Dean’s Office, School of Business Administration, Room 650 BA
Scott Dawson, Dean
Scott Marshall, Associate Dean for Graduate Programs
Erica Wagner, Associate Dean for Undergraduate Programs
Pam Tierney, Associate Dean of Faculty and Research
Kathy Black, Chief Accounting & Budgetary Officer
Undergraduate Student/Career Services, Room 230/240 BA
Doug Siegler, Director, Undergrad Program Admin.
Haley Holmes, Undergrad Program Admin.
Becky Sanchez, Undergrad Program Admin.
Saori Clark, Undergrad Program Admin.
Gary Butterfield, Office Specialist, Undergrad Programs
Becky Einholf, Coordinator, Internship Program
Faculty Services, Room 560 BA FAX #503-725-5850
Kathy Grove, Support Services
Dawn Lloyd, Office Specialist
Graduate Business Programs Office, Room 540 BA FAX #725-2290
Pamela Dusschee, Exec. Director, Graduate Programs
Cliff Allen, Academic Director, Global Supply Chain Management
Piman Limpaphayom, Academic Director, MIM Program
Dave Nickel, Academic Director, MSFA Program
Trina Robertson, Academic Director, MBA Programs
Pam Mitchell, Assistant Director, Academic Advising
Jodi Nelson, Career Development Advisor
John Stoeckmann, Admissions Coordinator
Abby Messenger, Recruiting and Admissions Specialist
Kelly Doherty, Assistant Director, Marketing & Recruiting
Rachel Foxhoven, International Business Programs Coordinator
Information Tech/Network Services (ITNS) Room 332 BA (Labs – 360/370 BA)
Glen Pullen, Faculty/Staff Network Administrator
Corey Tigner, Computer Lab Network Administrator
Corey’s cell phone
SBA Help Line
PSU Office of Information Technologies Help Line
Business Outreach Program, 2828 SW Corbett Ave, Portland 97201
Lara Damon, Director
Center for Retail Leadership/SBA Development Office, Room 260 BA
Tom Gillpatrick, Executive Director
Tina Ford, Assistant Director
Rahel Yared, Manager of Student Programs and Diversity
External Relations, Room 660D BA
Brian Federico, Director
Kristin Mihalko, Major Gifts Officer
Mailing Address: P.O Box 751, Portland, OR 97207-0751
Street Address: 615 SW Harrison, Portland, OR 97201
725-3766 deansoffice@sba.pdx.edu scottd@sba.pdx.edu scottm@sba.pdx.edu elwagner@sba.pdx.edu pamt@sba.pdx.edu kblack@pdx.edu info@sba.pdx.edu dougs@sba.pdx.edu haleyh@sba.pdx.edu beckys@sba.pdx.edu saoric@pdx.edu bgary@pdx.edu beckye@sba.pdx.edu facultyservices@sba.pdx.edu kathyg@sba.pdx.edu facultyservices@sba.pdx.edu paml@pdx.edu cliffa@pdx.edu piman@pdx.edu nickel@pdx.edu trinar@pdx.edu pamm@sba.pdx.edu jodi.nelson@pdx.edu johnst@sba.pdx.edu a.g.messenger@pdx.edu dohertyk@pdx.edu
foxhoven@pdx.edu glenp@sba.pdx.edu coreyt@sba.pdx.edu
725-HELP larad@sba.pdx.edu tomg@sba.pdx.edu tinaf@sba.pdx.edu rahel@pdx.edu kristinm@sba.pdx.edu
University Mail Code: SBA
Area Code 503
Table of Contents
BOOKSTORE AND LIBRARY ........................................................................... 34
FACULTY SERVICES AS A RESOURCE ................................................................. 38
THE UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMS OFFICE AS A RESOURCE .................................. 41
INSTRUCTIONS AND REFERENCES ................................................................... 44
Getting Started in the SBA
Payroll Information
Each faculty member, upon hiring, must complete employment forms through Human
Resources. You will not be able to receive a paycheck (or get class lists) until these forms are submitted. Three options are available for your paychecks:
1) Deposit them into your bank account automatically via direct deposit
2) Pick them up at the Cashier’s desk for up to one week after pay day
3) Wait until the checks and pay stubs are mailed out one week after pay day
If you need more information about setting up direct deposit, you can find everything you need on the Human Resources website at http://pdx.edu/hr/direct-deposit
Additionally, if you would like to receive a paperless paystub, simply sign on to your BanWeb account, choose the “Employee Services” tab, click on “Payroll” and choose the “Pay Stub” option.
Paychecks are available on the last working day of each month. Part-time faculty will be compensated as follows:
If teaching fall term, your contracted rate will be paid in thirds at the end of October,
November and December.
If teaching winter term, your contracted rate will be paid in thirds at the end of January,
February and March.
If teaching spring term, your contracted rate will be paid in thirds at the end of April,
May and June.
Keys and key requests are made on an as-needed basis. If you are teaching in the School of
Business, or will be accessing the mailroom after hours, you will be issued a key for the building.
If you are teaching outside of the School of Business, your classroom will be automatically opened by the campus janitorial staff.
If you are in need of a key, you can request this through Faculty Services. They can be reached by email (facultyservices@sba.pdx.edu) or by phone (503-725-5099).
After the request has been made, it can take anywhere from 3 to 10 business days for facilities to process the request. You can check to make sure your key is ready for pick-up by calling
facilities at 503-725-3738. Once the key is ready, you will need to pick it up from the facilities office (USB 202). You will need to bring your picture ID with you.
Parking Information
Parking structures require a permit. Permit prices vary and are available on a monthly basis.
Carpool permits and discounted TriMet passes are also available via the Transportation &
Parking Office in the Academic and Student Recreation Center on 6 th and Harrison. Contact the office by phone (503-725-3442) or visit its website at http://www. pdx.edu/transportation
Coin-operated meters are also available in Parking Structure 1, next to the School of Business, and day passes can be purchased in the University Center building. City-owned meters are available on the streets surrounding campus.
Guest parking is available on a limited basis for guests of the University such as special speakers and members of the business community visiting the SBA for meetings. Permits are available from the front desk of the Dean’s Office (SBA 650). Contact the office by email
(deansoffice@sba.pdx.edu) or by phone (503-725-3721).
You will need to provide the following information:
Guest’s full name
Purpose of visit
Your contact information
When and where the parking permit needs to be available
Note: The Dean’s Office receptionist will notify Transportation & Parking Services to have parking passes ready for guests at the parking kiosk. Receptionists are no longer able to walk them over and drop them off. You may also have parking passes mailed to the recipients if you would prefer they had it with them instead.
Faculty members are responsible for their own parking arrangements, as OUS regulations prohibit paying for employee parking.
Shared Offices and Office Hour Requirements
Adjuncts have the opportunity to request office hours in one of the shared offices in SBA 391,
392 or 393. These offices allow faculty access to a computer and give them a place and time to meet students. ALL ADJUNCTS SHOULD OFFER ONE OFFICE HOUR PER WEEK PER 4-CREDIT
COURSE TO STUDENTS. Let us know if we can help you by providing office space or if you’d prefer to meet in the classroom. You may also schedule online office hours, and we can help you with that. Phone office hours are also an option. Simply write on your syllabus something similar to the following: Weekly office hours are by phone Mondays from 4-5 p.m. at (XXX) XXX-
XXXX. OR Weekly office hours will be by phone Mondays from 4-5 p.m. Email me the number to
call by 3 p.m. on Mondays and I’ll return your call during that time. In any case, every student must know there is one hour a week when he or she can reach you. You do not have to be consistently available to students throughout the week. In fact, we encourage you to set boundaries. However, if a student needs to reach you, he or she should have a means to do so at least once a week. They should also be able to expect an email reply within one week.
If you are interested in using one of the shared faculty offices, you can contact Kathy Black (SBA
660C; 725-4764) before the beginning of the quarter and let her know the hours during which you would like to reserve space. Space is very limited on campus, so availability is filled on a first come, first serve basis and can only be used for PSU activity such as meeting with students and grading.
For other facilities, Faculty Services also has a shared computer available for faculty members’ use on a first come, first serve basis. Additionally, the faculty lounge is available as an ad hoc work space (SBA 550).
Faculty Mail and Office Supplies
Mailboxes are located in SBA 560A and are accessible through Faculty Services during business hours or through the lounge (SBA 550) after hours. A lounge key may be ordered through Kathy
Black. You will need to pick up your key in person using your photo ID in the Facilities Office
(202 University Services Building across the street from the SBA). Faculty Services can assist you with your mailing needs.
Basic office supplies are available in the cabinet in SBA 560A. Supplies are ordered through
Faculty Services. If you don’t find what you’re looking for, just ask.
Computer Accounts
There are a number of computer accounts faculty may use when teaching at PSU. This includes your ODIN Account, My PSU and your BanWeb/PSU Information System account.
ODIN Accounts
You can access your email, Desire2Learn (D2L), library resources and other resources with your
PSU computer account (or Odin account.) If you are a newly hired staff or faculty, you can get an Odin account via the following method:
Visit the PSU Office of Human Resources to turn in your pre-employment paperwork, including your IRS Form I-9. At the conclusion of his process you will receive a PSU ID number and a temporary password. With these you can log into the Odin Account Manager site at https://oam.pdx.edu to select your preferred user name and password.
If you are unsure if you qualify for an Odin account or if you have questions about the process, please contact the USS Helpdesk at 503-725-HELP (4357).
BanWeb/PSU Information System
The PSU Information System allows faculty and students to view grades, enroll for classes and manage courses. This account is automatically created for anyone enrolled or employed at PSU.
The account can be accessed by going to www.banweb.pdx.edu.
Log in using your PSU ID number or Odin as the user ID, and your birth date (MMDDYY) as the password. For further inquiry, faculty can contact SIS Coordinator at 503-725-8088.
BanWeb is used for a number of functions. A few of these are listed below:
Obtaining waitlist class rosters and waitlists
Emailing classes
Entering grades and online grade changes
Payroll information and paperless pay stubs
For a more detailed list of PSU computer accounts and how to obtain them, refer to the “Guide to PSU Computer Accounts” published by the Office of Information Technologies in the
“Instructions” section.
