General Copy Guidelines for SDCCD Scripts for Public Radio KSDS Copy should be submitted at least one week prior to the desired start date. Later copy may be accommodated, but you will get more mentions the earlier your announcement is aired. Please include an end date for ALL copy. If it is general information copy, please enter an end date of three months from the start date. Please make a note on your calendar to refresh the copy. This is an especially good idea for ongoing information scripts, such as online learning programs. Copy should be approximately :30 in length (generally 50 to 80 words is a safe range.) Don’t be afraid to read it aloud and time yourself. Copy should be formatted in all capitals, Arial 14 point font, single line spacing. Please refer to attached copy samples for formatting (easy cut and paste!) Copy should include contact information…phone number or website. Remember, this is only :30 so it’s unlikely a listener will recall both. Better to give one or the other. Copy should include all pertinent information, but should steer away from overly descriptive language or obvious calls to action. Public Radio offers a different presentation of information and is monitored by the FCC. Phrases like “More information is available” and “Details available online at…” give the listener the direction he or she needs, without a direct call to action, and are preferred. This is not an announcement for commercial radio where loud and highly descriptive language is demanded in order to be heard. You’re heard on KSDS…we’re here to inform the community. Please send copy as attachments to Mark DeBoskey at If you have any questions, feel free to contact Mark at ext. 3759. Your first copywriting tip: As a listener, ask yourself “Why does this matter?” If you can’t answer that question, revise your script. Updated:03/06/16 SDCCD/WORLD CULTURES START: 4/15/03 END: 5/6/03 File: SDCCD THE SAN DIEGO CITY COLLEGE WORLD CULTURES PROGRAM WILL HOST THE 4TH ANNUAL FAMILY HISTORY CELEBRATION: THE TELLING OF TALL TALES, MAY 7TH AT 1:00PM AT GORTON QUAD. CO-SPONSORED BY THE CITY COLLEGE SPEECH DEPARTMENT, THIS YEAR'S WORLD CULTURES EVENT FEATURES THE ALMOST CULTURALLY UNIVERSAL STORYTELLING GENRE OF THE "TALL TALE". THE PUBLIC IS INVITED AND THE EVENT IS FREE. THE 4TH ANNUAL FAMILY HISTORY CELEBRATION, MAY 7TH ON THE CITY COLLEGE CAMPUS. MORE INFORMATION IS AVAILABLE AT 619-388-3512. (THIS MATTERS BECAUSE THE EVENT IS FREE… FOR THE COMMUNITY…FUN…FAMILY FRIENDLY…AND EDUCATIONAL) Updated:03/06/16 SDCCD/ONLINE DEGREE START: 7/21/03 END: 8/27/03 File: SDCCD FITTING COLLEGE COURSES INTO YOUR SCHEDULE IS EASIER WITH THE HELP OF THE SAN DIEGO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT’S ONLINE LEARING PROGRAMS. YOU CAN ENROLL AND COMPLETE CREDIT COURSES DEVELOPED AND TAUGHT ONLINE BY INSTRUCTORS FROM THE THREE COLLEGES IN THE DISTRICT: MIRAMAR COLLEGE, MESA COLLEGE, AND CITY COLLEGE. FOR INFORMATIO ABOUT COURSES AND ENROLLMENT, VISIT SDCCD ONLINE DOT NET. (THIS MATTERS BECAUSE CLASSES ARE OFFERED FOR THE CONVENIENCE OF THE STUDENT. IT APPEALS TO LISTENERS WITH A DESIRE TO CONTINUE EDUCATION, BUT WHO MAY HAVE NON-TRADITIONAL SCHEUDLES. AND, THERE ARE A NUMBER OF OPTIONS AVAILABLE WITH THREE CAMPUSES) Updated:03/06/16