Mayflower and Pilgrim Webquest By Gail Skroback Hennessey The Mayflower was named after a flower called the "Trailing Arbuttus". This flower is an evergreen with a white flower and pink center. Learn more about the Mayflower and the Pilgrims with this fun cyberhunt. 1. 102 passengers sailed on the Mayflower voyage which left Plymouth, England, on September 6, 1620. What was the name of the baby born along the voyage?_____ How did the Billington boys start a fire on the ship?___________ According to legend, who was the first passesnger to step onto Plymouth Rock?____________________ Find the answers at this site: 2. The trip was very expensive and most of the passengers agreed to work for seven years for the Virginia Company that sponsored their passage. What were the colonists supposed to send back to the company that paid their way?____________ After the seven year period, what did the colonists receive?_______________ Find the answers at this site: s 3. What was the reason many went on the journey to America?____________ What were two other reasons for making the journey?_____________ and ______________Where was the original destination of the Mayflower?______________ Tired and seeing land,( Massachusetts), the ship docked on December 11th. With snow already on the ground, how did a passenger, William Bradford(later the 2nd governor of Plymouth Colony) describe what he saw?_____________________________ Find the answers at this site: 4.The Mayflower had a crew of thirty on the 66 days long sailing.__________was the captain of the ship. He had sailed which treacherous(dangerous) body of water?_____The captain believed if the Mayflower was strong enough to travel these dangerous waters, she could sail the Atlantic. What did passengers have to pay the ship's carpenter to do for them?___________What were some of the foods eaten on board the ship?__________In addition to cats(to help keep the rat population down), what two breeds of dogs were aboard the Mayflower?_______________ To find the answers,start with Part 2, Voyage of the Mayflower at this site: 5. Originally setting sail in July, 1620, it had to return to port twice because the other ship it was traveling across the ocean with kept leaking. What was this ship's name?______________ Did the ship accompany the Mayflower on its eventual journey?_________ With additional passengers from the other ship now on board the crowded Mayflower,what were three dangers that the passengers could have faced?__________________ Only one passenger died on the journey. Why didn't people feel sorry for his death?__________________ Find the answers at this site: 6. 41 men signed what became the known as the _________________on November 11, 1620. It was written by Pilgrims' leaders Edward Brewster, William Bradford, Gilbert Winslow and Myles Standish. What did the men who signed the document agreed to do?______________ Find the answers at this site: 7. The Pilgrims settled on Cape Cod, building their town where the Wampanoag Indians had lived. What does the name Wampanoag mean?________________. What do the Wampanoag and most native American call the earth?_______________ Find the answers at this site: 8. What was the fate of most ships of the time after they were no longer seaworthy?________________ What disease killed many of the trees in 17th century Great Britain? _______________What do some people think happened to the Mayflower ship? ________________________ Find the answers at this site: All links are working as of today(11/12). Although I have checked the links for kid friendliness, please review the sites before using the webquest with your students. And, should you find a link isn’t working, please let me know. Thanks...