Answers to requests for clarification of technical specifications

Answers to requests for clarification of tender specifications
(OJ No. S235 of 06/11/2012, Tender No. 385732-2012)
Second European survey of enterprises on new and emerging risks (Esener-2)
Which is the budget allocated to this call for tender?
No maximum budget has been fixed as mentioned in section 4.5 of the technical
specifications ‘Awarding of the contract’:
The contract will be awarded to the tenderer offering the best value for money, where a 60% weighting is
given to the quality of the offer and 40% to the price, so that:
Final score (max 1000) = TE points (max 600) + FE points (max 400)
Q2 –
Is it allowed that we team up with a CATI provider who does not have a physical
CATI lab in each country, but who does the fieldwork from a centralised location
using native speakers? Or would this directly lead us to not being selected?
According to the tender specifications, offers cannot be based on fieldwork being carried
out from a centralised location. As explained on page 10 of the tender specifications, ‘Each fieldwork
centre (CATI lab) must be located in the corresponding country…’ and as required by the proof of
technical and professional capacity on page 22 ‘the tenderer has at its disposal a network comprising a
fieldwork centre (CATI lab) in each of the countries where the survey will take place’.
Q3 –
Regarding the assessment of the technical and professional capacity, when it
comes to the services and tasks carried out by the tenderer over the last five
years, do the surveys have to be aimed at worldwide companies (companies
located in different countries, not in our country)? Do tenderers have to submit a
minimum number of surveys carried out over this period?
As stated in section 4.3 of the technical specifications, ‘Selection criteria’, tenderers have
to prove the technical and professional capacity to carry out the tasks described. In order to do so, a
description of similar services provided during the last five years has to be included. It is not about a
minimum number of surveys conducted but including those that according to the tenderer’s judgment are
related to the services demanded in this procedure.
Q4 – Are fieldwork centres expected to have carried out surveys aimed at worldwide
companies, or it may be general surveys and at national level using CATI?
Fieldwork centres need to have expertise on business surveys. As explained on page 22,
‘Each fieldwork centre must provide a sworn statement confirming its availability during the period
foreseen in the tender, that the field-force and supervisors it will use for the survey have extensive
experience of business surveys using the CATI system and that the interviewers are native speakers of
the languages used in its country.
Q5 – Concerning the experience in managing and coordinating international company
or establishment surveys, is it possible that this experience be proved by the project
manager or, it must be proved by all team (surveyors and supervisors responsible for
fieldwork in each country)?
As pointed out on page 22 of the technical specifications, ‘In the case of a consortium or
grouping, each member must provide the required evidence. For ‘technical capacity’ the evidence
provided by each member will be checked at consortium or grouping level to ensure that the selection
criteria are fulfilled.’
Q6 –
If our fieldworks centres are subcontracted, is it necessary that all meet with all
solvency requirements, or does it just have to meet all criteria in case of
According to section 3.1, ‘tenderers must indicate clearly in their offer which parts of the
work will be sub-contracted and the identity of all subcontractors. Full details of such subcontractors must
also be provided using the form provided in Annex I’. Section 4.2, on exclusion criteria, states that ‘where
subcontracting is envisaged, the tenderers may either: certify expressly in their own declaration that also
the subcontractor(s) is (are) not in one of the situations referred to therein, or submit separate
declarations signed and dated by each subcontractor’.
Concerning consortia, section 4.1 states that ‘If a consortium presents the bid, all the operators must
provide the documents related to the assessment and selection of the tenderer (exclusion criteria
declaration, evidence in support of economic and financial standing and of technical and professional
capacity), as well as a completed consortium form (Annex I).’