EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT Strasbourg, 21 May 2013 CONFERENCE OF COMMITTEE CHAIRS Meeting of 21 May 2013, Strasbourg Minutes The meeting opened at 14.00 with Mr LEHNE in the chair. 1. Adoption of draft agenda The Conference of Committee Chairs adopted the draft agenda (PE 506.433.rev) without modifications. 2 Approval of the minutes of the meeting on 12 March 2013 (PE 503.451) The Conference of Committee Chairs approved the minutes without modifications. 3. Adoption of a recommendation concerning the agenda for the June 2013 part-session (Monday 10 to Thursday 13 June) The Conference of Committee Chairs took note of the following documents: - The list of reports and the list of oral questions that the committees wish to have entered on the agenda of the June part-session; - A draft letter on Delegated and Implementing Acts - screening of current files in view of the June plenary. Ms BERÈS, Chair of the EMPL Committee, required the inclusion in the June part-session agenda of the Costello report on the "Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived" 2012/0295(COD): as the committee failed to reach the absolute majority required for the negotiation mandate, it intends to ask Plenary to suspend the vote on the legislative resolution, after the vote of the amendments, in order to start negotiations on the basis of the Plenary position. Having taken into account the above addition, the Conference of Committee Chairs approved the list of reports and oral questions that the committees wished to place on the June session agenda (Monday 10 to Thursday 13 June 2013) and invited its CHAIR to submit the recommendation to the Conference of Presidents. 1 PV\927\927305EN PE 506.436 4. Adoption of a recommendation concerning requests for authorisation to draw up owninitiative reports The Conference of Committee Chairs noted the following documents: - A letter of 07.05.2013 from Mr BROK, Chair of the AFET Committee; - Two co-signed letters of 18.04.2013 and 07.05.2013 from Mr BROK, Chair of the AFET Committee and Mr DANJEAN, Chair of the SEDE Subcommittee; - Two letters of 23.04.2013 and 02.05.2013 from Ms JOLY, Chair of the DEVE Committee; - Four letters of 26.04.2013, 07.05.2013 and 15.05.2013 from Ms BERÈS, Chair of the EMPL Committee; - Two letters of 10.04.2013 and 21.05.2013 from Mr GROOTE, Chair of the ENVI Committee; - A letter of 14.05.2013 from Ms HÜBNER, Chair of the REGI Committee; - A letter of 02.05.2013 from Mr MATO ADROVER, Chair of the PECH Committee; - Four letters of 12.04.2013, 17.04.2013 and 15.05.2013 from Mr LEHNE, Chair of the JURI Committee; - A letter of 16.04.2013 from Mr LOPEZ AGUILAR, Chair of the LIBE Committee; - Two letters of 26.03.2013 and 21.05.2013 from Mr GUSTAFSSON, Chair of the FEMM Committee; - A letter of 16.05.2013 from Ms BOWLES, Chair of the ECON Committee; - A letter of 15.05.2013 from Mr HARBOUR, Chair of the IMCO Committee; - The list of INI requests. The Conference of Committee Chairs approved the list of requests with the following exceptions that were removed from the list: a request from the AFET Committee on behalf of the SEDE Subcommittee concerning a report entitled "The European Defence Technological and Industrial Base" on which the ITRE Committee has requested the application of Rule 50; a request from the DEVE Committee concerning a report entitled "Promoting development through responsible business practices, including the role of extractive industries in developing countries" on which the JURI Committee has contested the competence; a request from the EMPL Committee concerning a report entitled "Financial participation of employees in companies' proceeds" on which the ECON Committee has requested the application of Rule 50; a request from the REGI Committee concerning a report entitled "The smart energy grids: an economic factor of local and regional development" on which the ITRE Committee has requested the application of Rule 50; a request from the PECH Committee concerning a report entitled "Specific actions in the Common Fisheries Policy for developing the role of women" on which the FEMM Committee has requested the application of Rule 51; Upon the proposal of its CHAIR, the Conference of Committee Chairs set the deadline of 10 June 2013 for the relevant committees to find an agreement on the own-initiative reports listed above, where a conflict of competence or a request for Rule 50 or 51 had been raised. The Conference of Committee Chairs also mandated its CHAIR to make a recommendation to the Conference of Presidents, based on Annex VII of the Rules of Procedure, in case the committees involved fail to find an agreement by 10 June 2013. The Conference of Committee Chairs thereafter heard Mr GROOTE, Chair of the ENVI Committee, proposing to change the title of the own-initiative report requested by the DEVE Committee entitled "The EU approach to resilience and disaster risk reduction: learning from food security crises". The DEVE Committee agreed to modify the title of the own-initiative 2 