs selected for the site. Avoid including all the entire hanbook as this SWPPP should be tailored to the specific requirements of the project site. The CASQA BMP Factsheets provided in this template are used based on the limited pre-permission copyright granted to the SDCCD SWPPP signatory for use in SWPPPs prepared for SDCCD facilities management projects. All other uses are prohibited and may be a violation of Federal Copyright Law. The CGP is not included as an appendix in the template. The permit requires that a copy of the permit be available in the field office as a reference. It is recommended that the permit should be bound separately and provided to the Construction Contractor with the SWPPP. Some required information may not be available at the time of SWPPP preparation (i.e. name of Constractor, QSP, Laboratory). These items should be left blank and filled in prior to the start of construction. A summary of the excluded information should be provided to the SDCCD for use in developing the pre-construction conference agenda. This page intentionally left blank CONSTRUCTION STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) FOR LAND DISTURBANCES OF GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO ONE ACRE PROJECT: WDID NO.: RISK LEVEL: BASED ON PROJECT DATES OF: PROJECT LOCATION: CONTRACTOR NAME: CONTRACTOR PHONE NUMBER: QUALIFIED SWPPP PRACTITIONER (QSP): QSP PHONE NUMBER: QSP #: Prepared for: San Diego Community College District 2275 Camino Del Rio South San Diego, CA 92108-3883 DATE: Prepared by: (Name of SWPPP Preparer, Qualifications, QSD# and Company) This page intentionally left blank Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Project Name: _____________________________________________________________ REVIEW OF SWPPP Stormwater Consultant.: _____________________________________________________ This project SWPPP prepared by ____________________and dated ____________ has been reviewed for completeness and has been found to be compliant with the requirements of the Construction General Permit (CGP) (CAS000002, Order No. 2009-0009-DWQ). It is the recommendation that the SDCCD’s approved signatory sign and certify this SWPPP. (Signature of Reviewer) (Typed Name of Reviewer, Qualifications, and Company) (Date of SWPPP Review/Comment resolution) CERTIFICATION i Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Project Name: _____________________________________________________________ REVIEW OF SWPPP Qualified SWPPP Practitioner: _________________________________________________ I have read this SWPPP and am familiar with its contents and requirements. I acknowledge the necessary resources required for implementation of this SWPPP and meet the required certifications necessary to implement it. Upon review of this SWPPP, I am willing and authorized to fully commit resources to implement and enforce this SWPPP. (Signature of QSP) (Typed Name of QSP) (Date of SWPPP Review) CERTIFICATION ii Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) The San Diego Community College District (SDCCD) Director, as the Legally Responsible Person (LRP), has authorized Dave Backensto - Facilities Management Property Agent to be the authorized Approved Signatory of SDCCD for approving, signing, and certifying the SWPPP in conformance with Section IV.I of the CGP. David Backensto 3375 Camino Del Rio South, Suite 310 San Diego, California, 92108(619) 388-6546 A Qualified SWPPP Developer (QSD) submitted the SWPPP for review and approval to David Backensto. The ________________(Contractor or Construction Manager,) _______________ _____________________ (Name) is responsible and liable at all times for compliance with applicable requirements of the CGP (CAS000002, Order No. 2009-009-DWQ) for which compliance is ultimately determined by the Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB), the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB), and/or the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). CERTIFICATION iii Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Project Name: _____________________________________________________________ For Use by SDCCD Only APPROVAL AND SDCCD’S CERTIFICATION OF THE STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN “I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to ensure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations.” I and/or personnel acting under my direction and supervision have reviewed this SWPPP and find that it meets the requirements of the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB), National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) General Permit for Stormwater Discharges Associated with Construction Activities. I have certified this SWPPP electronically in the SMARTS database after reviewing the electronic Notice of Intent (NOI). A printout of the NOI showing the certification date is included in Appendix B. (Signature of Dave Backensto) (Dave Backensto, Facilities Management, Property Agent, SDCCD Approved Signatory) (Date of Signature) CERTIFICATION iv Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Project Name: __________________________________________________________ The SWPPP was developed and certified by a Qualified SWPPP Developer (QSD) with appropriate certification and or registration called out in Section VII.B.1 of the CGP and Section 5 of this SWPPP. QUALIFIED SWPPP DEVELOPER’S (QSD) CERTIFICATION OF THE STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN “I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to ensure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations.” (Signature of QSD) (Typed Name and Qualifications of QSD, QSD #) (Date of SWPPP Certification) CERTIFICATION v ANNUAL REPORTING OF STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN The Order No. 2009-0009-DWQ, National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) General Permit No. CAS000002 Waste Discharge Requirements (WDRs) for Discharges of Storm Water Associated with Construction Activity (CGP) requires that an annual report certifying that a site is in compliance with its requirements be submitted for all projects occurring for more than one continuous three-month period. On July 1 of each year, the project QSP will provide input to the SDCCD related to the project compliance using the appropriate Risk Level Questionnaire found in Appendix J. The input will reflect the project conditions as reflected in the required weekly, quarterly and pre-, during- and post- rain event inspections and the results of sampling. The Annual Report input will include related information for reporting period July 1 to June 30. Projects that have more than three months of permit coverage for the new reporting year will require the submission of an annual report prior to filing a Notice of Termination (NOT.) The annual report must be prepared and electronically submitted by the LRP or the Approved Signatory no later than September 1 of each year, via the Stormwater Multi-Application Reporting and Tracking System (SMARTS). The annual report must include the information discussed in Section XVI of the CGP and Section 8 of this SWPPP. Annual Reports were prepared for and submitted to the SDCCD LRP for submission via the SMARTS system as indicated below. Record of Annual Report Submission Date draft report provided to SDCCD RE-CERTIFICATION Prepared by Date submitted in SMARTS VI Construction SWPPP Table of Contents Table of Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................................... VII SECTION 1 SWPPP REQUIREMENTS .................................................................................... 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................... 1 NOTICE OF INTENT.............................................................................................. 2 SWPPP IMPLEMENTATION ................................................................................. 2 PLAN AVAILABILITY ............................................................................................. 5 PLAN CHANGES ................................................................................................... 5 RETENTION OF RECORDS .................................................................................. 7 SIGNATORY REQUIREMENTS FOR COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATION................ 7 CONTRACTOR/TRADE CONTRACTOR/SUBCONTRACTOR LIST ..................... 7 NOTICE OF TERMINATION (NOT) ....................................................................... 7 SECTION 2 PROJECT INFORMATION .................................................................................. 11 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 SITE DESCRIPTION............................................................................................ 11 EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS ............................................................................ 12 PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES ....................................................... 15 CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE ............................................................................ 18 SITE RISK LEVEL ............................................................................................... 19 STORMWATER RUN-ON FROM OFFSITE AREAS ............................................ 19 RUNOFF COEFFICIENT ..................................................................................... 20 POTENTIAL CONSTRUCTION SITE POLLUANTS AND INVENTORY ............... 22 SECTION 3 BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES ................................................................... 27 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11 3.12 RUN-ON AND RUNOFF CONTROLS .................................................................. 28 EROSION CONTROL (SOIL STABILIZATION).................................................... 30 SEDIMENT CONTROL ........................................................................................ 33 NON-STORMWATER MANAGEMENT ................................................................ 38 WASTE MANAGEMENT AND MATERIALS POLLUTION CONTROL ................. 40 SPILL PREVENTION AND CONTROL ................................................................ 42 MAINTENANCE ................................................................................................... 44 POST-CONSTRUCTION STORMWATER MANAGEMENT MEASURES ............ 44 WATER BALANCE CALCULATOR...................................................................... 46 PROJECT POST-CONSTRUCTION BMPS ......................................................... 47 MAINTENANCE AND IMPLEMENTATION .......................................................... 50 FUNDING MECHANISMS.................................................................................... 50 SECTION 4 RAIN EVENT ACTION PLANS (REAPS) ............................................................ 51 SECTION 5 TRAINING ........................................................................................................... 53 SECTION 6 CONSTRUCTION SITE MONITORING PLAN ..................................................... 55 6.1 6.2 CSMP GOALS AND OBJECTIVES ...................................................................... 56 DISCHARGE PROHIBITIONS ............................................................................. 56 TABLE OF CONTENTS vii Construction SWPPP Table of Contents 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 EFFLUENT STANDARDS .................................................................................... 57 Narrative Standards .............................................................................................. 57 Numeric Action Limitations (NALs) ....................................................................... 57 ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES FOR STORMWATER MONITORING............. 58 Visual Inspections and Sample Collection Exemptions ......................................... 59 SITE INSPECTIONS (VISUAL MONITORING OBSERVATIONS) ........................ 59 Inspection Records ............................................................................................... 60 BMPs Inspections ................................................................................................. 60 Quarterly Visual Monitoring For Non-Stormwater Discharges ............................... 62 SITE SAMPLING .................................................................................................. 63 Stormwater Discharge Monitoring ......................................................................... 63 Non-Visible Pollutant Monitoring ........................................................................... 65 Non-Visible Pollutant Sampling Requirements ...................................................... 68 Monitoring Preparation and Equipment ................................................................. 69 Sample Collection, Preservation and Delivery ...................................................... 71 SECTION 7 CORRECTIVE ACTIONS ..................................................................................... 75 SECTION 8 REPORTING ........................................................................................................ 77 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 ANNUAL REPORT ............................................................................................... 77 RAIN EVENT REPORTING TO SDCCD.............................................................. 78 REPORT OF DISCHARGE................................................................................... 79 NAL EXCEEDANCE ............................................................................................. 79 LIST OF TABLES Table 1 SUMMARY OF SWPPP AMENDMENTS OR REVISIONS ................................ 9 Table 2 CONTRACTOR/TRADE CONTRACTOR/SUBCONTRACTOR LIST ............... 10 Table 3 REQUIRED MAP INFORMATION .................................................................... 14 Table 4 CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY MILESTONES .................................................... 18 Table 5 ANTICIPATED CONSTRUCTION SITE POLLUTANTS ................................... 23 Table 6 INVENTORY OF POTENTIAL POLLUTANTS (CHEMICALS, MATERIALS, AND EQUIPMENT1) USED OR STORED ON SITE ..................................................... 25 Table 7 TEMPORARY BMPs TO CONTROL RUN-ON/RUNOFF ................................. 29 Table 8 TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL BMPs .................................................... 32 Table 9 CRITICAL SLOPE/SHEET FLOW LENGTHS COMBINATIONS ...................... 34 Table 10 TEMPORARY SEDIMENT CONTROL BMPS ................................................ 35 Table 11 NON-STORMWATER MANAGEMENT BMPS ............................................... 39 Table 12 WASTE MANAGEMENT AND MATERIALS POLLUTION CONTROL BMPS 41 Table 13 SWPPP REPORTABLE QUANTITY RELEASES ........................................... 44 Table 14 POST-CONSTRUCTION BMPs ..................................................................... 48 Table 15 SUMMARY OF MONITORING REQUIREMENTS ......................................... 55 Table 16 POTENTIAL STORMWATER DISCHARGE SAMPLING LOCATIONS .......... 64 Table 17 STORMWATER DISCHARGE SAMPLING STRATEGY ................................ 65 Table 18 NON-VISIBLE POLLUTANT SAMPLING STRATEGY ................................... 65 Table 19 POTENTIAL NON-VISIBLE POLLUTANT SAMPLING LOCATIONS ............. 67 TABLE OF CONTENTS viii Construction SWPPP Table of Contents LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C Appendix D Appendix E Appendix F Appendix G Appendix H Appendix I Appendix J Vicinity Map and Water Pollution Control Drawings Documents for Permit Registration Site Inspection Forms Training Reporting Form and Qualifications/Certificates CASQA BMP Factsheets for Project BMPs Water Balance Calculator Site Specific Rain Event Action Plan Sampling Forms and Reference Compliance Documents Annual Report TABLE OF CONTENTS ix Construction SWPPP Table of Contents This page intentionally left blank TABLE OF CONTENTS x Construction SWPPP Section 1 – SWPPP Requirements Section 1 SWPPP Requirements 1.1 Introduction (The following text should be modified to reflect the specific project.) This Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) was prepared for construction activities for: Project Name: Project Address or Location: Anticipated Construction Period (Start and completion dates): Project Risk Level (From Section 2.5): Project Size (acres): The entity responsible for performing the work on a construction project can generally be referred to as the Contractor. For SDCCD projects, this might be the Contractor, Construction Manager, Trade Contractor, or Subcontractor, depending on whether the contract vehicle is a traditional contract, Design-Build or Construction Manager-Multiple Prime contract. Throughout this SWPPP template, the person in charge of the construction activities is referred to as the “Contractor”. (The SWPPP Developer may edit the SWPPP to more appropriately refer to the entity responsible for construction operations if the contract vehicle type is known when the SWPPP is prepared.) The project is being performed within the San Diego Community College District’s (SDCCD) jurisdiction within the County of San Diego, California. The project location is shown on the Vicinity Map included in Appendix A. The property is owned by SDCCD. This SWPPP has been prepared to comply with State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB), Order No. 2009-009-DWQ, National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) General Permit No. CAS000002 Waste Discharge Requirements (WDRs) for Discharges of Stormwater Associated with Construction Activity. The CGP (General Permit No. CAS000002) was adopted by the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) on September 2, 2009 as Order No. 2009-009-DWQ, as amended. A copy of the permit will be available in the construction trailer for reference. This SWPPP has five main objectives: SECTION 1 1 Construction SWPPP Section 1 – SWPPP Requirements Providing written procedures to assure that all pollutants and their sources, including sources of sediment associated with construction, construction site erosion and all other activities associated with construction activity are controlled; Identify non-stormwater discharges and either eliminate, control, or treat them; Select site Best Management Practices (BMPs) that are effective and result in the reduction or elimination of pollutants in stormwater discharges and authorized non-stormwater discharges from construction activity to the Best Available Technology Economically Achievable (BAT) and the Best Conventional Pollutant Control Technology (BCT) standards; Calculations and design details as well as BMP controls for site run-on are complete and correct; and Stable BMPs are installed to reduce or eliminate pollutants after construction is completed. 1.2 Notice of Intent To obtain coverage under the CGP, a Notice of Intent (NOI) must be submitted electronically to the SWRCB in the Stormwater Multiple Application and Report Tracking System (SMARTS) database along with additional Permit Registration Documents (PRDs) for the project. The SMARTS database can be accessed at: An electronic copy of this SWPPP document will be submitted as part of the PRDs and shall be submitted at the time of the NOI. The SWPPP Developer or other data submitter will input the information required to submit the NOI into SMARTS or provide it to the SDCCD, for review. The LRP or Approved Signatory will certify the NOI for all construction projects within the SDCCD property. Once the permit fee is received, the SWRCB will issue a Waste Discharge Identification (WDID) number and send all applicable materials to the RWQCB, which then enforces the permit. A print out of the information submitted electronically in the NOI will be provided to the contractor by the SDCCD and shall be included in Appendix B of the SWPPP. 1.3 SWPPP Implementation The General Permit requires a Qualified SWPPP Practitioner (QSP) to oversee implementation of the BMPs required at a project site in order to ensure proper oversight of the BMPs. The QSP shall have primary responsibility and significant authority for the implementation, maintenance, inspection and amendments to the approved SWPPP. The QSP will be available at all times throughout the duration of the project. Duties of the QSP include but are not limited to: SECTION 1 Ensuring full compliance with the SWPPP and the General Permit. 2 Construction SWPPP Section 1 – SWPPP Requirements Implementing all elements of the SWPPP, including but not limited to: Implementation of prompt and effective erosion and sediment control measures. Implementing all non-stormwater management, and materials and waste management activities such as: monitoring discharges (dewatering, diversion devices); general site clean-up; vehicle and equipment cleaning, fueling and maintenance; spill control; ensuring that no materials other than stormwater are discharged in quantities which will have an adverse effect on receiving waters or storm drain systems; etc. Implementing all aspects of the Construction Site Monitoring program including routine weekly, pre-, post- and daily storm event inspections (visual monitoring), quarterly non-stormwater visual monitoring and required sampling for visible and nonvisible pollutants. Preparing the annual report for SDCCD Property Agent’s signature. Ensuring elimination of all unauthorized discharges. The QSP shall be assigned authority by the Contractor to mobilize crews in order to make immediate repairs to the control measures or to respond to spills. Coordinating with the Contractor to assure all of the necessary corrections/repairs are made immediately, and that the project complies with the SWPPP, the General Permit and approved plans at all times. Developing the Rain Event Action Plans (REAPs) for Risk Level 2 project sites and evaluating the adequacy of site BMPs prior to any likely precipitation events. Train any employees involved in the implementation of the SWPPP and its components. This includes training on use of spill kits and inspection and sampling procedures and methods. Submitting Reports of Discharge, reports of illicit connections or illegal discharges and other required reports. The QSP shall oversee all contractors, subcontractors, and individuals who have the potential to impact water quality. The Contractor is, required to appoint the QSP for the project. The QSP shall have the qualifications identified in Section 5 of the SWPPP. Given that these QSP responsibilities are time sensitive and require the QSP perform or oversee implementation, maintenance, and repair of BMPs, the SDCCD prefers that the QSP be an appropriately trained and designated member of the Contractor’s staff. SECTION 1 3 Construction SWPPP Section 1 – SWPPP Requirements Should the Contractor find it necessary to meet the requirement for a QSP through the use of a subcontractor, a plan to ensure the roles, responsibilities, limits of authority and response times for visiting the project site to conduct rain event inspections and monitoring to meet the Permit requirements must be formally documented. In the event that some tasks will be delegated to the Contractor’s staff, the staff should be designated and trained in the proper implementation of these responsibilities. The SDCCD requires that the Contractor identify who, if not the QSP, will be designated to o Monitor the construction site operations for compliance with the SWPPP and CGP. o Conduct required inspections (daily, weekly, quarterly, pre-, during-, and post-) rain event inspection. o Implement the SWPPP, including having authority to mobilize crews to make immediate repairs to correct SWPPP deficiencies. o Conduct stormwater sampling and required non-stormwater sampling. o Train employees and subcontractors on SWPPP implementation. o Document the roles and responsibilities to be overseen by the QSP and delegated to the Contractor’s staff in the Training/Delegation Form in Appendix E. The SDCCD requires that the QSP: SECTION 1 o Conduct required weekly inspections and Quarterly Non-Stormwater Discharge inspections. o Train and delegate sampling requirements to individuals on site especially for non-visible pollutant sampling and RL 2 effluent sampling. o Review and sign all inspection reports, corrective action reports, sampling forms and results, reports of discharge and input to the Annual Report. o Develop and sign all REAPs. o Be at the job site within 2 hours of being contacted. 