CIT Annual Report Fiscal Year 2010/11

Revised 9/29/2011
Center for Instructional Technology
FY11 Annual Report
Executive Summary
After two years of growth that included doubling in size, adding a second location, reorganizing
its staff with a new director, integrating a classroom technology unit, and building new services,
the “new” CIT had a productive FY11 with numerous accomplishments. While some additional
reorganizing and hiring took place in this fiscal year, the organization has developed a good
rhythm of work, established some effective processes, and built stronger collaborative
relationships across the units, so productivity was high.
A quite notable achievement for the CIT is an award received for the Madison Digital Image
Database (MDID), primarily the work of Kevin Hegg and Andreas Knab. The award, the nTelos
Innovation in Higher Education Award, was given by the Shenandoah Valley Technology Council
in May, 2011 at its annual event, Tech Nite 11.
Other notable accomplishments include:
 Re-organized and expanded the role of the Learning System Support (LSS) group and
added a position. Moved Tech Classroom “call center” function to the group, moved LSS
group to Systems, Research and Development, and hired a LSS supervisor. Requested and
received new position for the LSS group in order to extend support hours; will fill the new
position in FY12.
 Improved administrative processes. Adjusted purchasing process for software, hardware,
etc. to improve efficiency, clarity and accountability, especially for download-only purchases
(a growing phenomenon) and streamlined the Tech Classroom Key Distribution process.
Partnered with James Madison Inc. to explore the possibility of monetizing the MDID3
system to create a revenue stream.
 Supported staff professional development. Jamie Calcagno-Roach and Nicole Wilson
earned certifications in clicker technology and instruction. Jackie Woolf earned her Certified
Technology Specialist certification from InfoComm International in June 2011. Two staff
served on national program committees: J. Christie Liu on the Association for Educational
Communications and Technology (AECT) Conference Planning Committee, and Mary Ann
Chappell on the EDUCAUSE Mid-Atlantic Program Planning Committee. Assistant Director of
Faculty Development Andrea Adams selected for 2011 CARS Assessment Fellows.
 Collaborated on projects and programs with external departments including the Library,
the CFI, the IT Training Department, and IT Administration.
 Contributed to L&ET Initiatives: Various staff served on L&ET Task Force groups: the
Research Roadmap Task Force and the Intranet Evaluation Task Force. Staff also served on
search committees. Two staff serve on L&ET’s Digital Assets Working Group (DAWG) and
one serves on the Marketing Committee.
 Contributed to JMU Initiatives. Served on a proposal team for the QEP (JMU’s Quality
Enhancement Plan), a writing team for JMU’s 6-Year Strategic Plan, and the Geospatial
Technologies Task Force. Built and maintained Wordpress sites for collecting and evaluating
the QEP proposals and hosting the Preface Program’s reading materials and instructions.
 Participated in state initiatives. Attended the Virginia Software Summit in August, 2011
with several Virginia schools to discuss innovative, improved and more cost effective ways
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to provision software. Collaborated with the AVP of IT, the Provost, the University
President, representatives from 3 other Virginia universities, and Cisco in a project called 4VA. The purpose of the project is to develop strategies for sharing resources (including
technology) and building cross-institutional programs.
Expanded programming and support for faculty. Offered the first Maymester Institute for
Summer Online Course Development and expanded CIT-website information about distance
learning services; designed and facilitated the first Classroom Technology Sandbox;
implemented an awareness campaign for the Blackboard 9 upgrade in August; facilitated
the first Clicker Book Talk and Clicker Forum; designed and facilitated the first Digital
Storytelling workshop. Hosted the 8th CIT Teaching & Learning with Technology Conference
in October, 2010, with keynote speaker, Jeff McClurken from University of Mary
Completed multiple technology projects related to learning systems and tools, system
upgrades and maintenance, and websites. Most notable projects include: evaluated the
value of Wordpress as an instructional tool and explored its capacity to integrate with other
tools and systems (e.g., Dropbox and PeopleSoft); have created a total of 24 course-related
Wordpress sites that serve more than 1800 students. Agreed to re-host the WebWork math
homework system. Conducted a pilot of CIT’s new MDID3 media management and delivery
tool and released a completely rewritten version of the MediaViewer application for in-class
analysis of high-resolution images. Expanded the use of virtual servers; expanded the
Storage Area Network (SAN) shared by the CIT and Library; prepared for upgrade to
Blackboard 9 and upgraded Relay screen capture system and Classroom Recording and
Streaming Service (CRASS); migrated the Library’s Online Video Collection to MDID3 to
improve the user experience. Upgraded projection systems and computers in several spaces
across campus. Created a mobile version of the CIT website, a new Blackboard Support
website, and a new MDID Community Support site.
Started integrating assessment into programming and administration. Purchased copies of
the SLOAN-C Consortium's "A Quality Scorecard for the Administration of Online Programs;"
will study in 2012 and determine how best to integrate into strategies for assessing DL/BL
programs and structure. Enhanced Summer Institute curriculum by integrating peer review
of online course outline and syllabus development for online courses. Designed and
facilitated customized Assessment Workshop for Nursing Department. As a 2011 CARS
Assessment Fellow, Assistant Director of Faculty Development developed a draft assessment
plan, including a rubric, for assessing the quality of online courses.
Planned for acquisition of high-impact systems and extension of services. Officially started
process of investigating various learning management systems and online learning tools for
possible replacement of Blackboard in 2014. Prepared for RFP process to acquire an online
course evaluation system for all online distance courses; RFP will be issued in late August,
2011. Started strategizing to increase the reach and distribution of the new MDID3 system,
including efforts to commercialize MDID service and distribute well beyond the Art & Art
History discipline.
Selected Outcomes
Served more than 500 faculty (distinct users) in faculty development programs.
Reached more than 15,000 videos in JMUtube.
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Users successfully recorded 490 presentations with the Relay screen capture tool.
Number of active course sites in Blackboard increased by 7% from Summer 2010 to
Summer 2011. Number of active course sites reached 3,284 in Fall 2010 and 3,222 in
Spring 2011.
JMU’s Technology Satisfaction Survey results indicate increases in use of video delivery,
JMUtube, MDID, web-accessible mobile devices, online collaboration tools (e.g., Google
Docs, Microsoft Web Apps), Social Networking sites, blogs, and lecture capture tools;
70% of the faculty who responded to the survey indicated they were satisfied or very
satisfied with Blackboard.
A total of 24 course-related Wordpress sites served more than 1800 students.
More than 35 courses were designed or redesigned for distance or blended online
Prevented an anticipated expenditure of several thousand dollars on servers by
purchasing virtual server space from IT.
Revised 9/29/2011
Center for Instructional Technology
FY11 Annual Report
Detailed Summary
After two years of growth that included doubling in size, adding a second location, reorganizing
its staff with a new director, integrating a classroom technology unit, and building new services,
the “new” CIT had a productive FY11 with numerous accomplishments. While some additional
reorganizing and hiring took place in this fiscal year, the organization has developed a good
rhythm of work, established some effective processes, and built stronger collaborative
relationships across the units, so productivity was high.
A quite notable achievement for the CIT is an award received for the Madison Digital Image
Database (MDID), primarily the work of Kevin Hegg and Andreas Knab. The award, the nTelos
Innovation in Higher Education Award, was given by the Shenandoah Valley Technology Council
in May, 2011 at its annual event, Tech Nite 11.
Other notable accomplishments include:
Organizational Structure
 Held the 3rd Annual Retreat in July. First one to include Classroom Technology Services.
