Universities Scotland – Learning & Teaching Committee Educational Development Sub-Committee 28 March 2008 -Confirmed UNIVERSITIES SCOTLAND EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT SUB-COMMITTEE MEETING 20 MARCH 2008 QUEEN MARGARET UNIVERSITY, CRAIGHALL CAMPUS Minute of the meeting of the Educational Development Sub-Committee Meeting held at Queen Margaret University, Craighall Campus on 20 March 2008. PRESENT: Roni Bamber (Heriot Watt), Darren Comber (Aberdeen), Geoff Goolnik (RGU), Lesley Howie (SAC), Carolin Kreber (Edinburgh), Janet MacDonald (OU), Heather McKiggan-Fee (St Andrews), Sarah Mann (Glasgow), Raymond Moir (St Andrews), Kate Morss (QMU), Crawford Morton (Abertay, Dundee), Alison Nimmo (GCU), Alastair Robertson (HE Academy), Ginny Saich (Stirling), Louisa Sheward (UWS), Brenda Smith (HE Academy), Jan Smith (Strathclyde), Keith Smyth (Napier), Lorraine Walsh (Dundee, in the Chair). APOLOGIES: Stuart Boon (Strathclyde), Sandy Hutchison (UWS), Charles Juwah (RGU). IN ATTENDANCE: Alison Cox, BRITE initiative, Laura Hodson (HE Academy), Glynis Cousin, (HE Academy). LW welcomed everyone, including new members, and thanked QMU for hosting the meeting and providing a minute taker. 1. MINUTE OF THE MEETING HELD ON 24 JANUARY 2008 The minute of the previous meeting was accepted as an accurate record. 2. MATTERS ARISING NOT ON THE AGENDA It was noted that an area for the SHEER project has been established on the blog. RM needs to advised of the names of current representatives and their nominated deputes from institutions who have not yet done so. 3. ORAL UPDATE FROM US L&T COMMITTEE (LW) 1 Universities Scotland – Learning & Teaching Committee Educational Development Sub-Committee 28 March 2008 -Confirmed The L&T Committee met on Monday 17 March 2008. It was noted that the draft handbook for the next round of ELIR had been circulated for consultation. All institutions had been encouraged to comment. The crossinstitutional ethical approval framework is still under discussion, but is near completion, and will be a proposed agenda item for the next meeting of USLTC. HKF raised the issue of the US staff development paper and LW confirmed that it had not been revisited at the last meeting of USLTC - LW will follow up. Secretarial support, in the form of a minute taker, for the Educational Development sub-committee is still on the agenda. 4. ORAL UPDATE FROM US TEACHING QUALITY FORUM (DC) Work is continuing with the project to put all QET materials onto one website, to produce a searchable single resource. The afternoon workshop had proved useful. Key themes emerging from the discussion were: emphasis on the role of support services and more focus on staff support and development, particularly in respect of working within open learning environments. 5. ORAL REPORT ON HEDG SPRING MEETING (GS) A session was led on learning environments and creative use of learning spaces by Paul Martin from the CETL at Brighton. Members were of the opinion that CPD was becoming more QE-led. A national network has been established to support pedagogic research. HEDG have asked for nominations to their planning group and, as there is no Scottish representative, LW encouraged members to email their proposals. LW asked if there were plans to hold a meeting in Scotland. However, HEDG have organised to meet for the next 2 years in Cambridge; most other meetings are held in London. 6. BRIEF ORAL REPORT ON THE QET CONFERENCE (ALL WHO ATTENDED) Members gave their views on the recent QET conference. The main themes arising from discussion were as follows. The overall emphasis on enhancement, of which the conference is a significant element, rather than assurance was welcomed. It is still unclear who the target audience is for this conference. Some members felt it should be more practitioner-focused and that this should be more explicit in the publicity, or that sessions should be highlighted as having a practitioner or senior management focus. Most members felt they had gained more from the first day (‘The First Year’) due to the fact that the projects were completed and had results to report. Workshops on the first day were felt to have been more informative and instructive. Workshops on day 2 (‘RTL’) seemed more like ‘consultations’ or opportunities to elicit data from participants. However, some individuals found the second day stimulating and useful. The poster displays were excellent. However, they were not integrated into the programme and no specific time was allotted for viewing. In future, it is suggested that there should be more publicity, a suitable 2 Universities Scotland – Learning & Teaching Committee Educational Development Sub-Committee 28 March 2008 -Confirmed display space and dedicated time for a