
6th Grade Social Studies
3 Nine Weeks
Nine Week Project: 5 Major World Religions
Overall Instructions:
This project can be done individually or in a group of no more than 3 people. This
project is due Monday, March 3, 2014. All parts of this project should be colorful and
neatly written or typed.
Overall Objective:
Construct a representative timeline of the five major religions. The timeline should
include the following:
1. Name of Religion
2. Date of Religion
3. Original Language
4. Picture and Name of Founder
5. Individual Map Identifying the name and location of Religion
6. Symbol or Representation For Religion
7. Picture and Name of Sacred Book or Writings (1-2 Sentences explaining what is
in the text)
8. Picture and Name of Place of Worship
9. Religious Holidays
10. Brief explanation about the religion (3-4 Sentences)
The timeline can be as creative as you like as long as it is in proper timeline form (BC, 0,
AD) and follows the rubric above. There is a lot of information you must put on the
timeline; thus, you must figure out a way to creatively do so. The materials you put
together are up to you. This project is worth 110 points. One hundred points comes from
the rubric above. Ten points comes from your neatness, grammar/spelling and creativity.
Optional Enrichment
Overall Objective:
Construct a pictorial diary/journal explaining how the 5 major religions have been
culturally diffused into your society/community.
1. Research and find religious facilities (centers/buildings) that represent the 5 major
World Religions in your community/area
2. Take a Picture of the Religious Facility
3. Put the picture in something of your choice
In the Diary/Journal, Include the following Information with the Picture
Type of Religious Facility
Name of the Facility
Location or Address of the Facility
Write an Entry (Reaction) following each visit. Did you know this facility was
there? How did you feel after learning these things developed so far away from
us, but present right here in our community/society? The Entry for each picture
should be a paragraph long (3-4 sentences).
This Enrichment Activity may require some research to find each religious facility in the
area; however, it will show how close the things we are learning to us and how much this
world has been culturally diffused. The Enrichment should follow the same regiment as
the regular project as far as grammar, neatness, and color.
This Optional Enrichment is individual and worth up to 20 points. The Optional
Enrichment is due March 3, 2014.
Tennessee State Standards
The Nine Weeks Project Coincides with the State Standards Below
6.1.spi.3. recognize the world's major
religions and their founders
6.1.spi.5. identify differences between
various cultural groups (i.e., Indian,
Southeast Asian, Middle Eastern, African).
6.1.spi.8 recognize how migration and
cultural diffusion influenced the character of
world societies
6.5.spi.3 identify types of artifacts by
pictorial representation
6.5.spi.11 identify characteristics including
economy, social relationships, religion, and
political authority of various civilizations and
Reminder: Late work passes cannot be used on