 Hired a new Ed Tech Consultant, Nicole Wilson, to replace Jamie Calcagno-Roach who
accepted the new position, Instructional Technologist for Classroom Technologies.
 The CIT reorganized the Learning Management Systems Department. A new manager position
was created which was filled by Eric Hansen. There was also a new IT Tech II position added
which was filled by Brent Taylor in October, 2010.
 Learning Support Team is now taking Classroom Tech Support phone calls and redirecting to
CTS staff. Phones calls had previously been answered in Media Resources when CTS was a part
of that L&ET unit.
 Shifted almost all purchasing to one Administrative Assistant to achieve a leaner process and
free the other AA’s time for budgeting tasks.
 Adopted the Apple Volume Licensing Program so that mobile apps can be easily purchased
and accounted for.
 Successfully revised the Tech Classroom Key Distribution system to streamline process of
distributing, tracking and collecting keys for faculty.
 Distance and Blended Learning CIT work group created a process and repository for keeping
track of CIT institutes, JMU faculty and other information related to distance and blended
Staff Development, Achievements and Service
 Staff participated in 1-day customized DiSC training with facilitator from JMU’s Training
 Procured enough iPad mobile devices so that all CIT staff can familiarize themselves with a
mobile tablet technology that is rapidly becoming a highly significant component of the
University learning environment.
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 Two Faculty Development staff (Nicole Wilson and Jamie Calcagno-Roach) completed
certification in Turning Point clicker technology.
 CTS staff Jackie Woolf renewed her Certified Technology Specialist certification from
InfoComm International in June 2011. Renewal required Jackie to earn 30 credits by taking
classes that are job/certificate specific.
 Several staff made presentations at local, state and national conferences.
 Instructional Technologist Christie Liu served on the Association for Educational
Communications and Technology (AECT) Conference Planning Committee
 Educational Technologies Librarian Mary Ann Chappell served on the EDUCAUSE Mid-Atlantic
Program Planning Committee
 Various staff served on L&ET Task Force groups: the Research Roadmap Task Force and the
Intranet Evaluation Task Force,
 Instructional Technologist Christie Liu served as L&ET Coordinator for Employee Giving
 CIT Director was elected to Board of Directors of Shenandoah Valley Technology Council.
 Instructional Technologist Jamie Calcagno-Roach served on the L&ET Environmental
Stewardship Committee
 Two staff served as adjunct faculty: Jamie Calcagno-Roach in College of Education and Grover
Saunders in School of Art & Art History.
 Faculty Development staff served on the planning committee for CFI’s January Symposium and
May Symposium; they are starting to plan collaboratively with the CFI for 2011-12 faculty
development programs.
 Faculty Development and Systems collaborated with the Library and the CFI on workshops to
introduce technical and pedagogical aspects of using SafeAssign anti-plagiarism software.
 Faculty Development and Media Services collaborated with the Library on Flipcam and
JMUtube workshops for faculty.
 Librarians presented information about online research databases in each CIT Institute for
Online Course Development.
 Faculty Development collaborated with the Library and IT Training to facilitate orientation
sessions (online and face-to-face formats) for distance Nursing students.
 CIT and Digital Services worked together to plan usage and replication procedures for the
upgraded SAN.
 Collaborated with IT to conduct annual Technology Satisfaction Survey; results indicate
increases in use of video delivery, JMUtube, MDID, web-accessible mobile devices, online
collaboration tools (e.g., Google Docs, Microsoft Web Apps), Social Networking sites, blogs,
lecture capture; 70% of the faculty who responded to the Technology Satisfaction Report
indicated they were satisfied or very satisfied with Blackboard.
JMU Initiatives
 Faculty Development joined in the QEP writing team on the topic of “Redesign for the 21st
Century: Using Current and New Technology to Promote Student Centered Learning”
 The CIT, the CFI, the Dean of Libraries and the AVP of Information Technology collaborated on
technology and instructional technology objectives for JMU’s 6-year strategic plan.
 The R&D staff built a Wordpress site for JMU’s Quality Enhancement Program (QEP), a key
component in preparations for the 2013 SACS review. The QEP site houses 62 QEP proposals.
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Dr. Rose solicited comments from the JMU community on the proposals' merits in April, 2011.
Anonymous reviewers came to the QEP site and left 370 comments using the site's
commenting features between April and August of 2011. During the same period of time, over
6,000 different people visited the site and the site served over 40,000 page views.
 The R&D staff set up a customized WordPress blogging site for JMU’s PREFACE Program,
which is designed to introduce first-year students to the JMU culture and learning
environment. Incoming students were asked to read a series of technical articles and then
share their thoughts on those articles through the PREFACE blogging site. Over 600 students
posted an article on this blogging site. The students used WordPress’s commenting feature to
talk about each other’s articles. The Preface Program is a collaborative program between the
Library and General Education.
 D. Lee Beard served on JMU’s Geospatial Technologies Task Force.
State Initiatives
 CIT and other JMU representatives participated in the Virginia Software Summit in Richmond
in August, 2010; purpose of Summit was to investigate consortial agreements for software
 The CIT Director and Classroom Technology Services collaborated with the AVP of Information
Technology, the University Provost, and the University President in a statewide project called
4-VA. The purpose of this project is to build collaborative relationships among four Virginia
schools (JMU, Virginia Tech, George Mason, and UVA) by using technology, sharing resources
and developing cross-institutional programs.
Programming and Support
Distance and Blended Learning
 Assisted faculty in designing or redesigning more than 35 courses
 Further developed the faculty mentoring program and created a promotional video.
 Created, designed and implemented the first Maymester Institute for Online Course
Development; a semester-long program starting in January designed to relieve undue stress on
faculty who teach in the Maymester and CIT staff who help them prepare supplemental
learning resources. Successfully accomplished these goals.
 Coordinated and facilitated Customized Institute for Blended Learning for Social Work
 Coordinated and facilitated regular Institutes: Summer Institute for Online Learning, Fall
Blended Learning Institute, Customized Institute for Online Learning for Outreach Department.
 Redefined and filled the Learning System Support Specialist position; position includes more
system analysis and maintenance than previous position.
 Reorganized and enhanced Online Learning section of the CIT website
( Includes more information for faculty who want to
teach a course online and departments that want to put programs online. Also includes a
description of each type of CIT institute offered (Summer Institute, Maymester, Blended
Learning, Customized).
 Coordinated the 8th CIT Teaching and Learning with Technology Conference for faculty from
JMU and surrounding universities and colleges
 Facilitated more than 1600 hours of faculty development instruction.
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 Designed and facilitated the first Classroom Technology Sandbox
 Hosted and facilitated a Clicker Book Talk with 16 participants and a Clicker Faculty Forum with
15 faculty.
 Created and facilitated the Mobile Users Group (MUG) meetings, designed for users to share
what they are learning about various mobile devices through every day experience.
 Implemented awareness campaign for upgrade to Blackboard 9, scheduled for August, 2011:
Hosted a demonstration of Blackboard 9, specifically MobileLearn, Online Course Evaluation,
and ePortfolio and invited faculty to attend and provide feedback. Sent multiple emails and
paper brochures to all faculty. Scheduled and facilitated multiple Bb9 Preview workshops in
spring and summer.
 Designed and facilitated the first Digital Storytelling work session with 12 participants and
final products
 Awarded 36 Seed Grants to faculty for hardware and software valued up to $300.