PV\927\927305EN PE 506.436 report in question, so as to read "The EU approach to resilience and disaster risk reduction in developing countries: learning from food security crises", and the modified DEVE request was thus put back on the list. The Conference of Committee Chairs also heard Ms BERÈS, Chair of the EMPL Committee, suggesting to introduce an alert system for urgent requests of own-initiative reports that would give all committees interested in providing opinions to that own-initiative report enough time to do it. It subsequently heard Mr HARBOUR, Chair of the IMCO Committee, inform of his committee's intention not to request the application of Rule 50 from the AFET Committee on defence procurement issues, but to submit an opinion under Rule 49. Finally, the Conference of Committee Chairs heard Mr MATO ADROVER, Chair of the PECH Committee, object to the Rule 51 request submitted by the FEMM Committee. The Conference of Committee Chairs approved the list of requests and instructed its CHAIR to forward it to the Conference of Presidents for notification and, where applicable, for final authorisation. 5. Chair's announcements 5.1 - Deadline to adopt INIs: clarification of the decision of the Conference of Presidents The CHAIR informed about the reply from President SCHULZ to his letter about the arrangements for own-initiative reports at committee stage towards the end of this parliamentary term. More precisely, at the meeting of the Conference of Presidents on 11 April 2013, the Group Chairs agreed on the proposal that all ongoing procedures for which the committees had not adopted those own-initiative reports within six months of their authorisation, should be deemed to have lapsed by 1 June 2013. The Group Chairs also recalled that towards the end of the legislature, requests for authorisation to draw up INI reports must be submitted no later than July of the year preceding the elections; and they decided to return to the question of the reinstatement of a general six-month deadline for adoption of INIs in committee at a subsequent meeting, in the context of a possible further review of arrangements for own-initiative reports ahead of the next legislature. In response to a number of requests for derogation from the decision taken by the Conference of Presidents, submitted by several Committee Chairs, the CHAIR proposed a horizontal approach whereby an extension until the summer recess could be granted for all ongoing procedures affected by the relevant decision of the Conference of Presidents. Upon his proposal the Conference of Committee Chairs agreed to that horizontal approach and mandated the CHAIR to write a letter on this matter to the President. 5.2 Hearing of the Croatian Commissioner designate The CHAIR informed that the Conference of Presidents decided last Thursday on the format and calendar of the hearing. He indicated that, following the formal consultation by Council and the confirmation by Commission President Barroso of the Consumer Policy portfolio on 2 May 2013, the hearing of the Croatian Commissioner-designate, Mr Neven MIMICA, would take place on Tuesday 4 June (9.30 - 12.30), followed by the evaluation meeting in the afternoon. The hearing would be organised by the IMCO committee, with the ENVI committee associated. The CHAIR further informed that on Wednesday 5 June (probably at 8h30), the CCC would meet in order to take stock of the committees' findings, and on Thursday 6 June, 3 PV\927\927305EN PE 506.436 the Conference of Presidents could decide to declare the hearing closed. This would then allow the EP to vote during the June part-session. 5.3 - Committee hearings: individual requests to the Bureau to changes to the 2013 annual programme The CHAIR reminded the Chairs that the Committees should make individual requests directly to the President (and put the Secretariat in copy) in case they needed to adjust themselves to the dates of their planned hearings for the second half of 2013, due to changes to the 2013 calendar of Parliamentary activities. 5.4 - Interpretation of articles 156 and 161 of Rules of Procedure: Oral amendments The CHAIR informed about the AFCO interpretation of Rules 156 and 161 of Rules of Procedure on oral amendments (i.e. nature, admissibility, voting order of oral amendments), drew the attention to the letter in the file and stressed that the AFCO interpretation was announced in the plenary on Monday and in the absence of any contestation it had been tacitly adopted and applied as of that moment. 5.5 - Implementation of the EP resolution on an EU approach to criminal law The CHAIR recalled the CCC discussion in March on the implementation of the EP resolution on an EU approach to criminal law and informed that he discussed the matter with Mr LOPEZ AGUILAR and they agreed to setting up a CCC Working group on EU legislation on criminal law. As agreed with Mr LOPEZ AGUILAR, the CHAIR proposed that the CCC Working Group, composed of the Chairs of the LIBE, ECON, CONT, ENVI, AFCO and JURI committees, would be open to other committee Chairs. It could meet for the first time on Wednesday, 3 July and would reflect on how to organise best the legal and scientific support when the EP was dealing with legislative proposals introducing criminal sanctions. 