Answers to requests for clarification of tender specifications OPEN TENDER PROCEDURE No. OSHA/C/PRU/2012/02 (OJ No. S28 of 10/02/2012, Tender No. 044320) Estimation of the costs of non-OSH at macro level: review of methodologies that quantify the economic impact of work-related accidents and ill-health Q1. The final report is to be delivered not later than thirteen months following the signature of the contract but we feel that the project can be completed in 3-4 months, having one person working full time. We are wondering if this may be too little for what EU-OSHA has in mind. Do you find it reasonable to devote that amount of time to the project –even if it is distributed throughout one year- or do you think that it is not enough to meet the project expectations? - Q2. Regarding task 1, are publications before a certain date to be excluded (e.g. before 1998)? If so, what date would that be? Additionally, is it allowed to include documents that are published in languages other than English? - Q3. Answer: There should always be at least one lead contractor, which can then have one or more subcontractors, but we cannot have a tender without a lead contractor. With regard to the inclusion of subcontractors, on page 25 of the tender specifications it is stated that subcontractors need to "provide all items marked with an asterisk when they are responsible for performing a substantial part of the contract". What is it meant by a substantial part? Is this, for example, more than 20% of the contract value? - Q5. Answer: There is no limitation to the publication date as long as the material is relevant. Concerning the language of the publications considered for the project, they may have been published in languages other than English but all deliverables and the final report must be in English. If only subcontractor(s) are included in the proposal, would it suffice to only provide a subcontractors form? - Q4. Answer: The suggested timeline is an indication of the estimated workload bearing in mind the tasks to be performed - as described in the tender specifications-, including the times for internal review, consultation and approval of deliverables. Those tenderers that deem that the project can be successfully completed in less time should effectively reflect it in their tender, which will be assessed according to the criteria in section 4 of the tender specifications. The final work schedule will be agreed between the awarded contractor and EUOSHA. Answer: We cannot provide a percentage share. On paper, we would need this information from every subcontractor and particularly if one of them alone is carrying out a majority of the subcontracted tasks. Furthermore, it is not only the subcontracted amount that is relevant but also how essential those (subcontracted) tasks are for the successful completion of the project. As mentioned on page 13 of the tender specifications, is it correct that the supporting documents that are listed under Section I: ‘Administrative Information’ (including financial identification form and legal entities form, as well as eligible documents etc.) should be included in the Administrative section? Or should they be provided in the Annexes? - Answer: They may be included in the Annexes. Q6. Would it be fine if Section I: ‘Administrative information’ and Section IV: ‘Annexes’ were combined in one, clearly distinguishing the sections? - Q7. On page 25 of the tender specifications (tender submission checklist) the first paragraph mentions that the "following documents must be placed inside an 'inner envelope'”, while in the paragraph under the checklist it is stated that the "abovementioned documents must be placed in an 'outer envelope'”. What is the appropriate procedure? - Q8. Answer: we do not have a specific number of models in mind but would expect the review to cover as many as possible of the existing estimates in Europe –and particularly those that may have adopted different methodological approachesand some of the most relevant models outside Europe. The financial offer has to be signed by the tenderer. Does the technical offer have to be signed too? - Q12. Answer: We do not have any requirement regarding the presentation of the price calculation. You may of course break it down into detail but there is no requirement from our part. We want to get a better sense of the scope of the work and know how many models EU-OSHA had in mind. Considering the budget, our view was to limit it to the main models in use across Europe and internationally. However, the scope of your project may be wider. - Q11. Answer: The tenders will be evaluated according to the procedure explained on pages 14-16 of the tender specifications. Those who are not subject to exclusion will have to meet the selection criteria in order to make it to the award phase. The selection criteria are aimed to determine whether the tenderers have the necessary financial, economic, technical and professional capacity to carry out the work. As it is explained on page 15, in order to meet the selection criteria the tenderers will have to demonstrate, among others, their experience of policyrelevant analysis on issues related to health and safety at work. The tender specifications do not include a form or any rules for the presentation of the price calculation. Section 3.3 ‘Price’ says that the price must be ‘all-inclusive and expressed in euros’. Is it sufficient to submit the final result of our price calculation? Or are there any requirements regarding the presentation of any details of the price calculation? If so, which items of the price calculation have to be described in the financial offer? - Q10. Answer: The above-mentioned documents should be placed in a sealed, 'inner envelope' with the sign ‘not to be opened by the internal mail department’ clearly marked. Then, this envelope must be placed in another envelope, the 'outer envelope'. This is further explained on page 13 of the tender specifications. Our consultancy has wide experience on the assessment of public policy (not on the field of health and safety at work) and has carried out numerous risk assessments and safety plans. However, as we do not have specific expertise on the analysis of public policies on health and safety at work, does it mean that we will be excluded from the tender? - Q9. Answer: Yes, as long as they are clearly identified. Answer: The technical offer does not have to be signed. Who has to sign the offer, the person who will be responsible for managing the project or the legal representative of the organisation? - Answer: Regardless of who manages the project, the offer has to be signed by the person who would be signing the contract. Q13. Since our organisation is not presenting an offer as a consortium and we are not subcontracting any of the tasks, does that mean that we do not have to provide the items marked with an asterisk in the ‘Tender submission checklist’? - Q14. Answer: All items of the checklist have to be presented. Those marked with an asterisk have to be provided not only for each member of a consortium or by those subcontractors who are carrying out a substantial part of the contract but also by the lead contractor. In this case, if there is no consortium or subcontracting, the contractor still has to provide all the documents of the checklist. Do public organisations have to provide the document on ‘Evidence of financial standing’? - Answer: We need the document that shows its setting-up as a public organisation, such as the publication in the corresponding Official Journal.