Technology Development, Implementation and Improvement
Learning Tools and Systems
 Successfully installed and deployed the SafeAssign plagiarism software within the Blackboard
online learning environment and offered multiple workshops on technical and pedagogical
 Successfully implemented a new clicker system (Turning Point) for the University
 Launched official pilot of MDID 3
 Actively participated in the acquisition of Cisco Telepresence units on campus as part of the 4VA Project
 Managed several educational technology A/V projects: Godwin, Forbes, Anthony-Seeger, HHS,
Duke, East Tower – North Campus, Wine-Price, Wilson Auditorium, and A3b.
 Agreed to, again, host WeBWorK for the math department. WeBWorK is an online homework
system where faculty can post math assignments for students. Course creation and user
enrollment is scripted and based on Blackboard enrollment data. We were asked to host this
system again as part of the initiative to reduce the DWF (drop, withdraw, fail) rate for certain
math courses.
 Conducted a pilot program for using local Wordpress installation in academic instruction;
successful pilot and clear path forward was identified. Have created a total of 57 Wordpress
sites that serve approximately 50 faculty.
 Integrated the CIT WordPress service with the popular Dropbox service. The Dropbox client is
running as a service on the WordPress server. CIT’s Graduate Assistant wrote a customized
plug-in that synchronizes specified Dropbox folder shares with a specified WordPress site.
Items in the shared folder are displayed for viewing and download in a hierarchical list
structure modeled on Windows Explorer. WordPress users are also able to upload documents
from a WordPress site into a designated Dropbox.
 CIT’s Graduate Assistant wrote a PHP script that synchronizes WordPress site membership
with current JMU course enrollment data. When it runs, the script pulls a course roster for a
specified course from a centralized data feed. This script then synchronizes the course roster
with the membership list for a specified WordPress site, creating new accounts in and
removing existing accounts from the specified WordPress site as needed. The script is run on
demand throughout the start of an academic semester or block.
 Continued to explore Google Earth, a rich media application; hosted a Google Earth Showcase
for the University and community
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 For the Spring 2011 semester, a staff member used Canvas (hosted) as his sole LMS in
conjunction with teaching a course in Web Design for the art department. The majority of the
class materials were distributed this way throughout the semester, and the roughly 20
students were then surveyed on their experience. The results of the survey as well as a record
of the experience from the instructor standpoint were collected as a presentation, available as
a PDF.
 Conducted a pilot with MDID3 in February, 2011. Worked with two Art and Art History faculty
teaching four sections on training students in MDID use and have them complete an
assignment with MDID. The assignment included finding content, uploading and cataloging
new content, and building and presenting slideshows.
 CIT released a completely rewritten version of the MediaViewer. The MediaViewer is a
standalone application that is primarily used by faculty teaching with digitized images in
mediated classrooms. It connects to an MDID3 server to retrieve slideshows for projection on
one or two displays. It has many features for navigating slideshow, for zooming and panning,
for comparing up to four different images simultaneously, and for displaying catalog data. As
part of MDID, it is distributed to many institutions of higher education under an open source
System Upgrades and Maintenance
 Switched Blackboard to virtual servers
 Upgraded Elluminate virtual classroom tool
 The Blackboard database cluster was replaced with and migrated to new servers in August
2010. The Blackboard servers are a two server single SQL instance configured as a failover
cluster. JMU’s IT department installed the servers and worked with the CIT to configure the
files system and cluster services. The SAN storage space was also increased at this time. The
CIT installed MS SQL Server software, backed up the databases, and restored them to the new
servers. Blackboard was then configured to use the new servers.
 Added a second VMWare Host to CIT’s existing virtual environment. VMWare 3.5 was
installed on the host and it was configured to be a member of the existing cluster for the
purpose of moving virtual machines between hosts. This configuration provided better
resource allocation or performance and fault tolerance.
 Increased SAN storage capacity to accommodate growing demand for delivery of and access to
video and rich media. The CIT expanded and upgraded the Storage Area Network storage
devices, which are jointly owned and managed by L&ET Digital Services and The CIT. A third
storage unit, with a capacity of twenty-six terabytes, was added in June of 2010. The existing
two units, 12 terabytes each, were consolidated in the ECL data center and the new unit was
installed in the Carrier data center. All three units were upgraded to the latest firmware. CIT
and Digital Services worked together to plan usage and replication procedures.
 Upgraded projectors in several rooms across campus (e.g., 25 projectors in Miller Hall to
widescreen), installed new podiums in 21 rooms, upgraded the Extron systems in HHS,
replaced the CRASS systems (class recording system for SCOM) in Harrison
 Replaced 82 PCs in tech classrooms.
 Implemented a major upgrade to the Classroom Recording and Streaming Service (CRASS). The
recording and encoding scripts were all updated and rewritten, and the interface was
simplified. This coincided with a project in CTS to upgrade all of the hardware to new cabinets,
resulting in a much more reliable, simpler overall recording experience.
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 The Relay screen-capture tool was updated to the latest version in May, bringing support for
the latest versions of Windows and the Mac OS and automatic transcription services that allow
viewers to run text-based searches on the audio narration. Installation in classrooms was
widened this year as well. 490 presentations have been successfully recorded with Relay in the
2010-2011 school year. There are 169 registered users in Relay.
 Media Resources’ Online Video Collection was migrated to MDID3 in the spring. Users can now
watch videos directly in their browser and no longer need to install and configure QuickTime
on their computer. Also, security and statistics tracking for the videos is significantly
 In January of 2011 a mobile version of the CIT website was created. The site is a subset of the
full CIT website, focusing on content that our users might need on the go. This includes a
workshop schedule, contact information, a staff directory, and a promotional component.
 A new Blackboard Support site was created but was not publicly facing. Throughout the spring
and summer semesters of 2011 the site was populated with updated support files and videos.
Additionally resources to address the new functionality with Blackboard version 9 were also
created and posted to the site. The site went public during the summer of 2011.
 CIT staff used WordPress to build a new MDID Community Support site. This site is designed to
manage and deliver MDID help documentation, to archive MDID-related publications and
presentations, to announce MDID-related news and events, and to solicit feedback and bug
reports from MDID users across the world. It is integrated with MDID3 installations and the
 CIT Assistant Director of Faculty Development was a CARS Assessment Fellows; developed a
draft assessment plan, including a rubric, for assessing the quality of online courses
 CIT purchased copies of the SLOAN-C Consortium's "A Quality Scorecard for the
Administration of Online Programs." Will study in 2012 and determine how best to integrate
into strategies for assessing DL/BL programs and structure.
 Enhanced Summer Institute curriculum by integrating peer review of online course outline and
syllabus development for online courses.
 Designed and facilitated customized Assessment Workshop for Nursing Department
 Held meetings with the new Director of Media Resources and Public Services staff to discuss
strategies for collaborating on media support for students; hoping to schedule a meeting with
the Communications Student Learning Center staff
 Started developing plans for implementing faculty and student user groups in Fall, 2011 to
assess user needs for online learning tools and systems
 Prepared for RFP process to acquire an online course evaluation system for all online distance
courses; RFP will be issued in late August, 2011.
 Officially started process of investigating various learning management systems and online
learning tools for possible replacement of Blackboard in 2014; sending two CIT staff members
and a JMU Procurement Officer to Blackboard World Conference in July, 2011 to identify key
learning management system components.
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 Started strategizing to increase the reach and distribution of the new MDID3 system, including
efforts to commercialize MDID service and distribute use well beyond the Art & Art History
discipline. For example, Kevin Hegg delivered a ten-minute sales pitch to entrepreneurs at the
2011 TECHSTORM event in Fairfax, Virginia on June 2, 2011. This event is focused on matching
innovative technologies develop and universities and federal labs with entrepreneurs. Kevin’s
presentation centered on MDID3 and ways in which it can be monetized through a
partnership between JMU and a for-profit company. JMU is now exploring the possibility of
creating a hosted version of MDID with an entrepreneur from North Carolina.