4 Construction SWPPP Section 1 – SWPPP Requirements The designated QSP for this construction project is: Construction Phase: QSP Name: QSP E-mail:__________________________ QSP Certification #: QSP Telephone No.: Business Hour Address: ______________________________________________________ Effective Date: _____________________________________________________________ (Add/Delete Additional QSPs as necessary) Construction Phase: QSP Name: QSP E-mail:__________________________ QSP Certification #: QSP Telephone No.: Business Hour Address: ______________________________________________________ Effective Dates: ______________________________________________________________ Construction Phase: QSP Name: QSP E-mail:__________________________ QSP Certification #: QSP Telephone No.: Business Hour Address: ______________________________________________________ Effective Dates: ____________________________________________________________ 1.4 Plan Availability The SWPPP must be retained at the construction site during working hours from the date of project initiation to the date of termination of coverage under the CGP. If the SWPPP is retained by a crewmember in a construction vehicle and is not at the project site, current copies of the BMPs and map/drawing will be left with the field crew and the original SWPPP shall be made available via request by telephone/radio. The SWPPP should be available at all times to site employees, and to representatives of the City of San Diego, RWQCB, SWRCB, United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the SDCCD, and/or other local municipality or stormwater management agency. 1.5 Plan Changes The General Construction Permit requires that the discharger amend the SWPPP whenever there is a change in project design, construction, or operations that may have a significant effect on the potential for discharge of pollutants to surface waters, groundwater, or municipal SECTION 1 5 Construction SWPPP Section 1 – SWPPP Requirements separate storm sewer systems (MS4). The SWPPP shall also be amended if the discharger violates any condition of the General Permit or has not achieved the general objective of eliminating or minimizing pollutants in stormwater discharges. If the Regional Board determines that the discharger is in violation of the General Construction Permit, the SWPPP should be amended and implemented in a timely manner, but in no case more than 14 calendar days after notification. In addition, the plan must be amended to identify any new contractor and/or subcontractor that will implement a measure of the SWPPP. All amendments and revisions to the SWPPP shall be done by a Qualified SWPPP Developer (QSD). Amendments and revisions shall be dated and directly attached to the SWPPP. Each amendment shall be signed by the QSD and logged on Table 1. Recognizing that the QSD who authored the SWPPP is potentially not involved in the project during construction, the QSD with the authority and responsibility to amend the SWPPP is: Name: ________________________________________ Firm: _________________________________________ Telephone Number: _____________________________ Minor adjustments to the placement, locations and amount of BMPs in response to observed deficiencies during required inspections or monitoring activities will be annotated on the WPCD map. When minor adjustments to BMPs aggregate to the point they change the runoff patterns, discharge locations or become significantly different from those described in the SWPPP, an amendment will be made by a QSD incorporating these changes into the SWPPP. The QSP is responsible for updating the SWPPP to reflect current project site conditions and operations and adding documentation of training and inspection and monitoring results, as they occur. The following sections will require updating on a regular basis: Table 1 - Summary of SWPPP Amendments Table 2 - Contractor/Subcontractor List Table 6 - Inventory of Potential Pollutants Used or Stored on Site Table 13 - SWPPP Reportable Quantity Releases The documentation of ongoing inspections, monitoring, corrective actions and training shall be accomplished by ensuring the following forms are filled out when required and included in the appropriate SWPPP sections: C - Site Inspections Forms. Appendix D - Training Reporting Forms SECTION 1 6 Construction SWPPP Section 1 – SWPPP Requirements 1.6 Retention of Records The SWPPP, including all required inspection reports, compliance certifications, reports of discharge, training records and records of data used to complete the NOI, must be retained for at least 3 years after the NOT has been approved by the State. The Contractor must maintain a copy of the SWPPP and inspection reports at the construction site from the date of project initiation to the date coverage under the CGP is terminated. If conditions remain that prevent the filing of an NOT immediately following completion of construction, the SWPPP requirements, including inspection and reporting must be completed until the NOT is filed. The turnover of the SWPPP to the SDCCD should be done as part of the project closeout process. If the contractor is no longer present on site, the complete SWPPP document should be turned over to the appropriate campus project management office. The SDCCD will maintain the complete SWPPP document for its records for three years. 1.7 Signatory Requirements for Compliance Certification All Permit Registration Documents (PRDs) and Notice of Terminations (NOTs) shall be electronically signed, certified, and submitted via SMARTS by the LRP or the legally authorized signatory. The LRP or approved signatory shall certify and submit all Annual Reports, or other information required by the CGP or requested by the RWQCB, SWRCB, U.S. EPA, or local stormwater management agency. 1.8 Contractor/Trade Contractor/Subcontractor List Contractors, Trade contractors, and Subcontractors who will work on the site are listed in Table 2. This list shall be kept current throughout the construction project. Each contractor, trade contractor, and subcontractor shall have access to copies of applicable sections of the SWPPP or equivalent documents prior to commencement of construction. Contractors, trade contractors, and subcontractors shall receive training on the site specific SWPPP requirements that affect their work according to Section 5 of this document. For example, concrete contractors must be trained in the implementation of concrete washouts, prevention of any rinse water or washout water from spilling on ground/surface, and spill cleanup procedures. If contractors have not been selected at the time of the SWPPP preparation, then the required information must be added to the SWPPP prior to commencement of the project. 1.9 Notice of Termination (NOT) To terminate coverage under the CGP, a NOT must be submitted. A NOT should be filed within ninety (90) days of completion of construction. The NOT shall be electronically submitted to the SWQCB via SMARTS when the construction project is complete or ownership has been SECTION 1 7 Construction SWPPP Section 1 – SWPPP Requirements transferred. A project is considered complete when all portions of the site have been transferred to a new owner, or all of the following conditions have been met: The site will not pose any additional sediment discharge risk than it did prior to the commencement of construction activity; There is no potential for construction-related stormwater pollutants to be discharged into site runoff; Final stabilization has been reached; Construction materials and wastes have been disposed of properly; Compliance with the post-construction standards (Section XIII) of the General Permit has been demonstrated; Post-construction stormwater management measures have been installed and a longterm maintenance plan has been established according to the SWPPP and Water Quality Technical Report (WQTR); and All construction-related equipment, materials and any temporary BMPs no longer needed are removed from the site. In order to terminate coverage under the CGP, final stabilization conditions must be satisfied in the NOT. The NOT must attain final stabilization by one of the following methods: 70% final cover method - no computational proof required; or RUSLE or RUSLE2 method – computational proof required; or Custom method – the discharger shall demonstrate in some other manner than above that the site complies with the final stabilization requirement in Section II.D.1.a. The SDCCD prepares and submits the NOT for construction projects within its jurisdictional areas when the above conditions have been met. For projects with more than 90 days of permit coverage since the last Annual Report was submitted, an Annual Report must be prepared and submitted prior to filing the Annual Report prior to filing the NOT. SECTION 1 8 Construction SWPPP Section 1 – SWPPP Requirements Table 1 SUMMARY OF SWPPP AMENDMENTS OR REVISIONS Amendment or Revision # QSD Information (Name and Signature) Date Implemented Description of Amendment 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 SECTION 1 9 Construction SWPPP Section 1 – SWPPP Requirements Table 2 CONTRACTOR/TRADE CONTRACTOR/SUBCONTRACTOR LIST General Contractor: Responsible Person – Qualified SWPPP Practitioner (QSP): Name/Title SWPPP Responsibilities Phone Number(s) 1 Address Initial Training on Applicable SWPPP Requirements Yes No Yes No Yes No Trade Contractor(s): Name/Title SWPPP Responsibilities Phone Number(s) 1 Address Initial Training on Applicable SWPPP Requirements Yes No Yes No Yes No Sub-Contractor(s): Name/Title SWPPP Responsibilities Phone Number(s) 1 Address Initial Training on Applicable SWPPP Requirements Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Notes: (1) Include: Daytime, Fax, Cellular/Pager, and Emergency Number SECTION 1 10 Construction SWPPP Section 2 – Project Information Section 2 Project Information 2.1 Site Description Note to SWPPP preparers: The information in this section can be presented in a tabular or narrative form. The information with an asterisk (*) is required information to submit the Notice of Intent (NOI.) Appendix B summarizes this information to facilitate the electronic filing of the NOI in SMARTS. The following is a description of the project site: *Project Name: *Project Address or Location: *Project Size (acres): *Disturbed Soil Area (acres): *City: *County: *State: Adjacent Properties (reference location as appropriate): North: Northeast: East: Southeast: South: Southwest: West: Northwest: Adjacent Streets (reference location as appropriate): North: Northeast: East: Southeast: South: Southwest: West: Northwest: SECTION 1 Construction SWPPP Section 2 – Project Information The project site location is identified on the Vicinity Map located in Appendix A. Water Pollution Control Drawings (WPCDs) are also located in Appendix A. The WPCDs developed for the various phases of development depict the required information listed in Table 3. 2.2 Existing Site Conditions The following is a description of existing site conditions: Land Use Developed: Yes No Description of Existing Land Use: Description and Size of Existing Pervious Features: Description and Size of Existing Impervious Features: Potential Historic Contamination Former Industrial Operations: Yes No Description of Former Industrial Operations: Historic Contamination: Yes No Description of Historic Contamination: Topography Topographic Description: Description of Changes in Elevation: Stormwater Conveyance *Project Discharges to City of San Diego Municipal Storm Drain System: Project Discharges Directly to a Receiving Water Body: Description of Storm Drain System/Drainage Pattern: Discharge Points Along Site Perimeter: * Name and Distance to Receiving Water Body: Is Receiving Water Body listed for pollutants in Section 303(d) list? Yes No If Yes, List Pollutants SECTION 1 Yes No Yes No Construction SWPPP Section 2 – Project Information Soil and Geologic Conditions Project has Fill Material: Project has Native Material: Soil Texture: Sand Loamy Sand Silt Sandy Clay Loam Sandy Clay Silty Clay Hydrologic Soil Group: A (high infiltration rate) C (slow infiltration rate) Soil Erodibility: Slight Yes No Yes No Sandy Loam Loam Silty Loam Clay Loam Silty Clay Loam Clay B (moderate infiltration rate) D (very slow infiltration rate) Moderate Severe Depth and Direction of Groundwater Flow: Soil Report Reference (if applicable): Location of Rain Gauges Nearest Government facility with a rain gauge: ________________________________ ________________________________ San Diego County gauges can be located using the following website: Location of On-site rain gauge: _______________________________________________ SECTION 1 Construction SWPPP Section 2 – Project Information Table 3 REQUIRED MAP INFORMATION FEATURE Permit Section – Attachment B Section J.2 Site Map/Water Pollution Control Drawing Required Features: Site boundaries Stormwater collection and discharge points Anticipated discharge location(s) Relevant drainage areas Sampling Locations Drainage patters Recommended Features: Existing and proposed buildings, lots, and roadways Temporary on-site drainage General topography before and after construction Location of Areas Designated for: Required Features : Soil or waste storage Vehicle storage & service Construction material loading, unloading, and access BMP Descriptions for: Required Features: Waste handling and disposal areas On-site storage and disposal of construction materials and waste Erosion Control Required Features: Areas of soil disturbance (stabilized and exposed) BMPs for erosion control Recommended Features: Areas of vegetation on site Sediment Control Required Features: Description/Illustration of BMPs to prevent increase of sediment load in discharge Non-Stormwater Required Features: Locations of discharges Post-Construction Required Features: Location of BMPs Permit Section – Attachment C Section B.1-4 BMP Descriptions for: Required Features: BMPs to minimize exposure of stormwater to construction materials, equipment, vehicles, waste Location of Areas Designated for: Required Features: Equipment storage, cleaning, maintenance SECTION 1 Construction SWPPP Section 2 – Project Information FEATURE Permit Section – Attachment C Section D Erosion Control Required Features: BMPs to control wind erosion Permit Section – Attachment C Section F Drainage Required Features: Locations of stormwater run-on BMPs that divert off-site drainage from going through site Recommended Features: Drainage patterns Slopes after major grading Stormwater Inlets Recommended Features: Drainage patterns to stormwater inlets or receiving water BMPs that protect stormwater inlets or receiving water Permit Section – Attachment D Section B.7 Erosion Control Required Features: Construction phase / BMP sequencing schedule including supplemental pre-rain action plan for erosion control measures (Risk Level 2 only) Sediment control Required Features: Construction phase / BMP sequencing schedule including supplemental pre-rain action plan for sediment control measures (Risk Level 2 only) 2.3 Proposed Construction Activities Following is a description of proposed construction activities: Project Description Describe Project Activities (e.g., demo, grading, paving, unique site features): ______________ ___________________________________________________________________________ * Project Start Date: * Project End Date: Future Project Land Use: Function of Proposed Project: Grading Acreage of Graded Area: SECTION 1 Commercial Applied Technology (laboratory) Restaurant Streets Facilities Support Central Utilities Plant Steep Hillside Development Educational Building Parking Lots/Structure Other Construction SWPPP Section 2 – Project Information Percent of Site to be Graded: Cut Grading Consists of: Fill Cut and Fill Estimated Cubic Yards to be Graded: Balanced Onsite Imported Grading is Expected to be: Exported Locations of Stockpiles: Construction Activities Project Phased: Yes No For All Phases: Equipment Use Vehicle/Equipment Cleaning Vehicle/Equipment Fueling Vehicle/Equipment Maintenance Waste Management Hazardous Waste Management Solid Waste Management Sanitary/Septic Waste Management Liquid Waste Management Phase 1: Demolition Structure Demolition/Removal Over or Adjacent to Water Building Demolition (Structure, HVAC, Insulation) Other None Phase 2: Earthwork and Site Work Clearing and Grubbing Grading Contaminated Soil Management Dewatering Drainage Construction Dredging Utilities Line Flushing Material and Equipment Use over Water Other SECTION 1 Stockpiling Temporary Stream Crossing Pile Driving Landscaping None Construction SWPPP Section 2 – Project Information Phase 3: Masonry, Concrete, Asphalt Work Saw Cutting Concrete Curing Other Paving and Grinding Concrete Finishing Concrete Placement Concrete Waste Management None Phase 4: Building and Facility Construction Painting Adhesives Wood Products Other Material Use Cleaners Interior Construction Material Delivery and Storage Plumbing None Phase 5: Landscape/Final Stabilization Provide Description of the Final Stabilization measures that will be enacted on site. Provide Description Additional Phase(s): Provide Description Provide Description Equipment Use Vehicle/Equipment Cleaning Vehicle/Equipment Fueling Vehicle/Equipment Maintenance Other None Waste Management Hazardous Waste Management Solid Waste Management Sanitary/Septic Waste Management Other SECTION 1 Liquid Waste Management None Construction SWPPP Section 2 – Project Information 2.4 Construction Schedule The proposed construction schedule is shown on Table 4. The schedule will be updated on a regular basis to show changes in start or completion dates. These updates will be inserted into the SWPPP when changes are deemed necessary. Schedules shall be ensured to include BMP implementation concerns. Table 4 CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY MILESTONES Milestone Start Date End Date Prepare and submit SWPPP for review and approval by SDCCD. Date Permit Registration Documents (PRDs) (e.g., NOI, SWPPP) submitted to SWRCB/Permit filing fee mailed. WDID # issued by the State Water Board. Wet season dates Dry season dates Annual certification Initial ground-breaking (must occur after completion of SWPPP and submittal of PRDs) Mass clearing and grubbing/roadside clearing Grading/excavation/trenching activities BMP Implementation schedule: Deployment of temporary soil stabilization Deployment of temporary sediment control BMPs Deployment of wind erosion control BMPs Deployment of tracking control BMPs Deployment of non-stormwater BMPs Deployment of waste management and materials pollution control BMPs Paving, saw cutting, and any other pavement related activities Major planned stockpiling operations Construction of structures and paved surfaces Installation of LID and post-construction BMPs (Discuss in Section 3.8) Site clean-up Anticipated final stabilization (erosion control) date including landscaping Anticipated construction completion date Anticipated filing of Notice of Termination (NOT) to RWQCB. SECTION 1 October 1 April 30 May 1 September 30 Annually, Prior to September 1 Construction SWPPP Section 2 – Project Information 2.5 Site Risk Level This risk level will determine the minimum level of BMPs that will be acceptable with the project construction activities and the minimum level of site-specific monitoring and reporting that will be required. The risk level is based on project duration, proximity to impaired waters, and soil conditions. The risk level for the project has been calculated based on the following site specific information: *Project start date: ____________________________ *Project end date: ____________________________ Should the construction dates change, the risk level must be recalculated and the period of coverage must be changed in SMARTS via a change of information (COI.) *Location of project (address and/or Latitude and Longitude coordinates): __________________________________________________________________________ Method used to determine K, L, and S: EPA Map Site specific testing (ASTM D-422) Other_______________________ (Specify) The risk level for this project is calculated to be: Risk Level 1 Risk Level 2 Risk Level 3 (If Risk Level 3, another SWPPP/SWPPP Template must be utilized) A summary of the risk level determination using the sediment and receiving water risk worksheet from Appendix 1 of the CGP is included in Appendix B. Note to SWPPP preparers: Provide a description in this section of the risk level calculated for the project and how it was achieved. For a project with a calculated sediment risk value close to the border between two risk levels (e.g., Low and Medium) a sensitivity analysis should be performed in order to verify if a variation in one of the calculated parameters (e.g., project schedule) could move the project into a different risk level. The sensitivity analysis results and how it was performed should be discussed in this section. 