Date: Period: My name is . Goal: Break down the chapter as you

My name is _____________________________________.
Goal: Break down the chapter as you read. Don’t rush. Stop and think about what you are
reading. Summarize the information as you go along. Many of the questions will ask you to
make inferences (to figure out information that is not directly stated) using clues in the text.
Hint: Be sure to read all directions carefully. Always be sure both partners have the answers
written on the guide.
Interactive Reading Guide: Call to Freedom, Chapter 17
Manifest Destiny, and Section 1-2: Manifest Destiny and
Expansion and The Mexican War page 492-501
Manifest Destiny and Expansion
The Roots of Manifest Destiny
Read pages 516, paragraphs 1-2 and 517, paragraphs 3-4 and answer the following questions.
Who was John C. Calhoun and was his prediction about the United States correct? ___________
Who was John O’Sullivan and what was he known for?
Explain the three roots of Manifest Destiny:
Economic _____________________________________________________________________
Political ______________________________________________________________________
Social ________________________________________________________________________
Gone West
Read page 518, paragraph 1-3 and answer the following questions.
While Americans were fulfilling their Destiny to expand west what else were they doing or
believe they are doing?
Where were most of Americans moving to in the west? _________________________________
How did believers in Manifest Destiny view the west and the people already living there?
The Election of 1844
Read page 519, paragraphs 1-4 and answer the following questions.
Who was John Tyler and what did he do during the election of 1844? ______________________
Who were the two presidential nominees in the election of 1844 and what was the topic of their
What two rumors played a role in the election of 1844? _________________________________
Who won the election and why? ___________________________________________________
What does this tell us about the United States and the view of its people at this time? _________
Acquiring New Territory
Read pages 519, paragraph 1, 520 paragraphs 2-3 and answer the following questions.
What did President Polk do first to fulfill his campaign promises? ________________________
What was the disagreement between the US and Britain about Oregon? ____________________
Name and describe the new slogan that came from this disagreement and the outcome.
Where did the US next approve annexation and whose support did they need? _______________
What was the outcome of the Texas annexation talks both for the US, Texas, and Mexico?
War Breaks Out
Read pages 519, paragraph 1, 520 paragraphs 2-3 and answer the following questions.
How did Mexico react to the annexation of Texas? ____________________________________
What did President Polk do in reaction to Mexico’s actions and whom did he send to do it?
Describe the events of March 1846 near the Rio Grande. ________________________________
What did President Polk do in reaction to these events? _________________________________
The Mexican War
Responses to War
Read pages 522, paragraph 1, 521 paragraphs 2-3 and the following questions.
What was the state of the US army at the start of the Mexican War and what did they do to make
it better?
In what way was this a war of firsts?
What did supporters of the war believe and do? _______________________________________
Who were the war opponents and what did they believe?
American Victories
Read pages 523, paragraphs 1-2, 524 paragraph 3 and answer the following questions.
Describe what General Zachary Taylor and his troops were doing at the beginning of the war.
Who was Stephen Kearny and what did he do?
Describe the Bear Flag revolt and its participants:______________________________________
How did the US Navy and Kearny’s army capture California?
The War’s End
Read pages 525, paragraphs 1-4 and answer the following questions.
Where did Taylor and his army stop in Mexico?
What happened there? ___________________________________________________________
Who did President Polk give command to and why? ___________________________________
What did Winfield Scott do at the port of Veracruz? ___________________________________
What military action led to the end of the war?
More New Territories
Read page 526, paragraph 1-2 and answer the following questions.
What treaty ended the Mexican American war? _______________________________________
What was the Mexican Cession (what land did it include)? ______________________________
How much did it increase the size of the US? _________________________________________
What did the US agree to pay and why? _____________________________________________
How did the treaty cause controversy and with how? ___________________________________
What was the Gadsden Purchase and what was the result? _______________________________