 The CIT, through the work of Kevin Hegg and Andreas Knab, was awarded the nTelos
Innovation in Higher Education Award from the Shenandoah Valley Technology Council for the
Madison Digital Image Database (MDID). This award honors the innovative use and/or
development of technology in higher education and training.
Selected Outcomes
 Served more than 500 faculty (distinct users) in faculty development programs.
 25% increase in number of summer online sections from Summer FY10 to Summer FY11; 14%
increase in enrollment.
 30% increase in all active online course sections from FY10 to FY11; 32% increase in
 7% increase in number of active course sites in Blackboard from Summer 2010 to Summer
2011. Number of active course sites reached 3,284 in Fall 2010 and 3,222 in Spring 2011.
 Reached more than 15,000 videos in JMUtube.
 Users successfully recorded 490 presentations with the Relay screen capture tool.
 JMU’s Technology Satisfaction Survey results indicate increases in use of video delivery,
JMUtube, MDID, web-accessible mobile devices, online collaboration tools (e.g., Google Docs,
Microsoft Web Apps), Social Networking sites, blogs, and lecture capture tools; 70% of the
faculty who responded to the survey indicated they were satisfied or very satisfied with
 A total of 24 course-related Wordpress sites served more than 1800 students.
 More than 35 courses were designed or redesigned for distance or blended online learning.
 Prevented an anticipated expenditure of several thousand dollars on servers by purchasing
virtual server space from IT.
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Faculty Users:
56 (31 of those are new users)
Workshop Sessions: 105
Unique Participants: 501
Total Contact Hours: 1671.2
Events: 5
Participants: 35
Classroom Technology Sandbox:
iMBA Workshop Series:
10 participants
7 participants
# Distributed:
# Requests:
37 (1 was a subscription request)
Average $ Size of Request: $208
Average Help Call Response Time: 10 Minutes or less per emergency in-class
phone call. 3 work days or less for non-emergency calls and emails.
New Technology Classroom Installations: 5 new regular Technology
Classrooms (TC) with Extron control systems, 1 new Dual Projector TC with Extron
touchpanel control, 1 new Dual Projector TC with Crestron touchpanel control.
Projector upgrades – upgraded 58 projectors from 4:3 to 16:10 aspect ratio,
upgraded 37 projectors to newer model 4:3 projectors.
New flat panel display installations: 3 in Carrier (2 group study, 1 digital
signage); Cleveland 101 (faculty senate conf. room); Forbes Center (Dean’s conf.
New computer installs: Replaced 82 PCs in tech classrooms.
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Extron Control System upgrades: Upgraded 9 TCs in ISAT.
Upgraded all CRASS units (11) with new Mac Minis, Reset button, Rack cabinets.
Systems, Research & Development
WordPress Statistics (as of 6/30/2011)
# Sites:
# Accounts (total):
# Faculty:
# Student
50 (approx.)
# Courses Impacted: 24 course-related WP sites
Course Sites: --Last update: 5/11/2011 -- Brook Hefner’s class. Last update: 5/25/2011 and gsoci110a through d for four sections -- Last update (main
site, not section sites): 7/18/2011 -- Another Brook Hefner’s class. Last update: 8/20/2011 -- Another Brook Hefner’s class. Last update:
8/20/2011 --Susan Kruck’s class. I know that is taught in spring only. Last
update: 5/5/2011 -- Another S. Kruck class, definitely active this semester. Last
update: 8/31/2011 -- Last update: 5/11/2011 -- Last update: 5/25/2011 -- Ben’s profile page. I’m sure he sends his students here. Last
update: 8/6/2011 -- Brook Hefner’s ENG 412J course. Last update: 3/25/2011
Revised 9/29/2011 -- Paul Mabrey’s profile page. Again, most likely accessed by
Paul’s students. Last update: 8/30/2011 -- Paul Mabrey’s Food Communication course. Last update:
9/1/2011 -- Last update: 7/6/2011. Teresa Harris’s ELED 632 course
(summer course, as I recall). 50 students are members -- Last update: 9/1/2011. Jason Sokolov’s course. 390
students. -- Last update: 8/30/2011. David Daniel’s psych course. -- Last update: 8/3/2011. Patricia Brevard’s course. I
think this was a summer course. -- Last update: 9/1/2011. William Van Norman’s History
course. -- Last update: 8/10/2011. Belongs to Monty Gross
(definitely instructional). -- Last update: 8/30/2011. Another active Brooks
Hefner course! -- Last update: 8/31/2011. Another active Brooks Hefner
course! -- Last update: 8/23/2011. Kevin Caran’s chemistry
demonstration site. Audience includes k-12 as well as intro chemistry courses at the
college level. -- Last update: 8/23/2011. Dr. Feitosa’s profile page. Will contain
supplemental course materials for a large physics course. -- Last update: 9/1/2011. Tony Hartshorn’s profile and research
work site. Definitely instructional…will feed CO2 readings for H’burg into this site.
Revised 9/29/2011
JMUtube and CRASS* statistics
*(Classroom Recording and Streaming Service)
Total JMUtube videos to date
Total distinct JMUtube users to date
CRASS videos to date
CRASS users to date
JMUtube videos added in FY11
JMUtube users adding videos in FY11
CRASS videos added in FY11
CRASS users adding video in FY11
NOTE: See Appendix A for statistics queries
Blackboard statistics
After an initial analysis of Blackboard usage based on available courses we realized
that there was no direct correlation between the actual usage of the course (based
on internal Blackboard usage tracking) and its availability status. A lot of high usage
courses have already been made unavailable (presumably by the instructor) by the
time we collect statistics, and a large number of courses that have been made
available remain unused.
We therefore switched our measures to use the internal Blackboard usage tracking
and decided to gather numbers at three different levels:
 Total number of courses, instructors, students, etc. in the system
 Number of courses showing moderate activity, determined by the number of
times users entered the course (hits) being at least one per enrolled user per
 Number of courses showing high activity, determined by the number of times
users entered the course (hits) being at least one per enrolled user per week.
Due to these changes the numbers are not comparable to those collected in earlier
years, but we believe they are more meaningful. We were able to analyze usage for
summer 2010, so there are two semesters that can be compared directly (summer
2010 and summer 2011).
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NOTE: See Appendix B for statistics queries
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A/V Transcoding Jobs:
214 of varying size
Audio/Video Production Jobs:
195 of varying complexity
Number of walk-in visits (total across both locations):
(This does not include tech classroom key visits, but it does include scanning,
Institute consultations and Blackboard support. Note that the logging of a walk-in
does not necessarily indicate that any assistance was needed from CIT staff.)
Walk-Ins by location for the past 12 months:
21 in “CIT East Walk-In”
104 in “CIT West Walk-In”
118 in “CIT East Other”
16 in “CIT West Other”
42 in “Faculty Office”
47 in “Other”
NOTES: If “Faculty Office” is removed from the list as a use of the “walk-in” areas,
the total is 306 “walk-ins” for an average of .65 or 2/3 of a walk-in visit per day for
each of the walk-in locations (not counting tech classroom key pick-ups).
Revised 9/29/2011
Center for Instructional Technology
FY11 Annual Report
Detailed Summary
Individual CIT Unit Reports
Revised 9/29/2011
Classroom Technology Services Annual Highlights Report
Submitted by Jim West
During the 2010-2011 fiscal year, highlighted CTS activity includes the following projects.