Faculty Web Pages
SBA Website
Faculty are encouraged to have a presence on the SBA web pages. However, out of respect for your confidentiality, your contact information will not be listed unless you request it to be.
Please contact Faculty Services if you would like to share contact information on the SBA web page.
In addition, many faculty choose to use the PSU learning management system, D2L (Desire to
Learn), to post material for students. This can be a great place to store course material. Talk to
Faculty Services for help in this area. For more information about online course tools, reference the “Online Course Resources” under the “Course Procedures” section.
PSU Directory
The online PSU directory is a self-updated directory. If you would like to be listed in it, you will need to go to http://www.pdx.edu/faqs/how-do-i-addupdate-an-entry-in-the-online-directoryof-portland-state-faculty-staff-and read the instructions and fill out the forms and information you would like to be listed. You will use your ODIN account to sign in.
Telephones and Voicemail
Phone Maintenance
If you have questions about your telephone or if it needs repair, contact Kathy Grove (503-725-
Voicemail Greetings
All faculty with a university telephone should review their telephone greeting. The greeting should contain your name, office hours and an instruction to “dial zero” to reach someone in
Faculty Services if necessary. Most adjunct faculty will have a shared phone in the office with a general greeting.
To access your phone voicemail, simply dial 5-7000 and enter the password (0 + office number).
If you experience problems, simply contact Faculty Services (5-5099) or Networking and
Telecommunications Services directly at 503-725-4434.
Dialing On-Campus and Local Numbers
To dial an on-campus number, hit 5 followed by the last 4 digits of the number
(5-XXXX). For example, if the number you want to dial is 725-5099, dial 5-5099.
To dial an off-campus number, dial 9 before dialing the entire number.
If you need an instruction booklet for Audix (voicemail system), call Kathy Grove (503-725-
3791) or visit the website at http://www.telecom.pdx.edu/. It is also on the website under
Faculty Resources.
Faculty Quarterly Duties
For each quarter you teach, there are a few routine tasks the School of Business requires. These tasks and descriptions are listed below.
Submit your syllabus to Faculty Services.
At the beginning of the quarter, you will receive an email from Faculty Services requesting that you send an electronic copy of your completed syllabus to Faculty Services. Faculty Services holds onto these for accreditation purposes. We must have a syllabus on file for each course taught in the School of Business.
Submit Required Reading Materials to the Bookstore.
The quarter before you teach, you will be reminded via email to inform the bookstore of the required reading for your class on the PSU Bookstore website. Doing so will ensure that your students will be able to purchase their textbooks at the beginning of the quarter. For some
adjunct faculty, the books are ordered by the faculty coordinator who staffs the course. Be sure you learn whether you or the coordinator is responsible for ordering the readings.
Additionally, starting in fall 2010, every instructor is REQUIRED by law to submit information about their required reading to the bookstore. This does NOT mean you can’t offer materials electronically or through another bookstore. However, you must submit this information to the bookstore so it can make the information available online. For more information, please reference “Ordering Textbooks” in the “Textbooks and Bookstore” section.
Evaluations of Teaching Performance. Toward the end of each quarter, you will receive a manila envelope with a set of class evaluation forms in your mailbox. All faculty must have their students complete these forms before the end of the term. Evaluations are required to be given out by students when faculty are out of the classroom and to be returned by students directly to Faculty Services. Please carefully read and follow the specific instructions for administering evaluations (see “Class Evaluations” under “Class Procedures” below). All faculty must establish a record of evaluations, so be sure to see that these are accomplished before the term ends.
Special Situations
Faculty should consult with an area coordinator, an associate dean or the director of Student
Services regarding procedures relating to student records, grading policies or situations involving student rights. These situations are usually handled as they arise and should be welldocumented and communicated to the above leadership. We will help you with any issues and have many automated policies even for “special” situations, so please just let us know. Since there are legal and procedural issues that can be complex, we prefer you simply contact us so we can assist you in unusual issues.
Inclement Weather Policy
Please sign up for PDX alerts to be notified of issues on campus, including campus closures.
Opting into this system is done via BanWeb (http://www.banweb.pdx.edu). Choose the
“Personal Information” tab and then choose “PSU Alert Emergency Notification System.” In the event of a closure or a delay in the opening of the University, a message informing employees will be pre-recorded on the central University switchboard number (725-3000). A message will also be posted on the PSU website home page. Every effort will also be made to have announcements carried on major radio and television stations.
Copyrighted Material
The School of Business follows all university policies and laws regarding copyrights. To learn more about copyright policies that pertain to you reference “Copyright Policies” in the
“Instructions and References” section. The digital librarian, Amy Hofer, is also a copyright expert and can be of assistance. Check out the PSU library homepage.
Class Procedures
Office Hours and Contact Information
In your course evaluations, the student will be asked to assess your performance in the following area:
“The instructor is respectful, friendly and accessible to students.”
You are not required to be continuously accessible, but students should know exactly how to reach you and be able to access your assistance during the term in the following ways:
Office Hours
For every 4-credit course a faculty member teaches, the School of Business requires an associated office hour to assure student access to the faculty member at a specific time and place once a week outside of class. This practice works for many students, although some may need encouragement to use the office hour. You set this hour in advance, list it on your syllabus and notify Faculty Services at the start of the term so it can list it on its office hours schedule for the term. For many faculty members, it works best to offer this hour before or after class.
Please work with us to find space for this office hour if meeting in the classroom is not possible.
As mentioned above under “Shared Office Space,” you may choose to hold phone or online office hours. Please contact us if you need help setting up such an arrangement.
For more information about how to obtain office space in the SBA, please refer to the “Shared
Offices” section under “Getting Started in the SBA.”
Students may expect 24/7 access via email. We do not expect faculty tp respond to students via email immediately. However, if you can specify with students when you will respond, clarity in this area is very useful to students. For example, some faculty list the following kinds of descriptions in their syllabi: “I check course emails Tuesday and Friday afternoons and will get
back to you the next day.”
Although keeping a telephone number on record with Faculty Services is very important, we do not recommend giving your phone number to students. It is critical you can be reached if you are not responding to email or not at your office hour, but we suggest you leave the phone number off of your syllabus. If a student has a dire need to contact you and has tried email and office hours, we may call you on the student’s behalf, but only after he or she has tried other means to reach you and some time for you to reply has passed. We understand adjunct faculty
may not be able to be as responsive as full-time faculty, but please remember that students need to know when and how you can be reached in some regular fashion during the term you teach. This does not mean you must consistently reply to students who send multiple emails a day!
Turning in Syllabi to Faculty Services
Each quarter, Faculty Services will request an electronic copy of your syllabus. It keeps record of these for accreditation purposes, comparison of transfer units and student use. This is imperative for the accreditation of the School of Business. Therefore, your help in maintaining these records is essential and greatly appreciated. Faculty Services will send out reminders throughout the quarter.
Adding and Dropping Students
During the first two weeks of the quarter, students may ask if they can be admitted into your class. If there is room in your class on the first day and you would like to admit extra students
(not beyond the cap), you may do so. However, here are a few things to consider:
The University and the School of Business require you to first take students from your waitlist before admitting those who are not on the waitlist. (For more information about waitlists, please see “Class Lists and Waitlists” under the “Student Services” section.)
To add students, you must sign their Add/Drop forms and have students drop them off at Registration & Records.
Being on the waitlist ensures that students (except in very rare cases) have met all the prerequisites for your class.
***If you have gone through your waitlist and are hoping to add a student who is not on the waitlist, please do not sign the Add/Drop Forms for these students. Before moving forward, please submit the student’s name and ID number via email to info@sba.pdx.edu, or visit SBA 240 with this information. Be sure to include your name, contact information and the course number and title. Advisers will help you determine if these students are eligible to take your course due to having completed the appropriate prerequisites and/or by having the appropriate admission status. Once advisers determine they are eligible for the class, you will be able to admit the students by using an Add/Drop form.
The process for administratively dropping students from courses (i.e. students who do not show up) also requires filling out an Add/Drop form. However, you are not required to do so. Students are responsible for dropping themselves from the course.
Beginning fall 2008, staff from the Undergraduate Programs Office began going through all 300 and 400-level courses to ensure that students not yet admitted to the SBA are not taking these classes. Except in rare circumstances, which will be handled on a case-by-case basis, those
students not yet admitted to the SBA will be administratively dropped from 300 and 400-level courses.
Audio Visual Services
AV needs in classrooms can be met in several ways. All classrooms in the SBA are equipped with
PowerPoint capabilities. If you need to know what equipment your classroom contains more specifically, or if you teach outside of the SBA, ask Faculty Services or consult “Room Setup and
Capacity” in the “Instructions and References” section.
If you are teaching IN the SBA building, we have our own technology support. If you need assistance getting started, there are instructions taped to the wall near the whiteboard in every room. If you still need assistance, please call either Faculty Services (725-5099) or the Lab desk
(725-3717). For more complex problems, you may contact the SBA IT specialist Glen Pullen by phone (725-5748) or pager (921-0660).
If you are teaching OUTSIDE of the SBA building, the main contact is AV Services in Smith. It can be reached at 725-9100 and will be happy to come aid you in setting up and orienting you to the equipment. You may also contact Faculty Services for minor setup issues.
Checking Out AV Equipment
Most needed AV equipment (i.e. laptops, cords) can be checked out from the 3rd floor of the
SBA at the desk next to the computer labs. Students and faculty can check out equipment from this desk. If the desk is not open or the lab assistants cannot meet the AV needs required, such as needing a projector or laptop, AV Services in Smith will be able to help. It is open from 8 a.m. through 10 p.m. Monday through Friday and can be reached at 725-9100. For Common AV
Problems, refer to “Hints on Common AV Issues in Rooms” in the “Instructions and References” section.
Online Course Resources
All SBA faculty have the option of using online supplementary tools for their classes. Online resources include Desire2Learn (D2L) and faculty web pages. Below are some instructions and guidelines for each.
