The methodical instructions for students Lesson 4 (practical 7 hours) Themes: 1. Stoppings materials. Klassifikation. Demands to stoppings materials. 2. Materials are for the temporal stoppings and air-tight bandages. Structure. Characteristic. Technics of preparation. 3 Materials are for insulating and medical gaskets and devitalisation of pulp. Purpose to use. Metodical of preparation. Technique of imposition. Purpose: To learn stopping materials of domestic and foreign production, which apply for the permanent and temporal stoppings. To know requirements to stoppings materials, their chemical nature, physical and chemical properties, reaction of fabrics of tooth on stopping materials at stopping.To learn materials for devitalisation of pulp. Professional orientation of students: - Knowledge of materials for the temporal stoppings and air-tight bandages, insulating and medical gaskets, allows to prevent possible complications. - Knowledge of technology of mixing of the temporal stoppings, air-tight bandages, insulating and medical gaskets allows effectively to utillize them. Method of of practical work implementation Theme№1 Work 1. To familiarize with classification of stoppings materials. Work 2. Chart of writing of protocol of practical employments: a) Number of protocol, date. b) Theme of employment. c) Name of work. d) Method of implementation of work. e) Graphic image of the executed work. f) Conclusion a result of work to write to write classification of stoppings materials. Theme№2 Work 3. To familiarize with materials for the temporal stoppings and air-tight bandages. Materials are for the temporal stoppings. Materials are for air-tight bandages. a result of work specify differences between a concept air-tight bandage and temporal stopping. Work 4. Governed involving of powder of dentine. To mix up powder with a liquid. To bring in the mixed material in the cavity of tooth. fix governed robot by powder of dentine. Work 5. Governed robot with paste of dentine. To bring in material in a cavity. Uplotniti which is fixed a wadding marble by pincers. fix governed robot by paste of dentine. Work 6. Working as tsinkoksidevgenol'nim cement . - To involve okis zinc from evgenolom. - To specify time of consolidation of paste of dentine, powder of dentine, tsinkoksidevgenol cement. Theme 3. Work 7. An acquaintance is with materials for insulating gaskets. To involve a phosphate cement. - To involve -visphatecement. To fix governed works phosphate by cement. Work 8. . Acquaintance and governed works with medical gaskets. - To involve tsinkoksidevgenol cement. - To involve the combined pastes. fix requirements to the medical gaskets. Work 9. . An acquaintance with the rules of work is a fluorine by varnish. - Pidsushiti a tooth. - To inflict ftorlak and blow up pusterom for tooth. write down what components ftorlak is from. Prpgram of independent preparation Theme 1. 1) transfer materials for: a) Temporal stoppings. b) Permanent stoppings. c) Medical gaskets. d) Insulating gaskets. e) Materials for stopping of root channels. Theme 2 2) are for the temporal stoppings: a) Governed works, composition, time of hardening of water dentine. b) Governed works, composition, time of hardening to pasture a dentine. c) Governed works, composition, time of hardening of tsinkoksidevgenol cement. d) Governed works, composition, time of hardening of polikarboksilat cement. are to the temporal stoppings and air-tight bandages. between the temporal stopping and air-tight povyazkoy. Theme 3. 3) are for insulating gaskets. a) Governed works, composition, time of hardening of phosphatic cement. b) Governed works, composition, time of hardening of phosphatic cement with silver. c) Governed works, composition, time of hardening of visphat-cement. d) Governed works, composition fluorine of varnish. Shows are to application. 4) are for medical gaskets: a) Kal'metsin. Composition, description. b) Tsinkoksidevgenol cement. Composition, description. c) Combined pastes. Composition, description. 5)Materials for devitalisation of pulp. Seminar discussions. Theoretical questions. Standarts of situation tasks and test tasks. 1. In a right overhead chisel cavity of the III class, which attained circle of pul'parnogo dentine. What stopping it follows to lay val'ni materials on the bottom of carious cavity. 2. A temperature of air is in a cabinet +15°C. Whether it will influence on hardening of materials. 3. To what materials take kal'tsemin. a) Medical gaskets. b) Insulating gaskets. c) Temporal stopping. d) Air-tight bandage. e) There is not a right answer. 4. To what materials cements take a phosphate. a) Medical gaskets. b) Insulating gaskets. c) Temporal stopping. d) Air-tight bandage. e) There is not a right answer. . To what materials take kaltsin-paste. a) Medical gaskets. b) Insulating gaskets. c) Temporal stopping. d) Air-tight bandage. e) There is not a right answer. Initial level of knowledges and abilities ( in writing) 1. 