2.6 Stormwater Run-on from Offsite Areas Anticipated drainage patterns following the completion of major grading activities are shown on the WPCDs. Run-on from offsite areas will be prevented from flowing through areas that have been disturbed by construction unless appropriate conveyance systems are in place. Calculations for anticipated stormwater run-on are shown below. Run-on from offsite areas anticipated: SECTION 1 Yes* No Construction SWPPP Section 2 – Project Information Yes* No Run-on potential was observed in the field: (*If yes, then complete the run-on calculations and identify appropriate diversion BMPs.) QSD shall provide narrative to describe the site’s run-on based on consideration of the historic run-on observed on site. If this information is documented in a separate drainage or hydrology report, it is recommended that this be summarized in this table and referenced in the report. Calculating stormwater run-on Q = CiA Where Q = runoff flow rate in cubic feet per second (cfs) C = runoff coefficient (unitless) i = design intensity (inches per hour) based on a 10-yr, 6-hr rainfall event A = site area, in acres Worksheet 2.1 can be used to calculate run-on from a drainage area using the Rational Method. Make additional copies of Worksheet 2.1 if more than one watershed drains onto the project site. Worksheet 2.1 – CALCULATING ANTICIPATED RUN-ON FLOWS FROM OFFSITE DRAINING AREAS Land Use Type And Cover (C) Runoff Coefficient (i) Rainfall Intensity (in/hr) (A) Area of Runoff (acres) (Q) Sub area Flow (cfs) Sub area: Sub area: Sub area: Q Total Flow (cfs): The CGP requires that temporary BMPs be implemented to direct offsite run-on around the disturbed areas of the project site. Table 7 in Section 3.1 describes the BMPs that were selected to control the run-on based on these calculations. 2.7 Runoff Coefficient A summary of runoff coefficient data (before and after construction) is shown below. Runoff coefficient calculations were performed using Worksheet 2.2 or shown in the Water Quality Technical Report (WQTR)/Standard Urban Storm Water Mitigation Plan (SUSMP) document: *Project Size (acres): SECTION 1 Construction SWPPP Section 2 – Project Information Pre-construction Pervious Area: *Pre-construction Impervious Area: Pre-construction Runoff Coefficient: Post-construction Pervious Area: *Post-construction Impervious Area: Post-construction Runoff Coefficient: Runoff coefficients can be estimated from site plan maps, which show where impervious surfaces, vegetation and permeable surfaces will be. Use Worksheet 2.2 and the following steps to calculate overall site runoff coefficients for both pre- and post-construction conditions at the site: 1. Determine the areas of pervious and impervious surfaces. 2. Multiply the pervious area by its associated runoff coefficient and the impervious area by its associated runoff coefficient and add the totals. Refer to the San Diego County Hydrology Manual, Table 3-1 for runoff coefficients. 3. Divide by the total site area to obtain the average site runoff coefficient. If the pre- and post-construction areas consist of several different types of impervious areas, it may be necessary to use professional judgment in determining specific runoff coefficients for the different land surfaces. Note to SWPPP preparer; this information regarding runoff coefficients and pervious and impervious areas is also used in the Water Balance Calculator discussed in section 3.9 of this SWPPP. Information should be consistent or differences should be noted and discussed. SECTION 1 Construction SWPPP Section 2 – Project Information Worksheet 2.2 - Pre- and Post-Construction Site Runoff Coefficients Total Project Area: __________ Acres Step 1: Pre-Construction Land Use Conditions: Acres: ________________X Impervious Runoff Coefficient:_________= Pre-Construction Impervious Area Sub-area/Total Area = __________% Impervious Acres: ___________X Pervious Runoff Coefficient:_________ = Pre-Construction Pervious Area Sub-area/Total Area = ____________%Pervious (C1 + C2) /Total Area = __________ Average Pre-Project Runoff Coefficient Step 2: Post-Construction Land Use Conditions: Acres: __________X Impervious Runoff Coefficient:__________= Post-Construction Impervious Area Sub-area/Total Area = ____________% Impervious Acres: ___________X Pervious Runoff Coefficient:__________ = Post-Construction Pervious Area Sub-area/Total Area = ___________% Pervious (C3 + C4)/Total Area = ______________ Average Post-Construction Runoff Coefficient 2.8 Potential Construction Site Polluants and Inventory Construction activities have the potential to generate pollutants in stormwater discharges if no BMPs are implemented. Construction activities can be grouped into categories for the purpose of identifying likely pollutants. The CGP requires that potential pollutant sources must be identified and products used and/or expected to be used and the end products produced are to be inventoried. The CGP makes a distinction between developing a list of potential pollutant sources and the inventory of pollutants on site. Table 5 identifies the types of construction activities and associated characteristic pollutants anticipated to be present at this construction site. Where possible, the locations of these potential pollutant sources are shown on the WPCDs. Details of BMPs for controlling these pollutants are discussed in Section 3. Table 6 is an inventory of pollutants actually used or stored on site. Alternatively, the Hazardous Materials Inventory required by the Safety Plan may be used as a baseline of pollutants and updated to include other potential pollutants that are not hazardous materials and should be included in the SWPPP. SECTION 1 Construction SWPPP Section 2 – Project Information Table 5 ANTICIPATED CONSTRUCTION SITE POLLUTANTS Construction Type Associated Activity/Products With Potential To Cause Stormwater Pollution Associated Potential Pollutants Demolition Structure Demolition/Removal Over or Adjacent to Water Building Demolition (HVAC, insulation) Sediment, concrete particles, wood debris, asbestos, freon, aluminum, zinc Earthwork Clearing and grubbing Grading activities Stockpiling Disturbance of contaminated soil Dewatering Temporary Stream Crossing Drainage Construction Dredging Pile Driving Utilities Line Flushing (hydrostatic test water, pipe flushing) Landscaping (vegetation control, (herbicides) planting and plant maintenance; use of soil additives, production of solid waste such as trees, shrubs green waste and mulch) Material and Equipment Use Over Water Sediment, Soil Amendments (gypsum, lime) List identified soil and dredged contaminant Chlorine, BOD, fertilizers, herbicides, nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium) acidity/ alkalinity, metals, aluminum sulfate, sulfur SECTION 1 Construction SWPPP Section 2 – Project Information Table 5 (Continued) ANTICIPATED CONSTRUCTION SITE POLLUTANTS Associated Activity/Products With Potential To Cause Stormwater Pollution Associated Potential Pollutants Masonry, Concrete, Asphalt Work Saw Cutting (cement and brick dust, saw cut slurries) Paving and Grinding Concrete Placement (colored chalks) Concrete Curing (curing and glazing compounds Concrete Finishing (surface cleaners) Concrete Waste Management Concrete, sediments, acidity, metals, asbestos, particulates, cold mix, asphalt emulsion, liquid asphalt Building Construction Painting (paint thinners, acetone, methyl ethyl ketone, stripper paints, lacquers, varnish, enamels, turpentine, gum spirit, solvents, dyes, stripping pigments and sanding) Material Use Material Delivery and Storage Adhesives (glues, resins, epoxy synthetics, caulks, sealers, putty, sealing agents and coal tars) Cleaners (polishes (metal, ceramic, tile), etching agents, cleaners, ammonia, lye, caustic, sodas, bleaching agents and chromate salts) Plumbing (solder (lead, tin), flux (zinc chloride), pipe fitting) Wood Products (sawdust, particle board dust and treated woods) Interior Construction (tile cutting, flashing, sawcutting drywall, galvanized metal in nails and fences, and electric wiring) VOCs, metals, phenolics and mineral spirits, BOD, formaldehyde, copper and creosote Phenolics, formaldehydes, asbestos, benzene, phenols and naphthalene Metals, acidity/alkalinity, chromium Lead, zinc and tin Copper, aluminum, sediments, minerals, and asbestos Equipment Use Vehicle and Equipment Cleaning Vehicle and Equipment Fueling Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance Total petroleum hydrocarbons, oils and grease, coolants, benzene and derivatives Waste Management Hazardous Waste Management Solid Waste Management (litter, trash, and debris) Liquid Waste Management (wash waters) Sanitary Septic Waste Management (portable toilets, disturbance of existing sewer lines) Plastic, paper, cigarettes, wood products, steel, etc. Concrete, sediment, oil and grease, detergents Bacteria, BOD, pathogens Other_______________________ __________________________ ____________________ Construction Type SECTION 1 Construction SWPPP Section 2 – Project Information Table 6 INVENTORY OF POTENTIAL POLLUTANTS (CHEMICALS, MATERIALS, AND EQUIPMENT1) USED OR STORED ON SITE Date Description and Location Quantity Date Materials Consumed /Removed from Site QSP should make several copies of this Inventory form and update as quantities arrive or are removed from site. Complete forms should be included in site inspections and included in SWPPP. This does not include materials and equipment that are designed to be outdoors and exposed to environmental conditions (i.e. poles, equipment pads, cabinets, conductors, insulators, SECTION 1 Construction SWPPP Section 2 – Project Information bricks, etc.). Describe any special BMPs or hazardous material requirements, such as secondary containment, that are needed to contain the listed materials. SECTION 1 Construction SWPPP Section 3 – Best Management Practices Section 3 Best Management Practices This section describes the BMPs to be implemented to eliminate or reduce pollutants in stormwater runoff and authorized non-stormwater discharges from the project site during construction. The CGP describes specific BMPs that are required to minimize or prevent pollutants in stormwater runoff. BMPs are controls, structures and management practices that are selected and adapted to the project site to achieve the best conventional control technology (BCT) for traditional pollutants, such as sediment, and the best available technology economically available (BAT) for toxic pollutants and non-conventional pollutants. The permit requires the developer/owner to choose the most economical, effective, and possibly innovative BMPs to reduce or eliminate pollutants in runoff. The BMPs described in this section are designed to meet the minimum BMPs specified in the permit and additional BMPs selected by the QSD based on site conditions and phase to meet the BAT/BCT standards to reduce or eliminate stormwater pollution as required by the CGP. Additional BMPs may be added during construction to address deficiencies identified during routine and rain event inspections or to correct an exceedance of a Numeric Action Level (NAL). The permit contains specific requirements for Run-on and Run-off, Erosion (Site Stabilization), and Sediment controls, and Housekeeping BMPs, including Material and Waste Management and Non-Stormwater BMPs. The following subsections contain BMP consideration checklists that indicate the specific BMPs that will be implemented on the project site to meet the CGP requirements. These BMPs were selected by considering: a. The quantity, physical characteristics, and locations of each potential pollutant souce listed in Tables 5 and 6, b. The volume of on site run-on and runoff calculated in Sections 2.6 and 2.7, c. The degree to which pollutants associated with these materials may be exposed or mobilized by contact with stormwater or authorized non-stormwater discharges, and d. The direct or indirect pathways that pollutants may be exposed to stormwater or authorized non-stormwater discharges, These subsections also include narrative explaining how the selected BMPs will be incorporated into the project. The actual location of the BMPs will be shown on the WPCD in Appendix A. Risk Level 2 projects must document all housekeeping BMPs in the SWPPP and Rain Event Action Plans (REAP) by the nature and phase of the construction project. The CGP recognizes that each phase has activities that can result in different water quality effects from different pollutants, resulting in the selection and placement of different BMPs. Construction phases may SECTION 3 27 Construction SWPPP Section 3 – Best Management Practices include grading (G), land development (LD), streets and utilities (SU), vertical (V) construction, landscaping and site stabilization (LS) for traditional land development projects. BMPs with a check mark (√) in Tables 7 through 14 refer to minimum BMPs specifically required by the permit. BMPs marked with an X are BMPs required by SDCCD, and include the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) requirements for minimum construction site pollution prevention BMPs. The BMP numbers refer to the Fact sheets prepared by the California Stormwater Quality Association (CASQA). The BMP Fact sheets are from the 2009 CASQA Construction BMP Guidance Handbook/Portal and have the working details of the BMPs. CASQA Fact sheets for BMPs that have been selected to be implemented on the project site are included in Appendix E. BMPs that will not be used on the project site should not be included in Appendix E. Copies of these CASQA Construction BMP Fact sheets are used under the limited copyright provided to the San Diego Community College District as part of the SWPPP signatory CASQA subscription and may be used for the sole purpose of preparing SWPPPs for the SDCCD. Use of the BMPs from the CASQA Construction BMP Guidance Handbook in SWPPPs for other property owners, clients or for resale or other purposes may be a violation of Federal Copyright law. 3.1 Run-on and Runoff Controls The CGP requires that all run-on, all runoff within the site and all runoff discharging off the site be effectively managed. The following BMPs will be implemented to divert the run-on from offsite areas around disturbed areas of the project site. Runoff will be controlled within the site and prior to discharging off the site by the BMPs selected in the table below. These BMPs will be sized to convey the anticipated flow rates that were calculated in Sections 2.6 and 2.7. The locations of these BMPs have been included on the WPCDs. Note to SWPPP preparer: The information in these tables should be shown on the appropriate phase of the drawing. Avoid checking multiple boxes and leaving to the discretion of the QSP. If this is the QSD’s strategy, specifically indicated and provide a range of potential BMP options for use. SECTION 3 28 Construction SWPPP Section 3 – Best Management Practices Table 7 TEMPORARY BMPs TO CONTROL RUN-ON/RUNOFF BMP No. BMP Earth Dikes/Drainage Swales & Lined Ditches Outlet Protection/ SS-10 Velocity Dissipation Devices SS-9 CHECK IF USED1 DESCRIBE WHERE AND HOW THE BMP WILL BE USED OR DESCRIBE WHY BMP WAS NOT SELECTED CONSTRUCTION PHASE2 SS-11 Slope Drains SC-4 Check Dam SC-8 Sandbag Barrier SC-9 Straw Bale Barrier Use is discouraged. Consider alternative BMP Other Innovative or Specialized BMPs Roof drain or downspout diversions Gravel Bags with wrapped plastic Containment Options Other Describe alternate BMPs, here or in text. (1) The minimum BMPs shall be selected or an explanation provided as to why they are not appropriate for the site or project phase.) (2) Phases: Demolition (D), Grading (G), Land development (LD), Streets and Utilities (SU), Vertical (V), Landscaping and Site Stabilization (LS). Note to SWPPP Preparer: Special considerations in selecting innovative or specialized BMPs should be noted here, as appropriate. Also include potential actions for use in a rain event as part of the REAP. For example: Concentrated flows discharging to vegetated areas should be diverted until plant establishment has occurred. Alternative run-on BMPs, such as a gravel bag wrapped in plastic, or manufactured BMPs, should be considered in lieu of sand bags. Alternative runoff BMPs might include a 6-8 inch depression below paved surfaces at the project boundary BMPs or containment strategy to collect runoff. SECTION 3 29 Construction SWPPP Section 3 – Best Management Practices Placing temporary berms around high risk areas such as concrete delivery haul routes just prior to rain events to divert runoff. This should be described to provide direction to the QSP. 3.2 Erosion Control (Soil Stabilization) Erosion control, also referred to as soil stabilization, consists of source control measures that are designed to prevent soil particles from detaching and becoming transported in stormwater runoff or by wind. Erosion control BMPs protect the soil surface by covering and/or binding soil particles. This project will incorporate erosion control (including wind control) BMPs required by the CGP, contract documents, and other considerations the QSD determines necessary to meet the discharge prohibitions. This project will implement the following minimum practices for effective temporary and final soil stabilization during construction: 1. Effective wind erosion control. 2. Soil cover for inactive areas and all finished slopes, open space, utility backfill, and completed lots. 3. Limit the use of plastic materials when more sustainable, environmentally friendly alternatives exist. Where plastics are deemed necessary, the discharger shall consider the use of plastic materials resistant to solar degradation. 4. Risk level 2 projects shall implement appropriate erosion control BMPs (runoff control and soil stabilization) to inconjunction with sediment control BMPs for areas under active construction. Run -on, run off within the site and runoff that discharges off the site will be effectively managed. Run-on to the site shall be effectively managed by directing run-on away from disturbed areas. Inactive areas of construction are areas that have been disturbed by construction activity that are not scheduled to be re-disturbed for at least 14 days. Active areas of construction are areas undergoing land surface disturbance. Inactive areas must have erosion control BMPs described in the SWPPP. This includes construction activity in all phases of construction. Sufficient erosion control materials will be maintained onsite to allow implementation of corrective actions in conformance with the CGP requirements in a timely manner. This includes implementation requirements for active and non-active areas that require deployment of additional BMPs before the onset of rain. Additional Erosion Controls for Risk Level 2 Projects Applicable Not Applicable For Risk Level 2 projects, the following additional BMP requirements will be implemented: SECTION 3 30 Construction SWPPP Section 3 – Best Management Practices Appropriate erosion control BMPs (runoff control and soil stabilization) will be installed in conjunction with sediment control BMPs for areas under active construction. Implementation and locations of temporary erosion control BMPs are shown on the appropriate phase of the WPCDs in Appendix A and/or described in this section. The following erosion control BMP consideration checklist indicates the BMPs that will be implemented to control erosion on the construction site. The following list of BMPs also includes narrative explaining how the selected BMPs will be incorporated into the project: SECTION 3 31 Construction SWPPP Section 3 – Best Management Practices Table 8 TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL BMPs BMP No. BMP BMP MINIMUM REQUIREMENT FOR ALL RISK LEVELS CHECK IF USED WE-1 Wind Erosion Control EC-1 Scheduling X EC-2 Preservation of Existing Vegetation X EC-3 Hydraulic Mulch EC-4 Hydroseeding EC-5 Soil Binder EC-6 Straw Mulch EC-7 Geotextiles, Plastic Covers, & Erosion Control Blankets/Mats EC-8 Wood Mulching EC-9 EC10 Earth Dikes/Drainage Swales & Lined Ditches Outlet Protection/ Velocity Dissipation Devices EC11 Slope Drains EC12 Stream bank Stabilization Stockpile Management ADDITIONAL/INNOVATIVE EROSION CONTROL BMPs USED WM-3 Erosion control options for Inactive areas3 DESCRIBE WHERE AND HOW THE BMP WILL BE USED OR DESCRIBE WHY BMP WAS NOT SELECTED CONSTRUCTION PHASE (2) DESCRIBE WHERE AND HOW THE BMP WILL BE USED AND WHY BMP WAS SELECTED CONSTRUCTION PHASE (1) The minimum BMPs shall be selected or an explanation provided as to why they are not appropriate for the site or project phase.) (2) Phases: Demolition (D), Grading (G), Land development (LD), Streets and Utilities (SU), Vertical (V), Landscaping and Site Stabilization (LS). (3) All inactive disturbed areas designated to be inactive for 14 days or more must have soil stabilization in the form of cover. SECTION 3 32 Construction SWPPP Section 3 – Best Management Practices Implementation of Erosion Control BMPs Note to SWPPP Preparer: Discuss the specific BMPs selected and how they will be utilized within the site. Annotate the BMP’s selected on the WPCD(s) as appropriate. Provide a range of BMPs that could be used for erosion control in inactive areas and for active areas on Risk Level 2 sites. BMPs will be deployed in a sequence to follow the progress of various project phases including grading, demolition, and construction. As the locations of soil disturbance change, erosion and sedimentation controls will be adjusted accordingly to control stormwater runoff at the downgrade perimeter and drain inlets. BMPs will be mobilized as follows: The project schedule will sequence construction activities with the installation of erosion control measures. The construction schedule will be arranged as much as practicable to leave existing vegetation undisturbed until immediately prior to grading. The QSP will monitor weather using National Weather Service reports ( to track conditions and alert crews to the onset of rainfall events. All BMPs will be inspected to verify they are properly implemented and to determine the need for corrective action as described in Section 6.3. Inactive disturbed soil areas will be stabilized with temporary or permanent erosion control before rain events. Disturbed soil areas that are substantially complete will be stabilized with permanent erosion control and vegetation (if within seeding window for seed establishment). Prior to forecasted storm events, temporary erosion control BMPs will be deployed as needed, and inspected. If not already in place, all inactive areas must have erosion control. All Risk Level 2 sites must have erosion control BMPs in additon to sediment control BMPs. The project will maintain appropriate and sufficient temporary erosion control BMPs and BMP materials onsite throughout the life of the project to make necessary corrective actions identified in routine and rain event inspections in a timely manner. 