//UNCLASSIFIED// Volume 1/Issue1 23 June 2006 Are you ready to deploy? Helpful hints for deploying units Chief Darryl L Nesbitt asks an important question, “When was the last time you scrubbed your property book? Before deploying you are required to split your property book/hand receipt. At a minimum, you should review each monthly,” he said. PROPERTY BOOK SPLIT FOR DEPLOYMENT BLUFF: D-60 FROM YOUR LAD The purpose of splitting your Property Book is to identify the equipment you are deploying with and leaving behind. 1. The deploying unit must identify a Rear Detachment Commander. 2. The Property Book Officer will brief both Commanders on Change of Command procedures. (Note: please allow at least 30 days for inventory purposes.) 3. Upon completion of the inventory, the incoming Commander and his/her designated representative will bring the following to the Property Book Office. a. Hand Receipt: Highlighted with the equipment that’s staying behind. The highlighted items must be initialed by the incoming Commander. b. Assumption of Command Orders c. Delegation of Authority(DA Form 1687) 4. The Property Book Officer/Team Chief will use the highlighted and initialed hand receipt to transfer equipment from your AA hand receipt (Hand Receipt going forward) to your HD or RD (Home Duty or Rear Detachment). 5. Once the rear hand receipt is compiled, the rear and forward Commanders will verify their hand receipts for accuracy. Keep in mind, the objective is to ensure all //UNCLASSIFIED// property is transferred to the correct hand receipt. 6. Both the forward and rear hand receipts will be signed by the appropriate Commanders. Copies of each hand receipt will be given to both Commanders for their records. 7. The Property Book Officer will then prepare a Unit Transfer and send the AA unit to the Property Book Officer in the AOR. NOTE TO THE COMMANDERS: Once all equipment arrives, conduct a 100% inventory. This inventory will verify the accuracy of your hand receipt before you begin your busy deployment. It’s best to be safe, than sorry. //UNCLASSIFIED// Who’s using my DODAAC? DCSLOG Supply and Services reviews DODAAC usage Department of Defense Activity Address Code (DODAAC) A six-position alpha-numeric Address code which identifies who can requisition and receive supplies or billing. At a minimum, it is suggested that each unit have 3 DODAACs; one for the Property Book Officer, one for the Supply Sergeant, and one for the motor pool. These DODAAC’s will be aligned with the appropriate STAMIS (Standard Army Management Information Systems): The PBO DODAAC is aligned with SPBS-R (Standard Property Book System Resigned) or PBUSE (Property Book System Unit Enhanced), Supply with ULLS-S4 (Unit Level Logistic System) and Maintenance with ULLSG. Commander’s Responsibility: Each unit maintaining a document register will validate and reconcile all open requisitions at least once every month. The validation is the most important step in the SAVAR (Standard Army Validation and Reconciliation) Process. There are many changing conditions or requirements that affect the need for an item. These include changes in mission, personnel reduction, equipment changes, inactivations or reorganizations, cannibalization or lateral transfers, as well as fund reductions. Commander must manage their DODAACs, reconcile monthly and ensure only personnel on DA Form 1687 (Delegation of Authority or Signature Card) are allowed to use your DODAAC. Property Book Officer’s Responsibility: The Property Book Officer (PBO) designates, by Informal Memorandum, those elements within a unit authorize-ed to request expendable and durable supplies. They will ensure the document numbers are not duplicated among unit elements. The informal Memorandum will specify class of supply, DODAAC, and block of document serial numbers to be used by that element. How to check on your DODAAC: Log on to https://weblog.logsa.army.mil on the right side of the web page, near the bottom, Click on PIPELINE (In Transit). Type in your LOGSA LOGIN and Password; next, click on DODAAC, enter your DODAAC and this will allow access to see what’s on order. Before packing up for the big move, DCSLOG recommends looking at the details and making several checks before proceeding. Check your Hand Receipts and DUEL thoroughly. //UNCLASSIFIED// //UNCLASSIFIED// SLAMIS What is SLAMIS? A Standard Lin Automated Management Information System (SLAMIS) provides visibility and supports management of a System’s Life-Cycle Process through automation and embedded centralized/ standardized business rules. SLAMIS leverages existing systems, Web Technology, and the Army’s Type Classification and sustainment experts to generate synergy which pulls together multiple organizations to support the Army. Commander’s/Hand Receipt holders Responsibility: Commanders and Supply Sergeants must identify the NSLIN (Non Standard Line Numbers) on their property books and request the new SLAMIS line numbers through their Property Book Officer. What SLAMIS Does Database Data Mart Business Rule People Information Synchronization … to Integration Standardization & Visibility Coordination & Visibility Reconciliation & Linked SLAMIS embeds these processes to simplify, standardize and facilitate coordination of Life Cycle Management Makes Visible Life Cycle Management 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Provides CARD Status Standardizes & Centralizes SSN Management Standardizes & Centralizes ZLIN and SLIN processes Standardizes Type