We determine at the curriculum planning level which sections of which courses may be delivered partially or fully online. These services in D2L are intended to support your fully faceto-face course unless otherwise specified at the point of hire. Please do not move portions of your face-to-face course online without consulting the area director or associate dean. We expect that you meet face-to-face for the full time of each course meeting even if you use supplemental online services via D2L, your web page or other online resources. If you need help determining what aspect of online support may be best for you and your course, please feel
free to ask a Faculty Services staff member or discuss this with an area director or associate dean. We will be able to help you decipher what would best meet your needs.
You are not required to use any online tools for your classes. Some form of electronic communication with students can be handy for reaching them between classes, disseminating information or contacting them in the case of inclement weather or other unexpected events.
Desire2Learn (D2L)
D2L is our Learning Management System (LMS). A D2L page is automatically created for each course listing and can be easily accessed at http://d2l.pdx.edu/. Some of the features D2L offers include:
posting your class syllabus distributing files posting online quizzes or exams discussion boards automated grade book sharing images posting links to web sites sending emails or announcements to enrolled students
Before the term begins, your course shell may be "inactive" and you will need to activate it in order for students to see it in their course lists. You can tell if your shell is inactive from your course list on the D2L home page. Inactive courses will be shown with an inactive icon: .
Below is a tutorial on how to activate your course.
Navigate into your course from the D2L Home page and click on Edit Course on the right side on the navigation bar.
Select Course Offering Information from the menu.
You will see a checkbox called "Active:" and it will be unchecked if your course is inactive.
Check the box to activate your course … … and click Save.
D2L has several online tutorials to help faculty manage their course pages. Depending on if you are teaching a fully or partially online course, or just want to use D2L as a teaching tool, you can get help with building your course, managing course content, corresponding with your class and creating discussion forums and graded items. Tutorial options can be found at http://www.pdx.edu/psuonline/learning-technologies-collaboratory
If you have more questions or need help setting up in D2L, call the Office of Information
Technology (503-725-4357).
Faculty Web Pages
If you are not interested in maintaining your own class materials but would like to occasionally post some resources and documents online, you can do so through your web page on the main
PSU website. Kathy Grove, the SBA Scheduler, maintains these websites. Please contact her by phone (725-3791) or by email (kathyg@sba.pdx.edu) for more information. Ideally, we prefer you to use D2L if you have any course communication or course content information.
Disability Resource Center
The mission of the Disability Resource Center (DRC) is to collaborate with and empower PSU students with disabilities in order to coordinate support services and programs that enable equal access to an education and university life.
To accomplish this goal, the DRC provides pre-admission and disability counseling, advocacy, educational training and a variety of accommodations for equal access to the educational
process and campus at PSU.
The DRC also provides referral services for:
Learning disability assessment
Psychological assessment
Assistive technology assessment and training
In addition to providing academic accommodations for students, the DRC works with PSU faculty to identify strategies for working with students with disabilities. Accommodations provided for students with disabilities at PSU will vary according to the effects of a student's disability. The most commonly offered accommodations include:
A note taker
Extended time on examinations
Books in alternative format
Sign language interpreters and real-time captioners
In general, any student registered with the DRC who receives accommodations should give you a faculty letter and discuss his or her accommodations. This information is confidential and must be treated with great care. Please do not publicly identify any student who receives accommodations. You may be required to make an announcement in class to recruit a note taker, send a course syllabus to the DRC office so books in alternative formats may be obtained or deliver an exam to the Testing Center (Room 310 of the University Center Building).
However, it is critical that in completing these tasks you do not violate the confidentiality of the request. For example, you may announce to the class that a student needs a note taker but then put the contact information of the note taker on the board or a sheet of paper which you can then give to the DRC student at a different and private time. Further information about proctoring at the Testing Center for students who are registered with the DRC can be found on the Testing Services website at www.testing.pdx.edu.
If, at any time, you are unsure how to fulfill an accommodation request, please call the
Disability Resource Center at 503-725-4150.
Note: When a student approaches you with a request for accommodations, confidentially continue the conversation and ask the student if he or she is registered with the DRC to ensure eligibility for services. If the student is not registered with the DRC, please refer him or her to our office to inquire about service eligibility. Feel free to ask the student about the types of accommodations that are needed, but do not ask specific questions regarding the diagnosis or ask to see the student's documentation of his/her disability. Students are required to selfidentify and request accommodations to be eligible for services. Please contact the DRC if you have any questions. Also, be sensitive to the fact that students should not lose their privacy about the accommodations because you have discussed it in front of them and other students.
Many PSU students need and use the services of the DRC. In order to help these students identify their options and communicate with you about their special needs, it is best to included
a small blurb somewhere in your syllabus that invites students who are registered with the DRC to come forward and let you know that they may need special accommodations. An example of such a blurb is provided below:
"Accommodations are collaborative efforts between students, faculty and the Disability
Resource Center (DRC). Students with accommodations approved through the DRC are responsible for contacting the faculty member in charge of the course prior to or during the first week of the term to discuss accommodations. Students who believe they are eligible for accommodations but have not yet obtained approval through the DRC should contact the DRC
Classroom Changes
Review your class schedule and inspect classrooms well before the term begins. If a different classroom is needed, contact Faculty Services (SBA 560; 725-5099). Classroom space is at a premium, so it may not always be possible to switch classrooms, especially as it gets closer to the beginning of each term. In addition, to optimize classroom use, you may be required to change classrooms early in the quarter. Changes are often made to accommodate enrollment number shifts as the term draws nearer. Classroom real estate is precious at PSU so procedures are in place to maximize best use for the entire institution.
If a classroom change takes place after the start of the quarter, Faculty Services will be able to aid you in notifying your students. A Faculty Services staff member will post classroom change signs outside of the old classroom. Also, the class should be notified via email. If you would like the help of Faculty Services staff in doing so, just let them know. They will be happy to help.
Options for contacting students include:
Emailing the class through BanWeb
Posting signs on the door
Emailing/notifying the class through D2L
Student Evaluations
Instructors are required to have students evaluate their teaching performances at the close of each term. Evaluation forms will be distributed to your mailbox the week prior to final exam week. Instructions will be included; please follow them carefully. If you happen to have an offcampus class and find it more convenient to pick up your evaluations at your location, please contact Faculty Services, which can mail them to you for your convenience.
It is your responsibility to ensure your evaluations are carried out. Multiple terms without evaluations are grounds for concern. The rules regarding the administration of evaluations are as follows:
At the end of a class and before finals week, ask which student is willing to collect the evaluations and turn them into Faculty Services (SBA 560) when they are all completed.
Tell the students they have the last 15 minutes of class to complete the evaluations.
Pass out the evaluations and LEAVE THE ROOM IMMEDIATELY. The designated student will collect and deliver them to Faculty Services. Students are accustomed to helping out in this way and it is important you leave the class when evaluations are administered.
Students often remark in the evaluations about whether or not these procedures were followed.
The evaluations are available for viewing for the first two weeks following grade posts. Once grades have been turned in, each faculty member will be able to come and review his or her evaluations during office hours. The evaluations are then sent to be processed and reviewed by the dean’s office. Evaluations will be returned to faculty after being analyzed and reviewed. The following quarter is typically the soonest that evaluations are returned.
Evaluations of teaching may include classroom observation, student course evaluations and other information that may be brought to the attention of the associate dean. Faculty will receive copies of student evaluations after dean's office review. For more information about the evaluation process, please refer to the AFT union contract.
Course Packets and Class Materials
Many faculty members put together packets of articles as part of the required reading for their courses. In order to adhere to copyright laws, if you know ahead of time you will be using a particular article(s) for class instruction, you are required to pay for the copyrights.
As a result of copyright stipulations, most faculty who use journal articles or business cases as required reading put together course packets through Clean Copy. Clean Copy will obtain the copyright permissions on all articles and cases, make up packets and sell them to students.
The following are instructions from Clean Copy for creating a course packet :
1. Place the order a.
Order forms are available in the Clean Copy store. b.
Or, you can call us 503-221-1876 and we will fax an order form directly to you.
2. Fill out the order form
It is important that information on the order forms is filled out completely and accurately.
Come by Clean Copy or call 503-294-3999 for assistance if you have any questions.
Submit the order form a.
For non-copyrighted materials, we need to have your order and course materials one week before your first day of class.
When requesting copyright clearance, we need to have your order and bibliography or course syllabus with the required citation information eight weeks prior to your first day of class, or as soon as possible. If we get your order with less than one week’s notice, we can’t guarantee your packet will be ready by the first day of class.
Bring us your materials
Bring in all of the items you want to be included in your course pack (articles, syllabus, table of contents, worksheets, etc.). Or, bring original books, journals, newspapers, etc. We can make master copies and have originals ready for you to pick up in a day or two.
It is helpful if you bring originals that are:
One-sided copies on standard 8.5 x 11” letter size paper
In good condition with no cut-off pages, and dark enough that it can be reproduced cleanly
If, at the time you contact us with your bibliography or course syllabus, you are unable to bring us the articles themselves, please do so within a week or two after you submit your order form.
Confirmation for copyright clearance
After your copyrighted articles have cleared permissions, one of our representatives will contact you with the estimated price of your packet (you may be able to approximate how much the course pack will cost you before you submit your final order).
We are happy to go over the prices on individual articles with you. If necessary, we will work with you on removing costly articles and rearranging the pack to suit you and your students’ needs.
After copyrights (if applicable) have cleared and the price is approved, we begin production of the course packs. Production takes 2-5 working days depending on the number of other course packs in production at the time.
REMEMBER! The closer we get to the beginning of the term, the busier we all become.
Copyright clearance summary:
The process takes time. We would like at least four to six weeks to complete copyright clearance.
We need sufficient bibliographic information on the materials in your course pack to obtain copyright permission.
We need the original, actual books/articles at least one week before your first day of class.
However, much time can be saved and many errors can be avoided if we have your actual course pack materials right from the start!