6. Conference of Committee Chairs Away day: adoption of CCC recommendation The Conference of Committee Chairs noted the following document: - Draft recommendations. The Chair thanked all Chairs for their contributions and for the quality of the discussions, in particular the chairs who drafted the papers discussed during the Away day. He recalled that, as agreed at the CCC April meeting, a revised document had been prepared and circulated in order to give the possibility to the Chairs to make amendments/suggestions aimed at ensuring that all those points which had been discussed at the Away day, but were missing (or incomplete) in the first draft final document, were incorporated. He thanked the Chairs for their comments. He further recalled the aim of the Away day, i.e. to have an open and frank discussion among committee chairs "as such", and share their personal experience and expertise as committee chairs and stated that the final text which can be considered as extensive minutes ("qualified minutes") should serve as "rough" material to launch and stimulate reflection/discussions at the level of the Conference of Presidents. 4 PV\927\927305EN PE 506.436 The CHAIR proposed to adopt the revised draft text with the aim of its transmission to the Conference of Presidents together with all received contributions in an annex, as it was agreed at the previous CCC meeting. The following Chairs took the floor: Mr SIMPSON, Chair of the TRAN Committee; Mr LOPEZ AGUILAR, Chair of the LIBE Committee; Mr GUSTAFSSON, Chair of the FEMM Committee; Mr BROK, Chair of the AFET Committee; Ms PACK, Chair of the CULT Committee; Ms BERÈS, Chair of the EMPL Committee; Mr GROOTE, Chair of the ENVI Committee; Ms BOWLES, Chair of the ECON Committee; Mr HARBOUR, Chair of the IMCO Committee; Mr CASINI, Chair of the AFCO Committee, Ms HŰBNER, Chair of the REGI Committee and Mr LEHNE, the CHAIR. Mr SIMPSON, Chair of the TRAN Committee, confirmed his personal preference for abolition of Rule 50, his disagreement with any alignment of committees' competences with Commissioners portfolios, and, regarding delegations, suggested having a Bureau on delegations that would bring in members with expertise in the area. Mr LOPEZ AGUILAR, Chair of the LIBE Committee, recalled the difficulties of dealing with conflicts of competence and expressed disagreement with any alignment of competence of committees with those of commissioners. Mr GUSTAFSSON, Chair of the FEMM Committee, stressed the need to take the necessary time on these important issues and expressed reserve regarding the status of the document. Mr BROK, Chair of the AFET Committee, while apologizing for not having been able to participate in the Away day, proposed to reflect in the document that committees were also involved with scrutiny, and not only legislation. Ms PACK, Chair of the CULT Committee, expressed her satisfaction with the document - as well as with the procedure, adding that it correctly represents what had been discussed during the Away day. She recalled the informal nature of the Away day meeting and stressed that it was a wonderful opportunity to share difficulties/problems which committees encountered during the last years, and to make proposals on how to improve the working method. Ms BERÈS, Chair of the EMPL Committee expressed disagreement with the part on committees' competence (alignment with commissioners' portfolios), and suggested that the document should be formally voted by the CCC. Ms JOLY, Chair of the DEVE Committee, expressed her discontent with the procedure which, in her view, should not lead to a CCC recommendation. Mr GROOTE, Chair of the ENVI Committee, pointed to the heading of the draft final document making a reference to the Rule 27 of the Rules of procedure. Ms BOWLES, Chair of the ECON Committee, asked that a reference to the banking resolution should be added to the document, as presented at the Away day. Mr HARBOUR, Chair of the IMCO Committee, suggested to submit the document as soon as possible to the Conference of Presidents as a set of "ideas and suggestions" and to invite the President or, ideally the entire Conference of Presidents, to discuss the issues raised. Mr CASINI, Chair of the AFCO Committee, stressed that the Away day was very useful and underlined that the document contained very valuable suggestions. He pointed out that, of course, the CCC cannot decide and that AFCO would consider many items raised for future decisions. Ms HŰBNER, Chair of the REGI Committee, expressed her surprise at some remarks, regretted that the CCC was not in the position to produce a fully fledged recommendation and suggested, that after summer, the document be converged into a real recommendation on parliament's working method. In response to the concerns raised by some committee chairs, the CHAIR recalled that the Conference of Committee Chairs could not hold a vote, but could only take decisions by consensus. He added that all points that were discussed at the Away day and gathered a general consensus (even though not unanimity) should be reflected in the final document and that, however, all other contributions and comments will be annexed to the document. 