June 2015

June 3, 2015 ~ 7 am
Four Rivers Cultural Center, Ontario, Oregon
Members and guests present: Tom Anderson, Jerry Smith, Kevin Coats, Liz Anderson, Harry
Flock, Sharlene McCaslin, Jim Smith, Charlotte Fugate, Dan K. Cummings, Carol Campbell,
Judy A. Cordeniz, Mike Hanigan, Layna Haver, Bob Komoto, John Breidenbach, Jeff Williams,
Nancy Dale, Jeff Hafer, Sandy Hemenway, Patrick Nauman, Andrea Testi, Torie Ramirez, and
Ken Bishop.
Staff: Kit Kamo
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Patrick Nauman at 7:04 am. Patrick thanked Four
Rivers Cultural Center for hosting the meeting, followed by self-introductions of attendees.
Approval of May 6th minutes – a motion by Jeff Williams and a second by Mike Hanian was
made to accept the minutes. The motion passed unanimously.
Treasurer Sandy Hemenway reviewed the financial snap shot. A big thanks was given to annual
renewing member Idaho Power for $2,500. Monthly renewing members are the Argus Observer,
Red Apple Market Place, Hanigan Motors, Kohn Foods (Subway), Weiser Classic Candy, and
Zions Bank. A motion by Jim Smith with a second by Harry Flock was made to accept the
financial snap shot.
City and Community highlights – Chairman Patrick discussed how the format has been changed
slightly so that city representatives could report on city activities and members of the community
could report on business or other activities that they are involved in.
Ontario City – Charlotte Fugate reported on the ongoing Pool Project. They are planning to have
an announcement with a month. Dan Cummings introduced himself as the new economic
development/planning and zoning for Ontario.
Ontario Community –
Weiser – City Councilor Layna Hafer talked about the Economic Task Force in the greater
Weiser area is doing well and making progress. The utility meeting that was held was great.
Monday night will be the Weiser City Meeting discussing the upcoming Fiddle Festival.
Weiser Community - Patrick Nauman reported new businesses in Weiser, a Pawn Shop and Land
Surveyor. Two businesses moved from homes to buildings. There was also an expansion to the
Campion show room.
Vale City – No report
Vale Community – No report
650 College Blvd, Ontario, OR 97914
Nyssa City – City Councilor Harry Flock said that the arsenic removal plant was moving
forward, very slowly. Zoning190 industrial acres. Thunderegg Days is the 2nd week of July.
SREDA will be included in Nyssa’s budget. He voiced the opinion ….not time to relax, we are
having wins. Peg Leg Bistro……
Fruitland City – Mayor Ken Bishop talked about the Idaho Parks and Trails and a great article in
the Argus. The 2nd issue of “Focus on Fruitland” came out. He also reported that Hwy. 95 is still
a mess but should be done by the end of June. Housing is going crazy and have noticed price
increases. Snake River Transit has split their services into Ontario and Idaho. Benches have
been put out for TVT. This should bring resources and advertising. (Unaffected. Brought us
together-novo dropped)
Fruitland Community – Jim Smith reported on the ribbon cutting at the new Body Shop Fitness.
The new shop includes LED lighting and hospital quality air purification. The open house and
ribbon cutting are today at 5:15 to 5:30. SREDA will be doing the ribbon cutting. The City of
Fruitland has been great to work with. (Value with businesses, wood floor salvaged from old
gums-throughout the valley-timbers, YMCA)
Payette – City Councilor Nancy Dale reported on the Façade Project. They removed the
aluminum covering over the stucco. Scott Massingal, is another business in town. Two
businesses are getting facelifts. The Mavrick expansion to service semis and RV dump. Pirate
Core, Bob Goodwin, more businesses coming, houses built etc. The Mayor reported the SRT
changed route and will improve for us.
Payette Community – Kevin Coats – nothing to report.
Payette County – No report
New Plymouth City – No report
New Plymouth Community – No report
Washington County – $5000-3 commissioners on board. Putting together my thoughts.
Washington Co. tax free on new buildings, did a letter. More businesses looking around.
Resources funnel into us.
Patrick Nauman talked about the site visits for Project Darkness and how we got the opportunity
to host the 2 companies from the time they got off the plane, going to Weiser and the site visit
and then through dinner that evening. Great opportunity for the community! He then talked about
Project Neighbor and that it was a $54 million project - $26 million to Agriculture, $24 million
for the plant and $2.5 million payroll with 50 employees. Patrick attended the Canyon County
hearing on Tuesday where the County denied the conditional use permit for the ethanol ‘green
energy’ part of the operation in an industrial zone. Washington County has industrial zoned land
that allows food processing and green energy production without a conditional use permit.
Malheur County – no report
650 College Blvd, Ontario, OR 97914
Chairman Nauman opened the floor for discussion on the Malheur County’s lack of financial
participation for the next fiscal year. An in depth discussion followed about the value of the
partnership within the region, setting a meeting to review the preliminary decision by the county
court, and directors and members volunteering to address each segment of the issues.
FOLLOWUP – SREDA board, along with members and supporters, will be meeting in Vale,
Wednesday 5/13/2015 at 9:15 before the Malheur County Court.
Executive Report – please see attached report. Kit passed out a written report and reviewed the
information including projects, activities, trade shows, IEDA (from Kristen) and meetings.
The meeting adjourned at 8:05 am.
Respectfully submitted by Kit Kamo for Randy Griffin, Secretary
Calendar of EVENTS
May 6 – 7 am SREDA Monthly Meeting, Zions Bank, Weiser, Idaho
May 6-8 – SITE LINK, Pendleton – meeting with 7 site selectors
May 20 – Idaho Power Site Readiness Evaluation Program, Meridian 10 am - 2 pm
June 3 – 7 am SREDA Monthly Meeting, Four Rivers Cultural Center, Ontario, Oregon
**All SREDA monthly meetings are open to the public**
650 College Blvd, Ontario, OR 97914