 Average Help Call Response Time: 10 Minutes or less per emergency in-class phone call. 3
work days or less for non-emergency calls and emails.
New Technology Classroom Installations: 5 new regular TCs with Extron control systems, 1
new Dual Projector TC with Extron touchpanel control, 1 new Dual Projector TC with
Crestron touchpanel control.
Projector upgrades – upgraded 58 projectors from 4:3 to 16:10 aspect ratio, upgraded 37
projectors to newer model 4:3 projectors.
New flat panel display installations: 3 in Carrier (2 group study, 1 digital signage); Cleveland
101 (faculty senate conf. room); Forbes Center (Dean’s conf. room).
New computer installs: Replaced 82 PCs in tech classrooms.
Extron Control System upgrades: Upgraded 9 TCs in ISAT.
Upgraded all CRASS units (11) with new Mac Minis, Reset button, Rack cabinets.
Project management for Educational Technology (A/V): Godwin, Forbes, Anthony-Seeger,
HHS, Duke, East Tower – North Campus, Wine-Price, Wilson Auditorium, and A3b.
Co-facilitated Classroom Technology Sandbox with CIT Faculty Development.
Revised 9/29/2011
Faculty Development Services
Submitted by Andrea Adams
Fall 2010
● Clicker Transition (how many new users: 31, total users: 56), Clicker Book Talk: 16
participants, Clicker faculty forum: 15.
● Qualtrics- Ongoing demand (# of Workshops, student workshops, housecalls, other
● Social Work Customized Blended Institute (7)
● Fall Blended Institute (7)
● Fall Faculty Forum- Blended Institute Presenters
● Establishment of Mentor Community & Mentor Lunch
● SafeAssign Planning & Rollout
● TLT Conference, Fall 2010
● New Faculty Development Opportunities- Webinars from prof. orgs (WRTC, ELI), Online
Workshop Series, Online Roadshow Series
● Videos for TLT Conference
● Maymester Development Focus Groups
● Distance & Blended Learning- Database, Reestablishment of work group,
○ Charles Harris faculty associate
● Professional Presentations- EDUCAUSE Mid-Atlantic, VAG, VT CHEP, Clickers Users
Conference Panel
○ Virginia Assessment Group (Josh and Shenghua attended and presented)
● L&ET First Place- Halloween Costume and Chef Award
● WVPT Outreach
● Civic Site Student
● New student position added to Faculty Development
● Jan Symposium- Planning, Coordination, Facilitation
● Expanding Nursing Student Orientation
● WordPress Pilot
● Committee Service- Marketing Committee, Diversity Council, Staff Association, North
Campus Technologies Committee, Employee Giving Committee, CIT Groups (ePortfolio,
Mobile Learning.... see Sarah’s list)
● GA/TA Colloquim
● Online Course Support
● ELI Fall Focus Session
Spring 2011
● EDUCAUSE Mid-Atlantic Presentation- (presenters- Christie, Josh, Jamie, Shenghua
attended and presented)
● CHEP (Virginia Tech)- poster session (Christie, Nicole, Jamie, Mary Ann, Shenghua)
● ACCS- (Charlottesville) Nicole, Josh, Andrea
● TurningTechnology Trainer Certification● Student Employee of the Year- Sara Jo
● SASEA Regional Student Employee of the Year- Sara Jo
● Cats that look like Ron Swanson- Viral Blog Sara Jo
● Blackboard 9 Support Documentation, workshop development, delivered workshop
preview, Gen Ed cluster 2 presentation
Revised 9/29/2011
SafeAssignment Support & Collaboration w/ CFI- workshops, website
Maymester Institute
Summer Institute
Outreach Institute
Classroom Technology Sandbox
January Symposium
Part-time faculty workshops
Social Work Dept. Online Evaluations
Nursing Spring Orientation (Jan)
Online student orientations (6 F2F and 6 online- 80-90 attendees)
Mobile Learning Fireside Chat
ET/IT Tech Satisfaction Survey
ELI Focus Session
Mobile Sprint
Previous Online Institute Focus Group
Phase II 2010 Fall Blended Learning Institute
Follow-up Social Work Blended Institute
3 Faculty Forums
__ workshops- professional development opportunities
AECT conference planning committee (Christie)
EDUCAUSE Mid-Atlantic planning committee (Mary Ann)
Academic Rigor discussion
Search Committees- Content Mgt., CFI Asst. Director, Ed Tech Consultant, Director of
Assessment and Planning
Lecture Capture evaluation
Elluminate Upgrade- workshop and resource development and delivery
iMBA Workshop Series
WordPress faculty showcase
Research- EPSON, iPad, Lecture Capture, LMS, Peer Assessment Tools, ePortfolios,
Digital Storytelling
Customized Assessment Workshop for Nursing Department
Summer 2011
● DLVE-SLP- Student and faculty training
● Started MUG
● Collaborated and facilitated on May Symposium
● Nursing Online Students Orientation
● Summer Institute - started peer review of online course outline, syllabus development
for online courses
● First Digital Storytelling work session with 12 participants and final products
Revised 9/29/2011
Media Services
Submitted by D. Lee Beard
Continued to explore Google Earth, a rich media application; hosted a Google Earth Showcase
for the University and community; collaborated with faculty across various departments. Also
provided workshops available to all faculty.
Enhance video production services by purchasing "cool light" set to reduce heat. Lights
purchased. Great help making things more portable and improving quality of experience.
Collaborated with Faculty Development to initiate the MUG: Mobile Users Group. Faculty
Completed 100+ encoding projects. Projects varied in size from 1 tape to 40 tapes.
Produced 100+ video projects. Various complexity from lectures to Library Promotional Video.
Videos are being used beyond this community.
Classroom Key management moved to CIT Media Services
Increased collaboration with Faculty Development to provide more workshops. Including Aviary,
Digital Story Telling, Digital Photography and Video.
Revised 9/29/2011
Systems, Research & Development
Submitted by Kevin Hegg and Andreas Knab
QEP Site
The QEP site houses 62 QEP proposals. Dr. Rose solicited comments from the JMU community
on the proposals' merits in April, 2011. Anonymous reviewers came to the QEP site and left 370
comments using the site's commenting features between April and August of 2011. During the
same period of time, over 6,000 different people visited the site and the site served over 40,000
page views.
MDID award
MDID was recognized with the Innovation in Higher Education Award at Tech Nite 11,
Shenandoah Valley Technology Concil's annual gathering.
CRASS upgrade
CRASS was given a major upgrade this year. The recording and encoding scripts were all updated
and rewritten, and the interface was simplified. This coincided with a project in CTS to upgrade
all of the hardware to new cabinets, resulting in a much more reliable, simpler overall recording
Relay upgrade
Relay was updated to the latest version in May, bringing support for the latest versions of
Windows and the Mac OS and automatic transcription services that allow viewers to run textbased searches on the audio narration. Installation in classrooms was widened this year as well.
490 presentations have been successfully recorded with Relay in the 2010-2011 school
year.There are 169 registered users in Relay.
OVC upgrade to MDID3
Media Resources’ Online Video Collection was migrated to MDID3 in the spring. Users can now
watch videos directly in their browser and no longer need to install and configure QuickTime on
their computer. Also, security and statistics tracking for the videos is significantly improved.
Preface Site
CIT staff set up a customized WordPress blogging site for JMU’s PREFACE Program, which is
designed to introduce first-year students to the JMU culture and learning environment.
