Invertebrates & The Fetal Pig Name:_____________________________Period:___ Dissection Partners’ Names: ______________________________________________ General Overview: We will spend the rest of the semester on our animal dissections. First, you will dissect the earthworm and crayfish to allow you to examine two invertebrate species. Then, your lab group of 4 students will spend 4-5 days identifying parts of the fetal pig and participating in a comparative vertebrate dissection where your group will be the “expert” on one type of vertebrate, but you’ll also have to learn the other vertebrates from the other groups. You will also be individually completing this lab packet which includes diagrams and questions. Finally, you will have your lab practical exam on your final exam day. This practical will count as your Performance Exam for this semester. Grading: The pig dissection is worth 3 grades: *80 total points for 8 days of dissection participation (10 pts per day). This grade will typically be assigned to the entire group, but some students may receive different grades because of amount of participation. Your group can earn up to 10 bonus points for exceptional participation. *100 total points for completion of your individual lab packet (10 pts per page). *5% of your average for the lab practical test. Suggested Timeline: Thur 5/6- Earthworm Dissection Friday 5/7- Crayfish Dissection Wed 5/12- Work on Dissection Packet – maybe start external structures Thursday 5/13- External structures, Anatomical planes and directions, sexing the pig, skinning the pig Friday 5/20- Muscles, nervous, respiratory, digestive, circulatory Monday 5/17- Urogenital/ excretory Tuesday 5/18- Complete packet & review Wednesday 5/19 – Performance Final & packet due Participation: EACH member of the lab group is responsible for learning all of the parts. At least 2 people in each group must be actively involved in dissection, but everyone must participate in locating the parts. EACH person is required to put in an equal amount of work. You will be graded on your amount of participation. EACH person is required to complete an individual lab packet. You are expected to be appropriate and a cooperative team member. Additionally, you are expected to treat your specimens, materials, classmates, teacher, and work station with respect. Working Ahead: I strongly suggest that you work ahead since the periods always seem to get shorter as the practical gets closer. However, please work in order and leave time for review! Listen carefully for options for open lab before or after school. Daily Cleaning: Clean (with soapy water) and dry dissection tools and tray; Bag and box specimens; Colored Pencils, Dissection Notebook, Pig Mat, and Soaps where they belong; All trash thrown away (in the garbage can); Sink clean; Tables sprayed and wiped down; Aprons and goggles returned □ You will lose individual points if you do not help your lab group clean! □ You may not leave the classroom until you are checked off! □ If your table is left unclean and not checked off after class ends, everyone will lose points! EARTHWORM ANATOMY Earthworms (Lumbricus terrestris) are representative animals of phylum Annelida and class Oligochaeta. Examining external and internal structures of an earthworm will reveal some major annelid characteristics. Lumbricus is an excellent animal for study because of its body organization. An earthworm is a segmented animal. Its body plan consists of many rings (annelus means “ring” in Latin). Each segment, or ring, of an earthworm is numbered in sequence from anterior to posterior end. Organs can be located by finding the particular segments they are known to be in. An earthworm “map” lists the location of each organ or structure by segment number (see the laminated handout). Materials – Preserved earthworm Dissecting probe straight pins colored pencils razor blade hand lens dissecting pan Procedures – 1) Identify the anterior (head), posterior (tail), dorsal (top), and ventral (bottom) sides of a preserved earthworm. A bandlike structure, the clitellum, separates the body into two unequal lengths. The shorter section (about 1/3 of the total length) is the anterior portion. The longer section is the posterior portion. The dorsal surface is darker than the ventral surface and rounded toward the anterior end. The ventral surface is flat. 2) Stretch your animal out with the dorsal side up in a dissecting pan. 3) Pin the earthworm to the pan with straight pins. Use one pin at each end of the worm (figure 1). 4) Starting at the posterior end use the razor blade to cut along the dorsal surface. Caution: Blade is sharp. Cut away from your fingers. Take care to cut only through the skin and muscle of your worm. NOTE: An earthworm’s skin and muscle are extremely thin. A very shallow cut is all that is needed. Do NOT cut the entire length of worm at one time. Instead cut 2 – 4 cm sections at a time. 5) Spread the edges apart by carefully cutting through thin membranes (septa) on the inside of the worm. These septa are continuous with each groove on the worm’s outside surface. 