Student Pick Up of Class Materials
If you must leave non-graded material for someone to pick up, place the material in an envelope with the individual’s name on it and deliver it to Faculty Services. If someone needs to deliver something to your mailbox, it can be given to a Faculty Services staff member to do so.
If you would like to leave graded projects and/or papers for students to pick up, Faculty
Services can help. Simply drop off the packets of graded materials with a Faculty Services staff member and inform your class that they can pick them up in Faculty Services during business hours. You will also need to remember to remind your students that they must have a picture
ID with them. Valid picture ID is required by law when students are picking up graded material.
Absence from Class/Illness
We prefer never to cancel courses or release students early from a class. You may find, however, that you become ill on a teaching day or have another unavoidable problem. To avoid unnecessary cancellations, contact the associate dean to see if it may be possible to run a guest panel, host a guest speaker or have a faculty member provide a related lecture or exercise during the time you must be away. If a class must be cancelled unexpectedly, or if you will be late, contact Faculty Services by phone (503-725-5099) or email (facultyservices@sba.pdx.edu), giving as much advance notice as possible (before 4:30 p.m. for evening classes) so the cancellation of class or late notice can be posted on the classroom door. It is also possible to email your entire class from your BanWeb page or D2L. (Refer to the “Emailing Classes” instructions under the Instructions section.) However, if you will not be able to get to a computer, Faculty Services can also email your class for you. Just let it know and it will be happy to help.
Class Cancellations
There are no minimum student figures for assurance of class continuation. Occasionally, a section may be cancelled or combined with another when enrollment is low. Therefore, the
University reserves the right to cancel one or all of the classes listed should enrollment, in the judgment of the University, be insufficient. The University will pay a pro rata amount for the number of classes held before cancellation if a contract has been issued and will pay for one class meeting if the cancellation occurs before the first such meeting (refer to your contract letter sent to you prior to each term you are scheduled to teach).
Graduate/Undergraduate Credit
PSU offers some 400/500-level courses for either graduate or undergraduate credit. If you are teaching such a course, consult your class list to determine which students have enrolled for the 500-level and will receive graduate credit. It is your obligation to assign such students additional graduate-quality work. Ordinarily, the instructor has considerable latitude in
determining the nature of the additional work. However, you should consult your area coordinator or associate dean for guidelines.
Course Description
If you teach a topics class (407/507/410/510), please provide a course description to Student
Services and Faculty Services for records. Students often request this information when deciding which classes to take.
If you are interested in reviewing the course description(s) for classes you may teach or are interested in, these can be viewed on the SBA website at http://www.pdx.edu/sba/coursedescriptions-and-prerequisites
Exams and Grades
Final Exams
Faculty are expected to administer a final exam for each course. It is required that classes meet during the scheduled time (not regular class time; see final exam schedule in course bulletin) during final exam week whether or not an exam is administered. The final exam schedule can be very confusing as it is often different from the scheduled meeting time of your course during the term. Students may also be confused. Be sure to learn at the beginning of the term when your final is scheduled and also notify students clearly about the time and date of the final exam.
Classes taking place in the SBA Building:
If your class normally meets in the School of Business building, Faculty Services will contact you near the beginning of the quarter with the scheduled final exam times. Classes in the SBA building might differ slightly from the University schedule due to our different class scheduling procedures. Therefore, it is necessary to review any information Faculty Services sends you about final exam times. If you need to request a change within the SBA building, please contact
Faculty Services, which will be more than happy to help you arrange this. The final exam times will also be posted around the third week of the quarter on the SBA website under “Schedule of
Classes.” To view the finals schedule, please go to http://www.sba.pdx.edu/faculty/resources/
Classes taking place outside of the SBA Building
If your class regularly meets in a room outside of the SBA building, you will automatically follow the University schedule for finals. This can be found at: http://www.pdx.edu/registration/finalexams-schedule
Changes to the final exam schedule may create chaos for students because their other courses are scheduled for finals as well. The complex campus-wide finals schedule is designed to avoid
conflicts. It is best to never change the finals schedule for this reason. Should changes be absolutely necessary, you will first need to consult your class. Every student must be given an opportunity to take the exam at a time that does not conflict with their other finals. However, you may have difficulty locating a classroom at an alternate time. Additionally, in order to ensure you have a space, please ask Faculty Services to aid you in requesting room space for your final exam. Your normal final exam room may not be available if you choose to change the date and/or time of your final exam. If your exam falls into the “Conflicts & Irregulars” area, check with Faculty Services to arrange a room for your exam. Faculty are responsible for monitoring any makeup examinations they schedule with a student. There is a testing center on campus for makeup exams. If you would like to consider having a student take an exam at the testing center, the student will need to first ensure there is appointment space there (it is often over capacity) and be responsible to schedule the appointment time, notify you of the time and pay $10 for the service. This is all handled by the testing center. If you agree to a makeup exam, you will need to get the exam to the testing center and pick it up when the student is done. For more information about the testing center, Google-search “PSU makeup test.”
Grades and Grading Rosters
Grades are filed electronically through the University Faculty Web Center (refer to shorthand instructions below). The deadline is the Tuesday after finals week by 5 p.m. sharp! If this deadline is not met, some students (through no fault of their own) may lose scholarships, financial aid and student visas, and miss graduation deadlines. If you need assistance filing your grades, contact Kathy Grove by phone (503-725-3791) or by email (kathyg@sba.pdx.edu) in
Faculty Services. Please, never miss the grading deadline.
What does each of these grades mean? Here are some brief descriptions, but feel free to view the PSU web page for additional detail at http://www.pdx.edu/registration/grading-system
Please do not shy away from assigning an “F” to a student who earns an “F.” This grade has the following advantages for students who fail in their assignments. First, it allows the student to retake and replace the course with the subsequent grade. Second, it allows them to keep his or her financial aid. Third, when we neglect to assign the grade the student actually earned, it impacts our integrity as a program.
“I” or “Incomplete”
If you find a student is facing a difficult personal event during class – a parent dies, for example
– we have the capacity to offer an “Incomplete” grade to students who, up to that point, have earned a passing grade in all their course assignments. The use of an “I,” or incomplete, requires that the faculty member enter into a contract with the student. We will help you through that process if you determine this is necessary. Please do not offer an “I” without discussing this with an Undergraduate Programs Office adviser or the associate dean. An “I” will convert to an “F” within one year, so the student must be made aware of the consequences and expectations associated with earning an “I” during a difficult term. This is why we require a
contract between the student and faculty member. For more information, please see
“Assigning an Incomplete” in the materials below.
There are almost no good reasons to assign an “X” for any coursework in the SBA. It may be tempting because the description of the “X” is “no basis for a grade.” However, the real use of an “X” is when a student never attends your class at all. The problem with casually assigning an
“X” is the following. The student cannot apply financial aid to the course. The “X” can ONLY be changed by the faculty member who assigned it, and even then it requires a custom letter to the registrar and signed by the faculty member. Please avoid using an “X” unless it exactly fits the conditions outlined above.
Shorthand Instructions for entering grades:
All grades must be submitted online using BanWeb by 5 p.m. on the Tuesday after Finals Week.
Sign in to your BanWeb account at https://banweb.pdx.edu/
Click on the “Employee” tab at the top of the page
Click on “My Banner” on the right side of the page
Select the “Faculty Services” option
Click on the “Final Grades” link in the menu
Choose the correct class from the dropdown menu
Using the dropdown grade menus, enter your grades
Make sure to click “Submit” when all grades have been entered
Be sure to save your data entries frequently. If you are interrupted and leave your work session open unattended for more than 30 minutes, your session will time out and you will lose any work not saved.
For more information about the online grading system, please refer to the Registration and
Records website at http://www.pdx.edu/registration/online-grading#psu_grading_system
The University is very concerned about student privacy in regards to grades. Students wishing to receive graded material should provide you with a self-addressed, stamped envelope. It is each faculty member’s responsibility to make arrangements to return graded material. Faculty
Services can aid in distribution of materials. However, please inform your students that if they are to pick up a piece of graded work, they must be prepared with a photo ID. Federal law prohibits posting of grades in any identifiable manner.
Instructor’s Guide to Entering Grades
Log into your PSU BanWeb Account at www.banweb.pdx.edu
Enter your 9-digit PSU ID with no dashes
Enter your PIN : Defaults to your 6-digit date of birth mmddyy no hyphens or slashes
(i.e. October 9, 1980 = 100980).
Select “Login.” It will prompt you to change your
Select “ Login ”
Click on “Employee”
Select “My Banner,” then
“Faculty Services,” then “Final
Your students’ names and ID numbers will appear here
Enter each student’s grade by choosing the appropriate option from the drop down menu next to their name and ID number.
When all grades have been entered, click the Submit button. Note that there is a
30-minute time limit. If you do not submit grades before that is up, you will be timed out and need to
reenter all grades.
Procedure for Grade Change
Grade change forms can be found in both Faculty Services and in Student Services. For any help you may need with grade changes and/or to turn in Supplemental Grade Reports, please contact Faculty Services.
PLEASE ONLY CHANGE A GRADE WHEN THERE HAS BEEN A CALCULATION ERROR. Grade changes should not be offered to students to help them improve their GPA after the term ends.
If students earn an “F” in a course, for example, they may retake the course to replace that grade. That is the procedure in place for students who fail a course. Students should complete the work of the class during the term it is offered and earn the grade achieved by that point only.
Supplemental Grade Report forms are for changing an A-F grade to a different A-F grade and for changing P/NP grade. All other forms of grade changes (i.e., from an “I,” “X,” “M” & IP to an A-F grade, or from an A-F to a P/NP) can and should be done online (refer to “Online Grade
Changes” on the next page). Instructions for filling out a Supplemental Grade Report are below:
Grade change form (SGR, Supplemental Grade Report)
You will need the student’s PSU ID number. This can found by using your online class roster through BanWeb.
You will also need the CRN, course number, course section number and unit value for the course.
Reference the “Grade to Grade Change” and fill it out.
Fill out the course info and sign it.
Once the form has been filled out, turn it in to Faculty Services. They will make sure it gets signed and that it makes it over to Records for processing.
Below is an example of a properly completed grade change form.