Incoming students were asked to read a series of technical articles and then share their
thoughts on those articles through the PREFACE blogging site. Over 600 students posted an
article on this blogging site. The students used WordPress’s commenting feature to talk about
each other’s articles.
WordPress Pilot
In keeping with L&ET’s strategic goal number 2 -- enhance virtual environments to empower
learners and scholars, CIT conducted a WordPress pilot to evaluate the effectiveness of using
Revised 9/29/2011
WordPress in teaching and learning and to determine the feasibility of managing a WordPress
installation for a larger user base at JMU. CIT staff installed, configured and managed a
WordPress installation for the duration of this pilot, which began in the spring of 2010 and
ended a year later. CIT staff recruited 13 faculty from various departments, from Nursing to
English to Geology and Environmental Science. Faculty used WordPress mostly for courserelated activities such as blogging, reflection, and basic course management.Nine faculty used
WordPress in conjunction with a class, where class size varied from 15 to 600 students. Faculty
generally described WordPress an effective tool in helping meet the learning outcomes for their
WordPress Production Server
Responding to the positive survey results gather through the WordPress pilot, CIT staff set up
and configured a more enterprise-level WordPress server for on-going use by faculty and CIT
staff. Despite the fact that CIT has not advertised this new service, we have had many requests
from faculty for WordPress sites. We currenlty host 57 different sites for a variety of
instructional purposes. Almost 2,000 people have accounts on this server. New requests
continue to come in. CIT has installed 105 plug-ins. Each plug-in extends the functionality of
WordPress in almost anyway imaginable. CIT has also written several plug-ins to support JMUspecific features. CIT has installed 77 theme. Themes are applied to individual sites and
determine a site’s visual design and provide hooks into core WordPress features. CIT has
modified many of these themes and has created several themes of its own.
Research Roadmap task force
Over the past two years, Grover has particpated in the Research Roadmap Task Force, which has
as it’s mission to “outline, define, and investigate issues related to the research pathways found
on the library home page and make recommendations for interface revisions.” This task force
has had a tremendous and wide-ranging impact on the look and function of the library website
(especially the homepage) and on our specific implementation of Ebsco Discovery Service.
Intranet work group
Kevin Hegg was a member of L&ET’s 11-person Intranet Tool Task Force. The Task Force began
meeting in August 2010 and finished its work in August 20111. The purpose of the Task Force is
stated here:
L&ET has significant need for a robust intranet and the organization is currently using many
tools to satisfy those needs. Sharepoint shows promise as a comprehensive tool that could
provide at least some of the collaborative workspace and file storage need of L&ET. Open source
options such as Drupal and Google also offer potentials as do different implementation of some
of our existing tools.
In August 2011, the Task Force presented its recommendation to L&ET’s Dean Counsel. The
recommendation is to work with a consulting company to implement a Microsoft Sharepoint
site for use within L&ET. The recommendation was accepted and implementation will begin in
early 2012.
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MDID3 release
In the fall, MDID3 was officially made available to other institutions for download. A number of
institutions have started to implement MDID3 on their campus, including new MDID users and
some who have been using MDID2.
MediaViewer release
CIT released a completely rewritten version of the MediaViewer. The MediaViewer is a
standalone application that is primarily used by faculty teaching with digitized images in
mediated classrooms. It connects to an MDID3 server to retrieve slideshows for projection on
one or two displays. It has many features for navigating slideshow, for zooming and panning, for
comparing up to four different images simultaneously, and for displaying catalog data. As part of
MDID, it is distributed to many institutions of higher education under an open source license.
VRA conference presentation
Kevin and Andreas presented at two sessions at the annual Visual Resource Association
conference in Minneapolis, MN, in March. The sessions were an MDID users group and a poster
ORG program initiated with CO2 project
In May 2010 CIT initiated the new Open Resource Grant program, with which faculty can apply
for assistance with developing or implementing new open source systems supporting their
teaching efforts. The first proposal was submitted by Tony Hartshorn (Geology and
Environmental Science) and during the summer and fall resulted in the development of a CO2
monitoring script and web site badge that displays the current CO2 measurement outside
Memorial Hall.
Poster at TLT conference and L&ET showcase
Kevin, Grover and Andreas presented posters at the 2010 TLT conference and the L&ET
showcase in January.
Presentation to SHEV in Bridgewater in December
Kevin Hegg, along with Tina Updike, delivered a presentation titled “Taking the ‘Repose’ Out of
Repository” to the VIVA/LAC meeting at Bridgewater College on December 10, 2010. The
presentation provides an overview of MDID and shows how JMU is using MDID3 as a digital
media hub for discovering, organizing and delivering digital content. MDID3 as a hub consumes
content from a variety of sources, including user upload and Flickr, and delivers content through
various tools and services, including Blackboard and WordPress.
Techstorm presentation
Kevin Hegg delivered a ten-minute sales pitch to entrepreneurs at the 2011 TECHSTORM event
in Fairfax, Virginia on June 2, 2011. This event is focused on matching innovative technologies
develop and universities and federal labs with entrepreneurs. Kevin’s presentation centered on
MDID3 and ways in which it can be monetized through a partnership between JMU and a forprofit company. JMU is now exploring the possibility of creating a hosted version of MDID with
an entrepreneur from North Carolina.
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WeBWorK server for math department
CIT is again hosting WeBWorK for the math department. WeBWorK is an online homework
system where faculty can post math assignments for students. Course creation and user
enrollment is scripted and based on Blackboard enrollment data.
Hired Brent, Eric, support group re-org
The CIT reorganized the Learning Management Systems Department. A new manager position
was created which was filled by Eric Hansen. There was also a new IT Tech. II position added
which was filled by Brent Taylor on October 29th 2010.
Mobile CIT site
In January of 2011 a mobile version of the CIT website was created. The site is a subset of the
full CIT website, focusing on content that our users might need on the go. This includes a
workshop schedule, contact information, a staff directory, and a promotional component.
The CIT added a second VMWare Host to the existing virtual envirnment. VMWare 3.5 was
installed on the host and it was configured to be a member of the existing cluster for the
purpose of moving virtual machines between hosts. This configuration provided better resource
allocation or performance and fault tolerance.
Blackboard Support Website upgraded for Blackboard 9
A new site was created but was not publicly facing. Throughout the spring and summer
semesters of 2011 the site was populated with updated support files and videos. Additionally
resources to address the new functionality with Blackboard version 9 were also created and
posted to the site. The site went public during the summer of 2011.
Expanded SAN
The CIT expanded and upgraded the Storage Area Network storage devices which are jointly
owned and managed by L&ET Digital Services and The CIT. A third storage unit, with a capacity
of twenty-six terabytes, was added in June of 2010. The existing two units, 12 terabytes each,
were consolidated in the ECL data center and the new unit was installed in the Carrier data
center. All three units were upgraded to the latest firmware. CIT and Digital Services worked
together to plan usage and replication procedures.
Blackboard database upgrade
The Blackboard database cluster was replaced with and migrated to new servers in August 2010.
The Blackboard servers are a two server single SQL instance configured as a failover cluster.
JMU’s IT department installed the servers and worked with the CIT to configure the files system
and cluster services. The SAN storage space was also increased at this time. The CIT installed
MS SQL Server software, backed up the databases, and restored them to the new servers.
Blackboard was then configured to use the new servers.
