RANGER COLLEGE SYLLABUS COURSE NUMBER AND TITLE: ITSW 1401 – Introduction to Word Processing CREDIT HOURS: 4 HRS/WK LEC: 3 HRS/WK LAB: 1 LEC/LAB COMB: 4 Instructor: Tammy Adams E-mail: tadams@rangercollege.edu Office Location: Business Building Office Hours: By Appointment only Location: Ranger College, Main Campus Office Phone: (254) 647-3234 I. CATALOG DESCRIPTION This course provides an overview of the production of documents, tables, and graphics. It includes word processing terminology and concepts; creating, formatting, editing, and printing documents, and use of simple tools and utilities. II. COURSE GOAL By the end of the semester the student should be able to satisfactorily complete all the listed learning objectives with a minimum of 60 percent competency level, based on the completion of lab assignments, production tests, and a comprehensive final examination. The final examination is administered under the supervision of the instructor. III. REQUIRED BACKGROUND/PREREQUISITES Keyboarding proficiency. Basic SCANS skills in reading, writing, and math are needed. IV. TEXTBOOKS AND MATERIALS (required): TEXT: Rutkosky. Microsoft Word 2010; Paradigm; ISBN: 9780763838218. MATERIALS: V. Flash drive, paper and pen. METHODS OF INSTRUCTION Primarily lectures and class discussion. These will be supplemented by video films, internet, and instructor supplementary handout materials. All assignments will be turned in through Blackboard. No paper copies of assignments will be accepted. Exams will be taken through Blackboard. VI. SCANS COMPETENCIES READING 1.1 Locate, understand, and interpret written information in text. WRITING 2.1 2.2 Communicate written thoughts, ideas, and information. Create documents written as assignments and reports. INFORMATION 6.1 Acquires and evaluates information. 6.2 Organizes and maintains information. 6.3 Interprets and communicates information. 6.4 Uses computers to process information SYSTEM 7.1 Understands Systems—Know how the Technological systems work and operates effectively with them TECHNOLOGY 8.1 Selects Technology—Chooses procedures, tools, equipment, computer hardware and software, and related technology 8.2 Applies Technology to Task—Understands overall intent and proper procedures for setup and operation of equipment and computer hardware and software 8.3 Maintains and Troubleshoots Equipment—Prevents, identifies, or solves problems with equipment and computer hardware and software and other technologies THINKING SKILLS 9.1 Knowing How-to-Learn—Uses efficient learning techniques to acquire and apply new knowledge VII. COURSE OBJECTIVE/LEARNER OUTCOMES: Upon completion of this instruction, the student will be able to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Formatting Characters and Paragraphs (SCANS 1.1, 8.2, 9.1) Customizing Paragraphs (SCANS 1.1, 2.2, 6.1, 6.3, 6.4, 9.1) Formatting Pages (SCANS 1.1, 2.2, 6.2, 9.1) Applying Formatting and Inserting Objects (SCANS 1.1, 7.1, 8.1, 8.3) Maintain documents. (SCANS 1.1, 6.4) Create tables and SmartArt. (SCANS 1.1, 2.2, 6.2, 6.4) Merging Documents (SCANS 1.1 2.2 6.2 .6.4) COURSE CALENDAR WEEK 1 Introduction, Syllabus, Blackboard Introduction to Windows 7 Pre-test 2 Chapter 1 Preparing Documents Projects 1-6, all steps Pages 7 – 28 Assessments 1, 2 Pages 30 – 32 Visual Benchmark Page 32 3 Chapter 2 Formatting Characters and Paragraphs Projects 1-4 all steps Pages 36-63 Assessments 1-3 Pages 68-69 Visual Benchmark Page 70 4 Chapter 3 Customizing Paragraphs Projects 1-6, all steps Pages 73 – 96 Assessments 1-4 Pages 99 – 102 Visual Benchmark Page 103 5 Chapter 4 Formatting Pages Projects 1-6, all steps Pages 105 – 137 Assessments 1 - 3 Pages 140 – 141 Visual Benchmark Page 142 6 Unit 1 Editing and Formatting Documents Assessments 1-7 Pages 145 – 148 7 Test 1 8 Chapter 5 Applying Formatting and Inserting Objects Projects 1-4, all steps Pages 153 – 185 Assessments 1-2 Pages 189 – 191 Visual Benchmark Page 193 9 Chapter 6 Maintaining Documents Projects 3-6, all steps Pages 200 – 231 Assessments 1-4 Pages 235 – 237 Visual Benchmark, Pages 238 10 Test 2 11 Chapter 7 Creating Tables and SmartArt Projects 1-5, all steps Pages 243 – 277 Assessments 1-5 Pages 281 – 284 Visual Benchmark 1, 2 Pages 284 - 286 12 Continue Chapter 7 Covering Chapters 1-4 Covering Chapters 5-6 13 Chapter 8 Merging Documents Projects 1-7, all steps Pages 293 – 314 Assessments 1-2 Pages 318-320 THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY 14 Unit 2 Enhancing and Customizing Documents Assessments 1-12 Pages 325 – 333 15 Continue Unit 2 Review for Final 16 Test 3 FINAL EXAM (comprehensive) Daily work as well as tests include both hands on and written assignments. LAB: Your scheduled lab times will be used to finish assignments listed above. The above schedule and procedures in this course are subject to change in the event of extenuating circumstances. Daily assignments, as well as tests, will include written component. VIII. COURSE/CLASSROOM POLICIES 1. Regular and punctual attendance in all classes and labs is required of all students. Attendance will be checked at the beginning of each class period. Students coming into class after the roll has been checked will be counted absent. Any exception will be determined by the instructor and will be based on the reason for being tardy. Unexcused absences are counted from the list the first day of class, as listed in the college calendar, regardless of the date of the student's registration. The only excused absence is an authorized college activity. The absence policy found in the Ranger College catalog will be applied in this course. If the student has the equivalence of the three weeks of unofficial absences in a course in which he or she is currently enrolled, the instructor may drop the student from a non-developmental course with a grade of F. 2. All students are encouraged to participate in class discussions and group projects. 