3.3 Sediment Control Sediment controls are structural measures that are intended to complement and enhance the erosion control (soil stabilization) measures and reduce sediment discharges from construction areas. Sediment controls are designed to intercept soil particles that have been detached and transported by the force of water. The CGP requires the specific BMPs for perminter controls, construction entrances and exits, run-on and runoff controls and inlet protection. Specifically: Perimeter controls: Sediment control BMPs will be installed at all appropriate locations along the site perimeter at all times during the project. SECTION 3 33 Construction SWPPP Section 3 – Best Management Practices Construction entrances and exits: These locations shall be stabilized to sufficiently control erosion and sediment discharges from the site. Construction activity traffic to and from the project will be limited to entrances and exits that employ effective controls to prevent offsite tracking of sediment. Inlet Protection: Storm drain inlets should be maintained and protected from activities that reduce their effectiveness. The SDCCD requires effective drain inlet protection for all project sites, regardless of risk level. Note that drain inlet protection alone cannot be relied upon for effective sediment control. Note to SWPPP Preparer: Drain inlet protection may vary based on phase of construction. For example, during demolition or grading, drain inlets may be blocked with filter fabric or completely covered and runoff contained on site. Discuss the specific drain inlet protection by phase, BMP variations from the fact sheet, and how they will be utilized within the site. This project will incorporate minimum temporary sediment controls required by the CGP, contract documents, and other considerations the QSD determines necessary to meet the discharge prohibitions. Temporary sediment control materials, equivalent to approximately 10% of the installed quantities on the site will be maintained onsite throughout the duration of the project to allow implementation of corrective actions in response to breaches, failures or emergencies or as a result of required inspections. Prior to disturbing a new area, additional temporary sediment control materials necessary to protect the disturbed area will be stored onsite. Additional Sediment Controls for Risk Level 2 Projects Applicable Not Applicable For Risk Level 2 projects, the following additional BMP requirements will be implemented: Appropriate erosion control BMPs (runoff control and soil stabilization) will be installed in conjunction with sediment control BMPs for areas under active construction. Linear sediment controls will be installed along the toe of the slope, face of the slope, and at the grade breaks of exposed slopes to comply with sheet flow lengths in accordance with Table 9. Table 9 CRITICAL SLOPE/SHEET FLOW LENGTHS COMBINATIONS Slope Percentage SECTION 3 Sheet flow length not to exceed 34 Construction SWPPP Section 3 – Best Management Practices Table 9 CRITICAL SLOPE/SHEET FLOW LENGTHS COMBINATIONS Slope Percentage Sheet flow length not to exceed 0-25% 20 feet 25-50% 15 feet Over 50% 10 feet Storm drain inlets and perimeter controls, runoff control BMPs, and pollutant controls at entrances and exits (e.g., tire washoff locations) will be maintained and protected from activities that reduce their effectiveness. Immediate access roads will be inspected on a daily basis. When necessary and prior to any rain event, any sediment or other construction activity-related materials that are deposited on the roads will be removed (by vacuuming or sweeping). The following sediment control BMP consideration checklist indicates the BMPs that will be implemented to control sediment on the construction site. The BMP selected to meet the specific CGP required controls (perimiter controls,wind controls, etc.) should be annotated. Implementation and locations of temporary sediment control BMPs are shown on the appropriate phase of the WPCDs in Appendix A and/or described in this section. The BMP working details that will be adhered to are found in Appendix E of this SWPPP. The following list of BMPs and narrative explains how the selected BMPs will be incorporated into the project: Table 10 TEMPORARY SEDIMENT CONTROL BMPS BMP No. BMP BMP MINIMUM REQUIREMENT FOR ALL RISK LEVELS(1) CHECK IF USED DESCRIBE WHERE AND HOW THE BMP WILL BE USED OR DESCRIBE WHY BMP WAS NOT SELECTED CONSTRUCTION PHASE (2) Indicate which BMPs were selected to meet CGP required perimeter, run-on and runoff and wind erosion control BMPs. SE-1 Silt Fence SE-2 Desilting Basin SE-3 Sediment Trap SE-4 Check Dam SE-5 Fiber Rolls SE-6 SE-7 SE-8 SECTION 3 Gravel Bag Berm Street Sweeping and Vacuuming Sandbag Barrier X (RL 2) 35 Construction SWPPP Section 3 – Best Management Practices Straw Bale Barrier Storm Drain Inlet Protection Stabilized Construction Entrance/Exit Stabilized Construction Roadway Entrance/Outlet Tire Wash SE-9 SE-10 TC-1 TC-2 TC-3 X DESCRIBE WHERE AND HOW THE BMP WILL BE USED AND WHY BMP WAS SELECTED ADDITIONAL SEDIMENT CONTROL BMPs USED Yes No Phase-specific Drain Inlet Protection Use of depression or containment area CONSTRUCTION PHASE The minimum BMPs shall be selected or an explanation provided as to why they are not appropriate for the site or project phase.) Phases: Grading (G), Land development (LD), Streets and Utilities (SU), Vertical (V), Landscaping and Site Stabilization (LS). On sites where sediment basins are to be used, the sediment basin shall be designed according to the methods provided in the CASQA’s Construction BMP Guidance Handbook. Stormwater runoff can be contained or retained on site through the appropriate use of depressions, site grading and berms and then allowed to infiltrate into the ground. The drainage area and containment volume should be calculated to ensure there is sufficient capacity for the anticipated volume. Appropriate methods for discharging the accumulated water (infiltrate, discharge to landscaped area on project site, haul offsite) should be identified in advance.) Accumulated water should not be discharged to the storm drain. Visual observations and sampling of accumulated stormwater is required by the permit and should be identified in the Construction Site Monitoring Plan (CSMP). The use of any post-construction BMP drainage areas (swales, bio filtration areas) as a temporary construction drainage/containment area must be identified in the SWPPP, consider the phase of construction (installation of filter fabric, undertrains, etc.) and its long term effect on the post-construction BMP, and be approved by the civil design engineer. Implementation of Temporary Sediment Controls Note to SWPPP Preparer: Discuss the specific BMPs selected and how they will be utilized within the site. Annotate the BMP’s selected on the WPCD(s) as appropriate. SECTION 3 Temporary sediment control BMPs will be deployed according to the schedule shown in SWPPP Section 2.4. 36 Construction SWPPP Section 3 – Best Management Practices When rain is anticipated, temporary sediment controls will be implemented at the draining perimeter of disturbed soil areas, at the toe of exterior slopes, at storm drain inlets and at outfall areas, as needed. In the event of a predicted storm, temporary sediment control materials will be maintained onsite. For risk Level 2 projects, these additional BMPs should be formalized in the REAP as described in Section 4. SECTION 3 37 Construction SWPPP Section 3 – Best Management Practices 3.4 Non-Stormwater Management Authorized non-stormwater discharges may include those from dechlorinated potable water sources provided the discharge prohibitions are met and the discharges are not subject to a separate permit adopted by the Regional Water Quality Control Board. All other nonstormwater discharges must be controlled through appropriate management practices and BMPs.. A list of construction activities and potential non-stormwater discharges is provided in Section 2.8, and the requirement to maintain an inventory of pollutants stored onsite is described in Section 2.8. The CGP specifically requires management or structural BMPs to ensure the following requirements are met: Vehicles shall be washed in such a manner to prevent non-stormwater discharges to MS4 drainaige systems. Streets shall be cleaned in such a manner to prevent unauthorized stormwater discharges. Prevent disposal of any rinse or wash waters or materials on impervious or pervious site surfaces or into the stormdrain system. Be particularly careful of concrete washout water, and any runoff influenced by cementaceous materials. Implement good housekeeping measures for vehicle storage and maintenance to prevent oils, grease or fuel from leaking into the ground, storm drains or surface waters. Fuel all equipment and vehicles in a designated area with appropirate BMPs and clean leaks/spills and dispose of leaking materials immediately. Ensure the containment of concrete washout areas and other washout areas that may contain additional pollutants so there is no discharge into the underlying soil and onto the surrounding areas. The following BMP consideration checklist indicates the BMPs that have been selected to control non-stormwater pollution on the construction site. Implementation and locations of nonstormwater control BMPs are shown on the WPCDs in Appendix A. The following list of BMPs and narrative explains how the selected BMPs will be incorporated into the project SECTION 3 38 Construction SWPPP Section 3 – Best Management Practices Table 11 NON-STORMWATER MANAGEMENT BMPS BMP No. BMP NS-1 Water Conservation Practices NS-2 Dewatering Operations NS-3 NS-4 Clear Water Diversion NS-6 Illicit Discharge/Illegal Dumping Reporting NS-7 Potable Water/Irrigation NS-9 NS-10 X Vehicle and Equipment Cleaning Vehicle and Equipment Fueling Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance CHECK IF USED Pile Driving Operations NS-12 Concrete Curing NS-13 Concrete Finishing NS-15 Material and Equipment Use Over Water Structure Demolition/Removal Over or Adjacent to Water CONSTRUCTION PHASE(2) NS-11 NS-14 DESCRIBE WHERE AND HOW THE BMP WILL BE USED OR DESCRIBE WHY BMP WAS NOT SELECTED Paving and Grinding Operations Temporary Stream Crossing NS-5 NS-8 BMP MINIMUM REQUIREMENT FOR ALL RISK LEVELS Recommend prohibiting this practice, unless specific project work requires it. Provide detail on how fueling drip/spill protection will be implemented Recommend prohibiting this practice, unless specific project work requires it. Other BMPs (1) The minimum BMPs shall be selected or an explanation provided as to why they are not appropriate for the site or project phase.) (2) Phases: Grading (G), Land development (LD), Streets and Utilities (SU), Vertical (V), Landscaping and Site Stabilization (LS). Implementation of Non Stormwater Management BMPs Note to SWPPP Preparer: Discuss the specific BMPs selected and how they will be utilized within the site. Annotate the BMP’s selected on the WPCD(s) as appropriate. SECTION 3 39 Construction SWPPP Section 3 – Best Management Practices 3.5 Waste Management and Materials Pollution Control Good site “Housekeeping” measures will be implemented to minimize the potential threat to water quality from site operations including the storage of construction materials, the application and storage of landscape materials and management of wastes and waste materials on site.Construction site debris, including trash, is a prohibited discharge in the CGP. A list of construction activities and potential materials to be utilized and waste to be generated and the requirement to maintain an inventory of materials and wastes is described in Section 2.8. The CGP specifically requires management or structural BMPs to ensure the following requirements are met: Construction Material Mangement: Store chemicals in watertight containers (with appropriate secondary containment to prevent any spillage or leakage) or in a storage shed (completely enclosed). Minimize exposure of construction materials to precipitation. Cover and berm loose stockpiled construciton materials that are not actively being used (i.e. soil, spoils, aggregate, fly-ash, stucco, hydrated line, etc.) SDCCD requires that all stockpiles be covered at end of day and prior to rain. Berms implemented for stockpile BMPs must be efective to divert run-on and prevent runoff.Implement BMPs to prevent the off-site tracking of loose construction and landscape materials. Implement good housekeeping measures on the construction site to control the air deposition of site materials (sediment, trash, metals, nutrients, bacterial, oil and grease and organics) and from site operations. Landscape Material Management: Contain stockpiled materials such as mulches and topsoil when they are not actively being used. Contain fertilizers and other landscape materials when they are not actively being used. Discontinue the application of any erodible landscape material within 2 days before a forecasted rain event or during periods of precipitation. Apply erodible landscape material at quantities and application rates according to manufacture recommendations or based on written specifications by knowledgeable and experienced field personnel. Stack erodible landscape material on pallets and cover or store such materials when not being used or applied. Waste Management: SECTION 3 Ensure the containment of sanitation facilities (e.g., portable toilets) to prevent discharges of pollutants to the stormwater drainage system or receiving water. Clean or replace sanitation facilities and inspect them regularly for leaks and spills. Cover waste disposal containers at the end of every business day and during a rain event. 40 Construction SWPPP Section 3 – Best Management Practices Ensure the containment of concrete washout areas and other washout areas that may contain additional pollutants so there is no discharge into the underlying soil and onto the surrounding areas. Identify appropriate protection for demolition waste stockpiles. All demolition waste piles must be covered and bermed to divert run-on away from piles at the end of each day or placed in a location where runoff will not discharge. Use covered waste dumpsters for smaller stockpiles or where feasible. Prevent discharges from waste disposal containers to the stormwater drainage system or receiving water. Contain and securely protect stockpiled waste material from wind and rain at all times unless actively being used. The following BMP consideration checklist indicates the BMPs that have been selected to control construction site wastes and materials. Implementation and locations of the central material handling and waste management BMPs are shown on the appropriate phase of the WPCDs in Appendix A. The BMP Factsheets that describe the working details of these BMPs are found in Appendix E of this SWPPP. The following list of BMPs and narrative explains how the selected BMPs will be incorporated into the project: Table 12 WASTE MANAGEMENT AND MATERIALS POLLUTION CONTROL BMPS BMP No. BMP WM-1 Material Delivery and Storage WM-2 Material Use BMP MINIMUM REQUIREMENT FOR ALL RISK LEVELS Stockpile WM-3 Management Spill Prevention WM-4 and Control Solid Waste WM-5 Management Hazardous Waste WM-6 Management Contaminated Soil WM-7 Management Concrete Waste WM-8 Management Sanitary/Septic WM-9 Waste Management Liquid Waste WM-10 Management ADDITIONAL/INNOVATIVE NONSTORMWATER MANAGEMENT BMPs USED Yes No BMP No. BMP Demolition waste pile strategy/options SECTION 3 DESCRIBE WHERE AND HOW THE BMP WILL BE USED OR DESCRIBE WHY BMP WAS NOT SELECTED CONSTRUCTION PHASE(2) DESCRIBE WHERE AND HOW THE BMP WILL BE USED AND WHY BMP WAS SELECTED CONSTRUCTION PHASE CHECK IF USED 41 Construction SWPPP Section 3 – Best Management Practices Table 12 WASTE MANAGEMENT AND MATERIALS POLLUTION CONTROL BMPS BMP No. BMP BMP MINIMUM REQUIREMENT FOR ALL RISK LEVELS CHECK IF USED DESCRIBE WHERE AND HOW THE BMP WILL BE USED OR DESCRIBE WHY BMP WAS NOT SELECTED CONSTRUCTION PHASE(2) (1) The minimum BMPs shall be selected or an explanation provided as to why they are not appropriate for the site or project phase.) (2) Phases: Grading (G), Land development (LD), Streets and Utilities (SU), Vertical (V), Landscaping and Site Stabilization (LS). All materials and wastes will be stored in the designated locations at the end of each day and in the event of anticipated rain. All waste materials generated onsite will be removed in accordance with the contract documents. Implementation of Waste Management and Material Pollution Control BMPs Note to SWPPP Preparer: Discuss the specific BMPs selected and how they will be utilized within the site. Annotate the BMP’s selected on the WPCD(s) as appropriate. 3.6 Spill Prevention and Control On-site procedures will be developed to effectively address hazardous and non-hazardous spills prior to the start of construction. Equipment and materials for the cleanup of spills will be available on site throughout the life of the project. Drips, minor spills and leaks will be cleaned up immediately and disposed of properly by the responsible personnel. Spill kits will be located in accessible areas for all construction activity and should include materials to address potential spill types. All personnel with the potential to cause or witness a spill will be trained in use of the spill kits for cleanup and procedures to initiate a formal spill response. Training for workers in the use of spill kits and emergency response procedures will be documented on the training forms in Appendix D and updated in the SWPPP. Appropriate spill response personnel are assigned for the project and are trained in spill response for larger spills beyond the capabilities of on-site personnel. To initiate the spill response, contact: Name: ________________________________________ Firm: _________________________________________ Telephone Number: _____________________________ SECTION 3 42 Construction SWPPP Section 3 – Best Management Practices Any hazardous material, waste or sewage spill on the project site or that discharges to the storm drain or sewer systems should be reported to the SDCCD project team. Provide as much information as possible about what spilled, to where it spilled, the estimated quantity that spilled and the time and date of the spill. However, do not delay in making the notification to obtain missing information. The QSP or Contractor site superintendent or project manager shall notify the SDCCD inspector (______________, Phone #_____________) and Campus Project Manager (______________, Phone #_____________) and David Backensto, LRP, at (619)-538-6546. The SDCCD will evaluate the spill and notify the appropriate agencies, as necessary, at the contact numbers listed in the table below. The SDCCD will submit a written description of the release to EPA Region 9, including the date, circumstances of the incident, and steps taken to prevent another release within 14 days, if a Federal Reportable Release occurred. Spill Discharge/Location Discharges exceeding reportable quantities (report immediately) Storm Drain/Creeks River/Bays Organization National Response Center Contact Number (800) 424-8802 San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board (858) 467-2952 Sanitary Sewer Spills (1000 gallons or greater) California Emergency Management Agency Warning Center County of San Diego Department of Environmental Health (Sewer District) San Diego Metropolitan Sewerage System San Diego Air Pollution Control District (Fire) (800) 852-7550 San Diego County Hazardous Materials Division (858) 505-6657 Sanitary Sewer spills that reach the Waters of the State Sanitary Sewer Gaseous Release into Atmosphere Underground Storage Tank Leak/Spill SECTION 3 (619-338-2222 (619) 515-3525 (858) 650-4550 (858) 650-4707 911* 43 Construction SWPPP Section 3 – Best Management Practices Table 13 SWPPP REPORTABLE QUANTITY RELEASES This table will be completed and used to document the agency notifications, as necessary, for any release of petroleum products or sewage that enters a storm drain and are not fully contained and/or reach a receiving water body, any release 5 gallons or greater of potentially hazardous material, and/or any Reportable Quantity spill of hazardous materials (as established under 40 CFR Part 1101, 40 CFR Part 1172, or 40 CFR 3023) that occurs on site. 140 CFR Part 110 addresses the discharge of oil in such quantities as may be harmful pursuant to Section 311(b)(4) of the Clean Water Act. 240 CFR Part 117 addresses the determination of such quantities of hazardous substances that may be harmful pursuant to Section 311(b)(3) of the Clean Water Act. 340 CFR Part 302 addresses the designation, reportable quantities, and notification requirements for the release of substances designated under Section 311(b)(2)(A) of the Clean Water Act. The above regulations can be accessed at the Government Printing Office on-line catalogue at: Date of Spill Material Spilled Approximate Quantity Agencies Notified Date Notified 3.7 Maintenance Maintenance of BMPs will be performed in accordance with the CASQA fact sheets contained in E – CASQA Fact Sheets for Project BMPs. Maintenance will be performed within 72 hours of the inspection that identified the maintenance need or immediately prior to a forecasted storm event, whichever occurs first. 