New MDID Community Support site
CIT staff used WordPress to build a new MDID Community Support site. This site is designed to
manage and deliver MDID help documentation, to archive MDID-related publications and
presentations, to announce MDID-related news and events, and to solicit feedback and bug
Revised 9/29/2011
reports from MDID users across the world. It is integrated with MDID3 installations and the
Screencasts for Michelle Moreau
Throughout the fall semester Grover worked with Michelle Moreau from the Communication
Center to write, produce, edit, and perform a series of six well-recieved screencasts on the
subject of public speaking that serve as a resource to both students and faculty. These
screencasts are currently available on the Communication Center website.
Grover designed and facilitated two new workshops in the Spring semester; iPad 101 (with
Jaime) and Building Student Portfolios with Weebly. Both workshops were fully enrolled (in fact,
accommodations were made to fit more than the normal enrollement) and will be offered again
in the Fall.
Canvas pilot
For the Spring 2011 semester, Grover used Canvas as his sole LMS in conjunction with teaching a
course in Web Design for the art department. The majority of the class materials were
distributed this way throughout the semester, and the roughly 20 students were then surveyed
on their experience. The results of the survey as well as a record of the experience from the
instructor standpoint were collected as a presentation, available as a PDF.
MDID3 student pilot
In February, Andreas worked with two Art and Art History faculty teaching four sections on
training students in MDID use and have them complete an assignment with MDID. The
assignment included finding content, uploading and cataloging new content, and building and
presenting slideshows.
Dropbox integration with Wordpress
CIT staff integrated its WordPress service with the popular Dropbox service. The Dropbox client
is running as a service on the WordPress server. CIT’s GA wrote a customized plug-in that
synchronizes specified Dropbox folder shares with a specified WordPress site. Items in the
shared folder are displayed for viewing and download in a hierarchical list structure modeled on
Windows Explorer. WordPress users are also able to upload documents from a WordPress site
into a designated Dropbox.
Enrollment integration with WordPress
CIT’s GA wrote a PHP script that synchronizes WordPress site membership with current JMU
course enrollment data. When it runs, the script pulls a course roster for a specified course from
a centralized data feed. This script then synchronizes the course roster with the membership list
for a specified WordPress site, creating new accounts in and removing existing accounts from
the specified WordPress site as needed. The script is run on demand throughout the start of an
academic semester or block.
Revised 9/29/2011
WordPress Statistics
Statistics as of 6/30/2011
 # Sites: 57
# Faculty: 1,954 accounts total. 72 are faculty and staff accounts. Approximately 50 are
faculty. The rest are student accounts (1,882).
# Courses Impacted (if you can get this). I’ll list course-related sites with “last update”
date, which may indicate which semester the course is taught or that it is or is not being
used this semester. I’ve listed 24 course-related WP sites. Most of these seem to be
active. Some are for courses only taught in the spring or summer. A few may be
abandoned but not many. Hope this helps!
o --Last update: 5/11/2011
o -- Brook Hefner’s class. Last update: 5/25/2011
o and gsoci110a through d for four sections -- Last
update (main site, not section sites): 7/18/2011
o -- Another Brook Hefner’s class. Last update:
o -- Another Brook Hefner’s class. Last
update: 8/20/2011
o --Susan Kruck’s class. I know that is taught in spring only.
Last update: 5/5/2011
o -- Another S. Kruck class, definitely active this semester.
Last update: 8/31/2011
o -- Last update: 5/11/2011
o -- Last update: 5/25/2011
o -- Ben’s profile page. I’m sure he sends his students
here. Last update: 8/6/2011
o -- Brook Hefner’s ENG 412J course. Last update:
o -- Paul Mabrey’s profile page. Again, most likely
accessed by Paul’s students. Last update: 8/30/2011
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o -- Paul Mabrey’s Food Communication course. Last
update: 9/1/2011
o -- Last update: 7/6/2011. Teresa Harris’s ELED 632
course (summer course, as I recall). 50 students are members
o -- Last update: 9/1/2011. Jason Sokolov’s
course. 390 students.
o -- Last update: 8/30/2011. David Daniel’s psych course.
o -- Last update: 8/3/2011. Patricia Brevard’s
course. I think this was a summer course.
o -- Last update: 9/1/2011. William Van Norman’s
History course.
o -- Last update: 8/10/2011. Belongs to Monty Gross
(definitely instructional).
o -- Last update: 8/30/2011. Another active
Brooks Hefner course!
o -- Last update: 8/31/2011. Another active Brooks
Hefner course!
o -- Last update: 8/23/2011. Kevin Caran’s chemistry
demonstration site. Audience includes k-12 as well as intro chemistry courses at
the college level.
o -- Last update: 8/23/2011. Dr. Feitosa’s profile page. Will
contain supplemental course materials for a large physics course.
o -- Last update: 9/1/2011. Tony Hartshorn’s profile and
research work site. Definitely instructional…will feed CO2 readings for H’burg
into this site.
JMUtube and CRASS statistics
The queries used to collect these numbers are attached in Appendix A – JMUtube/CRASS
statistics queries.
Total JMUtube videos to date
Total distinct JMUtube users to date
Revised 9/29/2011
CRASS videos to date
CRASS users to date
JMUtube videos added in FY
JMUtube users adding videos in FY
CRASS videos added in FY
CRASS users adding video in FY
Blackboard statistics
After an initial analysis of Blackboard usage based on available courses we realized that there
was no direct correlation between the actual usage of the course (based on internal Blackboard
usage tracking) and its availability status. A lot of high usage courses have already been made
unavailable (presumably by the instructor) by the time we collect statistics, and a large number
of courses that have been made available remain unused.
We therefore switched our measures to use the internal Blackboard usage tracking and decided
to gather numbers at three different levels:
Total number of courses, instructors, students, etc. in the system
Number of courses showing moderate activity, determined by the number of times
users entered the course (hits) being at least one per enrolled user per semester.
Number of courses showing high activity, determined by the number of times users
entered the course (hits) being at least one per enrolled user per week.
Due to these changes the numbers are not comparable to those collected in earlier years, but
we believe they are more meaningful. We were able to analyze usage for summer 2010, so
there are two semesters that can be compared directly (summer 2010 and summer 2011). See
Appendix A for statistics queries.
Appendix A – JMUtube/CRASS statistics queries
The following queries were run from the Django shell in the MDID3 project.