6) Pin the skin and muscle to the dissection pan as you spread these tissues apart. Slant the pins out at an angle (Figure 2). 7) Continue to carefully cut and pin your animal until you reach the anterior end. 8) After you have completely opened your earthworm, identify the internal organs by using the earthworm “map” and the following explanations. The organs of each system are listed on the “map” beside the number of the segment in which they are located. If an organ is in more than one segment, the segments that it is in are included in brackets. Digestive System The digestive system begins with the mouth and is followed by the pharynx, on which many strands of muscle fibers may be observed. The esophagus is a thin-walled tube which continues posteriorly from the pharynx to segment 13 or 14. The crop and the gizzard are in segments 14 through 20. The walls of the gizzard are muscular for grinding food. The walls of the crop are thin. The rest of the digestive system is composed of the intestine which continues from segment 20 to the anus, the most posterior part. in the diagram to the right – label the parts of the earthworm’s digestive system in figure 3 color all the parts of the digestive system green Circulatory System The large dorsal blood vessel carries blood from the posterior end of the earthworm to the anterior end. Five aortic arches connect the dorsal and ventral blood vessels. These arches are sometimes called “hearts” because they help pump blood. The “hearts” encircle the esophagus. * in the diagram to the left – label the parts of the earthworm’s circulatory system * in figure 3 color all the parts of the circulatory system red ovary Reproductive System The reproductive system consists of seminal vesicles, seminal Receptacles, ovaries and testes, and the clitellum. The seminal vesicles are three pairs of saclike structures along the esophagus. Two very small almost dotlike structures, on each side near the seminal vesicles, are the seminal receptacles. Ovaries and testes are present in your worm but difficult to observe. They are shown in Figure 3 with dotted lines. The clitellum produces a mucus slime tube during mating. The reproductive system also includes two sets of pores visible on the exterior of the worm. Segment 14 has a pair of female pores and segment 15 has a pair of male pores. in the diagram to the right – label the parts of the earthworm’s reproductive system. In figure 3 color all the parts of the reproductive system yellow testes nerves Nervous System Nervous System ganglion A “brain” (ganglion mass) is a small mass of white tissue in segment 3. It may be destroyed when dissecting a worm. The ventral nerve cord is seen as a white “thread” extending along the worm’s ventral surface from segment 3 to the last segment. Because of its ventral location, the nerve cord cannot be seen well except where organs have been removed. * In the diagram to the left – label the parts of the earthworm’s nervous system. * In figure 3 color all the parts of the nervous system blue Excretory System The excretory system consists of paired organs called nephridia. These are small organs against the lateral (side) walls of the worm. You may need a hand lens to see them. They are present in almost every segment. In the diagram to the right – label the parts of the earthworm’s excretory system. In figure 3 color all the parts of the excretory system orange excretory pore tubule Analysis Questions 1) The skin is the organ of respiration in the earthworm. In order for gas exchange to occur there must be some form of a liquid for the gases to dissolve in. a)Explain how respiration takes place through the skin of an earthworm. b) What happens to the earthworm if its skin dries out? c) What happens to the earthworm, after a heavy rain, when the soil is flooded? 2) a) To which phylum does the earthworm belong? ________________________ b) What is the meaning of this phylum name? ___________________________ 3) a) What is the scientific name for an earthworm? _________________________________________ b) To what genus do earthworms belong? __________________________ c) To what species do earthworms belong? _________________________ CRAYFISH DISSECTION Part A: Introduction Crayfish are in Phylum _______________ and Class ___________. They have visible exoskeletons made of _____________. The crayfish have ____ pairs of __________ appendages that are highly modified for specific functions. In this lab you will locate the external structures of the crayfish. Part B: External & Internal Anatomy Label the external anatomy diagram using these choices: cephalothorax, abdomen, telson, carapace, compound eye, antennae, uropods, antennules, swimmerets, walking legs, cheliped. Also indicate the anterior, posterior, dorsal, and ventral sides. rostrum Cephalic groove Label the internal anatomy diagram using these choices: brain, green gland, intestine, mouth, gills, duct from testis/ oviduct, anus, esophagus, digestive gland, testis/ ovary, stomach, heart. Also indicate the anterior, posterior, dorsal, and ventral sides. ganglion Part C: Appendages 1. Write the function of each appendage on the chart below. 