3.8 Post-Construction Stormwater Management Measures Note to SWPPP preparer: The following information is provided as background regarding the regulatory requirements for Post-Construction BMPs. The QSD should evaluate the requirements and include this section or tailor it to the specific postconstruction BMP requirements incorporated into this project, after conferring with the civil design engineer. Delete the language this is not applicable (i.e. delete references to Miramar College is the project is at Mesa College.) SECTION 3 44 Construction SWPPP Section 3 – Best Management Practices Low Impact Development (LID), water quality, quantity and site design BMPs may be incorporated as part of LEED certification in addition to these requirements. Landscaping, particularly the planting of deciduous and evergreen trees, can contribute credits to offset the runoff volume. These BMPs and landscaping features should be discussed in this section, if applicable. The SDCCD Design Standards Division 01 General Requirements address the need to incorporate site design BMPs into the project design, plan for compliance with the CGP Water Quality Balance and refine the project post-construction BMP selection during the design development and preparation of the construction drawings to reflect actual site conditions and post-construction BMP’s selected. These standards include the requirement to prepare a Water Quality Technical Report to document the selection, siting and sizing and operation and maintenance requirements of the post-construction BMP’s. This section of the SWPPP summarizes the post-construction BMP design documented in the WQTR prepared by ________, dated ___________, provides information documenting how the post-construction BMPs selected comply with the applicable standards, summarizes the information required for input into SMARTs, and details phasing considerations for the postconstruction BMPs during construction. Post-Construction Requirements CGP Section XIII, Post-Construction Standards requires discharges to comply with the runoff reduction requirements of the permit unless they are located in an area subject to postconstruction standards of an active Phase I or II municipal separate storm sewer systems (MS4) that has an approved stormwater management plan. The SDCCD is located within the City of San Diego, a Phase I MS4. However, currently the SDCCD does not obtain development permits for many SDCCD projects, instead seeking approval for California education facility projects from the Department of the State Architect. The SDCCD is a non-traditional Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) as defined in Water Quality Order No.2013-001-DWQ, but has not yet been designated, and is not subject to the permit’s post-construction standards. As a result, the SDCCD is not subject to the post-construction standards of an active Phase I or II MS4 that has an approved Storm Water Management Plan. Because of this, most SDCCD project are subject to the Post-Construction Standards in CGP Section XIII and Appendix 2. Miramar College Post-Construction Requirements Projects at Miramar College must comply with the post-construction design standards of Water Quality Order No. 2003-0005-DWQ. The Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) prepared by the San Diego Community College District based on the February 12, 2007 Miramar College Facilities Master Plan final report committed to this water quality mitigation measure to fully SECTION 3 45 Construction SWPPP Section 3 – Best Management Practices mitigate the impacts of the Miramar College Facilities Master Plan. Since these standards fully mitigate the impacts, there is no need to comply with increased standards as the permit is subsequently modified, and any hydro modification requirements that phase in during subsequent renewals of the permit would not apply to development of the Miramar College Facilities Master Plan. When entering this project into the SMARTS post-construction BMP Tab, indicate the project meets the post construction standards of WQO No. Order No. 2003-0005-DWQ, a Phase II MS4 permit, as required by the Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) prepared by the San Diego Community College District based on the February 12, 2007 Miramar College Facilities Master Plan final report. Compliance with these standards is described in the WQTR prepared by ___________, dated ______. An electronic copy of the WQTR should be provided to the SDCCD, but not uploaded with the SMARTS post-construction BMP record. Projects with other Permit/Approval Conditions Some projects may require a City of San Diego permit to tie into the existing City of San Deigo storm drain or another permit (i.e. Coastal Development Permit) that may require the SDCCD to comply with the City of San Diego Standard Urban Stormwater Mitigation Plan (SUSMP). The City of San Diego SUSMP requires the preparation of a WQTR. When entering this project into the SMARTS post-construction BMP Tab, indicate the project meets the requirements of a Phase I MS4 (in this case the City of San Diego) as described in the WQTR prepared by ___________, dated ______. An electronic copy of the WQTR should be provided to the SDCCD, but not uploaded with the SMARTS record. 3.9 Water Balance Calculator Note to SWPPP preparer: If this section is not applicable because a Phase I or II MS4 Permit standard was followed as above, please so indicate and omit the text in this section. This project will demonstrate compliance with the requirements of the CGP (Section XIII. PostConstruction Standards) by submitting a map and worksheets with the NOI in accordance with Appendix 2 of the CGP, which is included as Appendix F of this SWPPP. The pre-and postimpervious areas, soil conditions, and proposed non-structural BMPs for each sub drainage area within the project must be analyzed to determine the volume of increased runoff and available credits to determine the requirement for structural BMPs. Credits to offset an increase in impervious area can be obtained by disconnecting downspouts and impervious areas, improving soil quality, planting trees and other vegetation, installing porous pavement, rain barrels or cisterns, and green roofs and protecting stream buffers. Where sufficient credits from non-structural BMPs cannot be obtained, the excess volume must be captured in structural practices and approved by the regional board. SECTION 3 46 Construction SWPPP Section 3 – Best Management Practices When seeking RWQCB approval for the use of structural practices, it must be demonstrated why non-structural practices are not feasible, or else document that there will be less water quality impacts using structural practices. For sites disturbing greater than 2 acres with drainage areas discharging to a first order stream, the pre-construction drainage density will be preserved and ensure that the post construction time of runoff concentration is equal to or greater than pre-project time of concentration. A first order stream is a stream with no tributaries. The water balance must be performed for the smallest storms up to the 85th percentile storm event (or the smallest storm event that generates runoff, whichever is larger). 3.10 Project Post-Construction BMPs Post-construction BMPs have been incorporated into the project to improve site design, meet the ______________ standards, as indicated in Section 3.8 and meet LEED credits for reducing heat island effects, reducing runoff or improving water quality. Some of these BMPs may be able to be used as credits in the Water Balance Calculator spreadsheet to offset the increased runoff volume for the project, provided they meet the offset requirements. Source control BMPs are maintenance measures and program implemented to reduce the potential for pollutants to enter the stormwater from the project site. These BMPs may also reduce the reasonably foreseeable pollutants expected to be present after construction as required by the CGP. All projects should include source controls appropriate for the project including the stenciling of storm drain inlets and the covering of refuse areas as source control BMPs. Structural BMPs are intended to capture the increased volume of stormwater from the project that cannot be reduced or offset with Site Design or LID credits. Structural BMPs might also be included to achieve treatment of anticipated pollutants or to achieve a Water Quality LEED credit. The rational for selection, sizing and siting of these BMPs should be documented in a WQTR. Table 17 summarizes post construction structural and treatment control BMPs that will be implemented as part of this project. Table 15 summarizes the various site design, source control, and treatment control BMPs that will be implemented as part of this project. BMPs that are available for offset credits in the water balance calculator are indicated with an asterisk (*). A description of the actual BMPs selected, their location within the project will follow the table as modified. Note to SWPPP preparer: Indicate which BMPs were selected, where they are located on site, their impact on the water balance calculation, if any and which pollutants will be controlled. Recommend deleting the unused BMPs from the table for clarity. Recommend referring to the Site map or final WPCP drawing that shows all postconstruction BMPs. SECTION 3 47 Construction SWPPP Section 3 – Best Management Practices Table 14 POST-CONSTRUCTION BMPs Site Design BMPs *Non-Rooftop Impervious Area Disconnection-Drain sidewalks, parking lots landscape areas or foundation planters into adjacent *Porous Pavement - Use permeable materials for private sidewalks, driveways, parking lots, and interior roadway surfaces *Dry Wells *Downspout Disconnection - Direct rooftop runoff to pervious areas such as yards, open channels, or vegetated *Tree Planting- Maximizing canopy interception and water conservation by preserving existing native trees and shrubs, and planting additional native or drought tolerant trees and large shrubs. *Vegetated Swale - Designed in accordance with Treatment Control BMP 30 (TC-30 - Vegetated Swale) from the California Stormwater BMP Handbook, New Development and Redevelopment - *Rain Barrels and Cisterns *Soil Amendments - Obtain ideal bulk densities for the top 12 inches of soil in landscaped areas. *Maintaining Stream Buffers Use of natural drainage systems to the maximum extent practicable Stabilized permanent channel crossings Planting native or drought tolerant vegetation on slopes Energy dissipaters, such as riprap, at the outlets of new storm drains, culverts, conduits, or channels that enter unlined channels *Green Roofs Source Control BMPs Storm drain system stenciling and signage Outdoor material and trash storage area designed to reduce or control rainfall runoff Landscape Irrigation Controls Street Sweeping and Catch Basin Cleaning Landscape Irrigation Controls SECTION 3 48 Construction SWPPP Section 3 – Best Management Practices Structural or Treatment Control BMPs Grass swale Grass strips Wetland vegetation swale Bio-retention Extended/dry detention basin with grass lining Extended/dry detention basin with impervious lining Infiltration basin * Infiltration trench * Porous asphalt * Porous concrete * Porous modular concrete block * Wet pond (permanent pool) Constructed wetland Media filtration Sand filtration High-rate biofilters Hydrodynamic Separation Systems Swirl Concentrator Cyclone Separator Oil/Water Separators Other BMPs SECTION 3 49 Construction SWPPP Section 3 – Best Management Practices 3.11 Maintenance and Implementation The implementation and maintenance of the post-construction stormwater management measures will be the responsibility of the SDCCD Maintenance Division. Operations and maintenance requirements for BMPs are included in the WQTR. Note to the QSD: Verify the WQTR has been prepared and include as a reference. If the WQTR has not been prepared, or does not include maintenance information, reference the maintenance information in the SDCCD Design Guidelines and Standards Manual, Chapter 35. 3.12 Funding Mechanisms Funding for the project’s post-construction BMPs will be as follows: The installation, certification of operation in accordance with the manufacturer or design engineer’s specification, and initial maintenance of BMPs at project close out will be funded using the project funds. Long Term Funding for maintenance is the responsibility of the SDCCD Facilities Maintenance Division. SECTION 3 50 Construction SWPPP Section 4 – Rain Event Action Plans Section 4 Rain Event Action Plans (REAPs) The REAP is a Risk Level 2 requirement and is Applicable project. Not Applicable to this The REAP will be designed and prepared as a formal plan to protect all exposed portions of the project site and to ensure there are adequate materials, staff, and time to implement erosion and sediment control measures that are intended to reduce the amount of sediment and other pollutants that can be generated during a rain event. A REAP will be developed by the project’s QSP for each construction phase of a Risk Level 2 project, so there may be multiple REAPs throughout the life of the project. The QSP will monitor forecasted rain events using the information from the National Weather Service Forecast Office website ( and entering the project zip code). The REAP will be developed 48 hours prior to any precipitation event forecasted to have a 50% or greater chance of producing precipitation (greater than 0.01 inches) in the project area. Documentation of forecasts relied upon to determine if a REAP should be prepared and implemented should be retained with the SWPPP. The REAP will be implemented 24 hours prior to any predicted precipitation event. The REAP will be maintained on site with the SWPPP. The REAP shall be specific to the project phase currently in construction. A sample REAP template is provided in Appendix G. Completed REPS shall be filed in Appendix G. It is recommended that a markup of the BMP wall map accompany each REAP. At a minimum the REAP will include the following: Site address Calculated Risk Level (2) Site stormwater manager information including the name, company, and 24-hour emergency telephone number Erosion and sediment control provider information including the name, company, and 24hour emergency telephone number Stormwater sampling agent information including the name, company, and 24-hour emergency telephone number Activities associated with each construction phase Trades active on the construction site during each construction phase Trade contractor information Suggested actions for each project phase SECTION 4 51 Construction SWPPP Section 4 – Rain Event Action Plans Although Risk Level 1 projects do not require a formal REAP, the site should be inspected and evaluated prior to forecast rain events as described in Section 6 Construction Site Monitoring Program. The purpose of this pre- rain event inspection is to ensure installed BMPs are adequate and in good condition and to take proactive actions to secure and stabilize the site to prevent discharges of sediment or pollutants in stormwater runoff. These informal wet weather actions are an effective way to identify and implement additional BMPs prior to forecast rain that the QSP determines are required on Risk Level 1 sites with unique site conditions in the active construction areas. SECTION 4 52 Construction SWPPP Section 5 – Training Section 5 Training The SWPPP must include procedures to ensure that all personnel responsible for implementing the SWPPP and personnel performing the inspections are appropriately trained according to the Permit. Training should be both formal and informal, occur on an ongoing basis, and should include training offered by recognized governmental agencies or professional organizations. When properly trained, site personnel are more capable of managing materials properly, preventing spills, and implementing BMPs efficiently and correctly. A Qualified SWPPP Developer (QSD) shall be designated to write, amend, and certify the SWPPP. The QSD shall have one of the following registrations or certifications and appropriate experience: A California registered professional civil engineer; A California registered professional geologist or engineering geologist; A California registered landscape architect; A professional hydrologist registered through the American Institute of Hydrology; A Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control (CPESC) registered through Enviro Cert International, Inc.; A Certified Professional in Stormwater Quality (CPSWQ) registered through Enviro Cert International, Inc.; or A professional in erosion and sediment control registered through the National Institute for Certification in Engineering Technologies (NICET). Effective September 2, 2011, the QSD shall have attended a State Water Boardsponsored or approved QSD training course. The Contractor shall designate a Qualified SWPPP Practitioner (QSP) who shall be the primary contact for issues related to the SWPPP or its implementation. The QSP shall be appropriately trained. Effective September 2, 2011, the QSP shall be either a Qualified SWPPP Developer or have one of the following certifications, AND the listed State sponsored training: SECTION 5 A certified erosion, sediment and stormwater inspector (CESSWI) registered through Enviro Cert International, Inc.; or A certified inspector of sediment and erosion control (CISEC) registered through Certified Inspector of Sediment and Erosion Control, Inc. 53 Construction SWPPP Section 5 – Training The QSP shall have attended a State Water Board-sponsored or approved QSP training course. The SWPPP shall include evidence of training or certification for the QSD and the QSP. The QSP is responsible for the tasks discussed in Section 1.3 of this SWPPP. The QSP formally delegate and will train any other employee with responsibilities for implementing portions of the SWPPP and its components, including spill cleanup, inspections and sampling procedures and BMP installation and maintenance. Personnel at all levels shall be trained in the components and goals of the CGP. Specifically, employees of the Contractor, Trade Contractor or any subcontractors working on the construction site shall be informed of the goals of the stormwater pollution prevention plan at a training meeting prior to commencing construction activities. The training meeting shall cover basic stormwater information as well as the specific requirements of the CGP. Specifically, the meeting will focus on implementation, inspection, and maintenance of stormwater BMPs that apply to all construction activities and the work elements to be conducted by the Trade Contractor or Subcontractor and the location and use of spill kits and spill protocols. Contractors, subcontractors and employees responsible for implementing, inspecting, maintaining, or repairing stormwater BMPs will receive copies of relevant portions of the SWPPP. The Contractor shall train all new employees and subcontractors before they will be permitted to work on the site. For projects that start during the dry season, refresher sessions on stormwater pollution control will be conducted in the fall prior to the wet season. Personnel responsible for collecting stormwater samples will be trained on the use of field equipment and collection procedures. Additional training will be provided as necessary based on site inspections and evidence of stormwater quality problems. A Training Report Form is contained in Appendix D. SECTION 5 54 Construction SWPPP Section 6 – Construction Site Monitoring Plan Section 6 Construction Site Monitoring Plan In order to ensure the BMPs described in Section 3 and detailed on the WPCD in Appendix A are effective and adequate to meet the discharge prohibitions, a Construction Site Monitoring Plan comprised of BMP inspections (visual monitoring) and sampling of discharges is required. This Construction Site Monitoring Plan (CSMP) provides the technical detail and protocols necessary for conducting visual inspections and stormwater sampling required by the CGP. Table 15 summarizes the inspection (visual monitoring) and sample collection requirements by Risk Level. Table 15 SUMMARY OF MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Visual Inspections Risk Level Rain Event Quarterly Non-stormwater Discharge Baseline 1 X X X 2 X X X Visual Inspections Weekly BMP Sampling and Analysis Sample Collection REAP X During Storm Post Storm X X X X Stormwater Discharge Non-Visible When required X When required BMPs shall be inspected on a weekly basis and every 24 hours during extended rain events for all projects. Tracking controls (Risk Level 2 only) shall be inspected daily. Pre-storm baseline inspections shall be done within two business days of each forecasted rain event of qualifying proportion. Pre-storm Rain Event Action Plan (REAP) shall be developed 48 hours prior to any likely precipitation event for all phases of construction. – Risk Level 2 only Inspections should be conducted at 24-hour intervals during extended rain events. Post-storm inspections shall be done within two business days after each qualifying rain event. Non-stormwater discharge inspections shall be done for each drainage area on a quarterly basis. Stormwater discharge sampling shall be conducted with a minimum of 3 samples per day during qualifying rain event at discharge locations to characterize the discharges associated with construction activity from the entire project disturbed area. – Risk Level 2 only Suspected non-visible pollutant discharge sampling from site shall be conducted within the first two hours. Collect samples of runoff affected by the spilled or released material(s) and uncontaminated runoff from upstream of the spill or release. If needed to justify site specific sediment risk assessment or when discharging to receiving water impaired for sediment or when sediment basins are used, collect samples of run-on and runoff to test for particle size or turbidity. If the receiving water has a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) requirement, the RWQCB may require additional sampling. SECTION 6 55 Construction SWPPP Section 6 – Construction Site Monitoring Plan Visual inspections (observations) of BMPs, to evaluate the presence of non-visible pollutants, and non-stormwater discharges and stormwater sampling will be conducted to evaluate the adequacy and effectiveness of installed BMPs and meet the specific requirements of the permit. This CSMP will be amended if necessary as risk level requirements or site conditions change. The techniques and methodologies for collection of stormwater and analyses of water quality constituents are common and have been standardized by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 6.1 CSMP Goals and Objectives The CSMP was developed and will be implemented to address the following objectives: demonstrate compliance with applicable discharge prohibitions, determine whether non-visible pollutants are present and are causing or contributing to exceedances of water quality objectives, determine whether immediate corrective actions, BMP implementation, or SWPPP revisions are necessary, and determine whether BMPs included in the SWPPP are effective. 6.2 Discharge Prohibitions SECTION 6 All discharges are prohibited except for the stormwater and non stormwater discharges specifically authorized, All discharges which contain a hazardous substance in excess of reportable quantities established in 40 CFR Section 117.3 and 302.4 unless a separate NPDES permit has been issued to regulate those discharges, Discharges prohibited by the San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Basin Plan, Discharge of debris from construction sites, Runoff from areas with soil contamination or suspected soil contamination, The discharge of non-stormwater is authorized if the discharge: Does not violate a water quality standard, Does not violate any other permit provisions, The discharger has implemented specific BMPs required to prevent or reduce contact with of the non-stormwater discharge with construction material or equipment, The discharge does not contain toxic constituents in toxic amounts or other significant quantities of pollutants, The discharge is monitored and meets the applicable NALs and NELs; and, 56 Construction SWPPP Section 6 – Construction Site Monitoring Plan The discharger reports the sampling information in the Annual Report. 6.3 Effluent Standards The effluent standards for Risk Level 1 and 2 projects include Narrative effluent standards. Risk level 2 projects also have Numeric Action Levels (NALs). Narrative Standards At a minimum, the project is required to comply with the following narrative effluent standards. 1. Stormwater discharges and authorized non-stormwater discharges shall not contain a hazardous substance equal to or in excess of reportable quantities established in 40 CFR §§ 117.3 and 302.4, unless a separate NPDES Permit has been issued to regulate those discharges. 