Fill in SID and
Course Info
Fill in student name and class title, then sign
**Kathy Grove is our designated grader. She can sign SGRs for faculty when requested.
Online Grade Changes
Online grade changes should be used to change “I,” “M” or P/NP grades to either an A-F grade or another grading option. However, making grade-to-grade changes (from a “B” to a “B+”) is not allowed online. This must be done by a SGR form. Below are some shorthand instructions for entering online grade changes.
Sign in to your BanWeb account at https://banweb.pdx.edu/
Click on the “Faculty Services” tab
Click on the “Online Grade Change” link (last link on the tab)
Choose the class and student from the dropdown menus provided
Submit the grade change
Banner system messages you may receive:
If a grade change is successful, you will receive a message that says: “Supplemental
grade change completed successfully. The newly assigned grade is now reflected on the student’s official transcript.”
If you try to submit a grade for a course that already has a grade of A-F or P/NP assigned, you will receive an error message that says: “Only current marks of I, M or IP may be changed online. Other grade changes must be approved by department chair and submitted on the paper SGR.”
If you are trying to submit a grade for a student who has already graduated, you will receive an error message that says: “Student graduated more than 30 days ago from degree program to which this course applies. The transcript is sealed and the grade cannot be changed.”
If you try to enter a grade for a course that has not been “rolled” properly to the student’s academic history record, you will receive a message that says: “Course not entered in academic history. Contact the Records Office for assistance.”
For more information about online grade changes and Frequently Asked Questions, please reference the Registration and Records website at http://www.pdx.edu/registration/onlinegrading#how_to_enter_grade_changes
Procedures for Assigning an Incomplete
Many faculty assign students temporary incompletes for one reason or another. Below are some general University guidelines for assigning an incomplete. The reasons and agreements may vary, but the School of Business strives to adhere to this policy.
A student may be assigned a grade of Incomplete (“I”) when all of the following four criteria apply:
1. Quality of work in the course up to that point is passing (“C” or above).
2. Essential work remains to be done. “Essential” means that a grade for the course could not be assigned without dropping one or more grade points below the level achievable upon completion of the work.
3. Reasons for assigning an Incomplete must be acceptable to the instructor. The student does not have the right to demand an Incomplete. The circumstances must be unforeseen or be beyond the control of the student. An instructor is entitled to insist on appropriate medical or other documentation.
4. Consultation must have occurred and a formal agreement must be reached between instructor and student. A written record of the remaining work and its completion date should be kept by both instructor and student. YOU MUST COMPLETE A CONTRACT
For a contract of an Incomplete between student and instructor, go to http://www.pdx.edu/sites/www.pdx.edu.registration/files/reg_I_to_F_students.pdf. The instructor may specify the highest grade that may be earned. This should not exceed the level of achievement displayed during the normal course period.
The deadline for completion of an Incomplete can be no longer than one year. The instructor may set a shorter deadline which shall be binding. An agreement to a longer period must be by petition to the Scholastic Standards Committee.
Failure to make up the incomplete by the end of one calendar year will result in Incomplete automatically changing to a grade of “F” or NP, depending on the grading option chosen by the student at registration.
For more information regarding Incomplete Policies and Procedures, contact Darrell Brown
(725-3096) or refer to the Records and Registration website at http://www.pdx.edu/registration/online-grading#incomplete_grades
Proctoring for PSU Exams
We have no means of proctoring exams for you if you are unable to be in the class. It is your responsibility to proctor your own exams. Sometimes, students ask to take an exam early. They may also have catastrophic events occur on exam day. It is a real challenge to determine why a student skips an exam, but you may wish to find a place for a particular student where he or she can take an exam early or make up an exam he or she has missed. If you are willing to write and grade a different exam version, you may invite students to see if there are any available appointments in the Testing Services center.
Testing Services proctors "makeup" exams for PSU students who miss an exam due to illness or certain outside activities. Traditionally, instructors have given makeup exams in their office or in a department office at alternate times. Testing Services offers proctoring as a "backup" service to instructors who may not have the time and space to supervise a student's makeup exam. The
testing office space is limited and it cannot guarantee space for makeup exams. The student is charged a $10 fee to use the facility and services. The detailed instructions for instructors and students are provided below.
Phone: 503-725-5301
Fax: 503-725-2551
Email: testing@pdx.edu
Campus Mail:
SHAC - Testing Services
527 SW Hall, Suite 310
University Center Building
(6th Ave. between Harrison and Hall)
Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Instructor Responsibilities
• Appointments are required to use the testing center and appointments can be scarce. If space is available, they may accommodate drop-in appointments, but a student should not count on this. You may extend the option to a student contingent upon availability only. Tell the student to go immediately to the testing center to determine availability. The student should make his or her appointment and contact you immediately about the time and day he or she made the appointment. You may set a window of time the student may do this.
For example, if a student requests the chance to take an exam early during finals week in order to be at a sister’s wedding, you may agree this is possible, but tell the student he or she can only take the exam early if it is sometime on Tuesday of exam week.
• Fill out a Proctoring Form. This is required and can be found at http://www.pdx.edu/testing/proctoring-psu-exams. Testing Services’ job is to administer the exam as you instruct on the proctoring form. Be sure and include a test deadline; students will not be allowed to test past this date without your permission. If a proctoring form is not included or filled out completely, Testing Services will administer the exam with no restrictions.
• Deliver or send the form and test materials to Testing Services. Materials may be handdelivered, faxed or emailed.
• Test materials will be kept secure.
• Testing staff will administer and proctor the test according to your directions.
• You may pick up the test or it can be picked up by Faculty Services. Select which method you want.
• Deadlines are STRICTLY adhered to. Students will be turned away if they come in past your deadline.
Student Responsibilities
• Students are responsible for getting permission from you as their instructor to have their exams proctored in Testing Services. Make sure a student knows the proctoring procedure.
• To schedule an appointment, they need to call Testing Services (503-725-5301).
• When they go to Testing Services to take your exam, they must bring a photo ID and will be charged a fee of $10 for up to four hours of testing time.
• The fee is payable by check or exact cash, or it can be billed to the student’s account. The fee is due at the time of testing.
Passing Grades and Posting Grades
There are two common questions that arise when discussing grades:
What does a student need to pass a class?
How can I post grades and maintain confidentiality?
The answers to these questions are provided below. For any other questions, simply contact
Faculty Services and/or Student Services. Additionally, a lot of information can be found on the
Records and Registration web page at http://www.pdx.edu/registration/student-records
Passing Grades
If a student is taking a class for credit towards General Educations, he or she only need a “D” to pass. However, if a student is admitted to the School of Business, the standards are higher.
All business majors are required to take all of the following 300- and 400-level core courses with a grade of "C-" or better (effective fall 2001):
• BA 301 — Research and Analysis of Business Problems (4)
• BA 302 — Organizational Behavior
• BA 303 — Business Finance
• BA 311 — Marketing Management
• BA 325 — Competing with Information Technology
• BA 385 — Business Environment
• BA 495 — Business Strategies
Posting Grades and Maintaining Confidentiality
Many faculty members post grades either physically or online as a way for students to have quick access to their grades. However, in order to do so, faculty must find a way of achieving this so that it does not violate confidentiality of each student’s grades. There are several ways to do this.
One of the most common ways is to post grades by the last three or four digits of student ID numbers. However, if this method is going to be used, it is imperative to remember to resort the numbers so that they are not left in alphabetical order.
Additionally, if you choose to use Desire2Learn (D2L), there is a grading book that will allow students to see their own grades (but no one else’s) through signing on. If you need help using this option, simply contact Faculty Services or D2L faculty help online at http://www.pdx.edu/psuonline/learning-technologies-collaboratory
Bookstore and Library
Textbooks and Bookstore
The Bookstore is located on the corner of 6th and Montgomery Street (503-725-3780) and is open from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Thursday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday, and 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday (hours are extended to 8 p.m. for the first week of the term). Choice of textbooks should be made in consultation with either the course coordinator or the area coordinator.
Textbooks are to be ordered 10 to 12 weeks before classes start through the Bookstore website. Supplemental teaching materials may be ordered directly from the publisher.
Book Orders
Book orders are due several weeks before classes actually begin and may be processed on the
Bookstore web site at http://www.portlandstatebookstore.com/textbook_adoptions.asp
…or by contacting the bookstore at 725-3780. Please order by the deadlines (listed below) to avoid delays.
Textbook Ordering Deadlines:
For FALL term, request books by MAY 15
For WINTER term, request books by OCT. 15
For SPRING term, request books by JAN. 15
For SUMMER term, request books by APRIL 15
Starting in fall 2010, by law you MUST submit your required course material to the Bookstore.
This does NOT mean you have to order books through the Bookstore or that you cannot use online resources. However, if you choose to use resources other than the Bookstore to distribute materials, you will still need to submit your required reading information to the
How do I submit information about materials I am offering in another bookstore or online?
You can submit all information about course readings through the usual online book adoption form (same link as above). If it is an online resource or you are offering materials through another location, simply note those things in the "Comments" section of the form (include web addresses for course materials).
For Faculty Desk Copies:
Faculty can request desk and examination copies of texts and related material directly with the publisher representative (see “Publisher Reps” in the “Instructions and References” section).
Also, if you need help with this process, Faculty Services is more than happy to help you order books and provide you with publisher rep name and contact information.
Ordering Textbooks from the Bookstore
You can submit your required text information AND/OR order books for you class through the
Bookstore’s online form referenced below. To use this form, follow these directions.
STEP 1 Go to the PSU Bookstore website at http://www.portlandstatebookstore.com/
STEP 2 Click on the “Course Materials” Link.
STEP 3 Fill out the online form, noting the request dates at the top of the page.
Textbook Request Deadlines
HELPFUL HINT: In the “Textbook Box,” there is a comments section that allows you to notify the
Bookstore of any special instructions. This is where you can specify if you are offering the book through another bookstore. You can also provide links to online required reading in the comments section if your required reading does not consist of printed materials.
Comments Section
STEP 4 Click the “Submit Adoption” button.
