ap euro midterm review forchapters vii

1. The 17th Century is known as the century of genius
2. Science is the accepted force in the advancement of civilization and progress.
3. The Scientific Method
4. Leonardo da Vinci's impact on science and technology
5. 1450-1650-- a period of when the fear of witches was at its height
6. The rise of science in the 17th Century possibly saved European civilization from fear of the unknown
7. Rene Decartes--Discourse on Method
8. Franci Bacon ---Novum Organum,
9. Inductive reasoning
10. Deductive reasoning
11. Empiricism
12. Montaigne
13. New Scientific Advancements: Botany, Anatomy, Physiology, Astronomy, Physics
14. Copernicus
15. Galileo
16. Heliocentric Theory
17. Johannes Kepler
18. Sir Issac Newton---Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy
19. Newtonian System
20. Vesalius
21. William Harvey
22. Leeuwenhoek
23. Tycho Brahe
24. Skepticism
25. The emergence of Travelers' Tales
26. The New Sense of Evidence
27. The English Law of Evidence
28. The Laws of Evidence was one of the main force in putting an end to the delusions of withcraft
29. The emergence of History as a study
30. Historical Scholarship
31. Chronology
32. Gregorian Calendar---Common System of Dating
33. Biblical Scholarship and Criticism
34. Baruch Spinoza--- atheism
35. Edmund Halley
36. Jean Mabillon
37. Numismatics
38. Paleography
39. Richard Simon
40. Archbishop James Usher
41. Niccolo Machiavelli---The Prince
42. Natural Rights
43. Natural Laws
44. New Political Theories
45. Thomas Hobbes: Leviathan--supports absolute monarchy
46. John Locke: Two Treatises of Government---supports democracy/representative government
47. Locke's writings ---converted the English Revolution of 1688 into an event of universal meanings
48. Samuel Pufendorf
49. Hugo Grotius
50. The Scientific Revolution and the new theories of the time initiated a time of questioning the church,
religious institutions, political and economic institutions
1. The 5 Philosophies: Reason, Happiness, Liberty, Progress, and Nature
2. 18th Century--Thought movements were more secular in nature
3. Faith in progress
4. Philosophe
5. Salons
6. Paris, France
7. John Wesley--Methodist
8. Diderot -Encyclopedia
9. Voltaire -Candide
10. Rousseau --Social Contract
11. Locke --Two Treatises of Government
12. Montesquieu -- On the Spirit of Laws
13. Adam Smith--- Wealth of Nations
14. Freemasons
15. Religious Fervor and Pietism---inner spiritual experience of ordinary people are distinct from the
doctrines taught and debated in theological faculties
16. Emilie du Chatelet--translated Newton's works from Latin to French
17. Mary Estell
18. The Growth of the reading public
19. The emergence of the "public opinion"
20. Censorship--protect people from harmful ideas
21. Physiocrats---economists
22. Enlightened Despotism
23. The Maupeou Parlements
24. The Reforms of Maria Theresa---internal consolidation of the empire--attacks on serfdom
25. Joseph II. --greatest model for enlightened despotism -Austria
26. Frederick the Great --Prussia
27. Catherine the Great - Russia
28. Leopold II.--Austria
29. Catherine the Great and her Russian reforms
30. Pugachev Rebellion
31. Catherine's expansionists policies
32. The limitation of enlightened despotism
33. The British Reform Movement
34. The Age of Democratic Revolution
35. Liberty and Equality --ideas of the revolutionary movement
36. British Parliament was supreme
37. The British discontent with Parliament
38. Parliamentary Politics
39. The Reform movement began in England and then spread to the Americas
40. Edmund Burke-- founder of philosophical conservatism
41. British policy of centralization
42. British rule in Scotland
43. The British in Ireland
44. British Intervention in India
45. John Wilkes
46. John Cartwright
47. Patriot King
48. Commonwealthmen
49. Identify the causes of the American Revolution
50. The Stamp Act
51. The Revenue Act of 1764
52. The Intolerable Acts
53. Debate over representation--virtual representation
54. The Boston Tea Party
55. The Quebec Act
56. The shot heard around the world
57. The Role of European Powers
58. Thomas Paine Common Sense
59. The Declaration of Independence
60. Equality advances and limitations
61. Democratization
62. The Influence of the Enlightenment on the American Revolution
63. Constitutionalism
64. Federalism
65. The impact of the American Revolution on Europe & the vindication of Enlightenment ideas