QRI Cheat Sheet

QRI Cheat Sheet
Qualitative Reading inventory
Word list
Insights: sight words and decoding skills
Determine the levels for word identification out of context
sight words
word identification skills
Total score = automatic + identified
a) Independent Total correct: 90% and above 18-20 words
b) Instructional Total correct: 70 – 89%
14-17 words
c) Frustration Total correct: <70%
13 words or <
Concept Questions
Student knowledge has a power effect on comprehension, it is
important to determine whether the text being read by the
student contains familiar or unfamiliar concepts. Concept questions
predict potential vocabulary and concept problems.
Scoring the Conceptual Question Task. Each student is scored
according to a 3-2-1-0 system, where 3 is the best score.
3 points: A precise definition, or a definitional response to a
phrase, or an answer to a question specifically related to passage
2 points: When the student gives an example of the concept
(What is racism? people who don’t like people because of the color
of their skin)
1 point: When there is a general association (What is slavery? A
bad thing)
0 points: An unconnected response, no response or an “I don’t
Interpreting the concept question scores: A score of 55% or
more means that the concepts in the passage are familiar to
the student. Generally Leslie and Caldwell (1995) find that
students who have scored at least 55% of the possible points on
the concept task score above 70% on the comprehension questions
on the related passage.
RDG 595
RDG 595 Fall 2004
Prediction Task
Count the number of ideas in the student’s prediction that are
explicit or inexplicit. eg: 5 ideas score = 5, 3 ideas score = 3.
The examiner is trying to determine whether or not the student
has integrated any of the concepts with the title in order to make
predictions. There are three levels of predictions:
Level I readers Students who only restate the title, these
students do not integrate any of the concepts (score = 1)
Level II Students who integrate some of the concepts and try to
make a prediction using them (score = 2)
Level III Students who are quite knowledgeable of the concept
make a prediction that sums up many main point ideas contained in
the selection (score = 3)
To obtain the reading rate in words per minute, use the following
formula: WPM = (number of words in the passage X 60)  number
of seconds it took to read the passage.
QRI Miscue Analysis
Miscue – any deviation from the printed text is a miscue, this includes:
The QRI does not count repetitions, hesitations and omission of
punctuation. (But keeping anecdotal notes on these areas are crucial to
determining fluency).
A proper noun miscue repeated throughout the text is counted as one
miscue when it is the same word for word (eg: Jesse for Jess).
* When a student omits an entire line it counts as only one miscue.
Variations in Pronunciation (Dialect)
Variations in Pronunciation due to articulation difficulties or regional
dialects should not be counted as oral reading miscues unless the student
has been observed to pronounce the word or word part correctly.
RDG 595
RDG 595 Fall 2004