If you would like to check on the status of an order, simply call the Bookstore at 503-226-2631.
Branford Miller Library
The Branford Miller Library is located on the Park Blocks across from the Smith Memorial
Center. As faculty, you can use all library resources, including text checkout, computer and printing stations, library staff members and the reserve library. For more information about what the library has to offer, you can visit the library website for instructors at http://www.lib.pdx.edu/role_based_services/faculty.php
Additionally, for any research help you may need, the School of Business also has a subject librarian, Kerry Wu, who you can contact as a resource. You may call her at 503-725-4124 or email her at wuq@pdx.edu.
Reserve Library
The Reserve Library is located on the main floor of the Branford Price Miller Library. It contains a study section and several copying machines. Instructors may place books, articles, manuals, pamphlets or other materials on reserve for student use by making arrangements at the
Reserve Library Circulation Desk. For more information on how to put materials on reserve, read below.
Placing Books on Reserve
Many faculty put a spare copy of their textbook on reserve at the library so students have the affordable option of using it at the library instead of buying it. If you would like to do so, you need to first obtain an extra copy. This can be done 1) through the library, 2) through your department head or 3) by requesting a spare copy from the publisher rep. If you need contact info for a publisher rep, feel free to contact Faculty Services or reference the “Publisher Rep” list in the “Instructions and References” section. The steps below can assist you in placing materials on reserve:
1. Go to the library website at http://library.pdx.edu
2. Click on the “Services” ink
3. On the page that displays, click the "Faculty, Services for" link
4. Next, click the “Placing Materials into Course Reserves” link
5. Click on the appropriate choice of link to the course material
6. Read the directions. Review the copyright policy and then return to the previous page
7. After you have reviewed the policy, click on the “Course Reserves Request Form” link
8. Fill out the Course Reserve Request Form.
9. Once the form has been completed, bring the material to the Circulation Desk on the first floor of the library (if appropriate).
Copies of copyrighted material will not be accepted unless accompanied by permission from the publisher. Copyrighted materials must be originals. Materials are checked out by students for two-hour intervals or overnight through use of a valid PSU ID card. Please allow a six-week turnaround for materials needed during the first two weeks of class and a one-week interval
from the time you place the materials on reserve until assigning it to your students later in the term.
New Faculty Reading Room at the Library
The Faculty Reading Room, a joint project of the PSU Library and the PSU AAUP chapter, is for the use and enjoyment of all PSU faculty. The room is envisioned as a well-equipped library carrel in which faculty members can get away from their offices for quiet reading, reflection, writing and study. When fully occupied, the room can accommodate six people, four in armchairs and two at workstations equipped with scanners and is connected to the campus network and networked printing in the Library.
Located in Room 430 of the Library (4 th floor, north side), faculty members may check out keys at the Library’s circulation desk on the 1 st floor. The checkout period is four hours and a key can be renewed if no one is waiting for access to the room.
Faculty Services as a Resource
Overview of Faculty Services
Faculty Services is intended to be a resource for all SBA faculty members, GAs and staff members. They are located in SBA 560 and are usually the first place you can turn to with any questions or concerns that may arise. Below are Faculty Services objectives:
To support the faculty in all their needs.
To provide a comfortable environment for faculty, GAs and student organizations to utilize its resources and help.
To be friendly, inviting and responsive to the requests made.
To improve efficiency in the daily lives of faculty.
To greet people as they enter the office.
To provide basic office tasks such as mail distribution, copy jobs, ordering supplies, etc.
To support information flow from one SBA department to another.
To work with and be informed about the services that are available to faculty.
The mailroom, fax, photocopy machines and copy service access are all located in Faculty
Services as well as assistance with preparation of your classroom material, correspondence, research and web pages. Faculty Services aims to help with any and all needs in whatever way they can. For a list of other projects with which Faculty Services can help, please refer to
“Faculty Services Duties and Projects.”
Faculty Lounge
The faculty lounge in Room 550 is available to faculty and staff and includes a refrigerator and microwave. Please remember to remove items from the refrigerator, clean the microwave after each use and take your dishes with you. Each individual is responsible for cleanup. The ounge is a place for all faculty and staff. It should not be used as a place to meet with students or give exams. If meeting space is needed, you can reserve one of the conference rooms through
Faculty Services.
Conference and Special Events Room Scheduling
Two SBA general use conference rooms (590, 690) seating 12 people can be reserved through
Faculty Services. These are high-use rooms, so we ask that you limit your stay to two hours per use no more than twice per week.
To schedule rooms 130, 140, 160, 170, 290 and 490, the 5th floor lounge or the lobby for a meeting or special event, call Faculty Services at 725-5099 or send an email to facultyservices@sba.pdx.edu.
Faculty Mail and Office Supplies
Mailboxes are located in Room 560A and are accessible through Faculty Services during business hours or through the faculty lounge (Room 550) after hours. A lounge key may be ordered through Kathy Black (SBA 660C; 725-4764). You will need to pick up your key in person with photo ID in the Facilities Office (202 University Services Building across the street from the
SBA). Faculty Services can assist you with your mailing needs.
Basic office supplies are available in the cabinet in SBA 560A. Supplies are ordered through
Faculty Services. If you don’t find what you’re looking for, please ask! A Faculty Services member will be happy to assist you. You can also write down supplies to be ordered on the whiteboard in mailroom.
Faculty Services is available to help with all your copy needs. All of the copies are done in-house now with the copier in the Faculty Services office. Faculty Services appreciates a 24-hour notice for copies, but understand that rush jobs can occur. DocuMart can still be used as a resource when copy jobs are too large to do in-house. They also ask for a 24-hour turnaround. If sent out, these copy jobs come back at 10:00 am and 2:30 pm every day. To have copies made, you have several options:
Bring in a physical copy to Faculty Services, fill out a work order request form, and place it in the “Work to be done” box, next to the copier.
Email an electronic version of the document to facultyservices@sba.pdx.edu specifying when you need them, how many copies, and how you would like them prepared (i.e., double or single sided, color of paper, collated, stapled, etc.)
Faculty are also welcome to use one of the two faculty copiers on the 5th floor.
Logging onto the copiers in Faculty Services
There are two copiers on the 5th floor available for faculty use. One is in the Faculty Services office in BA 560. The other copier is the Graduate Programs Office mailroom. You will need a
Department Code to use these. Simply ask Faculty Services for this number. To log into the machine:
Type in the 4-digit copy code
Press the okay button on the touch screen.
Make sure you press “Black and White” on touch screen.
To log out, press the red and yellow keys on the key pad simultaneously. If you forget, you will be logged off automatically after one minute.
Have any questions or need clarification? Ask your nearest Faculty Services staff member!
Syllabi and Typing Requests
All faculty members should file an electronic copy of their syllabus in Faculty Services no later than the first class. Faculty Services keeps syllabi on file for accreditation purposes and for student request.
Key information to be included: Textbooks required, office hours, office phone number and a required statement referring to academic honesty and integrity.
For accreditation purposes, all syllabi should be prepared in a standard format. Please contact
Faculty Services if you need a sample. As a convenience to students, your syllabi can be posted on your web page or D2L for easy access.
When you have materials for Faculty Services to prepare (type, copy, etc.), please fill out a work request form (available in SBA 560) and submit it to Faculty Services. It is also OK to email your request to facultyservices@sba.pdx.edu.
Faculty Services Projects
Faculty Services is available to help with any needs that may arise for you as a faculty member.
Below is a list of Faculty Services duties and projects with which Faculty Services can help. If you need assistance, simply ask a Faculty Services staff member! They will be able give you a time estimate on task completion.
Copy jobs
Mailing items
Grading Scantrons
Faxing documents
Recording grades
Handing back assignments
Student pick of materials
General AV help
Preparing class materials
Research help
General computer help (i.e., formatting documents)
Help ordering textbooks
Help with online resources
Liaison between students and faculty
Room scheduling
The Undergraduate Programs Office as a Resource
Overview of the Undergraduate Programs Office
The Undergraduate Programs Office (formerly known as Student Services) is located on the 2 nd floor of the Business building in Room 240. The UPO is our main point of contact for undergraduate business students. Students seeking undergraduate academic advising in the
School of Business, with admissions questions, or involved in student groups will all be in contact with the UPO. The UPO is a great resource for faculty members who may need to inquire about degree requirements, student life, prerequisites and other special arrangements.
Below is an overview of some basic areas the UPO provides.
Student Admissions
Please see the School of Business Administration Undergraduate programs package or
Graduate Programs package for information about formal admission procedures for SBA. Please note that 300- and 400-level classes are restricted to those who are admitted to the
Undergraduate business program. As of fall 2009 this was a new requirement for incoming PSU
Business Students. In fall 2010, all students will be directly impacted, even those students admitted to PSU prior to this taking effect. Any questions can be clarified by the UPO. Graduate courses require formal admission to the graduate program. For additional information, contact the UPO:
Grad: 503-725-8001 / Undergrad: 503-725-3712
Scott Marshall, Associate Dean for Grad Programs: 503-725-4842
Jeanne Enders, Associate Dean for Undergrad Programs: 503-725-5051
To make an appointment with Jeanne or Scott, call the deans’ office receptionist at 503 725-
3721 or email deansoffice@sba.pdx.edu.
If you have a class or an event you would like to publicize, the UPO will hang up fliers to advertise PSU SBA business events to the students. Contact the UPO at 725-3712. We can also put content on the lobby screen in the SBA if it is related to PSU students. We cannot publish content that generates income for or promotes businesses outside the SBA.
Listserv/ Student Announcements
The Undergraduate Programs Office maintains a listserv for general announcements about the
SBA, including important deadlines, advising updates, course changes and similar information.
Please encourage students to sign up for the listserv by sending an email to info@sba.pdx.edu.
If you have an announcement you would like the SBA to promote via the listserv, email a copy of the information you would like shared to info@sba.pdx.edu.
Jobs and Internships Listserv
If you are teaching a 300- or 400-level undergraduate course, please encourage your students to register to receive information about jobs, internships and career development workshops/events via email. Students can sign up online at www.sba.pdx.edu/undergradlist.html.