3. If you are absent the day of the test, a make-up test will be given the following class meeting. If you miss the test and the make-up, you will receive a zero. Exceptions for extended and excused absences will be made by the instructor. 4. While in the Computer Information Technology Lab, students need to properly care for the lab equipment as explained in the text, or by the instructor or by the lab assistant. Severe mistreatment will result in removal from the course. 5. Cell phones, headphones, IPods, are not appropriate in classrooms; therefore do not bring them to class. 6. Any student caught cheating in this class will be dropped from the class and reported to the Dean of Students. 7. Students are expected to behave in a professional manner. If the behavior of any student disrupts the class, the instructor has the right of removal. Sleeping in class and misuse of computer equipment will result in removal from class. Any individual problems concerning grades, absences, etc. should be discussed with the instructor before class, after class, or by appointment. 8. Available support services are available: Student services, library, and internet. 9. ADA STATEMENT: Ranger College provides a variety of services for the students with learning and/or physical disabilities. The student is responsible for making the initial contact with Ranger College Counselor. It is advisable to make this contact before or immediately after the semester begins. COMPUTER LAB POLICIES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. IX. Students have an assigned class time to attend the computer lab. Do not interrupt other classes that are in progress in the lab. Absolutely no food, drink or tobacco is allowed in the lab. The computer lab is for class work only. Do not use these computers for entertainment or for personal use. Do not copy, delete, or change any files on the computers in the lab. Do not install any software onto the computers in the lab. Do not change any of the settings on the computers. Do not download files from the Internet unless instructed to do so by your teacher. ASSESSMENT Grading Procedures. The following grades will be averaged to determine your course grade: _____ Test 1 Related Course Objectives: 1,2,3,4,5 _____ Test 2 1,2,3,4,5,6 _____ Daily Work Average 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 _____ Test 3 (Final Exam) 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 1. All daily grades will be averaged and will count 1/4 of your final grade. Late papers will have points deducted. Any papers more than one day late will receive a zero. 2. ALL tests will be averaged, including the final and they will count 3/4 of your final grade. 3. If you are absent the day of the test you will take the test the next class meeting you attend or you will receive a zero. Exceptions for extended absences will be made by the instructor. 4. There is No extra credit work. LEVELS OF ACHIEVEMENT FOR GRADING PURPOSES: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. "A" level will be assigned to students with an average of 90-100 "B" level will be assigned to students with an average of 80-89 "C" level will be assigned to students with an average of 70-79 "D" level will be assigned to students with an average of 60-69 "F" level will be assigned to students with an average below 60 or anyone caught cheating in this class. METHODS OF EVALUATING ACHIEVEMENT OF STUDENTS: 1. Lab exercises and exams will be used to evaluate your ability to actually apply concepts learned in this course so as to complete computer applications. Your goal should be to produce complete, error-free output within an allotted time frame. Deductions will be made for typographical and logical errors. 2. The final exam will serve as a final evaluation for practical application of word processing skills. COMPETENCE TESTED 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. XI. Formatting characters and paragraphs Customizing paragraphs. Formatting pages. Applying formatting and inserting objects. Maintain documents. Create tables and SmartArt. Merging documents. ADMISSIONS, EMPLOYMENT, AND PROGRAM POLICIES OF RANGER COLLEGE ARE NONDISCRIMINATORY IN REGARD TO RACE, CREED, COLOR, SEX, DISABILITY, AND NATIONAL ORIGIN XII. RECEIPT OF SYLLABUS (Required of all students and filed by the instructor) Legibly print the following information: Name:__________________________ Date:________________________ If you participate in any organized sport at Ranger College, please list it below. ______________________________________________________________ “I have received and understand the information in the syllabus for ITSW 1401 and I agree to abide by the stated policies. “ Signature of the student:__________________________________________