5 PV\927\927305EN PE 506.436 The Chair also evoked in detail all the steps of the procedure, namely that the discussions at the Away day were based on the papers prepared by the seven chairs/rapporteurs; that the final document contained those proposals where a general consensus emerged from the discussions; that committee chairs were given time to send their contributions to the draft document; that the deadline was prolonged twice; that all the points discussed at the Away day which were missing were incorporated in the revised document and that all other received contributions would be attached to the final document and submitted to the Conference of Presidents. With regard to the issues raised by some committee chairs, the CHAIR proposed to delete the second paragraph of the draft final document containing a reference to Rule 27 of RoP, to stress that on some issues the views differed and to make it clear that the report from the CCC Away day only provided elements for reflection. The Conference of Committee Chairs agreed on the proposal. 7. Multiannual financial framework and related legislative proposals - State of play The Conference of Committee Chairs noted the following documents: - Two letters of 26.04.2013 from Ms BERÈS, Chair of the EMPL Committee: - A letter of 24.04.2013 from Ms HÜBNER, Chair of the REGI Committee; - A European Parliament Press Release of 07.05.2013 on "2013 Annual budget paves way to start long-term budget negotiations"; - A Council Press Release of 14.05.2013 on "Council agrees additional funds to 2013 budget" - Post 2013 EU Programmes and Instruments - Current stage of negotiations; - A letter of 15.04.2013 from Mr LÓPEZ AGUILAR, Chair of the LIBE Committee. The Conference of Committee Chairs heard about the latest situation on the MFF and exchanged views on the status quo on related legislative proposals. Mr LAMASSOURE briefly presented the state of play on the MFF negotiations, pointing out that the negotiations entered a new stage: on the one hand, most of the EP committees in charge of negotiating the regulations, have progressed well in their work. On the other hand, the MFF negotiation had properly started on 13 May. He informed that a few days before the European Commission had presented a table for the distributions of the ceilings envisaged by the European Council amongst all European programs. However, Mr LAMASSOURE insisted on the fact that this was just a working document, not a legal basis. Mr LAMASSOURE also noted that the atmosphere in the negotiations was tense. He drew the attention to the fact that the EU would face difficulties with the lack of payments, engagements and appropriations for 2013. Mr LAMASSOURE pointed out that, despite the pressure put by the EP on the Irish Prime Minister, as well as upon ministers for European and economic affairs, there was a need for a “mini-summit” engaging all the different people involved in order to try to find solutions. He regretted the essential divergences of views with the Council about how to deal with payments for 2013 and insisted on the fact that the negotiations on the MFF were also affected by the negotiations on the draft amending budget for 2013. Finally, he also noted the financial problems for the current year in Cohesion Funds, research framework, and lifelong learning, inter alia. Referring to the table proposed by the European Commission, Mr LAMASSOURE remarked that there would be a need to choose between the different headings and ceilings. He also commented that the Budget Committee only negotiated the overall amount (the ceiling), but 6 PV\927\927305EN PE 506.436 that the other committees had to negotiate the details for each area, meaning that there were different committees involved in the same headings. He also announced that on 29 May Mr Janusz LEWANDOWSKI, Commissioner for Financial Programming and Budget, would present his annual budget proposal for 2014, and suggested to ask him to explain the way he drew the table proposed by the Commission. Mr LAMASSOURE also suggested that the Budget Committee would invite the relevant rapporteurs to take part in its meeting, and informed the Conference of Committee Chairs that he would write a new letter providing information and asking the Chairs to provide further clarifications regarding their opinion on the way ceilings were being allocated and whether or not they had different proposals to make. In his opinion, this would allow to assess whether there was a need to balance between committees and to see what the Presidents of the Groups thought of it. Mr LAMASSOURE was of the opinion that the next stage would be a meeting, chaired by President Schulz, with the Chairs of the committees concerned in order to have an exchange of views and a common position from the EP. He also considered that the Conference of Presidents could help arbitrate among the major different opinions. According to him, this would be the best way to work, because, in his opinion, the Budget Committee delegation was not entitled to decide where to allocate the available funds. Ms Doris PACK, Chair of the CULT Committee, considered that the Budget Committee should be part of the decision-making process, like in previous years. She particularly regretted that, in the Year of the Citizenship, the Citizenship Programme amounted to 23% less than in the last programme period. Ms PACK insisted that this was only a small example and called for the EP to fight for a better budget. In particular, she was of the opinion that it was the task of the Conference of Presidents, regretting that they were fully engaged with the dossiers. Finally, Ms PACK considered that there was a need to fulfil the tasks resulting from the Lifelong Learning Programme, especially concerning the promises already made in areas such as Education and Training. She was of the opinion that these programmes needed more money, and called for the Budget Committee to defend those areas. Ms Pervenche BERÈS, Chair of the EMPL Committee, was of the opinion that, if the EP wished to exert an influence on the amounts available, it was a little late to get involved in what Mr LAMASSOURE suggested, in particular due to the tense atmosphere during the negotiations. She regretted that the Council had requested to interrupt negotiations on delegated acts. She also regretted that the Commission was an accomplice, arguing that the Commission would like to get the money for certain programmes and do as it pleased during the following 7 years. As a final point, Ms BERÈS informed that she sent a letter to the Irish Presidency on 26 April. In its response, the Irish Presidency proposed a technical meeting, a solution that was not acceptable in her opinion, given the importance of this issue for the EP, as Ms BERÈS highlighted. The CHAIR concluded this point and pointed out that there were no formal interinstitutional contacts concerning implementing and delegated acts and that a solution was not really in sight. 8. Exchange of views with Mr Christian EHLER, Co-chair of the Transatlantic Legislator's Dialogue Steering Committee (TLD) and Chair of the Delegation for relations with the United States, on the transatlantic legislators' dialogue ahead of the Conference in Dublin The Conference of Committee Chairs noted the following documents: - Terms of reference and Composition of the Transatlantic Legislator's Dialogue Steering Committee (Decision of the Conference of Presidents of September 1999); 7 PV\927\927305EN PE 506.436 - The Draft Programme of the 74th EU/US Interparliamentary Meeting and Transatlantic Legislators' Dialogue Meeting 31 May - 1st June 2013 - Dublin. The Conference of Committee Chairs held its first exchange of views with Mr Christian EHLER, Co-chair of the Transatlantic Legislator's Dialogue Steering Committee (TLD) and Chair of the Delegation for relations with the United States. In his introductory remarks, the CHAIR welcomed Mr EHLER, noted the strategic nature of the EU-US partnership and stressed the importance of good awareness among parliamentary committees and the need for their close involvement/association in the process, in particular with regard to the upcoming negotiations on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). In his brief intervention, Mr EHLER informed about the activities of the TLD, its agendas and debates and, in particular, about the forthcoming EU/US Interparliamentary meeting and TLD meeting in Dublin (31 May - 1st June). He underlined the importance of close and continuous involvement of committees in the Transatlantic Legislators' Dialogue and TTIP by means of permanent contact points - standing rapporteurs. The following chairs took the floor during the discussion: Ms BOWLES, Chair of the ECON Committee; Mr SIMPSON, Chair of the TRAN Committee; Mr. MOREIRA, Chair of the INTA Committee; Mr De CASTRO, Chair of the AGRI Committee; Mr HARBOUR, Chair of the IMCO Committee; Ms TOIA, acting Chair of ITRE Committee; Mr LEHNE, the CHAIR and Mr BROK, Chair of the AFET Committee. The Committee Chairs underlined that involvement of specialist committees was vital, expressed their readiness to help shaping the agenda and provide specialist support, and pointed out that an efficient mechanism for such involvement must be found, for example based on Rule 49+. Some Chairs raised the issue of complexity of regulatory convergence and recognition of equivalence and the importance of engaging in consumer dialogue. Mr BROK, Chair of AFET and Co-Chair of the TLD Steering Committee, underscored the need to look at legislation, joint standards, engaging in broad cooperation with all standing committees, and the need for proper contacts with specialist committees and US counterparts. The CHAIR thanked Mr EHLER and suggested to pursue this dialogue on a regular basis. 9. Exchange of views with Mr Reiner WIELAND, Vice-President of the European Parliament, on eMeeting The Conference of Committee Chairs noted the following document : - "Paperless program: eMeeting and eCommittee' dated 02.05.2013" The Conference of Committee Chairs exchanged views with Mr Reiner WIELAND, VicePresident of the EP, on the first experience with eMeeting intranet tool. After opening remarks the CHAIR gave floor to Mr WIELAND. In a brief presentation, he pointed out that the EP was preparing itself for changes in the working methods made available by the new technologies, which, at the same time, involved several challenges in terms of human and financial resources. In his opinion, transparency is a key concern, but, as he pointed out, MEPs had realised that transparency had to be used friendly. As an example, he highlighted that 800 written declarations of explanation of vote were presented in the first year, while in the last year there were 17 000. After a short introductory video, Mr WIELAND explained that eMeeting was an application that made all the documents available in different languages, anywhere, anytime and on all kinds of devices (tablets, laptops, desktops and smartphones). He highlighted that this was a 8 PV\927\927305EN PE 506.436 user-friendly and easy access application, available to all, except for the points discussed "in camera", where a solution was needed in his opinion. This application provided the MEPs with a complete mobile office to do their parliamentary work, made expertise work more efficient, required less time and money, particularly for printing, and could also reduce the number of emails. Mr WIELAND also admitted one shortcoming: the question of the e-signature. He considered that, in the future, it could be possible to sign amendments, for instance, but it would depend on the security standards chosen and the policy of every office. He further informed that DG ITEC was in the process of identifying the way they could involve MEPs in the use of tablets, which was not a simple issue in his opinion. He highlighted that these devices costed money and there was a need to promote the culture of “bring your own device”. He also pointed out that there would be a need to consider changing the policy on whether the EP should replace desktops with mobile devices or not, a possible change that would require further discussion at the working group and also in the Bureau. Finally, Mr WIELAND pointed out that there was a common positive experience in the ongoing testing period within several committees, such as ENVI and CONT. Nevertheless, he regretted that only a small number of MEPs were properly involved. He also informed that during the current year the tool would be available for other committees and that in 2014 there would be a “Big Bang” to cover all the standing committees at the beginning of the new parliamentary term. As his final comment, he pointed out that the task now is to manage the transition period; that is, to decide on a policy to provide these devices to the MEPs and staff, make a code of procedure to see if changes were needed in some areas, and provide specific solutions for specific situations, while investing in training and demonstrations at the same time. Ms TOIA, acting Chair of the ITRE Committee, shared a positive opinion on the new instruments, but had questions on some technical aspects. In particular, she inquired about the way in which all these kinds of open platforms and open source software could tie together and the actions planned by the EP in that respect. Mr GROOTE, Chair of the ENVI Committee, commented that the EP was insufficiently equipped. He particularly pointed out that, in his region, all local authorities were completely paperless, and that the ENVI committee was using 70% less paper. He welcomed the work done so far, but he insisted on the need for a better web application, easier to use, at the same time he called for the “Big Bang” to come as quickly as possible. Finally, he was also of the opinion that open sources should be used as much as possible. Mr WIELAND responded that the EP had about 50% open systems, and it seemed that members were using them. Nevertheless, he pointed out that there were points where security was very important and that the EP could not grant access to anyone, so he called for preserving a certain control. 9 PV\927\927305EN PE 506.436 DECISIONS WITHOUT DEBATE 10. Draft planned committee activities with National Parliaments in the second semester of 2013 The Conference of Committee Chairs noted the following document: - A draft list of Planned Committee Activities with National Parliaments in the 2nd Semester of 2013. The Conference of Committee Chairs, without debate, endorsed the list of Planned Committee Activities with National Parliaments in the 2nd Semester of 2013. The Conference mandated the Chair to forward the endorsed list to Vice Presidents Othmar KARAS and Miguel Angel MARTINEZ MARTINEZ, with a view to their submission of the list to the Bureau. 11. Application of Rule 50: 'Procedure with associated committees' - Legislative matters 11.1 IMCO/Libe: High common level of network and information security across the Union (2013/0027(COD)) COM(2013)0048 The Conference of Committee Chairs noted the following document: - A letter of 04.03.2013 from Mr LOPEZ AGUILAR, Chair of the LIBE Committee. The Conference of Committee Chairs decided without debate, in view of the need for an urgent solution, to charge its CHAIR to make a recommendation to the Conference of Presidents, based on Annex VII of Rules of Procedure, jointly with the recommendation to be submitted under point 15.1 (contestation of competence by the ITRE Committee). 12. Application of Rule 50: 'Procedure with associated committees' - Non-Legislative matters 12.1 AFET/Deve: The EU comprehensive approach and its implications for the coherence of EU external action The Conference of Committee Chairs decided without debate to: • urge the two committee Chairs to meet and try to find an agreement, with the assistance of the CCC Chair if necessary; • set a deadline of 31 May 2013 by which an agreement should be reached; • (should no agreement be reached by that date) ask its Chair to make a recommendation to the Conference of Presidents, based on Annex VII of Rules of Procedure. 13. Application of Rule 51: 'Procedure with joint committee meetings' - Legislative Matters None. 10 PV\927\927305EN PE 506.436 14. Application of Rule 51: 'Procedure with joint committee meetings' - Non-Legislative Matters None. 15. Conflicts of competence - Non-Legislative matters 15.1 IMCO/Itre: High common level of network and information security across the Union 2013/0027(COD) COM(2013)0048 The Conference of Committee Chairs noted the following documents: - Four letters of 22.02.2013, 15.03.2013, 18.04.2013 and 14.05.2013 from Mrs SARTORI, Chair of the ITRE Committee; - Two letters of 06.03.2013 and 29.04.2013 from Mr HARBOUR, Chair of the IMCO Committee. The Conference of Committee Chairs decided without debate, in view of the need for an urgent solution, to charge its Chair to make a recommendation to the Conference of Presidents, based on Annex VII of Rules of Procedure, jointly with the recommendation to be submitted under point 11.1 (Rule 50 request by the LIBE Committee). 15.2 TRAN/Envi: Maritime spatial 2013/0074(COD) COM(2013)0133 planning and integrated coastal management The Conference of Committee Chairs noted the following document: - A letter of 8.5.2013 from Mr GROOTE, Chair of the ENVI Committee; The Conference of Committee Chairs decided without debate to: • urge the two committee Chairs to meet and try to find an agreement, with the assistance of the CCC Chair if necessary; • set a deadline of 31 May 2013 by which an agreement should be reached; • (should no agreement be reached by that date) ask its Chair to make a recommendation to the Conference of Presidents, based on Annex VII of Rules of Procedure. 16. Conflicts of competence - Non-Legislative Matters 16.1 AFET/Inta: The EU comprehensive approach and its implications for the coherence of EU external action 16.2 AFET/Inta: Saudi Arabia, its relations with the EU and its role in the Middle East and North Africa 16.3 AFET/Inta: The future of EU-ASEAN relations 16.4 AFET/Inta: Assessing and setting priorities for EU relations with the Eastern partnership countries 11 PV\927\927305EN PE 506.436 The Conference of Committee Chairs noted the following documents: - Two letters of 16.04.2013 and 21.05.2013 from Mr MOREIRA, Chair of the INTA Committee; - A letter of 06.05.2013 from Mr BROK, Chair of the AFET Committee. The Conference of Committee Chairs decided without debate to charge its Chair to make a recommendation to the Conference of Presidents, based on Annex VII of Rules of Procedure, should an agreement be unlikely to find. 17. Taking note of agreements reached and recommendations on the application of Rule 50/51 and conflicts of competence The Conference of Committee Chairs noted the following documents: - A table on the open requests concerning Rule 50, 51 and conflicts; - A letter of 17.04.2013 from Mr LEHNE, Chair of the JURI Committee; - A co-signed letter of 23.04.2013 from Ms HÜBNER, Chair of the REGI Committee, and Ms BOWLES, Chair of the ECON Committee; - A co-signed letter of 14.05.2013 from Ms BOWLES, Chair of the ECON Committee, and Mr SIMPSON, Chair of the TRAN Committee. The Conference of Committee Chairs, without debate: took note of the table concerning ongoing negotiations between committees; took note of the withdrawal of objections by the JURI Committee to the own-initiative report requested by the CONT Committee, entitled "The cost-effectiveness of staff training in the European Commission"; took note of the withdrawal of Rule 50 request by the TRAN Committee to the legislative report of the ECON Committee (2012/0344(NLE) - "Amendment of Regulation (EC) No 994/98 on the application of Articles 92 and 93 of the Treaty establishing the EC to certain categories of horizontal State aid and Regulation (EC) No 1370/2007 on public passenger transport services by rail and by road)"; took note of the agreement reached for the application of Rule 50 between committees REGI and ECON on the own-initiative report entitled "Regional policy as a part of wider State support schemes"; charged its Chair to forward the agreement to the Conference of Presidents for final authorisation. 