Student Advising
Students may ask you for advice on course curriculum, program content or career paths. These are appropriate areas for faculty advising. If interested in career or elective advising, the UPO will recommend a faculty member in the student’s area of interest. Students needing
“requirements” advising should attend an orientation session or schedule appointments in the
Undergraduate Programs Office (Room 240). They cover questions such as:
How many more hours do I need in the science distribution area?
How do I meet the upper division requirement for graduation?
Student Class Lists/Waitlists
Class lists and waitlists are available on the University Faculty Web Center website. These lists are used to verify class enrollment. If demand for your course exceeds the maximum size assigned to your section, a “waitlist” will be started. Students choosing to be on the waitlist will
be assigned a sequence number. The lowest sequence number is the student first assigned to the waitlist. Admit students from the waitlist in the order the student was placed on the list.
Most waitlist limits are set to 15 people for a section. However, some sections do have higher waitlist counts. Once the maximum number assigned to your course is reached and the waitlist starts, no more students will be registered for the section.
If a student drops your section after it has closed, there will be a “vacancy” to be filled from the waitlist. Students seeking permission for admission to your class and not able to register on a computer should be told to attend the first class to see if space is still available. They should not be placed in a higher priority than students who are on the computer waitlist. If students do not attend class the first week or notify the instructor, their space may be given to students on the waitlist (through a Special Registration Form). It is the absent student’s responsibility to drop the class. If you have questions, please contact Faculty Services (Room 560, 503-725-5099).
Prior to the first week of classes, if/when a space opens up in your class, the first person on the waitlist will be emailed by the Registrar’s Office notifying the student that he or she has 24 hours to add the course. If no action is taken by the student, he or she will be dropped from the waitlist. Given this new procedure it’s recommended to print your class roster as close to the start of your class meeting as possible.
Faculty with Banner or web access get up-to-the-minute course section information at their desks. If you have a question about Banner or web access, contact Kathy Grove (503-725-3791) in Faculty Services for a demonstration. A computer is available for part-time faculty without web access in Faculty Services.
Internships and By-Arrangements
Full-time faculty may be requested to sponsor students for academic credit for internships, independent study or other research projects. For questions regarding these arrangements, please contact the internship coordinator Becky Einolf (503-725-3699) or the Undergraduate
Programs Office (503-725-3712). Adjunct faculty are not eligible to supervise internships or other by-arrangement credits, as those duties are outside the teaching contract.
The PSU computerized registration system screens students for class standing, admitted status and prerequisites. Check the PSU Bulletin or schedule of classes, or call the Undergraduate
Programs Office at 503-725-3712 for specific registration restrictions on the class(es) you are teaching. Occasionally students who are eligible to register for a class are unable to do so electronically (i.e. all transfer classes not yet processed or a visiting student who has received special permission). In these cases, the student should contact the Undergraduate Programs
Office to get the appropriate approval.
After the first class meets, the instructor must sign Special Registration Forms to allow students to enroll. HOWEVER, we usually do not allow students into classes if they have missed the first day of class. This policy is in place to guarantee that the number of students registered for the class does not exceed the designated maximum. The Undergraduate Programs Office does not monitor the number of students in a class once faculty start signing students into classes. If you allow a student to take your class without the computer prerequisite check, the student may lose credit for the prerequisite class if those prerequisites have not been taken. The
Undergraduate Programs Office is a great resource for checking if students have taken the prerequisite for a class. If it is a class that does have prerequisites, as most of them do, it is worth checking the student’s eligibility before signing them in. Please contact the
Undergraduate Programs Office (503-725-3712) for assistance in determining registration eligibility.
Instructions and References
Instructor’s Guide to Emailing Your Class List
Log into your PSU BanWeb account at www.banweb.pdx.edu
Enter your 9 digit PSU ID with no dashes
Enter your PIN : Defaults to your 6-digit date of birth mmddyy no hyphens or slashes
(i.e. October 9, 1980 = 100980).
Select “Login” It will prompt you to change your
Select “ Login ”
Click on “Faculty Services”
Click “Term Selection”
Click “Submit”
Select the term of your class
“Fall 20 12 Quarter”
On the Select CRN page, select the CRN for your class from the pull-down list.
Click the “Submit” button
Click “Summary Class
You are now on the summary of the class list. Scroll down to the bottom of the page for the email function.
Names of students registered for your class will be listed here.
**Note: If students do not have an @ next to their names, they are not receiving your email. You should alert the student and direct them to the OIT Help Desk (725-HELP).
Clicking on the “Email Class” link should bring up a new mail message in your mail tool. The students’ email addresses will already be entered in the BCC: field. Be sure to BCC (blind copy) students as we must be careful not to reveal student email addresses in such communications.
Conference Calls
Depending upon your needs, there are a number of ways to set up conference calls. Below is some basic information about on campus and SBA resources for conference calls.
Multi-line Conference Calling Using a Multi-line Phone
If you or someone in the office has a "Multi-line" telephone (8434 or 8410) then you can connect up to six people (including yourself). To perform a conference call:
Obtain a dial tone and call the first participant (dial “9” first to get out).
Once you have the first participant on the phone, press the "flash" or "conf" button (if you don't have a flash or conf button, you can press the switch-hook).
Dial the next participant.
Once they are on the phone, press the "flash" or "conf" button again. You will then be talking to both people.
Conference Calls Using the SBA Conference Phone
Faculty Services has a conference phone that is available for reservation and check out for conference call purposes. In order to check it out, you can make a reservation through Faculty
Services. A few things to note about using the conference phone include:
The conference phone is analog. Therefore, it cannot be plugged into a multi-line jack.
If you are planning on making a long-distance call, you will need a long-distance code.
Depending on the purpose, you can talk to your department head or a Faculty Services staff member about obtaining one.
The conference phone can only be used to connect calls being dialed out. Participants cannot dial into the phone to connect.
Below are the operating instructions for using the phone:
Obtain a dial tone by pressing “On” and call the first participant (dial “9” to get out).
Once you have them on the phone, press the "flash" button.
Dial the next participant.
Once they are on the phone, press the "flash" button again. You will then be talking to both people.
The conference phone can connect up to three lines at once.
For more complex conference call or teleconference needs, you may utilize PSU’s Networking and Telecom Services. To learn more, visit http://www.telecom.pdx.edu/Faculty_and_Staff/Conference_Calls.php
Copier as a Scanner
Using the copier as a scanner is an incredibly useful feature. When syllabi begin coming through for copying, it makes for easy scanning and electronic storage. Additionally, this feature is often used by faculty for storing journal articles, etc. It is important to know how to use this feature.
Important to remember:
Documents can only be sent to pdx.edu email addresses
This feature is available on the Faculty Services, dean’s office and FILC machines
Below are the instructions to follow in order to use this function on the copier:
1 Choose the “Scanner” option on the left side of the copier screen.
2. Sign in using your 4-digit code (same as your copy code).
3. All names are filed alphabetically by last name. Select the letter on the touch screen and select your name.
4. Place the document face up on the feeder and push “start.”
Using the Scantron Machine
The School of Business has a Scantron machine for faculty use. It is located in the Graduate
Programs mailroom, across the faculty lounge from the Faculty Services mailroom. Your lounge key will give you access to this room, ensuring that after-hours use of the machine is possible.
Below are some shorthand instructions for using the machine. These are also posted on the wall directly above the machine. Extra Scantron forms are located in the Faculty Services mailroom.
1. Fill out a blank Scantron with the correct answers.
2. Mark the “5” position at the top to identify it as the key.
3. If you would like the correct answer printed for those missed, also mark the “2” box at the top.
4. Turn on the machine and run the key through, then the tests, then the analysis form.
5. If you have a double-sided test, simply mark “Key” on both sides. Run each sides of the key through first, and run each Scantron through, scanning both sides before moving on to the next test. The combined total will be on the bottom of the second side.
6. More questions? Refer to longhand instructions on the counter or come ask Faculty
Fax Machine Instructions
The copier in Faculty Services serves as our fax machine. We have cover sheets usually located on the top of small paper shelf near the copier. The step-by-step instructions are taped onto the copier. They are also below:
Begin by choosing the “Fascimile” mode on the left side of the copier top panel
Sign in using the 4-digit code (same as your copy code) and press Enter on the touch screen
Dial the number (following the instructions below based on the type of call)
Place the document FACE UP into the feeder
Press the green “Start” button
Local Calls:
Dial 9
Dial Local Number
Place the fax FACE UP
Press the “Start” button
Long Distance Calls:
Dial 9
Dial 1 + the Long Distance Number
Press the “Pause” button on the touch screen
Dial your long distance number
Place the fax FACE UP
Press the “Start” button
International Calls:
Dial 9
Dial 011 + the International Number (exclude (0)s)
Press the # key
Dial your Long Distance Code
Press the “Start” button
Long-Distance Codes
Most full-time faculty have long-distance codes that already exist. If a full-time faculty member does not have a long-distance code and would like one, he or she can request one from Kathy
Grove. If adjunct faculty members need to use a long-distance code, we can give them a Faculty
Service member’s code. However, if you choose to do this, write down who you gave it to and make sure to check that account at the end of the month.
Copyrighted Materials
The School of Business strives to follow copyright laws and stipulations. Under no circumstances will Faculty Services copy or retype copyrighted material without copyright permission from the publisher. The University Reserve Library will not put copies of copyrighted material on reserve without copyright permission. Below are some basic guides for determining the copyright appropriate way to obtain materials. For more information and specifics, you can
reference the library’s website regarding copyright issues at http://library.pdx.edu/putoncoursereserves.html.
Basic Faculty Copyright Issues
Faculty and staff must provide notice to students that materials used in connection with the course may be subject to copyright protection.
Fair Use of Materials
Quotation of short passages in a scholarly or technical work for illustration or clarification of the author’s observations.
Reproduction of material for classroom use where the reproduction is unexpected and spontaneous.
A summary of an address or article, which may include quotations of short passages of the copyright-protected work.
