Students Name:__________________________ Period:_____________ Parent Signature:_________________________(Due Friday, September 19, 2014) “Eye Model" (190 points) Due Date: Thursday, October 2nd Background: You will create a scale model of an eye. This model must be simple, but detailed. Each part of the eye must be visible. The eye parts must resemble the looks of the actual structure. Each eye part must be labeled on the model. On a separate piece of paper, you must make a pictograph key. This key must include the same materials used from the model. If you used pipe cleaner to represent the optic nerve, you must use pipe cleaner on the pictograph to represent that structure. The pictograph must include the name of the structure, one sentence describing the structure and one sentence about its function. The height and width should be no greater than 12” X 12”. Example: Iris– The iris surrounds the pupil and is made up of muscular tissue. Its Actual material used function is to control how much light comes into the eye by opening and should be put closing the pupil. next to description What needs to be turned in? 1. Model - EYE PARTS CAN NOT BE MADE OF PERISHABLES OR ITEMS WITH SUGAR 2. Pictograph – on a separate sheet of paper. It should include the name of the structure, one sentence describing the structure and one sentence about its function. Grading Scale: Properly Labelled Model 100 Eye Parts Pictograph 50 Creativity 10 Neatness 10 Size and Scale 10 Grammar/Spelling 10 ----------------------------------------------TOTAL = 190 points EYE MODEL GRADING SHEET EVAL (PARENT/GUARDIAN) (Please use Rubric) Name: ________________________ Period: _____________ Labeled Model _____/100 points (10 points each) □ Cornea □ Pupil □ Iris □ Lens □ Retina □ Rods □ Cones □ Optic Nerve □ Sclera □ Vitreous Humor □ Tapetum or Aqueous Humor (EC) Creativity ______/10 Grammar/Spelling ______/10 Pictograph _____/50points (5 points each) □ Cornea □ Pupil □ Iris □ Lens □ Retina □ Rods □ Cones □ Optic Nerve □ Sclera □ Vitreous Humor □ Tapetum or Aqueous Humor (EC) Neatness ______/10 Size and Scale _____/10 TOTAL _____/190 Parent/Guardian Signature:_________________________ (Signature states parent/guardian has seen final model before it is turned in and evaluated it) EYE MODEL GRADE SHEET (TEACHER) Name: ________________________ Period: _____________ Labeled Model _____/100 points (10 points each) □ Cornea □ Pupil □ Iris □ Retina □ Rods □ Cones □ Optic Nerve □ Sclera □ Vitreous Humor □ Lens □ Tapetum or Aqueous Humor (EC) Creativity ______/20 Grammar/Spelling ______/10 Pictograph _____/50 points (5 points each) □ Cornea □ Pupil □ Iris □ Retina □ Rods □ Cones □ Optic Nerve □ Sclera □ Vitreous Humor □ Lens □ Tapetum or Aqueous Humor (EC) Neatness ______/10 Size and Scale _____/10 TOTAL _____/190 X___________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature (signed only after project has been graded by teacher. Due:______________ Building A Structure : Eye Model 190 Points Teacher Name: Mrs. Moore Student Name: CATEGORY Properly Labeled Structures X2 (10 points for each structure) Pictograph (5 points for each structure) Creativity X2 (10 points) Neatness X2 (10 points) Size and Scale (X2) (10 points) ________________________________________ Period: __________ 5 4 3 2 Structure clearly shown and resembles truly to the actual structure. Holds up under atypical stresses. Structure shown and resembles truly to the actual structure. Holds up under atypical stresses. Structure somewhat clear and/somewhat resembles true to the actual structure. Holds up well. Fatal flaws in structure and/or does not hold up at all under typical stresses. Descriptions and functions are clearly explained and are accurate. Item used to show structure is placed next to the description and function. Descriptions and functions are somewhat explained, accurate. Item used to show structure is placed next to the description and function. Descriptions and functions are somewhat explained and are accurate. OR Item is missing or incorrect that is used to show structure. Descriptions and functions are not explained very well at all. OR One or both are not accurate. Appropriate materials were selected and creatively modified in ways that made them even better. Appropriate materials were selected and there was an attempt at creative modification to make them even better. Appropriate materials were selected, but no added effects to make it creative. Inappropriate materials were selected and contributed to a product that performed poorly. Great care taken in construction process so that the structure is neat, attractive and follows plans accurately. Construction was careful and accurate for the most part, but 1-2 details could have been refined for a more attractive product. Construction accurately followed the plans, but 3-4 details could have been refined for a more attractive product. Construction appears careless or haphazard. Many details need refinement for a strong or attractive product. Model is no larger than 12” X 12”. All structures are to scale. Model is up to an inch larger than 12” X 12” Model is up to an inch larger than 12” X 12” Model is more than an inch larger 12” X 12” OR AND AND/OR 1-2 structures are not to scale. 1-2 structures are not to scale. More than 3 structures are not to scale 1-2 errors in 3-4 errors in More than 4 errors Grammar/Spelling No errors in grammar or spelling grammar or spelling grammar or spelling in grammar or X2 spelling (10 points)