2. Find each of the appendages on your crayfish, carefully remove them with scissors and tape them down to a piece of paper. The appendages should be taped in the order that they appear on the crayfish. Label each of the appendages on the paper. Body Section Appendage Function Cephalothorax Antennules (1 pair) Antennae (1 pair) Eyes (1 pair) Mandibles (1 pair) Maxillae (2 pairs) Maxillipeds (3 pairs) Chelipeds (1 pair) Walking legs (4 pairs) Abdomen Swimmerets (5 pairs) Uropods (2 pairs) Telson (1) Part D: Analysis 1. Name 3 other Crustaceans that closely resemble the crayfish. 2. Which pair of appendages are used to obtain and eat food? 3. Which pairs of appendages are used for swimming? 4. The exoskeleton of the crayfish does NOT grow with the organism. When they outgrow their exoskeleton they undergo a process called ____________________. 5. Fill in the blanks with the correct answers. Crayfish seize their food with their ____________. The ____________ and ___________ crush and chew the food. The ____________ are the excretory organs. The ____________ are used for respiration. The brain consists of a pair of ______________. Two large nerves extend from the ___________, around the esophagus and join the _____________ nerve cord. FETAL PIG DISSECTION- External Anatomy 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Receive your pig. Rinse it under water (no soap!) and dry. Label your bag with group members’ names. Label the diagrams and learn the parts on your pig. At the given time, put your pig in the bag and place your bag in the assigned box. Clean your supplies and area thoroughly. Answer the questions. Label anterior, posterior, dorsal, and ventral on the diagram to the left. SEXING THE PIG Female: Females are identified by the urogenital papilla. This is a small, fleshy, cone-shaped projection ventral to the anus. Locate the female's external genital opening at the base of the urogenital papilla. The term urogenital indicates that this is the external opening for both urinary wastes and reproductive cells. Male: The male's testes (singular=testis) lie in the scrotum, a pouch ventral to the tail. In older specimens, this area is enlarged and readily visible. In younger animals, a loose pouch may be visible but the testes may still be in the abdominal cavity, having not yet descended. Is your pig male or female? _________________ List at least 2 reasons you know:_________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ Be able to identify both sexes! FEMALE MALE EXTERNAL ANATOMY Draw lines and label OR color code on the diagram to the right. Abdomen Ankle Anus Elbow Eye Foot Forelegs Head Hind legs Knee Nares Neck Pinna Shoulder Snout Tail Teats/ Mammary papillae Thorax Tongue Trunk Umbilical cord Analysis Questions 1. Complete the classification of the pig: Domain ______________ Kingdom ________________ Phylum ________________ Class________________ Order __________________ Family _________________ Genus _______________ Species _________________ 2. Fetal pigs are placental mammals. This means that the baby develops inside its mother, where it is connected to her by the placenta, a large organ filled with blood vessels. These blood vessels help exchange nutrients, gases, and wastes between the baby and mother. Knowing this, name at least 3 other animals that would be considered placental mammals. 3. Using the graph that has been provided, what is the approximate age of your pig? 4. What are the nares and pinnae more commonly called? 5. What is the difference between the thorax and trunk? 6. Define the terms proximal and distal and give an example using both. FETAL PIG DISSECTION - Skinning the Pig, Muscles, and Nervous 1. After listening to instructions, carefully skin your pig. 2. Learn the muscles using the diagram provided. 3. Learn the major parts of the sheep brain using the diagrams provided. We won’t be finding these structures on the fetal pig since they are so small! 4. Review! 5. Clean your supplies and area thoroughly. 6. Answer the questions. HOW TO SKIN THE PIG (BE CAREFUL!) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Place the pig on its back. Cut a small slit above the umbilical cord (not deep at all!). Use the probe or your finger to begin to separate the skin away from the muscles underneath. If you are seeing organs you are going way too deep! Cut up to the throat and up one cheek. Cut down one of the forelegs to the paw. Cut around the paw to leave a glove on the pig. Continue cutting down to the umbilical cord. Cut around the cord (DO NOT cut the cord off) and continue cutting down to the tail area. Continue separating the skin away. Cut down one leg to the paw. Cut around the paw to leave a boot on the pig. You will only skin one half of the pig. That means from the middle of the stomach to the middle of the back, including one leg, one arm, and one cheek. MUSCLES Draw lines and label OR color code the muscles above with the following terms: Biceps brachii External oblique Flexors/ extensors Gastrocnemius Gluteus medius/ maximus Internal oblique Latissimus dorsi Masseter Pectoralis major Sternohyoid Trapezius Triceps brachii NERVOUS SYSTEM Draw lines and label OR color code the dorsal picture of the brain using these terms: Cerebellum Cerebrum Gyrus ( bump on the surface of the cerebrum) Media/longitudinal fissure Spinal cord Sulcus (groove between the gyri) Draw lines and label OR color code the sagittal view of the brain using the following terms: Arbor vitae of cerebellum Corpus callosum Medulla Pons Spinal cord Thalamus Analysis Questions: 1. What do you think the function of the masseter is? 2. What is another name for the tendon of gastrocnemius? 3. What are the 3 types of muscle tissue? For each, tell whether they are involuntary or voluntary and where they might be found. 4. For every muscle you learned today, what is the muscle type? 5. Describe the differences in how the gyri and sulci look. FETAL PIG DISSECTION - Respiratory, Digestive, Circulatory, Urogenital 1. After listening to instructions, carefully cut your pig open. 2. Learn the respiratory, digestive, circulatory, and urogenital systems using the diagrams provided. You are responsible for BOTH male and female urogenital systems. 3. Review! Your test is Friday! 4. Clean your supplies and area thoroughly. 5. Answer the questions. Label the diagram of the respiratory system using these terms: Larynx Left lung Right lung Trachea Remember it’s the pig’s left and right! DIGESTIVE On the diagram of the mouth to the left, draw lines and label OR color code the following: Epiglottis Hard palate Soft palate Tongue Tooth CIRCULATORY Draw lines and label the diagram of the heart using these terms: Left atrium Left ventricle Right atrium Right ventricle Aorta/ aortic arch GENERAL INTERNAL ANATOMY On the diagram to the right, label the internal anatomy of the fetal pig OR color code using the following terms: Urinary bladder Urethra Urogenital opening Diaphragm Epiglottis Esophagus Gall bladder Heart Large intestine Larynx Liver Lung Mesentery (net-like tissue over the intestines) Pancreas Pericardium (sac around the heart) Rectum Small intestine Spleen Stomach Trachea FEMALE UROGENITAL Draw lines and label OR color code the diagram of the female urogenital system using these terms: Kidney Ovary Oviduct Renal artery Ureter Urethra Urinary bladder Urogenital opening Urogenital sinus Uterus (uterine body) MALE UROGENITAL Draw lines and label OR color code the diagram of the male urogenital system using these terms: Epididymis Kidney Penis Renal artery Scrotum Testis Ureter Urinary Bladder Vas deferens Analysis Questions: 1. Why is the diaphragm important? 2. The rings you see on the trachea are actually made of cartilage. What do you think their function is? 3. What is the function of the ureter and the urinary bladder? 4. Compare the appearance of the hard vs. soft palate. 5. What is the function of the a. Epiglottis b. Spleen c. Liver d. Mesentery 6. What type of muscle is found in the esophagus? COMPARATIVE ANATOMY OF VERTEBRATES DISSECTION A. Locate each of the major structures indicated below. After you do, place a check mark in the blank. Use the “expert” group to help you learn the parts. Organism Heart Liver Lung s Small/ Large Intestines Ureter (s) & Kidney Cloaca/ Urinary/ Urogenital Opening Tongue Teeth Pigeon Stomach Trachea Gonads/ Male vs Female (Crop/ gizzard) Feathers, talons, beak Spleen, pancreas Rat Snake Esophagus Frog XXX XXX Salamander XXX XXX Shark XXX XXX Perch XXX XXX Lamprey Additional Structures XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX Tympanic membrane Gills XXX Additionally, please make sure you can differentiate the dorsal, ventral, anterior, and posterior sections of each organism. Classification Review Complete the classification for each of the organisms. Organism Earthworm Crayfish Pig Pigeon Snake Frog Salamander Shark Perch Lamprey Rat Domain Kingdom Phylum/ Subphylum Class Dorsal, pelvic, pectoral, caudal fins Dorsal, pelvic, pectoral, caudal, anal fins mouth