Classroom Handouts
If the handout is a new work for which you could not reasonably be expected to obtain permission in a timely manner and the decision to use the work was spontaneous, you may use that work without obtaining permission. However, if the handout is planned in advance, repeated from semester to semester or involves works that have existed long enough that one could reasonably be expected to obtain copyright permission in advance, you must obtain copyright permission to use the work.
All articles, chapters and other individual works in any print or electronic coursepack require copyright permission. Copyright permission for coursepacks is usually granted by the academic period. To reuse a coursepack in subsequent academic periods, you probably need to obtain permission again. Many copyright holders provide time-sensitive permission because their own rights may be time-sensitive and could be transferred to different copyright holders at any time.
When ordering coursepacks it is important to clarify who will obtain permission for the coursepack – the copy shop or reprographic center, the faculty member or a member of the administrative staff.
Most faculty members use Clean Copy to create coursepacks. Clean Copy will obtain all the copyright permissions for the coursepack and make these packets available for students to purchase. To learn more about how to get coursepacks made through Clean Copy, refer to the instructions in the “Instructions and References” section.
If the library owns a copy of a publication, the library may place that copy on reserve without obtaining copyright permission. If the library wishes to reproduce additional copies of a work
and place them on reserve for students to review, in either paper or electronic format, the library must obtain copyright permission.
Harvard Business Review Articles
If a student stumbles upon an HBR article, it’s OK because it’s considered
HBR articles cannot be assigned for free as required reading or put on Library
Reserves. HBS Publishing requires that if an article is used as required reading, each student needs to pay for access.
To use HBR articles for class, put the articles into a coursepack and charge the students (Clean Copy) or provide online access through the HBS publishing site.
Harvard Business Online for Educators
One of the most common questions that arises in regard to class materials involves the use of articles, especially Harvard Business Review articles. An important thing to keep in mind is that if faculty intend to use the article as an instructional tool (i.e., as required reading), the School of
Business MUST purchase the copyrights to the article in some way. This is usually done through
Clean Copy who will obtain the copyright clearance and copy course packets for students who can then purchase them for the price of the copyright plus copying.
In order to simply obtain copies of articles for review from Harvard Business Press, the procedure is simple and straightforward. Go to the Harvard Business Online for Educators at http://harvardbusinessonline.hbsp.harvard.edu/b02/en/academic/edu_reg_info.jhtml?_reques
Faculty must first go through the registration process that requires them to have pdx.edu email account.
Once they fill out the registration form, they will have to wait for a confirmation email &
password from HBP.
Once they get this, they will be able to sign in on the website and download any single article for free (saving it to their library).
Publisher Rep. List
Company Rep
Irwin/McGraw-Hill Colleen Weintz
Cengage (South-
Houghton Mifflin) Marrisa Obar
0563 option 1
Email colleen_weintz@mcgraw-hill.com marissa.obar@cengage.com
Wiley Publishing Steve Delancy
Publications, Inc. Peter Bullock
Pearson (Allyn &
Bacon, Addison-
Wesley, Merrill,
Prentice Hall) Carry Luna
Macmillan Trudi Bartow
503-880sdelancey@wiley.com peter.bullock@gleim.com
academic@macmillian.com tdenly@emcp.com Paradigm
Flat World
Knowledge Org
Tim Denly
Peige Curiale
9243 x 107
7243 x7327 Sage jen@flatworldknowledge.com
Address Website
P.O. Box 98
Lake Oswego,
OR 97034 www.MHHE.com
14432 NW
Melody Court
Beaverton, OR
97006 academic.cengage.com
12695 SW
Cleveland Bay
Beaverton, OR
97008 www.wiley.com/college
1821 Ne 58th
Portland, OR
97213 www.pearsonhighered.com
Common AV Issues in Rooms
Several issues commonly arise when faculty use the AV equipment. It is best (if you have time) to check out the issue before calling Glen. Some of the issues are very simple and, given small knowledge of the equipment, can be remedied.
Things to check for before calling Glen:
Is the projector on?
Are the proper buttons lit up on the panel (i.e., PC, laptop, etc.)?
Is every piece of equipment being used on?
Problem: The projector is not on.
Projectors can be turned on by either pressing the power button on the remote in the room
(typically sitting on the counter by the computer) or hitting the power button on the machine
(if reachable). There may also be a power button for the projector on the panel.
Problem: The equipment is on but not projecting.
Check the lit panel to make sure the appropriate settings are in use. They should be lit if they are on. For example, if you are using the computer provided in the room, make sure the “PC” button is lit. Simply press the correct settings and the projector should match your aim.
** In many classrooms, there are AV instructions either taped to the corner of the front desk or posted on a nearby wall. Ask faculty to look around and explore their surroundings. You may also call a student worker at the SBA Lab desk on the 3rd floor. Their extension is 5-3717 and they are happy to help.
Room Setup and Capacity
Rooms not in use for scheduling:
190–University Control
230–Sustainability Center
240–Student Services
270–Center for Real Estate
340–Computer Lab
360–Computer Lab
310–Computer Lab
550–Faculty Lounge
650–Dean’s Office
696–School of Education Office
* All classrooms have InFocus machines and overhead projectors (rooms 590 and 690 do not have computers).
* All regular classrooms are high tech and have computers in them except 590 and 690
(need laptops and cords).
Room Capacity: o BA 130 - 45 people o BA 140 - 52 o BA 160 - 52 o BA 170 - 45 o BA 190 - 155 o BA 290 - 38 o BA 340 - 25 (computers) o BA 390 - 38 o BA 490 - 66 o BA 590 - 12 o BA 690 - 12
Most classrooms are tiered and auditorium-style, and have fixed tables
(130, 140, 160, 170, 290, 490).
390 does not have fixed tables and is not tiered.
590 and 690 are small conference rooms.
Academic Calendar
One of your best friends in course planning is the academic calendar for PSU. It will tell you when holidays fall during the term so that you don’t unintentionally schedule an exam on
Thanksgiving Day and also let you know when the term begins and ends in each academic year.
To access the academic calendar, just Google “Portland State University Academic Calendar.”
Or go to http://pdx.edu/registration/calendar.
Campus Map
Campus Maps can be acquired in Smith Memorial Student Union (at the Information Desk) and in Faculty Services. Additionally, there are large Campus Directories posted in between
Neuberger and Cramer Hall on the Park Blocks. If you have any questions about the location of your classrooms, please contact Faculty Services. Also, building codes are on the next page.
Campus Building Codes
Building Code
The class schedule lists abbreviations for campus buildings. Use the table below to find full building names and addresses.
Building Name & Location
Art Building, 1990 SW 5th Ave.
Academic & Student Rec. Center, SW 6th Ave.
Broadway Housing Building, 621 SW Jackson St.
School of Business Administration Building,
631 SW Harrison St.
Campus Security Building, 1939 SW Broadway
Clay Street Building, 1433 SW 6th Ave.
Corbett Building, 2828 SW Corbett Ave.
Cramer Hall, 1721 SW Broadway
East Hall, 632 SW Hall St.
School of Education Building, 615 SW Harrison St.
Engineering Building, 1930 SW 4th Ave.
Fifth Avenue Cinema, 510 SW Hall St.
Fourth Avenue Building, 1900 SW 4th Ave.
Harder House, 1604 SW 10th Ave.
Harrison Street Building, 1025 SW Harrison St.
Helen Gordon Child Development Center,
1609 SW 12th Ave.
Hoffmann Hall, 1833 SW 11th Ave.
Koinonia House,
633 SW Montgomery St.
Library East (SMSU)
Lincoln Hall, 1620 SW Park Ave.
Market Center Building, 1600 SW 4th Avenue, Suite 850
Market Square Building, 1515 SW 5th Ave
Millar Library, 1875 SW Park Ave.
Native American Student & Community Center,
SW Jackson St., between Broadway & Park Avenues
Neuberger Hall, 724 SW Harrison St.
Peter Stott Center, 930 SW Hall St.
Research Greenhouse, SW College St (behind PSC)
Science Building I, 1025 SW Mill St.
Science Research and Teaching Center, 1719 SW 10th Ave.
Science & Education Center, 2136 SW Fifth Ave.
Shattuck Hall, 1914 SW Park Ave.
Simon Benson House, 1803 SW Park Ave.
Sixth Avenue Building, 1950 SW 6th Ave.
Smith Memorial Student Union, 1825 SW Broadway
Stephen Epler Hall, 1824 SW 12th Ave.
System Science, 1633 SW 11th
Unitus Building, 2121 SW 4th St.
University Center Building, 527 SW Hall St.
University Honors Program, 1632 SW 12th Ave.
University Place, 310 SW Lincoln St.
University Services Building, 617 SW Montgomery St.
Urban Center, 506 SW Mill St.
XSB, 1633 SW Park Ave.
Off-Campus Class Locations
18640 NW Walker Rd., Beaverton, OR 97006
Metro Center (aka OIT Metro or Harmony Campus)
7726 SE Harmony Rd., Portland, OR 97222
Mt. Hood Community College
26000 SE Stark St., Gresham, OR 97030
Salem Center
4061 Winema Place NE, Salem, OR 97305
Permit & Meter Parking
Carpool Parking Lot, Montgomery St., between 4th & 5th avenues
Parking Structure 1,
Enter on Broadway or 6th Ave. between Harrison & Hall streets
Parking Structure 2,
Enter on Broadway at Mill St.
Parking Structure 3,
Enter on SW 12th or 13th Ave., south of Market St.
Shattuck Hall Parking,
Enter at SW Broadway Ave. & College St.
Campus Housing
Blackstone, 1831 SW Park Ave.
Broadway Housing Building, 621 SW Jackson St.
Joseph C. Blumel Residence Hall, 1705 SW 11th Ave.
King Albert, 1809 SW 11th Ave.
Montgomery, 1802 SW 10th Ave.
Ondine, 1912 SW 6th Ave.
Parkway, 1609 SW Park Ave.
Saint Helens, 1131 SW Montgomery St.
Stephen Epler Hall, 1824 SW 12th Ave.
Stratford, 1609 SW 10th Ave.