Total JMUtube videos to date
>>> Record.objects.filter(manager__isnull=True,source__startswith='j',created__lt='2011-0701').count()
Total distinct JMUtube users to date
>>> Record.objects.filter(manager__isnull=True,source__startswith='j', created__lt='2011-0701').values('owner').distinct().count()
CRASS videos to date
>>> Mapping.objects.filter(time_stamp__lt='2011-07-01').count()
CRASS users to date
>>> Mapping.objects.filter(time_stamp__lt='2011-07-01').values('user').distinct().count()
JMUtube videos added in FY
Revised 9/29/2011
>>> Record.objects.filter(manager__isnull=True,source__startswith='j',created__lt='2011-0701', created__gte='2010-07-01').count()
JMUtube users adding videos in FY
>>> Record.objects.filter(manager__isnull=True,source__startswith='j',created__lt='2011-0701', created__gte='2010-07-01').values('owner').distinct().count()
CRASS videos added in FY
>>> Mapping.objects.filter(time_stamp__lt='2011-07-01',time_stamp__gte='2010-0701').count()
CRASS users adding video in FY
>>> Mapping.objects.filter(time_stamp__lt='2011-07-01',time_stamp__gte='2010-0701').values('user').distinct().count()
Revised 9/29/2011
Appendix B – Blackboard statistics queries
declare @semester varchar(5) = 'FA10'
declare @semester_start date = '2010-08-21'
declare @semester_end date = '2010-12-31'
declare @weeks int = 16
drop table #stats_enrollment
create table #stats_enrollment (
course_id int,
enrollment int
insert into #stats_enrollment
select COURSE_MAIN.pk1,case when COUNT(course_users.pk1)=0 then 1 else
COUNT(course_users.pk1) end AS Enrolled
where COURSE_ID like '%'+@semester
group by COURSE_MAIN.pk1
drop table #stats_active_courses
create table #stats_active_courses (
course_pk1 int,
once_per_semester int,
once_per_week int
insert into #stats_active_courses
select COURSE_MAIN.pk1,
case when COUNT(activity_accumulator.pk1)/enrollment > 0 then 1 else 0 end as
case when COUNT(activity_accumulator.pk1)/enrollment/@weeks > 0 then 1 else 0 end as
join #stats_enrollment on (COURSE_MAIN.PK1=#stats_enrollment.course_id)
where COURSE_MAIN.COURSE_ID like '%'+@semester and event_type='COURSE_ACCESS'
group by COURSE_MAIN.pk1,enrollment
select 'Active courses '+@semester+':',
COUNT(*) AS 'Total Count',
sum(once_per_semester) AS 'Normal Activity',
Revised 9/29/2011
sum(once_per_week) AS 'High Activity'
from #stats_active_courses
select 'Instructor count:',
COUNT(CASE once_per_semester WHEN 1 THEN 1 END),
COUNT(CASE once_per_week WHEN 1 THEN 1 END)
join #stats_active_courses on (CRSMAIN_PK1=#stats_active_courses.course_pk1)
select 'Distinct Instructor count:',
COUNT(distinct USERS_PK1) AS Total,
COUNT(distinct CASE once_per_semester WHEN 1 THEN USERS_PK1 END),
COUNT(distinct CASE once_per_week WHEN 1 THEN USERS_PK1 END)
join #stats_active_courses on (CRSMAIN_PK1=#stats_active_courses.course_pk1)
select 'Student count:',
COUNT(CASE once_per_semester WHEN 1 THEN 1 END),
COUNT(CASE once_per_week WHEN 1 THEN 1 END)
join #stats_active_courses on (CRSMAIN_PK1=#stats_active_courses.course_pk1)
select 'Distinct Student count:',
COUNT(distinct USERS_PK1) AS Total,
COUNT(distinct CASE once_per_semester WHEN 1 THEN USERS_PK1 END),
COUNT(distinct CASE once_per_week WHEN 1 THEN USERS_PK1 END)
join #stats_active_courses on (CRSMAIN_PK1=#stats_active_courses.course_pk1)
select 'Total Organizations as of '+cast(@semester_end as varchar(20))+':',COUNT(*),null,null
where COURSE_ID like '%_ORG'
Revised 9/29/2011
and DTCREATED <= @semester_end
select 'Organizations created this semester ('+cast(@semester_start as varchar(20))+' '+cast(@semester_end as varchar(20))+'):',COUNT(*),null,null from COURSE_MAIN
where COURSE_ID like '%_ORG'
and DTCREATED >= @semester_start and DTCREATED <= @semester_end
Revised 9/29/2011
Appendix A – JMUtube/CRASS statistics queries
The following queries were run from the Django shell in the MDID3 project.
Total JMUtube videos to date
>>> Record.objects.filter(manager__isnull=True,source__startswith='j',created__lt='2011-07-01').count()
Total distinct JMUtube users to date
>>> Record.objects.filter(manager__isnull=True,source__startswith='j', created__lt='2011-0701').values('owner').distinct().count()
CRASS videos to date
>>> Mapping.objects.filter(time_stamp__lt='2011-07-01').count()
CRASS users to date
>>> Mapping.objects.filter(time_stamp__lt='2011-07-01').values('user').distinct().count()
JMUtube videos added in FY
>>> Record.objects.filter(manager__isnull=True,source__startswith='j',created__lt='2011-07-01',
JMUtube users adding videos in FY
>>> Record.objects.filter(manager__isnull=True,source__startswith='j',created__lt='2011-07-01',
CRASS videos added in FY
>>> Mapping.objects.filter(time_stamp__lt='2011-07-01',time_stamp__gte='2010-07-01').count()
CRASS users adding video in FY
>>> Mapping.objects.filter(time_stamp__lt='2011-07-01',time_stamp__gte='2010-0701').values('user').distinct().count()
Revised 9/29/2011
Appendix B – Blackboard statistics queries
declare @semester varchar(5) = 'FA10'
declare @semester_start date = '2010-08-21'
declare @semester_end date = '2010-12-31'
declare @weeks int = 16
drop table #stats_enrollment
create table #stats_enrollment (
course_id int,
enrollment int
insert into #stats_enrollment
select COURSE_MAIN.pk1,case when COUNT(course_users.pk1)=0 then 1 else COUNT(course_users.pk1)
end AS Enrolled
where COURSE_ID like '%'+@semester
group by COURSE_MAIN.pk1
drop table #stats_active_courses
create table #stats_active_courses (
course_pk1 int,
once_per_semester int,
once_per_week int
insert into #stats_active_courses
select COURSE_MAIN.pk1,
case when COUNT(activity_accumulator.pk1)/enrollment > 0 then 1 else 0 end as once_per_semester,
case when COUNT(activity_accumulator.pk1)/enrollment/@weeks > 0 then 1 else 0 end as
join #stats_enrollment on (COURSE_MAIN.PK1=#stats_enrollment.course_id)
where COURSE_MAIN.COURSE_ID like '%'+@semester and event_type='COURSE_ACCESS'
group by COURSE_MAIN.pk1,enrollment
select 'Active courses '+@semester+':',
COUNT(*) AS 'Total Count',
sum(once_per_semester) AS 'Normal Activity',
sum(once_per_week) AS 'High Activity'
from #stats_active_courses
select 'Instructor count:',
COUNT(CASE once_per_semester WHEN 1 THEN 1 END),
Revised 9/29/2011
COUNT(CASE once_per_week WHEN 1 THEN 1 END)
join #stats_active_courses on (CRSMAIN_PK1=#stats_active_courses.course_pk1)
select 'Distinct Instructor count:',
COUNT(distinct USERS_PK1) AS Total,
COUNT(distinct CASE once_per_semester WHEN 1 THEN USERS_PK1 END),
COUNT(distinct CASE once_per_week WHEN 1 THEN USERS_PK1 END)
join #stats_active_courses on (CRSMAIN_PK1=#stats_active_courses.course_pk1)
select 'Student count:',
COUNT(CASE once_per_semester WHEN 1 THEN 1 END),
COUNT(CASE once_per_week WHEN 1 THEN 1 END)
join #stats_active_courses on (CRSMAIN_PK1=#stats_active_courses.course_pk1)
select 'Distinct Student count:',
COUNT(distinct USERS_PK1) AS Total,
COUNT(distinct CASE once_per_semester WHEN 1 THEN USERS_PK1 END),
COUNT(distinct CASE once_per_week WHEN 1 THEN USERS_PK1 END)
join #stats_active_courses on (CRSMAIN_PK1=#stats_active_courses.course_pk1)
select 'Total Organizations as of '+cast(@semester_end as varchar(20))+':',COUNT(*),null,null from
where COURSE_ID like '%_ORG'
and DTCREATED <= @semester_end
select 'Organizations created this semester ('+cast(@semester_start as varchar(20))+' '+cast(@semester_end as varchar(20))+'):',COUNT(*),null,null from COURSE_MAIN
where COURSE_ID like '%_ORG'
and DTCREATED >= @semester_start and DTCREATED <= @semester_end