2. 3. Answers are for control questions -5 Untiing of situation tasks -2 Untiing of test tasks - 5. A student must know. 1. Classification of stoppings materials . 2. Composition, descriptions of materials which are utillized for the temporal stoppings and airtight bandages. 3. Materials for insulating gaskets, their composition and descriptions 4. Materials for medical gaskets, composition, application. 5. Governed works with integumentary varnishes. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Technique of involving of materials for insulating gaskets. Technique of involving of materials for medical gaskets. Technique of involving of materials for the temporal stoppings. Requirements are to the temporal stoppings and air-tight bandages. Requirements are to the insulating and medical gaskets. Materials for devitalisation of pulp. Student must be able 1. To involve materials for the temporal stoppings and air-tight bandages. 2. 3. 4. 5. To involve materials for insulating gaskets. To involve materials for medical gaskets. To pick up instruments for involving of materials of this theme. To inflict varnish on a tooth. Standards of answers are for situation tasks 1. On the bottom of carious cavity bring in a medical gasket. 2. 3. 4. 5. Yes. So time of hardening will be increased. a b a Information generators Basic. 1. For red. Nikolishina And. K. “Therapeutic stomatology” of -Ò.1.-Poltava of “Divosvit”, 2005. 2. After the release of Danilevskogo F. “Practical work is from therapeutic stomatology”. Publishing house the “World”. Et. 109-123. 3. Magid Å. À. And. “Phantom course of therapeutic stomatology ”. Atlas. Ì. Medicine 1987. s. 143-168. á) Additional. red. Borovskogo E. In. “Therapeutic stomatology” of Ì. Medicine 1998. p. 234-237. Author of methodical instruction Assistant of professor Head of department is ratified on meeting of department “____”__________2006. V. I. Mys’ko S. I. Cherkashyn Medikal universiti of Ternopil im. I.Y. Gorbashevskogo “METHODICAL DEVELOPMENT From of therapeutic stomatology for independent work of students Theme 1 “Medical ethics and deontologiya. “Yatrogenni of disease. “Professional diseases. “Governed sterilization of instruments “in therapeutic stomatology. “Auxiliary stomatology equipment “Devices, vehicles.” for students of the II course Stomatology faculty From speciality “Stomatology” Ternopil 2006. the metodikal pointing is for independent work of students (II course, III semester). Theme 1. Theme: Medical ethics and deontologiya. Yatrogenni of disease. Governed sterilization of instruments in therapeutic stomatology. Auxiliary stomatology equipment, devices, vehicles. Purpose: To learn governed works in a stomatology cabinet between the trained nurse and doctor, doctor and patient, trained nurse and patient (Medical ethics), Basic tasks of medical deontologii. To purchase knowledge about the professional diseases of doctor and their prophylaxis. Knowledge is about yatrogenni diseases and their warnings. To learn governed and methods of sterilization of instruments. To familiarize with an auxiliary stomatology equipment, devices and vehicles. Profesional orientation of students Knowledge of rules of medical ethics and deontologii provides optimum quality and effectiveness of work of doctor-stomatology . The observance of rules of asepsis and warns the hit of microorganisms in the organism of patient. Basik level of knowledges and abilities 1. 2. 3. Principle of work of odontometra . Specify the types of sterilization of instruments. specify auxiliary stomatology devices, vehicles and equipments. Program of independent preparation of students. 1. Principles of medical ethics and deontologii. 2. Determination of concept of Yatrogenni of disease and methods of their warning. 3. Types of sterilization of instruments. 4. Setting and technique of work with additional stomatology devices, vehicles and equipment. Initial level of knowledges and abilities Student must know: Methods of sterilization, principles of ethics and deontologii. student must be able: To use an auxiliary stomatology equipment. For the dezinfektsii coniferous forests with diamond napilennyam utillize: a) Sterilization in a dryly heat closet. b) Sterilization in an autoclave. c) Boiling is in vaseline butter. d) Wetting in 6% perekisyu of hydrogen. e) There is not a right answer. of right answer of d. generators information basic: 1. Magid E. A. Myhin N.A. “Fantomn course in terapevticheskoy stomatologi”.- M.Medicine, 1996. 2. Borovskiy E.W. “Terapevticheskaya stomatology”.- M. medicine, 1996 Protokol № ______ is ratified on meeting of department “____”__________2006.