Classification Process Links Requirements, Funding, Fielding & Sustainment Manages FD-LIN List Manages CTA changes; feeds to WebTaads Centralizes Substitute LINs, TC-Exempt, BOIP Deferrals and LIN Retirements 9. Ensures Data is credible, consistent & accurate * Centralized Management of NSLINs/On-line NSLIN Request Process 7 //UNCLASSIFIED// //UNCLASSIFIED// Army Direct Ordering (ADO) Program o Transported via air to Bahrain APO Hub for distribution to designated APO 1. What is ADO? A: Army Direct Ordering Program (ADO) is the Defense Supply Center Philadelphia’s (DSCP) web based program developed to support the Army Chief of Staff’s request for an online L.L. Bean type program. This website was developed to provide support to deployed Soldiers in the CFLCC AOR with direct shipping of OCIE for sustainment. The program is for all Army units while deployed supporting OIF/OEF 05-07 and beyond. ADO is not designed to sustain units in CONUS or units not in the CENTCOM AOR. o Unit mail pick-up and delivery to Unit POC o Estimated shipping time: 7-10 days to OIF units and 10-14 days to OEF units 3. Can my unit use the ADO Program to receive ACU initial issue or fill shortages from initial fielding? A: No. ADO is for sustainment only! It is not designed for initial issue or to fill shortages. 2. How does the ADO Program work? 4. What types of items are found in the ADO Program? A: It works as follows: The unit opens an account through CFLCC C4. Once the unit establishes an account, Soldier places order by size via AKO link thru DLA E-Commerce to Kentucky Logistics Operations Center (KYLOC) web site. The website is www.army.kyloc.com . o Unit designee can order for Soldiers if internet access is limited. The orders must be placed in the Soldier’s name. The orders are held in the system until the Unit POC validates and approves the expenditure of funds. Unit POCs are usually Supply Sergeants or a representative appointed by the Commander. Validated orders are pulled from DSCP inventory at the KYLOC. DSCP/KYLOC is not the same organization as Program Executive Office (PEO) Soldier. KYLOC will: o Package the complete order for the Soldier o Post shipment date to the KYLOC website Estimated wait time: 3 days (order to shipment) Orders are sent parcel post to Unit POC’s TAC 1 address (APO mailing address). The shipping process consists of: o Ground transportation to APO NY Hub A: There are over 45 items found on ADO. The most common items are: ACUs/DCUs (based on fielding) Name/US Army tapes Belt, Rigger Boots Patrol cap/sun hat/helmet covers Cold weather gear Insignia (rank, flags, some unit patches) Goggles T-shirts (brown and sand) 5. How does my unit receive initial issue of ACUs? A: Units receive their initial issue through PEO Soldier. CFLCC Message dated 130800Z Dec 05, para. 2 states: PEO Soldier was funded with Operations and Maintenance, Army (OMA) dollars to ensure soldiers within the OIF/OEF AOR were fielded the ACUs. FY05 deployed Soldiers were fielded according to HQs DA G3 fielding plan. All FY 06 deployed Soldiers (those deploying after 1 OCT 05) are fielded ACUs at home station, Power Projection Platforms (PPP), Power Support Platforms (PSP), Mobilization Sites, CONUS Replacement Centers (CRC) or upon arrival to the OIF/OEF theater. Contact PEO Soldier (Mr. Kevin Deibel or COL Paula Renshaw) at kevin.deibel@us.army.mil or paula.d.renshaw@us.army.mil . //UNCLASSIFIED// 4 //UNCLASSIFIED// What’s New News? FLIOPL The new Report of Survey, now called Financial Liability Investigation of Property Loss (FLIOPL) The financial liability investigation of property loss prescribed by the DOD Fianancial Management Regulation, volume, 12, chapter 7, replaces the report of survey system. A FLIOPL documents the circumstances concering the loss, damage, or destruction (LDD) of Government property and serves as, or supports a voucher for adjusting the property from accountable records. It serves as documentation for a charge of financial liability assessed against an individual or entity, and/or for the relief from financial liability. The process for initiating a financial liability investigation of property loss will be the same as processing the old report of survey. One key change is, all DD Form 200’s, will be accompanied with a DA Form 7531 (checklist). Please read AR 735-5 Chapters 13 and 14. Some highlights from AR 735-5 dated 28 February 2005 include but are not limited to the following: the publication of DOD 70000.14-R, and adds a new checklist, DA Form 7531(Chapters 13 and 14) Replaces the survey officer with the financial liability officer (Chap 13 and 14) Adds the use of electronic/digital signature on investigation of property loss (chapter 13 and 14) Adds policy for investigations against general officers or senior executive service members (para 13-17) Provides guidance when financial liability is assessed against an individual of another military service (para 14-35c) Permits the approving authority to assess financial liability in an amount less than the cost of repair for damaged vehicle involve in an accident in lieu of relieving all concerned of financial liability (para 1432c) Provides procedures for the primary hand receipt holder to prepare a statement documenting the expenditure of ammunition for adjusting accountable records (para 14-26g) Replaces DA Form 4697 with DD Form 200 (Chapter 12 of AR 735-5) Revises policy addressing their lost, damage, or destruction of Government property resulting from //UNCLASSIFIED//