SDCCD Online College Steering Committee Meeting

SDCCD Online College Steering Committee Meeting
Monday, July 9th, 3:30 – 5:00
SDCCD Online Meeting of VPs and Deans scheduled for July 18th
o Agenda focus will be on Administrative Pre-planning for Success
Reminder of Accessibility Workshop on July 27th
o Mary Lewis (DSPS) has set up training on Workshop on Accessibility for
Online Instruction to be taught by Sean Keegan of the High Tech Center
Training Unit in Cupertino. The Workshop will run from 9 to 3 on July
27th at Mesa LRC 209.
Pat Lim suggested that we use the SDCCD Online logo when sending out
mailings to course developers to gain better attention
The ETTC Calendar will soon have another color coded category for posting
SDCCD Online trainings
Online Dean's attendance at Syllabus 2001 Conference on July 20-24
o Jessica Fender will cover
Revised list of members of Online College Steering Committee
o Mary Lewis, District, DSPS added recently
Pre-planning for Success
How to add additional sections when all sections fill early (Judy)
o A tentative protocol for such situations was drafted for consideration
 Original instructor of filled course section gets one of three
 1) Teach another section themselves,
o If the instructor selects Option 1 and the course is
shorter than a full semester, then the new section
can be scheduled later in the semester
 2) Allow another instructor to teach another section,
o If option 2 is selected, 1) Need to ask all college
Deans and chairs to identify faculty who can serve
in a back-up capacity and 2) Group and/or
individual WebCT trainings can be scheduled for
back-up faculty to teach extra sections
 3) Not allow another instructor to teach another section
o If the instructor selects Option 3, then no new
section will be added
o Intellectual Property Rights faculty concerns (Judy)
 Discussion about the need to resolve this issue informally and
 Need to understand the AFT position
Status report on Video for Online by technical team (Jessica)
Update on Search Committee for senior secretary (Judy)
 Interviews scheduled for July 11th with 5 candidates
Status Report on TIGs (Judy)
 TIG Review Committee will meet on July 12th, then notify faculty by July 19th.
Accreditation (Judy)
 Request to accrediting commission for clarification regarding need for
Substantive Change Process is pending a response.
Team Leader Progress Reports
General Education Course Development, (Mary Gross, Team Leader)
Business Administration Transfer Emphasis Course Development (Shirley
Orsinelli, Team Leader)
Faculty Development (Pat Lim, Team Leader)
o Report attached
o Ric Mathews and Pat Lim scheduled a Tegrity workshop for July 20th at 912 in the Professional Development Center
Student and Academic Support Services (Jim Wales and Jim Vincent, Team
o Need to survey course developers about need for Tutoring services online
IT – Platform and Website and Instructional Delivery (Jessica Fender, Team
o Jessica Fender plans to launch the new SDCCD Online website today and
would appreciate feedback
 Visit the site at: