Lesson: Points, lines, segments, rays STUDENTS PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: 1. Students will be able to construct and identify points, segments, rays, and lines. 2. Students will measure segments a) using the computer b) using a ruler (to 1/16 of an inch) 3. Students will be able to explain that an infinite number of lines may pass through one point; only one line may pass through two points. CRITICAL MATHEMATICS EXPLORED: Establishing these geometric terms is critical to later understanding of geometric shapes. Students need to understand that two points define a line and a segment, that there is an infinite number of points in a line, that a segment has two endpoints, a ray one endpoint. TEKS: 6.7 A, HOW WILL STUDENTS ENCOUNTER THE LESSON? First by demonstration by instructor using geometer’s Sketchpad and projector. On the screen will be points, segments, rays, and lines. These will be identified by students. (What is this?) as teacher points to different items on screen. If students can not identify the elements, just say they will know what to call these elements before the lesson is finished. (Define/reinforce during construction) Secondly, these items will be constructed (by small groups at computers, if possible) As the instructor “talks it through” using a projector, having students go through the construction of point A, a line passing through point A, construction of point B, construction of points C and D and the construction of segment CD; construction of segment EG, ray EG, segment HI, ray IH. On the projector, the instructor will start hiding elements to go from line to segment, questioning students as to what shows. The third part of this lesson is where students individually draw segments AB, line CD, ray EF, and ray HG (rays to go in different directions) using the computer as a learning center. EQUIPMENT NEEDED: Geometer’s Sketchpad on individual computers, display system and screen for instructor; textbook for supplementary practice, directions for computer as a learning center practice. QUESTIONS TO ASK STUDENTS: How many points do you need to construct a line? Can you have points A, B, and C on the same line? Must you have points A, B, and C on the same line? What defines which way a ray points? How many endpoints does a line have? A segment? A ray? SUGGESTED HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: Find three instances at home where objects define a line segment. Find two instances where objects suggest a line (seem to go until out of sight). Find three separate instances where objects define a point. Give an example of an object that seems to define a ray. Supplementary questions in textbook. EXTENSION/RELATED MATERIALS Demonstrate how you could use a segment to define a circle. Why do we say “line” when we mean “segment”, and where is it appropriate to use the word line for segment? Discuss a “ray” of light and how long it takes to get from the surface of the sun to the surface of the earth. (If it is “absorbed” or “reflected”, is it still a ray?)