2. Minimize or prevent pollutants in stormwater discharges and authorized nonstormwater discharges through the use of controls, structures, and management practices that achieve BAT for toxic and non-conventional pollutants and BCT for conventional pollutants. Numeric Action Limitations (NALs) APPLIES TO RISK LEVEL 2 PROJECTS ONLY APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE Risk Level 2 projects are subject to the Numeric Action Levels (NAL) identified below: pH: Turbidity: 6.5 to 8.5 (storm event daily average) 250 NTU (storm event daily average) The project must maintain a measured pH and turbidity reading on site within the ranges identified above. NAL Exceedance Site Evaluation If the NAL for pH and/or turbidity is exceeded, the project must take corrective actions, primarily to reassess whether or not the project’s on-site measures are working together as intended to remove or reduce pollutants. A construction site and run-on evaluation shall be conducted to determine whether pollutant sources associated with the site’s construction activity may have caused or contributed to the NAL exceedance and shall implement corrective actions if needed. The site evaluation shall be documented in the SWPPP and specifically address whether the sources of the pollutants causing the exceedance of the NAL are: 1. Related to the construction activities, and/or: SECTION 6 57 Construction SWPPP Section 6 – Construction Site Monitoring Plan 2. Related to the run-on associated with the construction site location. If exceedances are related to construction activity or to the associated run-on, the site must be evaluated to determine whether additional BMPs are require to: a. meet BAT/BCT requirements; b. reduce or prevent pollutants in stormwater discharges from causing exceedances of receiving water objectives; and c. determine what corrective actions were taken or will be taken and with a description of the schedule for completion; If the NAL for pH and/or turbidity is exceeded, the reporting requirements in section 8.2 must be followed. 6.4 Roles and Responsibilities for Stormwater Monitoring The QSP is required to oversee the implementation of the CSMP including all inspections and any sampling that may be needed due to possible non-visible pollutant discharges or specifically required by the permit (for Risk Level 2 projects.) The QSP may delegate any or all of these activities to appropriately trained individuals; however, the QSP will maintain overall responsibility for the monitoring effort (non-stormwater and stormwater visual observations, sampling and analysis, full compliance with the CGP, and implementation of all elements of the SWPPP). This person shall: be responsible for site hazards and safety information related to conducting visual observations or sample collection, particularly in inclement weather, conduct the visual inspections or train others to perform the inspections, ensure implementation of repairs or design changes to BMPs within 72 hours of identification of failures or shortcomings, serve as primary contact with the analytical laboratory regarding sampling issues, conduct or oversee sample collection, coordinate sample delivery to the analytical laboratory, ensure that proper documentation is recorded, and ensure that QA/QC procedures are followed. The QSP or appropriately trained inspectors shall conduct the following tasks: SECTION 6 weekly visual inspections of all BMPs, 58 Construction SWPPP Section 6 – Construction Site Monitoring Plan pre-, daily and post- rain event visual inspections for qualifying rain events, quarterly non-stormwater discharge visual monitoring inspections, and proper documentation of all inspections. The QSP or appropriately trained sampling team will conduct or be assisted by others in the following tasks: preparation of stormwater sampling equipment, collection of stormwater samples in laboratory-provided sample bottles, determine if non-visible pollutant sampling is required due to a failure to implement or breach of BMPs or a spill, performance of field measurements, completion of applicable documentation (site logs, checklists, chain-of-custody forms), and delivery of samples to the analytical laboratory. Visual Inspections and Sample Collection Exemptions The QSP shall be prepared to conduct visual observations (inspections) and sample collection until the minimum CGP requirements are met. The QSP is not required to conduct visual observations (inspections) or sample collection under the following conditions: dangerous weather conditions such as electrical storms or flooding, and outside scheduled business hours. If no required visual observations (inspections) or sampling is conducted due to these exceptions, the QSP shall include an explanation in the SWPPP and in the Annual Report documenting why the visual observations (inspections) and/or samples were not conducted. 6.5 Site Inspections (Visual Monitoring Observations) The QSP will ensure that the site is in compliance with the CGP through the use of visual inspection procedures. Visual inspections are required for the duration of the project with the goal of confirming that appropriately selected BMPs have been implemented, are being maintained, and are effective in preventing potential pollutants from coming in contact with stormwater. Completed inspection checklists shall be submitted to the SDCCD Inspector of Record (IOR) within 24 hours of inspection. Copies of the completed checklists shall be kept with the SWPPP. A tracking or follow-up procedure shall follow any inspection that identifies deficiencies in BMPs and required corrective actions. If the required site inspections identify controls that are not operating effectively, maintenance to address corrective actions shall be SECTION 6 59 Construction SWPPP Section 6 – Construction Site Monitoring Plan performed within 72 hours of identifying the deficiency. Written documentation of the inspection shall be maintained for three years. Inspection Records All inspections must be documented. Forms that may be used for inspection reporting are included in Appendix C. If alternative forms are used, they must include, at a minimum: name(s) and contact information of the personnel performing the observations, observation time(s) and date(s), weather conditions (including the rain gauge reading for the qualifying rain event), description of locations observed, and corrective actions taken in response to observations. Completed forms shall be kept in Appendix C of the SWPPP or in a designated binder, which will be kept with the SWPPP onsite. A summary of all inspections and corrective action taken will be compiled and reviewed quarterly and reported to the SDCCD. Dischargers shall retain records of all stormwater monitoring information and copies of all reports (including Annual Reports) for a period of at least three years. BMPs Inspections The CGP requires that BMPs be inspected weekly and prior to a forecast storm, after a rain event that causes runoff from the site, and once each 24-hour period during extended storm events. For Risk Level 2 Projects only, tracking control BMPs must be inspected daily. The purpose of these inspections is to identify BMPs that: need maintenance to operate effectively, failed and need to be repaired, or could fail to operate as intended. These inspections should also note the presence or indications of any authorized or unauthorized non-stormwater discharges, pollutant characteristics and source within each drainage area. If deficiencies are identified during a BMP inspection, corrective actions including maintenance, repairs, and/or design changes to the BMPs and the SWPPP, if applicable, shall be initiated within 72 hours of identification and need to be completed as soon as possible. SECTION 6 60 Construction SWPPP Section 6 – Construction Site Monitoring Plan Visual Monitoring (Inspection) of Qualifying Rain Events The site shall be inspected within 48 hours of a forecast storm of 0.5 inches of rain or more, within 48 hours after a rain event that causes 0.5 inches or more of rain and at 24hour intervals during extended rain events. The results of all inspections and assessments will be documented and copies of the completed inspection checklists will be maintained with the SWPPP. The project site will install an onsite rain gauge that will be used to accurately measure actually rain accumulation on the site. The rain gauge will be emptied prior to a forecast rain event and the site reading recorded following the rain event. Baseline or Pre-storm Inspection The CGP requires that dischargers only use weather forecasts from the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Pre-storm inspections shall be initiated after consulting NOAA for qualifying rain events of 50% or greater probability of precipitation. These forecasts can be obtained at Within 2 business days, (48) hours of a qualifying rain event producing precipitation of 0.5 inch or more, a stormwater visual monitoring site inspection will include observations of the following locations: all stormwater drainage areas (identify all discharge points), any non-stormwater discharges (identify any spills, leaks, or uncontrolled pollutant sources and schedule the appropriate repair or BMP installation and, if necessary, remediation prior to the rain event), all BMPs (identify if they have been properly designed and installed, and identify where additional BMPs need to be installed prior to the rain event), and all stormwater storage and containment areas (identify potential problems; note the available storage volume; schedule maintenance or repair prior to the rain event if necessary). All inspections (visual observations) will be documented and maintained onsite in the SWPPP. Rain Event Action Plan (REAP) APPLIES TO RISK LEVEL 2 PROJECTS ONLY APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE Risk Level 2 projects shall develop a REAP 48 hours prior to any likely precipitation event. The REAP shall be prepared by the QSP for each phase of the project. The requirements of the REAP are discussed in Section 4 of this SWPPP. SECTION 6 61 Construction SWPPP Section 6 – Construction Site Monitoring Plan Daily and post-storm inspections The daily storm inspection as well as the post-storm inspection shall include: all stormwater drainage areas (inspect all discharge points), all material and waste stockpiles (identify any discharge or damage due to rain), all stormwater storage and containment areas (identify any leaks and the presence of adequate freeboard; note the presence or absence of floating and suspended materials or a sheen on the surface as well as discolorations, turbidity, odors; note the source(s) of any observed pollutants), and all BMPs (identify if they were adequately designed, implemented, and effective, if additional BMPs are required, which changes the erosion control plan, revise the SWPPP accordingly). Any areas that are identified as a breach in BMPs, leaks, malfunction, or spills will be recorded, tracked, and include follow-up corrective actions. If deficiencies are identified during a BMP inspection, maintenance, repairs, and/or design changes to the BMPs, and the SWPPP if applicable, shall be initiated within 72 hours of identification unless safety factors prevent this from happening, in which case they shall be completed as soon as possible. Safety factors preventing a timely correction of deficiencies shall be documented. Quarterly Visual Monitoring For Non-Stormwater Discharges A stormwater visual monitoring site inspection for non-stormwater discharges will be conducted quarterly for each drainage area for the presence of (or indications of prior) unauthorized and authorized non-stormwater discharges. A quarterly visual observation shall be conducted once in each of the following periods: January-March, April-June, July- September, and October-December. Visual Observations are only required during daylight hours (sunrise to sunset). Results of the quarterly monitoring should be recorded on the Quarterly Non Stormwater Observation Sheet using the checklist provided. This form is located in Appendix C. Quarterly inspections shall include each drainage area of the project and document: SECTION 6 The presence or evidence of any non-stormwater discharge (authorized or unauthorized) and their sources; Pollutant characteristics of the non-stormwater discharge (floating and suspended material, sheen, discoloration, turbidity, oder, etc.); The person performing the visual observation (inspection); The dates and approximate times each drainage area and non stormwater discharge was observed; and The response taken to eliminate unauthorized non-stormwater discharges and to reduce or prevent pollutants from contacting authorized non-stormwater discharges. 62 Construction SWPPP Section 6 – Construction Site Monitoring Plan 6.6 Site Sampling Projects are required to conduct non-visible sampling on site when there is evidence of a breach or failure to implement a BMP or as a result of a spill that is not contained or properly cleaned up. Risk Level 2 projects are also required to monitor stormwater discharges for compliance with the NALs. The purpose of the NAL and its associated monitoring is to provide operational information regarding the performance of site BMPs used at the site to minimize the discharge of pollutants. If the NAL is exceeded, additional BMPs must be immediately implemented and the SWPPP should be revised accordingly to either prevent pollutants or authorized non-stormwater from contaminating stormwater, or to substantially reduce the pollutant levels below NALs. This section identifies the strategy to comply with the sampling requirements for these projects. Stormwater Discharge Monitoring APPLIES TO RISK LEVEL 2 PROJECTS ONLY APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE Risk Level 2 dischargers shall perform sampling and analysis of stormwater discharges at all discharge locations to categorize discharges associated with construction activity from the entire project disturbed area. The samples shall be collected from discharge points where stormwater discharges off the site and should be representative of the effluent in each drainage area based on visual observations and upstream conditions. Risk Level 2 projects shall collect a minimum of 3 grab samples per day of the qualifying rain event (.5 inches or more of precipitation). Samples should be collected and sampled each business day from all discharge points where stormwater discharges offsite. QSPs for Risk Level 2 sites should ensure discharge sampling is conducted any time there is a discharge observed, and then check the rain size at the conclusion of the rain event. If there is no discharge off the site, the absence of discharge should be documented. The samples collected of stored or contained stormwater should be from discharges subsequent to a qualifying rain event (more than .5 inches of rain.) The site run-on from surrounding areas should be monitored and reported if there is reason to believe run-on may contribute to an excess of NALs or NELs. Use analytical test methods indicated in Table 17. All stormwater sampling collection preservation and handling shall be conducted in compliance with the CGP. These protocols are summarized in Section 6.6.4 and 6.6.5. Monitoring locations may include any pipe, culvert, gutter, channel, stream, sheet flow, or other conveyance that transports stormwater runoff from the site. At times, these conveyances will be permanent structures. In other cases, the stormwater conveyances may change location due to SECTION 6 63 Construction SWPPP Section 6 – Construction Site Monitoring Plan changes in construction activity. Specific monitoring locations may vary from phase to phase (except for areas of the site where pre-existing contamination is known to exist). Potential monitoring locations should be representative of the project site. The QSD shall identify sampling locations on the Water Pollution Control Drawings (WPCDs), as required in the CGP and as outlined in this CSMP, and the QSP will validate the appropriateness of using those location during the REAP or pre- rain event inspection. Descriptions shall be included for each of the project’s sample collection locations, including identification of locations specific to particular pollutants of concern, BMPs, project phases, and drainage management areas (DMAs). The list will be updated to include actual locations where stormwater discharges off the project site that were not identified during the preparation of the SWPPP (i.e. BMP breach locations.) Sampling locations include, but are not limited to, the locations listed in the following table. The QSP should use the same description of each sample location when filling out the Visual Observation/Sampling/Report of Discharge Form in Appendix H. Table 16 POTENTIAL STORMWATER DISCHARGE SAMPLING LOCATIONS Construction Phase Run-on Sample Location Discharge Sample Location Latitude/Longitude Latitude/Longitude Latitude/Longitude Latitude/Longitude Latitude/Longitude Latitude/Longitude Table 17 summarizes the sampling strategy for the collection and evaluation of stormwater samples. The sampling team will comply with the methods described in this CSM Program for the calibration of equipment and the collection of samples. The company collecting samples and/or the laboratory that will be used to analyze samples is indicated in Section 6.4.4. SECTION 6 64 Construction SWPPP Section 6 – Construction Site Monitoring Plan Table 17 STORMWATER DISCHARGE SAMPLING STRATEGY Parameter Turbidity Collection Strategy Field Crew Sampling Test Method Min. Detection Limit Reporting Units Numeric Action Level 1 NTU 250 NTU 0.2 pH Units lower NAL=6.5 Field Turbidity Meter Laboratory Crew EPA Test Method 0180.1 Field Crew pH Field pH Meter Laboratory Crew EPA Test Method 0150.1 upper NAL=8.5 Non-Visible Pollutant Monitoring Non-visible pollutant monitoring is required on projects of all risk levels in areas with a) historical contamination, b) soil amendments have been applied, and c) when there is a suspected non-visible pollutant in the stormwater due to a spill, breach in the BMPs or the failure to implement a BMP to prevent stormwater contamination. Table 22 summarizes the sampling strategy for Non visible pollutants. The table was created by evaluating the potential contaminates that might be encountered on site based on the anticipated contaminates listed in Tables 5 and 6, the historical contaminates listed in Section 2.2 and any soil amendments applied to the site. Based on the anticipated pollutants, the Construction Site Constituents form located in Appendix H was utilized to identify the appropriate parameter to be monitored and the appropriate analytical test method. The project strategy for field collection and analysis for each potential pollutant is summarized in the table. The QSP should identify the need for non-visible pollutant monitoring during the pre-rain event or REAP inspection, or based on conditions or breaches observed during the rain event inspections. Trained field personnel will be responsible for performing the field tests and collecting samples for analysis in the laboratory. Laboratory samples will be analyzed by the laboratory in accordance with established EPA Test Methods. Table 18 NON-VISIBLE POLLUTANT SAMPLING STRATEGY Sampling Category Anticipated Parameter(s) Collection Strategy Sampling Test Method Historical Field Crew Field Meter (if available) Contamination Laboratory Crew Field Crew EPA Test Method ________ Field Meter (if available) Laboratory Crew Field Crew EPA Test Method ________ Field pH Meter Laboratory Crew EPA Test Method 0180.1 Soil Amendments Breached / Failed BMP SECTION 6 pH Min. Detection Limit 0.2 pH Reporting Units Units Numeric Action Level lower NAL=6.5 upper 65 Construction SWPPP Section 6 – Construction Site Monitoring Plan NAL=8.5 Breached Field Crew Field Meter (if available) / Failed BMP Laboratory Crew Field Crew EPA Test Method __________________ Field Meter (if available) Laboratory Crew Field Crew EPA Test Method _________________ Field Meter (if available) Laboratory Crew EPA Test Method _________________ Breached / Failed BMP Breached / Failed BMP If analyses of the samples indicate that non-visible pollutants are being discharged from the site, notify the SDCCD. SDCCD will determine if the RWQCB should be contacted under the reporting section of the SWPPP. If the analyses of the samples indicated the NAL for pH has been exceeded, follow the site evaluation procedures in Section 6.8 and the reporting procedures in Section 8.2. Non Visible Pollutant Sampling locations In order to be able to compare the Non Visible pollutant sample collected with an uncontaminated sample, it is necessary to collect two samples. The potentially contaminated sample should be collected at a point downstream of the areas where soil amendments have been applied or historic contamination is located or the location where a spill or BMP breach occurs. It is not possible to know where a spill or BMP breach location will occur but often these are related to demolition debris stockpiles, concrete washout stations or material or waste storage areas. Potential sampling locations down gradient of these locations or where stormwater will leave the project site or enter a storm drain conveyance system should be identified. The uncontaminated sample location should be either upgradient or otherwise away from the area when the contaminated sample is collected. If feasible, the location for collection of the uncontaminated sample should be in the same phase of development as the sample potentially containing a non-visible pollutant. For example, if the sampling event takes place in an area where mass grading is occurring, the uncontaminated sample should, likewise, be collected in an area were mass grading is occurring, as opposed to an area where build-out is nearly complete. Potential sampling locations are summarized below and identified on a WPCD in Appendix A. SECTION 6 66 Construction SWPPP Section 6 – Construction Site Monitoring Plan Table 19 POTENTIAL NON-VISIBLE POLLUTANT SAMPLING LOCATIONS Potential Sampling location - Phase Uncontaminated Contaminated Sample Location Sample Location Historical Contamination- All Phases Area with Soil Amendment - Landscaping Potential Spill, or BMP Breach location - All Phases Determining the Need to Monitor due to Breach, Malfunction, Leakage or Spill Non-visible pollutant monitoring in areas not historically contaminated and without soil amendments will be conducted when there is a suspected non-visible pollutant in the stormwater due to a spill, breach in the BMPs or the failure to implement a BMP to prevent stormwater contamination. The QSP, or trained individual delegated sampling responsibilities, should identify the need for non-visible pollutant monitoring during the pre-rain event or REAP inspection, or based on conditions or breaches observed during the rain event inspections. The stormwater will be sampled for the anticipated contaminants expected to be found in the stormwater due to the breach, spill or historical contamination. The evaluation of the need to conduct non-visible pollutant monitoring shall proceed according to the following steps. Step (1): Is there a non-visible pollutant present that may be discharged from the site in stormwater runoff? If yes, then proceed to Step 2. Step (2): Is the non-visible pollutant stored onsite in such a way that stormwater may come in contact with it (e.g., in a non-watertight container, stored outside without cover)? If yes, then proceed to Step 3. Step (3): Does routine weekly, pre-rain, during-rain, or post-rain visual monitoring reveal that there has been or there is currently occurring a spill or leak, or a breach or malfunction of a BMP that could result in the discharge of a non-visible pollutant in stormwater from the site? If yes, then proceed to Step 4. Step (4): After containing the spill, leak, breach, or malfunction, do you still suspect that there is currently, has been, or could be traces of a non-visible pollutant? If yes, then proceed to Step 5. SECTION 6 67 Construction SWPPP Section 6 – Construction Site Monitoring Plan Step (5): Conduct non-visible pollutant monitoring according to the sampling strategy, Table 18, (e.g., call lab or take field samples for pH or turbidity) For areas of applied soil amendments, if the data from the first monitoring event show a problem, notify the SDCCD. It is advisable that field monitoring be continued to verify that pollutants are no longer being discharged in the storm water runoff from the site. The SDCCD will determine if discharges are required to be reported to the Regional Water Quality Control Board in accordance with the requirements of the Construction General Permit. Non-Visible Pollutant Sampling Requirements If non-visible pollutant sampling is required, the following requirements shall be met for timing of sample collection, size of samples and background sampling: Collect samples. Samples should be collected within the first two hours of discharge from rain events that occur during daylight hours and which generate runoff. Sampling is required 7 days per week, including weekends and holidays at discharge locations that can be safely assessed. Ensure samples are large enough to characterize the site conditions. Collect and uncontaminated sample at upgradient locations for comparison with the discharge sample. Analyze the sample. Use the analytical methods identified in Table 18. Prepare documentation. Prepare a pollutant monitoring report (Appendix H) for each sampling event. Keep analytical data, including chain-of-custody forms, with the SWPPP. Evaluate the data. If analyses of the samples indicate that non-visible pollutants are being discharged from the site, notify the SDCCD. SDCCD will determine if the RWQCB should be contacted under the reporting requirements of the CGP. In addition to any reporting obligation, take the following steps as soon as possible. Use trained personnel. Personnel trained in the collection of field or laboratory samples shall collect the contaminated and uncontaminated samples for all non-visible pollutant monitoring. Appropriate personnel shall be available to collect samples on regular working days, as well as on weekends and holidays, should the need arise. Personnel will be trained in sample collection methods, operation of field analysis devices or laboratory collection and transport protocols, and appropriate indicator parameters to be analyzed for the non-visible pollutants sampled. If the samples are monitored for pH and the results exceed the NAL, conduct a site evaluation as described in Section SECTION 6 68 Construction SWPPP Section 6 – Construction Site Monitoring Plan Monitoring Preparation and Equipment Tables 17 and 18 indicate whether all or some of the sample collection and/or analysis will be conducted by a certified laboratory or by the QSP and/or other trained employees onsite. If the sampling will be conducted by a certified laboratory, provide the following information: Name of the Lab: ___________________________________________________________ Phone: ____________________________________________________________________ Email: ____________________________________________________________________ If the sampling conducted onsite will be performed by the QSP and/or other trained employees onsite, then refer to the remainder of this section for procedures and protocols. If the sampling is conducted by a contracted sample collection service and/or laboratory, then the certifications shall be contained in Appendix D and the sample results placed in Appendix H. Pre-storm sampling event procedures include tracking weather forecasts, evaluating storm sampling criteria, and preparing sampling equipment before each storm event. The following storm sampling criteria have been established to determine which storms will be sampled for water quality constituents. The storm event produces runoff at the site from the areas to be sampled. AND There may be pollutants in the runoff that are not visually detectable due to: runoff contacting and discharging from an area of historic contamination, OR runoff contacting and discharging from surfaces to which soil amendments have been applied, OR runoff contacting and discharging from surfaces to which pollutants have leaked or spilled during construction, OR runoff contacting and discharging from stored materials, stockpiles, or waste. In each instance, runoff is to be sampled both upstream and downstream of the area triggering the requirement to sample. Weather Tracking The QSP or designee will track weather forecasts on a daily basis. The daily tracking includes review of publicly available data (e.g., the National Weather Service, The Weather Channel, Internet weather sites). When data from these various sources indicates that a storm event is imminent, staff will be on “stand-by alert” in the event that stormwater sampling is required. Field sampling teams will be prepared to mobilize to collect samples, if required, during the first two hours of runoff. SECTION 6 69 Construction SWPPP Section 6 – Construction Site Monitoring Plan Sample Bottle Ordering Stormwater sample collection bottles will be ordered from the analytical laboratory. The laboratory will provide the correct type and size of bottles required for the particular analysis being conducted. In addition, the laboratory will add preservative to the sample bottles, if required. A sufficient amount of bottles must be ordered to collect both environmental and quality control composite samples and to ensure that a shortage of bottles does not occur. The analytical laboratory will provide blank water for the collection of required field blank samples. Sample Bottle Labeling Stormwater collection bottles will be pre-labeled prior to each sampling event. Labels will include the site name, collection date and time, sample location, names of the field sampling team, event sample number and bottle number (if more than one). Only the collection date and time, sample location and number, and sampling personnel names will need to be filled out at the time of collection. All other information can be filled out in a dry environment prior to collection. Information will be written with a permanent quick-drying ink marker that is waterand fade-resistant on a water-resistant label prior to transport to the laboratory. Water Quality Sampling Equipment Stormwater samples at the site will be collected as manual grab samples. Sample collection equipment may vary, depending on the specific monitoring location and configuration. Sample collection bottles and lids will be cleaned prior to sample collection by the laboratory. Examples of typical equipment include: polypropylene scoops, jars, or flat trowels, polypropylene buckets, polypropylene containers attached to an extendable pole, polypropylene funnels, gloves (always wear during sample collection), cooler filled with ice (to keep samples cold), distilled water (for rinsing sampling equipment), and towels and paper towels. Field Equipment Preparation If the updated forecast shows that the potential storm event will satisfy the selection criteria within the next 12 hours, field sampling personnel will set up the grab sampling equipment, bottles, and coolers. The procedures for field equipment preparation are as follows. SECTION 6 70 Construction SWPPP Section 6 – Construction Site Monitoring Plan Determine where samples may need to be collected. Obtain proper sample bottles. Set up prepared coolers containing ice and labeled sample bottles. Set up grab sampling gear and field support equipment. Place equipment supplies in a convenient location to be mobilized from. Detailed field procedures for sample collection are outlined in Section 6 of this CSMP. Sample Collection, Preservation and Delivery This section describes the procedures involved in the collection, preservation, and delivery of water quality samples to the analytical laboratory. Information describing sample representativeness and the analytical prioritization of the individual water quality analyses are also included. Sample Collection Methods If possible, field sampling teams will consist of two persons. Because of the unpredictability of storm events, and the requirement to sample within the first two hours of runoff, field crews must arrive at the monitoring sites before any significant stormwater runoff has been observed. i. Grab Stormwater Sample Collection Grab samples will be collected for monitoring for non-visible pollutants. Provided there is adequate runoff available, the grab samples will be collected upstream and downstream of the area requiring monitoring. ii. Detailed Grab Sample Collection Procedures for Each Monitoring Site Inspect general conditions of the site. Note the conditions of the site at the time of sampling. Once runoff is observed in the area to be sampled (sheet flow, drainpipe, or other stormwater conveyance), manually collect a water sample with the appropriate collection device. Once sufficient water has been collected in the collection device, carefully pour the water into each of the laboratory sample bottles using a funnel. Collection devices shall be cleaned before collecting each sample. Clean equipment with a 2% Contrad detergent solution, rinse off the collection device and funnels with distilled water and towel dry to prepare for the next sampling location or event. SECTION 6 71 Construction SWPPP Section 6 – Construction Site Monitoring Plan Field Measurement Methods Certain grab samples will require field measurement of certain parameters. To accomplish this, pour a subsample of stormwater into a clean plastic cup for field measurements. pH and electrical conductivity can be measured using hand-held devices. The devices should be calibrated prior to mobilization at the monitoring site using the manufacturer’s calibration procedures. At some locations, colorimetric field test kits (e.g., HACH field kits) may be used to test for the presence of chlorine or detergents. Follow manufacturers’ instructions on proper use of the test kits. The measurements will be recorded in field notes and on the chain-ofcustody forms. The subsample will then be discarded following recording of the field measurements. Sample Containers and Handling Sampling procedures involving handling items that have direct contact with the samples (i.e., sampling container, container lid, etc.) will be performed in accordance with proper sample handling techniques designed to minimize contamination of the sample. In summary, sampling personnel are required to wear clean powder-free nitrile gloves. One member of the field team will not come into contact with any other items and will change gloves between sample collections or when the gloves have come in contact with any potential source of contamination. The other field team member will be responsible for cleaning of sampling equipment and all other activities that do not involve handling items that have direct contact with the sample. Clean Sample Collection Methods To maintain sample integrity, the following procedure will be followed during collection of a stormwater grab sample: Wearing clean powder-free nitrile gloves, one member of the field team will collect the samples with the polypropylene scoop and the collection funnels. The second team member will organize the appropriate sample bottles and will label the collected samples. Once the entire sample volume has been collected, the first team member will pour an additional subsample as required into a cup and take the field measurements while the second member records the data. Forms and Procedures for Documenting Sample Collection and Field Measurements The following forms are to be completed during each storm event monitored at each site: Non-Visible Pollutant Monitoring Report, and Chain-of-custody form (duplicate copies will be retained by the laboratory). Copies of these forms are included in Appendix H. SECTION 6 72 Construction SWPPP Section 6 – Construction Site Monitoring Plan Laboratory Communication Procedures Staff will contact the analytical laboratory 24 hours before the anticipated beginning of the storm event. The laboratory will be instructed to prepare sample bottles for use at the monitoring sites and to prepare for receipt of samples during and following the storm event. Sample Shipping/Delivery and Chain-of-Custody After grab samples are collected, the field sampling team is responsible for delivery of grab samples to the analytical laboratory as soon as possible to meet sample holding time requirements. If samples are to be analyzed for bacteria, they must be delivered to the laboratory within six hours of sample collection. Samples for all other analyses should be delivered within 24 hours of collection. The laboratory should be notified of estimated time of delivery and be alerted when weekend delivery is required. The following list outlines the packaging and shipping procedures for pick-up. Assemble and package sample bottles in an orderly and secure manner for delivery to the laboratory. Verify information on the chain-of-custody form completed by the field sampling team on a cooler-by-cooler basis. If multiple coolers contain bottles from the same sampling location, indicate this on all related forms. If necessary, re-pack coolers with ice to keep samples cool and to prevent breakage. Place the completed chain-of-custody form in a Ziploc bag and place the form in the cooler with the bottles. Pack any sampler bottles to be cleaned for delivery to the analytical laboratory. Sample Preservation and Filtration During collection of grab samples, the field teams will seal sample bottles in Ziploc bags, place them in a cooler, and pack the cooler with ice to preserve the samples to approximately 4 degrees Celsius. Once samples are at the laboratory, they will be refrigerated until analysis. Sample filtration and/or preservative may be required for some analyses, including dissolved metals. Because of contamination concerns, this will be performed in the laboratory in accordance with procedures specified by the appropriate analytical method. SECTION 6 73 Construction SWPPP Section 6 – Construction Site Monitoring Plan This page intentionally left blank SECTION 6 74 Construction SWPPP Section 7 – Corrective Actions Section 7 Corrective Actions Based on inspections and monitoring conducted onsite during construction, corrective actions may need to be taken to improve BMP implementation and/or prevent or reduce pollutants in stormwater discharges and authorized non-stormwater discharges from the project site. Maintenance or repairs to existing BMPs, adding additional or different BMPs and altering construction operations are some corrective actions that may be required. Corrective action requirements for the project are as follows: Take corrective actions when spills, leaks or uncontrolled pollutant sources are identified in a stormwater drainage area during visual inspections. Take corrective actions when BMPs are identified, during visual inspections, as not being properly implemented in accordance with the SWPPP or deficient in controlling pollutants in stormwater. Take corrective actions when effluent samples exceed the NAL (Risk Level 2). Records of any corrective actions and follow-up activities that resulted from analytical results, visual observations or inspections. A summary of all corrective actions taken during the compliance year, as well as identification of any corrective actions that were not implemented, are required to be included in the Annual Report. The completion of the corrective action shall be annotated on the inspection report that identified the need for the action. Incomplete corrective actions will be tracked on successive reports. Quarterly, the corrective action shall be summarized, including the corrective actions not yet completed, to facilitate preparation of the annual report Form 3. The Quarterly summary will be filed in the SWPPP. SECTION 7 75 Construction SWPPP Section 7 – Corrective Actions This page intentionally left blank SECTION 7 76 Construction SWPPP Section 8 - Reporting Section 8 Reporting The CGP contains mandatory reporting requirements related to the submission of an Annual Report and exceedance reporting for NALs (Risk Level 2). Additionally, the SDCCD requires that key information that may affect compliance be reported in order to ensure compliance with the CGP. The sections below describe the reporting requirements for each type of report and the timeframes for their submission. 8.1 Annual Report An Annual Report is required by the CGP for any project with permit coverage of more than one continuous three-month period. The Annual Report summarizes the documentation required to meet the permit requirements. The report must be prepared, certified, and electronically submitted by the LRP or Approved Signatory no later than September 1 of each year using SMARTS. The information contained in the annual report is a summary of inspection and monitoring results, corrective actions and training conducted throughout the year and maintained in the SWPPP. The Annual Report must include the following items: a summary and evaluation of all sampling and analysis results (Appendix H); copies of the laboratory reports; the analytical methods, method reporting units, and method detection limits of each analytical parameter; chain of custody forms; a summary of all corrective actions taken during the compliance year (compiled quarterly); identification of any compliance activities or corrective actions that were not implemented; a summary of all violations of the CGP (Appendix I); the names of individuals who performed the facility inspections, sampling, visual observations (inspections), and/or measurements; the date, place, time of facility inspections, sampling, visual observations (inspections), and/or measurements, including precipitation (rain gauge) compiled from information in Appendix C); the visual observation and sample collection exception records and reports identified in Attachments C and D of the CGP; SECTION 8 77 Construction SWPPP Section 8 - Reporting documentation of all training for persons responsible for implementing the requirements of the CGP (Appendix D); documentation of all training for individuals responsible for BMP installation, inspection, maintenance, and repair; and documentation of all training for individuals responsible for overseeing, revising, and amending the SWPPP. Appendix J includes a Risk Level 1 and Risk Level 2 Annual Report Questionnaire. The QSP shall prepare input into the Annual Report using the appropriate questionnaire and provide copies of sampling results, if applicable. The QSP and construction project manager or site superintendent should sign the certification on the Annual Report Questionnaire and submit it to the SDCCD LRP by July 15 of each year. The SDCCD will review the draft Annual Report and input the Annual Report information and any sampling results not yet submitted into SMARTs and certify the Annual Report prior to September 1st. An electronic or paper copy of each Annual Report for the project shall be retained for a minimum of three years after the date the Annual Report is filed. 8.2 Rain Event Reporting to SDCCD Within 48 hours of a storm event of one half inch or more or when requested by SDCCD, the QSP will provide a report of the following information by email to the SDCCD LRP regarding discharges and sampling results. The QSP will provide the following information which should also be filed in the SWPPP. a. Whether a discharge off the project site occurred b. Amount of measured rain from on-site rain gauge c. Time and date the discharge started and ended d. Reason for not sampling e. How many samples were collected f. The results of visual observations (e.g. condition of BMPs, appearance of runoff (clear, light brown, sheen, etc.) g. Field sampling results for pH and turbidity, if applicable, including results where an NAL was exceeded. h. Number of samples sent to laboratory (for non-visible pollutants), and expected date results will be received. SECTION 8 78 Construction SWPPP Section 8 - Reporting Based on the information provided, the LRP may request copies of the visual observation and sampling results, sample chain of custody, report of discharge form and documentation of corrective actions. The SDCCD will review the storm event sampling results to determine if the results should be submitted to the State Water Board. Should submission be required, the SDCCD will coordinate with the QSP to input the sampling results into the SMARTS system, or include them in the Annual Report. 8.3 Report of Discharge In addition to the Rain Event Reporting discussed in Section 8.2, and Spill Reporting discussed in Section 3.6, when stormwater or non-stormwater discharges off the project site or into a storm drain inlet or other stormwater conveyance system, the SDCCD requires that a Report of Discharge be submitted to the SDCCD. The purpose of the Report of Discharge is to allow the SDCCD to evaluate the discharge in order to determine any reporting obligations they might have under the CGP. The Report of Discharge Form in Appendix I should be used to provide additional information about the circumstances related to the discharge and the discharge characteristics to assist the SDCCD in evaluating the source, of the discharge and whether any water quality standards have been exceeded. Non-stormwater discharges must be summarized in Form 2 on the Annual Report. 