www.ellicottwildlife.com BABY SQUIRRELS: Please remember that

BABY SQUIRRELS: Please remember that in Colorado, it is illegal to possess ALL
wild mammals. Also, please know that due to the sheer volume of baby squirrels
(and 2 litters per year!) as well as only a handful of squirrel rehabbers in Colorado and
extremely limited resources, not all baby squirrels that are found can come to rehab. It is
extremely important to find out if baby squirrels, as all baby animals, are truly orphaned.
Reuniting the baby with its mother is the best possible outcome for that baby. Mother
squirrels often have 2 - 3 squirrel nests; one that the babies are in and then a “back-up”
nest or two. If the first nest is destroyed or becomes unsafe, she will usually bring her
babies to a backup nest. This process takes time. If the baby is found under a tree or
suspected nesting site, and if there are no signs of injury and if the baby has not been
handled by a cat, dog or child, then the baby can be placed in a cardboard box, such as a
shoebox, and snuggled in fleece or flannel. Place a heat source under the
bedding, e.g. a microwaved rice sock or warmed plastic water bottle wrapped in fabric,
and place the box back where the baby was found. OBSERVE the box from inside the
house, keep the kids and pets away, and give that mother squirrel a couple of hours to
come back and move her baby/ies if she’s able to.
BABY SQUIRREL DISTRESS CALL: If you hear a high-pitched screaming from up
in a tree, it very well may be an orphaned baby squirrel. This baby has been without his
mother for a long time and needs IMMEDIATE care and prompt arrival to a rehabber.
If the squirrel is a baby or juvenile: Observe, call, or check the internet for information on that species to
ensure the baby is truly orphaned. Many species are left alone for periods of time while the mother feeds.
If the baby appears injured or truly out of place, please call a licensed wildlife rehabilitator.
If the squirrel appears hurt: Please call the Division of Wildlife to get phone numbers for licensed
wildlife rehabilitators, in your area. Do not risk getting bitten, helping the animal will be in vain, as the
animal will need to be euthanized and tested for rabies, if a bite is involved.
If the squirrel is normally a nocturnal animal but is out during the daytime:
You won't usually see a bat or raccoon out during daylight. This animal may very well be sick. He may
also be injured or if young, separated from his mother.
Be aware that bats can carry rabies. Mammals can carry worms and parasites that can be transmitted to you
and/or your pets. Do NOT approach a bat that you find; contact a licensed rehabilitator or the DOW. If
you have been bitten or if there is a chance that you, your pet or someone in your home has been bitten (if
the bat was found inside the house and/or in the bedroom) contact your health department. Contact your
health department if you have any questions or concerns regarding bats.
First, resist the urge to put food or water in the mouth!! Don't do it.
Stress is BAD. Stress is the noise, the handling and simply being in an unfamiliar situation to begin with,
and they see us as predators. Keep the kids, dogs, cats, and other pets away from the animal. Place the
animal in a cardboard box or pet kennel (no wire cage, please) with a towel and put in a warm, dark, safe,
QUIET place; outside, if possible and warm.
Be Safe! Some animals bite hard, some animals scratch with their claws, some animals have quills, and
some animals may spray you. Goggles are a good idea when handling mammals. Always wear thick,
heavy gloves and wash your hands, as well as your clothing and anything else the animal may have come
into contact with, thoroughly. Understand that animals may carry parasites and/or disease.
Improper food is a common problem that kills animals. Sometimes the damage isn't readily apparent for
several days, or even longer, when the animal begins to get weak and sick, or doesn't appear healthy. We
get many animals in this condition each year, and often times it's too late to correct the problem.
Remember-animals don't eat what we eat, and cow’s milk is for cows!
Improper feeding technique is another problem that can be fatal to animals. Opening up a mouth and
pouring food down it can cause aspiration, which can cause pneumonia, and can be fatal. Some animals
require tube feeding or syringe feeding. Again, this may sound simple but it requires practice and
experience to accomplish correctly.
Remember that some animals imprint. Very simply put, this means that they see themselves as people and
prefer the company of people. This may seem cute initially but is a death sentence for the animal. As the
animal matures and becomes hormonal, and wants to continue with the life cycle, the animal becomes
stressed and frustrated. An animal may become aggressive and/or destructive. This is the time when
people have usually grown tired of the animal and no longer wishes to keep the animal, which was
ILLEGAL to start with. They either release the animal to "be free" or try to find someone else (a
rehabber) to take the animal. Understand that an imprinted animal set free will perhaps be killed off by its
own kind because they know it's "defective" or will be chased away from a good territory. This animal
may never mate. This animal may starve. This animal probably doesn't know how to recognize a predator,
find food, or may not even be physically prepared for life in the wild. Releasing an imprinted animal (or
bird, for that matter) is cruel. An imprinted animal may look for humans and scare the human, resulting in
injury or death to the animal.
Baby bunnies-Remember that the mother doesn't stay with her nest. She comes only at dawn and dusk to
feed her babies. Her staying at the nest attracts predators. Nests are typically a very shallow depression in
the ground, covered with grass. If you can find the nest, place the baby back in the nest. Place a tic-tac-toe
made of thread on top of the nest, or sprinkle flour around the nest, and check back in the evening or
morning to see if the threads or flour have been disturbed, an indication that the mother is caring for the
baby. If it doesn't appear the mother has been back, or if you can't locate the nest, call a licensed
rehabilitator. Remember-Neonate cottontails definitely do NOT do well in rehab. The bunny's
mother is the absolute best chance he has!
Fawns-The mother does not stay with her fawn. Doing so would attract predators. A safe fawn is a fawn
found sleeping quietly in the grass; sometimes in the yard in the long grass! Please do NOT disturb the
fawn. A fawn that needs your help is walking around, crying. If this is the fawn you see, please call a
licensed rehabilitator. It is ILLEGAL to possess fawns, or any other wild animal.
Baby Raccoons-A mother raccoon will put her babies in separate places when out of the nest. You may
think the baby is orphaned, but is probably just waiting for his mother to return at night. If possible, watch
for the mother raccoon to return, at night. If the mother doesn't return, call a licensed rehabilitator.
Lastly, let's remember that when we find an injured or orphaned wild animal, we are given an
opportunity to do the right thing and to help an animal that may otherwise not survive. Please remember
to always do the right thing and put their needs above our own curiosity.