18. Urgent matters and any other business None 19. Documents for information 19.1 - Information report on ongoing negotiations in ordinary legislative procedures The Conference of Committee Chairs took note of a draft letter and a table on codecision/ordinary legislative procedure files currently under negotiation in view of early agreement. 12 PV\927\927305EN PE 506.436 19.2- State of play of reasoned opinions The Conference of Committee Chairs took note of the state of play on reasoned opinions and contributions submitted by National Parliaments. 19.3 - Early non-objection to delegated acts and/or early non-opposition to draft comitology measures (RPS) The Conference of Committee Chairs noted the following documents: - A letter of 16.05.2013 from Mr BORG, Commissioner to Mr GROOTE, Chair of the ENVI Committee on "Regulation (EU) n. 142/2011 as regards the transit of certain animal by products from Bosnia and Herzegovina"; - A letter of 21.05.2013 from Mr GROOTE, Chair of the ENVI Committee to Mr LEHNE, Chair of the Conference of Committee Chairs. 19.4 - Overview of work on Impact Assessment and European Added Value The Conference of Committee Chairs took note of the overview of work in progress. 19.5 - Overview of work of Policy Departments The Conference of Committee Chairs took note of the overview of work in progress. 19.6 - Other documents for information The Conference of Committee Chairs took note of the following documents: - A letter of 14.05.2013 from Mr LEHNE, Chair of the Conference of Committee Chairs on the hearing of the Croatian Commissioner-designate, Mr Neven MINICA; - A letter of 13.05.2013 from Mr HARBOUR, Chair of the IMCO Committee on the hearing of the Croatian Commissioner designate, Mr Neven MINICA; - A letter of 06.05.2013 from President Schultz concerning arrangements for own-initiative reports at committee stage towards the end of this parliamentary term; - A letter of 13.03.2013 from Mr LEHNE, Chair of the Conference of Committee Chairs on Delegated and Implementing Acts - Informal contacts with the Commission and the Council; - A letter of 24.04.2013 from Mr CASINI, Chair of the AFCO Committee on Interpretation of articles 156 and 161 of Rules of Procedure: Oral amendments. On Intranet: - A letter of 24.04.2013 from Ms BERÈS, Chair of the EMPL Committee on a report of a delegation visit to Dublin on 11-12 February 2013; - A letter of 24.04.2013 from Ms BERÈS, Chair of the EMPL Committee, on a report of a delegation visit to Frankfurt and Berlin on 13-15 February 2013; - A letter of 25.04.2013 from Mr SIMPSON, Chair of the TRAN Committee, on a report of a delegation visit to Washington and New York on 11-14 February 2013; - A letter of 26.04.2013 from Ms GUSTAFSSON, Chair of the FEMM Committee on a report of a delegation visit to the UN Commission on the Status of Women 57th Session, 13 PV\927\927305EN PE 506.436 New York 46 March 2013. 20. Date and place of next meeting The Conference of Committee Chairs noted that its next ordinary meeting would take place on Tuesday 11 June in Strasbourg. 14 PV\927\927305EN PE 506.436 RECORD OF ATTENDANCE ANNEX COMMITTEE I Committee on Foreign Affairs Mr Elmar BROK II Committee on Development Ms Eva JOLY III Committee on International Trade Mr Vital MOREIRA IV Committee on Budgets Mr Alain LAMASSOURE V Committee on Budgetary Control Mr Michael THEURER VI Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs Ms Sharon BOWLES VII Committee on Employment and Social Affairs Ms Pervenche BERÈS VIII Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety Mr Matthias GROOTE IX Committee on Industry, Research and Energy Ms Patrizia TOIA, acting X Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection Mr Malcolm HARBOUR XI Committee on Transport and Tourism Mr Brian SIMPSON XII Committee on Regional Development Ms Danuta Maria HÜBNER XIII Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development Mr Paolo DE CASTRO XIV Committee on Fisheries Mr Gabriel MATO ADROVER XV Committee on Culture and Education Ms Doris PACK XVI Committee on Legal Affairs Mr Klaus-Heiner LEHNE XVII Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs Mr Juan Fernando LÓPEZ AGUILAR XVIII Committee on Constitutional Affairs Mr Carlo CASINI XIX Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality Mr Mikael GUSTAFSSON XX Committee on Petitions ------------- Subcommittee on Human Rights Ms Barbara LOCHBIHLER Subcommittee on Security and Defence Mr Krzysztof LISEK, acting Special Committee on Organised crime, corruption and money laundering Ms Sonia ALFANO 15 PV\927\927305EN PE 506.436