poster session in the programme. Members were disappointed in the quality of some of the presentations. They commended Liam Burns, Heriot-Watt’s student president, for a thought-provoking and professional presentation. The workshops need Chairs to ensure good time-keeping and inclusive discussion. Additionally, the discipline-specific workshop format was considered to be a useful approach. Papers should be made available sooner. LW to pass on the comments of the Educational Development sub-committee, with regard to the QET conference and the ‘next steps’ consultation on the QETs, to SHEEC. Action - LW 7. a) ACADEMY SCOTLAND UPDATE (AR) It was noted that the Academy Scotland Subscribers’ annual meeting will be held on 22 May in Stirling. Each institution is asked to nominate up to 3 individuals to attend. The theme of the event will be ‘Recognition and Reward’. b) ACADEMY ASSESSMENT RESOURCES (BS) BS circulated copies of new materials on assessment and feedback for educational developers. All papers can also be downloaded from the HE Academy website. There are 2 relevant SIGs on the web site, an audit tool for course teams and a DVD on the ‘student voice’. Members were invited to an assessment and feedback event in Leeds in April. This event will be to share resources, hear what students say and discuss working more closely with students in staff development. There followed some discussion about the views of students on assessment and feedback, with BS stating there may be different perceptions of staff and students about ‘over-assessment’. Members commented that feedback is still an issue within their institutions, and in one, students were running a campaign about their feedback. c) CAPACITY BUILDING IN PEDAGOGIC RESEARCH (AR) The HE Academy is keen to support further capacity building of academic staff for pedagogic research, such as the recent workshop at Strathclyde. AR asked what kind of activities might be helpful. JM suggested that SUALL could be involved in running further research methods workshops. It was noted that there is a need to acknowledge the good research on-going in Scotland in this area, however, it was felt that we should also be addressing more significant issues under the umbrella of educational research. AR asked members to send him suggestions for the format and timing of future events in this area and he will organise a meeting to plan activities. Action - All d) ACCREDITATION OF PROGRAMMES 3 Universities Scotland – Learning & Teaching Committee Educational Development Sub-Committee 28 March 2008 -Confirmed As a number of Scottish programmes are undergoing review, it was suggested that Helen Thomas from the HE Academy should be invited to speak to the PG Cert Forum. Action - LW e) ACADEMY STRATEGIC PLAN (AR) (then brief discussion) AR provided a brief introduction and then the members of the HE Academy present at the meeting withdrew in order to allow a closed discussion on the strategic plan. The result of the discussion to be sent to the Academy as a response to the strategic plan. Action – LW Secretary’s note – the response of the Educational Development Subcommittee is attached to this minute. 8. PGCERT FORUM It was agreed that the establishment of the PgCert Forum as a special interest group within the Educational Development Sub-committee was a positive move. The Forum had met for the first time following the normal committee meeting held in Dundee in January. Members discussed their institutional frameworks in relation to PG Certificates in learning and teaching and academic contractual requirements. All but one university of those represented at the meeting offer a 60-credit programme, however, there is some variation in how many credits probationary staff are required to complete. Some concern was expressed in relation to the HE Academy accrediting 40 (as opposed to 60) PG credits as a prerequisite for registration as a Fellow. There was a feeling that this issue should be raised with the HE Academy. Action - LW 9. PRESENTATION FROM ALISON COX, BRITE Members heard a presentation from Alison Cox about her programmes for professional development and CPD for staff of FE colleges, primarily, in relation to the BRITE initiative. It was noted that some universities have purchased limited services and Alison would like to hear from institutions more generally on their potential interest in the services available. Her presentation will be made available on the SHED blog. Action LW & RM 9. SKYE SUMMER MEETING AND CONFERENCE (GS/DC) 4 Universities Scotland – Learning & Teaching Committee Educational Development Sub-Committee 28 March 2008 -Confirmed The next meeting will be on Skye 23-25 June. Members were encouraged to confirm ASAP who from their institutions will be attending. 5