
The McDonnell International Scholars Academy at Washington University in St. Louis
The McDonnell International Scholars Academy affirms U.S. interest in attracting talented international students
for advanced educational experiences, and provides a means for the United States to learn more about the rest
of the world. To ensure the highest quality program, the Academy is focused and small, involving a limited
number of Scholars and partner universities of the world.
The core mission of the McDonnell Academy concerns graduate and professional students from University
Partners around the world. The Academy provides these scholars with an extraordinary edu-cational experience
at Washington University in St. Louis. In creating an international network of research universities, Washington
University intends to develop a cohort of future leaders in a global university system, and to promote global
connectedness and social responsibility.
The goals of the Academy are to:
Provide an opportunity for talented international graduate and professional students to join the
Washington University community
Provide an on-campus experience that assists Scholars in understanding U.S. culture, history, and
politics, as well as international issues
Build stronger ties between Washington University and leading research universities around the world
Strengthen relationships between Washington University in St. Louis and alumni, parents, friends,
corporations, and governments of the Scholars’ countries
Scholars in the Academy are important to the research effort at Washington University and enhance the
educational experiences of domestic students through sharing their culture, as well as the history and politics of
their countries.
Scholars are selected on the basis of their promise to become future leaders in academia, government, the
professions, or the corporate world. The Academy provides academic, cultural, and social opportunities to help
Scholars develop into future leaders knowledgeable about the United States, other countries of the world, and
critical inter-national issues.
Admission to the Academy
To be eligible to apply to the McDonnell Academy, an individual must be a graduate of one of its University
Partners (Fudan being one of which)and also must be applying to one of the full-time graduate and
professional programs (listed at the end of the notice.) Application to the Academy is separate from, and
in addition to, application to a graduate or professional program at Washington University.
Admission to the McDonnell International Scholars Academy
Applicants must be admitted to a graduate or professional degree program at Washington University. The
McDonnell Academy steering committee selects Scholars based on outstanding academic potential and on
applicants' commitment to learning about international issues and global leadership. Applications for the
2009-2010 academic year will be accepted October 1, 2008 — February 1, 2009.
Financial and Programmatic Support from the McDonnell Academy
For the 2009-10 academic year, Scholars admitted to the McDonnell Academy will receive:
Full tuition for study in a graduate or professional degree program. This support will continue as long
as the Scholar is making satisfactory progress toward a degree.
A 12-month living stipend for each year that the Scholar is making satisfactory progress toward a
degree. This stipend is set at $26,000 for the year beginning August 16, 2009.
A one-time travel allowance of up to $1,500 for travel to St. Louis for a period of study as an Academy
An annual travel allowance of up to $2,000 for a trip back to the Scholar’s alma mater.
Corporate Fellows
Scholars selected as Corporate Fellows (click here for more information) have special opportunities to work as
interns with their supporting corporation. (The Academy Steering Committee appoints Corporate Fellows; no
special additional application is required.)
Graduate and Professional Programs at Washington University in St. Louis
Graduate School of Arts & Sciences
Anthropology (PhD)
Art History and Archaeology (PhD)
Biology and Biomedical Sciences:
Biochemistry (PhD)
Chemical Biology (PhD)
Computational Biology (PhD)
Developmental Biology (PhD)
Evolution, Ecology, and Population Biology (PhD)
Immunology (PhD)
Molecular Biophysics (PhD)
Molecular Cell Biology (PhD)
Molecular Cell Biology and Biochemistry(PhD)
Molecular Genetics (PhD)
Molecular Microbiology and Microbial Pathogenesis (PhD)
Neurosciences (PhD)
Plant Biology (PhD)
Quantitative Human and Statistical Genetics (PhD)
Business Administration (PhD)
Chemistry (PhD)
Chinese and Comparative Literature (PhD)
Comparative Literature (PhD)
Earth and Planetary Sciences (PhD)
Economics (PhD)
Education (PhD)
English and American Literature (PhD)
English and Comparative Literature (PhD)
French and Comparative Literature (PhD)
French Language and Literature (PhD)
German and Comparative Literature (PhD)
Germanic Languages and Literatures (PhD)
Hispanic Languages and Literatures (PhD)
History (PhD)
Interdisciplinary Studies (PhD)
Japanese and Comparative Literature (PhD)
Mathematics (PhD)
Music (PhD)
Movement Science (PhD)
Philosophy (PhD)
Philosophy-Neuroscience-Psychology (PhD)
Physics (PhD)
Political Science (PhD)
Psychology (PhD)
Social Work (PhD)
Spanish and Comparative Literature (PhD)
Speech and Hearing Sciences (PhD)
Writing (MFAW)
Joint degree programs
East Asian Studies and Business Administration (AM/MBA)
East Asian Studies and Law (AM/JD)
Olin School of Business
Business Administration (MBA, PhD)
Joint degree programs
Business Administration and Architecture (MBA/MArch)
Business Administration and Biomedical Engineering (MBA/MSBmE)
Business Administration and East Asian Studies (MBA/AM)
Business Administration and Health Administration (MBA/MHA)
Business Administration and Law (MBA/JD)
Business Administration and Social Work (MBA/MSW)
Business Administration and Urban Design (MBA/MUD)
Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Arts
Graduate School of Architecture & Urban Design
Architecture (MArch)
Urban Design (MUD)
Joint degree programs
Architecture and Business Administration (MArch/MBA)
Architecture and Construction Management (MArch/MCM)
Architecture and Social Work (MArch/MSW)
Architecture and Urban Design (MArch/MUD)
Graduate School of Art
Visual Arts (MFA)
Sever Graduate School of Engineering & Applied Science
Aerospace Engineering (DSc)
Biomedical Engineering (DSc)
Chemical Engineering (DSc)
Civil Engineering (DSc)
Computer Engineering (DSc)
Computer Science (DSc)
Electrical Engineering (DSc)
Environmental Engineering (DSc)
Mechanical Engineering (DSc)
Systems Science and Mathematics (DSc)
Joint degree programs
Biomedical Engineering and Business Administration (MSBmE/MBA)
Construction Management and Architecture (MCM/MArch)
Information Management and Health Administration (MIM/MHA)
School of Law
Intellectual Property (LLM)
Law (JD)
Tax (LLM)
U.S. Law for International Students (LLM)
Joint degree programs
Law and Business Administration (JD/MBA)
Law and East Asian Studies (JD/AM)
Law and Health Administration (JD/MHA)
Law and Jewish, Islamic, and Near Eastern Studies (JD/AM)
Law and Social Work (JD/MSW)
School of Medicine
Audiology (AUD)
Genetic Epidemiology (GEMS)
Health Administration (MHA)
Medicine (MD)
Occupational Therapy (OTD)
Physical Therapy (DPT)
Psychiatric Epidemiology (MPE)
Joint degree programs
Health Administration and Business Administration (MHA/MBA)
Health Administration and Human Resources (MHA/MHRM)
Health Administration and Information Management (MHA/MIM)
Health Administration and Law (MHA/JD)
Health Administration and Social Work (MHA/MSW)
Medicine and Biology and Biomedical Sciences (MD/PhD)
George Warren Brown School of Social Work
Social Work(MSW)
Social Work (PhD)
Joint degree programs
Social Work and Architecture (MSW/MArch)
Social Work and Business Administration (MSW/MBA)
Social Work and Health Administration (MSW/MHA)
Social Work and Law (MSW/JD)