8.4 NAL Exceedance APPLIES TO RISK LEVEL 2 PROJECTS ONLY APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE When an NAL exceedance occurs as a result of a sample taken on a Risk Level 2 site the project must electronically submit all storm event sampling results to the SWRCB and the RWQCB, via SMARTS, no later than 10 days after the conclusion of the storm event. The RWQCB has the authority to require submittal of an NAL Exceedance Report. The NAL Exceedance Report shall contain: The analytical methods, method reporting units, and method detection limits of each analytical parameter; the date, place, and time of sampling; any visual observation (inspections); any measurements, including precipitation; and a description of the current BMPs associated with the effluent sample that exceeded the NAL and any proposed corrective actions taken. The Contractor shall make every effort to provide the preliminary sampling results to the SDCCD as soon as it is suspected that sample results indicate an NAL has been exceeded. The Report of Discharge Form, laboratory results or field forms should be forwarded to the SECTION 8 79 Construction SWPPP Section 8 - Reporting project IOR and Campus Project Manager as soon as they are available, along with the description of the BMP associated with the effluent sample and any proposed corrective action(s) to be taken or taken. This information will be used by the SDCCD to prepare an NAL Exceedance Form if the SDCCD is required to submit one by the RWQCB. SECTION 8 80 Construction SWPPP Appendix A – Vicinity Map and Water Pollution Control Drawings (PRDs) Appendix A APPENDIX A Vicinity Map and Water Pollution Control Drawings 81 SDCCD Construction SWPPP Appendix A – Vicinity Map and Water Pollution Control Drawings This page intentionally left blank APPENDIX A 82 Construction SWPPP Appendix B – Submitted Registration Documents Appendix B Documents for Permit Registration Risk Determination Print Out of Certification in SMARTS Procedures for Submitting NOIs and SWPPP Review/Uploads in SMARTS Required NOI Information APPENDIX B 83 Construction SWPPP Appendix B – Submitted Registration Documents This page intentionally left blank APPENDIX B 84 SDCCD Construction SWPPP Appendix B – Document for Permit Registration Procedures for Obtaining Construction General Permit Coverage for SDCCD projects in SMARTS SMARTS Roles and Responsibilities The Storm Water Multiple Application and Report Tracking System (SMARTS) is the online database used by the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) for administering stormwater permits. SMARTS utilizes different account holders with different permissions. Account holders are one of the following: Legally Responsible Person, Approved Signatory, Data Submitter and General Public. The following table indicates the anticipated account holders, their role and purpose in obtaining permit documents, and the recommended person filling those roles within the SDCCD construction management organization. Role Legally Responsible Person (LRP) Person Dave Backensto Approved Signatory Data Submitter-Project Manager or Administrator Data Submitter-Qualified SWPPP Developer (QSD) Campus Project Manager or SDCCD administrative staff. A-E, Civil Design Engineer or administrative staff. Data Submitter-Qualified SWPPP Practitioner (QSP) Designated Project QSP, Data Submitter-Oversight Consultant Patricia Samora, Jerry Pitt, Thalya Parrilla Data Submitter- Construction Manager PM or administrative staff. Purpose Signs NOI’s. Certifies annual reports, Administer SMARTS account Approves information submitted by data submitters in absence of Dave Backensto. Uploads information and submits data to SMARTS website/admin edits. Inputs NOI information, Risk Determination, PostConstruction BMP information and uploads final SWPPP after review comments made. Submit sampling reports, non-compliance reports, quarterly monitoring reports, draft annual certification requirements. Reviewing adequacy and/or consistency of information and documents submitted. Review information/violations, non-compliance. 1. To obtain a SMARTS account linked to the SDCCD To be added as a new data submitter, have the data submitter register for a SMARTS account at . Once received, e-mail the user name of the individual and the project name to which the data submitter should be linked to David Backensto at APPENDIX B 85 SDCCD Construction SWPPP Appendix B – Document for Permit Registration 2. Reviewing NOI Information and SWPPP All available information required to submit the NOI should be input into SMARTS at the time the SWPPP is submitted for review. The SWPPP should not be uploaded into SMARTS until the SWPPP review is complete and all comments are resolved and incorporated. The Stormwater Design and Management Consultant (URS Corporation) will review the NOI information during the SWPPP review. 3. NOI Payment A check should be prepared for the appropriate amount of the filing fee. Preparation of checks by the San Diego Community College District requires a 3 week lead time. New NOIs will not be certified until the check for the filing fee is available. 4. Routing Final SWPPP for Final Signature At the time the NOI is filed, the contractor is typically on board, although this is not always the case. If the contractor has been selected prior to filing the NOI, the A-E/ Civil Design Engineer should collect the project specific information and update the SWPPP prior to fling the NOI. Information to be updated includes: Contractor: Name of company: PM and contact information Qualified SWPPP Practitioner: Name, company, contact information and evidence of qualifications List of Subcontractors: Laboratory to be used for sample analysis: If needed as part of sampling strategy Other project specific information The final updated copy of the SWPPP should be submitted to Dave Backensto for signature with an electronic copy of the SWPPP document. The electronic copy can be a CD included in the hard copy binder or an electronic file transferred to the SDCCD. Once Dave Backensto is satisfied with the document, he will sign the SWPPP. This SWPPP with all signatures is the copy of the SWPPP that should be uploaded with the NOI certification in SMARTS. 5. Certification The LRP, David Backensto, will certify the project in SMARTS using the Certification Tab and coordinate the mailing of the check for the registration fee to the State Water Resources Control Board. 6. Obtaining WDID# The State Water Resource Control Board (SWRCB) will issue a Waste Discharge Identification Number (WDID#) for the project. Construction cannot start until the WDID# has been received. A hard copy of the letter issuing the WDID# should be filed with the master field copy of the SWPPP. 7. SWPPP Distribution The final copy as the SWPPP should be distributed as follows: a. A single hardcopy of the final SWPPP with all signatures is to be provided to contractor responsible for SWPPP implementation and maintained as the master field copy. APPENDIX B 86 SDCCD Construction SWPPP Appendix B – Document for Permit Registration b. Other hard copies, as desired (for District inspector, PM, etc.). Note: These should be limited as they will not be updated nor maintained during project construction. c. An electronic copy should be filed to the project file in SharePoint under Construction Documents, 12-SWPPP. APPENDIX B 87 SDCCD Construction SWPPP Appendix B – Document for Permit Registration SDCCD Specific Guidance for SMARTS NOI input/SWPPP Review To initiate a new NOI, log onto SMARTS at: Select “Enter New NOI” and the select “Construction Stormwater General Permit.” The data submitter will be asked to choose a SDCCD address, choose the address that includes the Suite number. San Diego Community College District 3375 Camino Del Rio South, Suite 310 San Diego, CA 92108-3883 The data submitter will now need to fill in all the information in each tab of SMARTS. Every effort should be made to fill out all fields in all of the tab sections. SMARTS will not allow the record to be uploaded without the required fields (denoted by an *) completed. If information is not available, the field should be input with “To Be Determined, or TBD” with an explanation as to why the information in unavailable. The data submitter should “Save and Continue” or “Save and Exit” once the information available is entered. Owner Information Tab The Owner’s information should list the contact information for David Backensto. David Backensto Property Agent San Diego Community College District 3375 Camino Del Rio South, Suite 310 San Diego, CA 92108 Private Business 619-388-6546 Developer Information Tab Developer Name*: Street Address *: Contact Name*: Title: Telephone* and Extension: E-mail*: Site Information Tab The Project Name input here should be the Bond Project name or a descriptive project name if there is not a single bond project. The Developer should be the Construction Manager (CM) or the Prime Contractor for a Design Build or hard bid contract. The Site Contact could be the Project Superintendent or the Campus Project Manager. The Site APPENDIX B 88 SDCCD Construction SWPPP Appendix B – Document for Permit Registration Phone Number should be the site (trailer) phone and Emergency After Hours Phone Number should be the (PM or CPM cell.) Site Name*: Street Address*: Contact Name*: Title: Telephone* and Extension: Emergency Telephone*: E-mail*: Regional Board: Automatically populated Project Size*(acres of Square feet): Latitude and Longitude*: (Decimal degrees only, minimum 5 significant digits Ex: 99.99999) Total Area to be disturbed* (acres): Percent of Area disturbed: Automatically calculated Impervious Area Before Construction*: Impervious Area After Construction*: Track Number: Mile Post Marker: Is the construction site part of a larger common plan of development*? Yes No Name of plan of development: Construction commencement date*: Complete grading date: Complete project date*: Type of Construction* (select one) Construction Other*: Education Facility Linear Underground/Overhead Project Other*: Education Facility Additional Site Information Tab APPENDIX B 89 SDCCD Construction SWPPP Appendix B – Document for Permit Registration If applicable, has the local agency reviewed/approved a required erosion/sediment control plan? Yes No N/A Does the erosion/sediment control plan address construction activities such as infrastructure and structures? Yes No N/A Name of Local Agency: Telephone (XXX-XXX-XXXX): Is this project or any part thereof, subject to conditions imposed under a CWA Section 404 Water Quality Certification? Yes No If Yes, please explain: Regulatory Status: Is this project or any part thereof, subject to conditions imposed under a CWA Section 404 Water Quality Certification? Yes______, No_______. If yes, provide details: Receiving Water Information Does the storm water runoff from the construction site discharge to (check all that apply): Indirectly to waters of the US Storm drain system - Enter owner's name: Directly to waters of the US (e.g., river, lake, creek, stream, bay, ocean, etc.) Name of Receiving Water (river, lake, creek, ____________________________________________ stream, bay, ocean): Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Name of Qualified SWPPP Developer*: Risk Tab Input the information obtained from the Risk Determination on this tab. Include a print out of the final screen showing the EPA Erosivity Risk Calculator results with the project name, address or latitude and longitude and construction dates used to calculate the R Factor. Include the Risk Determination Worksheet and Receiving Water Risk Factor Work Sheet to APPENDIX B 90 SDCCD Construction SWPPP Appendix B – Document for Permit Registration show how the Project Sediment Risk, Receiving Water Risk and Total project Risk were derived. Post-Construction BMP Tab Is the project located within a permitted Phase I or Phase II Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) area? Yes No Does the Phase I or Phase II MS4 have an approved Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP) that includes post-construction requirements? Yes No If the Project is at Miramar College and meets the post-construction standards contained in WQO No. Order No. 2003-0005-DWQ, indicate Yes, and Yes. Upload an attachment with a summary statement similar to the information provided in Section 3.10 that describes the BMPs to be incorporated into the project and indicates that they meet the post- construction standards of WQO No. Order No. 2003-0005-DWQ, a Phase II MS4 permit, as required by the Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) prepared by the San Diego Community College District based on the February 12, 2007 Miramar College Facilities Master Plan final report. Compliance with these standards is described in the WQTR prepared by ___________, dated ______. An electronic copy of the WQTR should be provided to the SDCCD, but not uploaded with the SMARTS post-construction BMP record. If the Project followed the City of San Diego SUSMP standards as required by another permit condition, indicate Yes, and Yes. Upload an attachment with a summary statement similar to the information provided in Section 3.10 that describes the BMPs to be incorporated into the project, and that they meet the post- construction standards of the City of San Diego SUSMP, pursuant to WQO No. R9-2013-0001, National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit and Waste Discharge Requirements For Discharges From The Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s) Draining The Watersheds Within The San Diego Region No. 2003-0005DWQ, a Phase I MS4 permit, as required by __________ permit. Compliance with these standards is described in the WQTR prepared by ___________, dated ______. An electronic copy of the WQTR should be provided to the SDCCD, but not uploaded with the SMARTS post-construction BMP record. If the Project followed the CGP Section XIII Post-Construction Standards and Appendix 2, answer the following questions using information from Appendix 2. Will the project use an alternative method to calculate runoff volume or use different site design measures than those listed in the CGP calculator? Yes No Will the project be subdivided into smaller sub-areas or drainage management areas? Yes No INPUT FOR WATERSHED: I.a. Name: I.b. County: APPENDIX B 91 SDCCD Construction SWPPP Appendix B – Document for Permit Registration I.c. Closest Location: I.d. Size (acres): Pre-Construction INPUT I.e. Dominant Soil Type: I.f. Existing Dominant Non-built Land Use Type I.g. Existing rooftop impervious area (acres): I.h. Existing non-rooftop impervious area (acres): Post-Construction INPUT I.i. Proposed Dominant Non-built Land Use Type: I.j. Proposed rooftop impervious area (acres): I.k. Proposed non-rooftop impervious area (acres): OUTPUT: O.a. Existing Runoff Curve Number: O.b. Design Storm (inches): O.c. Pre-project Runoff Volume (Cubic Feet O.d. Proposed Runoff Curve Number: O.e. Net Credit of Volume Credits: (Cubic feet): O.f. Post-project Runoff Volume (Cubic Feet): O.g. Post-project Runoff Volume minus Volume Credits (Cubic Feet): ***If Post-project Runoff Volume > Pre-project Runoff Volume. Please perform volume credit calculations by clicking on the links below (refer to Appendix 2.) Volume Credit Calculator Worksheets: Formula Credit (Cubic Feet) A. Porous Pavement B. Tree Planting C. Downspout Disconnection D. Impervious Area Disconnection E. Green Roof F. Stream Buffer G. Vegetative Swale H. Rain Barrels/Cisterns I. Soil Quality Billing Information Tab Click the Same as Owner button for this information. APPENDIX B 92 SDCCD Construction SWPPP Appendix B – Document for Permit Registration Attachments Tab The SWPPP is the attachment that should be uploaded on this tab. The final SWPPP with all SDCCD review comments incorporated and LRP signature should be uploaded just prior to requesting certification. The maximum files size is 10 Megabytes. SWPPPs that are larger than 10M should be broken into smaller files less than 10 Megabytes. APPENDIX B 93 SDCCD Construction SWPPP Appendix B – Document for Permit Registration This page intentionally left blank APPENDIX B 94 Construction SWPPP Appendix C – Site Inspection Forms Appendix C Site Inspection Forms BMP Inspection Form Quarterly Assessment Form Completed Forms APPENDIX C 95 Construction SWPPP Appendix C – Site Inspection Forms This page intentionally left blank APPENDIX C 96 SDCCD Construction SWPPP Appendix C – Site Inspection Forms APPENDIX C 97 SDCCD Construction SWPPP Appendix C – Site Inspection Forms APPENDIX C 98 SDCCD Construction SWPPP Appendix C – Site Inspection Forms APPENDIX C 99 SDCCD Construction SWPPP Appendix C – Site Inspection Forms APPENDIX C 100 SDCCD Construction SWPPP Appendix C – Site Inspection Forms APPENDIX C 101 SDCCD Construction SWPPP Appendix C – Site Inspection Forms APPENDIX C 102 Construction SWPPP Appendix D – Training Reporting Form and Qualifications/Certificates Appendix D Training Reporting Form and Qualifications/Certificates Training Reporting Form QSP Delegation/Training Form Qualification/Certificates APPENDIX D 103 Construction SWPPP Appendix D – Training Reporting Form and Qualifications/Certificates This page intentionally left blank APPENDIX D 104 Construction SWPPP Appendix D – Training Reporting Form and Qualifications/Certificates APPENDIX D 105 Construction SWPPP Appendix D – Training Reporting Form and Qualifications/Certificates APPENDIX D 106 Construction SWPPP Appendix E – CASQA BMP Factsheets for Project BMPs Appendix E APPENDIX E CASQA Factsheets for Project BMPs 107 Construction SWPPP Appendix E – CASQA BMP Factsheets for Project BMPs This page intentionally left blank APPENDIX E 108 Construction SWPPP Appendix E – CASQA BMP Factsheets for Project BMPs The following table includes all CASQA construction BMPs that could be implemented on a project site. Mark each of the BMPs to be used for the project and include the corresponding Factsheet from the CASQA Construction BMP Guidance Handbook in this Appendix. CASQA CONSTRUCTION BMP GUIDANCE HANDBOOK BMPS BMP No. APPENDIX E BMP EC-1 Scheduling EC-2 Preservation of Existing Vegetation EC-3 Hydraulic Mulch EC-4 Hydroseeding EC-5 Soil Binder EC-6 Straw Mulch EC-7 Geotextiles, Plastic Covers, & Erosion Control Blankets/Mats EC-8 Wood Mulch NS-1 Water Conservation Practices NS-2 Dewatering Operations NS-3 Paving and Grinding Operations NS-4 Temporary Stream Crossing NS-5 Clear Water Diversion NS-6 Illicit Discharge/Illegal Dumping Reporting NS-7 Potable Water/Irrigation NS-8 Vehicle and Equipment Cleaning NS-9 Vehicle and Equipment Fueling NS-10 Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance NS-11 Pile Driving Operations NS-12 Concrete Curing NS-13 Material and Equipment Use Over Water NS-14 Concrete Finishing CHECK IF USED 109 Construction SWPPP Appendix E – CASQA BMP Factsheets for Project BMPs BMP No. NS-15 BMP Structure Demolition/Removal Over or Adjacent to Water SE-1 Silt Fence SE-10 Storm Drain Inlet Protection SE-2 Desilting Basin SE-3 Sediment Trap SE-4 Check Dam SE-5 Fiber Rolls SE-6 Gravel Bag Berm SE-7 Street Sweeping and Vacuuming SE-7 Street Sweeping and Vacuuming SE-8 Sandbag Barrier SE-9 Straw Bale Barrier TC-1 Stabilized Construction Entrance/Exit TC-1 Stabilized Construction Entrance/Exit TC-2 Stabilized Construction Roadway TC-2 Stabilized Construction Roadway TC-3 Entrance/Outlet Tire Wash WE-1 Wind Erosion Control WM-1 Material Delivery and Storage WM-2 Material Use WM-3 Stockpile Management WM-3 Stockpile Management WM-4 Spill Prevention and Control WM-51 Solid Waste Management WM-61 Hazardous Waste Management WM-71 Contaminated Soil Management WM-81 Concrete Waste Management WM-91 Sanitary/Septic Waste Management WM-101 Liquid Waste Management Insert additional rows for other BMPs selected based on site conditions at the project site. APPENDIX E CHECK IF USED 110 Construction SWPPP Appendix F – Water Balance Calculator Appendix F APPENDIX F Water Balance Calculator 111 Construction SWPPP Appendix F – Water Balance Calculator This page intentionally left blank APPENDIX F 112 Construction SWPPP Appendix G – Site Specific Rain Event Action Plan Template Appendix G Site Specific Rain Event Action Plan REAP Template Complete REAPs (for Risk Level 2) APPENDIX G 113 Construction SWPPP Appendix G – Site Specific Rain Event Action Plan Template This page intentionally left blank APPENDIX G 114 Construction SWPPP Appendix G – Site Specific Rain Event Action Plan APPENDIX G 115 Construction SWPPP Appendix G – Site Specific Rain Event Action Plan APPENDIX G 116 Construction SWPPP Appendix G – Site Specific Rain Event Action Plan APPENDIX G 117 Construction SWPPP Appendix G – Site Specific Rain Event Action Plan APPENDIX G 118 Construction SWPPP Appendix H – Sampling Forms and Reference Appendix H Sampling Forms and Reference Visual Observation/Sampling/Report of Discharge Form Potential Pollutant Information Monitoring Equipment Checklist APPENDIX H 119 Construction SWPPP Appendix H – Sampling Forms and Reference APPENDIX H 120 Construction SWPPP Appendix H – Sampling Forms and Reference APPENDIX H 121 Construction SWPPP Appendix H – Sampling Forms and Reference APPENDIX H 122 Construction SWPPP Appendix H – Sampling Forms and Reference APPENDIX H 123 Construction SWPPP Appendix H – Sampling Forms and Reference APPENDIX H 124 Construction SWPPP Appendix H – Sampling Forms and Reference APPENDIX H 125 Construction SWPPP Appendix H – Sampling Forms and Reference APPENDIX H 126 Construction SWPPP Appendix H – Sampling Forms and Reference APPENDIX H 127 Construction SWPPP Appendix H – Sampling Forms and Reference APPENDIX H 128 Construction SWPPP Appendix H – Sampling Forms and Reference APPENDIX H 129 Construction SWPPP Appendix H – Sampling Forms and Reference APPENDIX H 130 Construction SWPPP Appendix I – Compliance Documents Appendix I Compliance Documents Visual Observation/Sampling/Report of Discharge Form – for discharges off project site (use form in Appendix H) NAL Exceedance Violations APPENDIX I 131 Construction SWPPP Appendix I – Compliance Documents This page intentionally left blank APPENDIX I 132 Construction SWPPP Appendix J – Annual Reports Appendix J Annual Reports ANNUAL REPORT QUESTIONS (RISK LEVEL 1) ANNUAL REPORT QUESTIONS (RISK LEVEL 2) APPENDIX J 133 Construction SWPPP Appendix J – Annual Report 134 APPENDIX J Construction SWPPP Appendix I – Compliance Documents APPENDIX I 135 Construction SWPPP Appendix I – Compliance Documents APPENDIX I 136 Construction SWPPP Appendix I – Compliance Documents APPENDIX I 137 Construction SWPPP Appendix I – Compliance Documents APPENDIX I 138 Construction SWPPP Appendix I – Compliance Documents APPENDIX I 139 Construction SWPPP Appendix I – Compliance Documents APPENDIX I 140 Construction SWPPP Appendix I – Compliance Documents APPENDIX I 141 Construction SWPPP Appendix I – Compliance Documents APPENDIX I 142 Construction SWPPP Appendix I – Compliance Documents APPENDIX I 143 Construction SWPPP Appendix I – Compliance Documents APPENDIX I 144 Construction SWPPP Appendix I – Compliance Documents APPENDIX I 145 Construction SWPPP Appendix I – Compliance Documents APPENDIX I 146 Construction SWPPP Appendix I – Compliance Documents APPENDIX I 147 Construction SWPPP Appendix I – Compliance Documents APPENDIX I 148 Construction SWPPP Appendix I – Compliance Documents APPENDIX I 149 Construction SWPPP Appendix I – Compliance Documents APPENDIX I 150 Construction SWPPP Appendix I – Compliance Documents APPENDIX I 151 Construction SWPPP Appendix I – Compliance Documents This page intentionally left blank APPENDIX I 152