Chapter 7 Section 2 – The Spanish-American War (p. 268



The Coming of War

(p. 268)


(p. 268-269)

America Reacts

(p. 269-270)

Chapter 7 Section 2 – The Spanish-American War

(p. 268-275)


Last Spanish colonies in the Western Hemisphere (1898) = Cuba and Puerto Rico

Cuba had tried to revolt against Spain several times

 See “Primary Source – Causes of the Spanish-American War” on p. 269

1.) Cuba was a _______________________________________________________________________________

Sugarcane plantations

Mid-1800s = produced 1/3 of world’s sugar

1/3 of Cuba was slaves until 1886

1886 = Spain abolished slavery

2 nd to last country in the Western Hemisphere to abolish slavery (Brazil was the last)

2.) 1868-1878 =_______________________________________________________________________________

3.) _________________________________________________________________________________________ a.) _________________________________________________________________________________

1880s = exiles planned an invasion of Cuba

Early 1890s = US and Cuba linked economically

Cuba exported sugar to US

US invested $50 million in plantations, mines, and railroads

 US placed a tariff on sugar that hurt Cuba’s economy

4.) Feb. 1895 = Marti __________________________________________________________________________ a.) _________________________________________________________________________________

Jose Marti died in the fighting

5.) Sept. 1895 = Set up the ______________________________________________________________________

1.) USA was _________________________________________________________________________________

President Cleveland made the statement that the USA would stay neutral

2.) Americans were ___________________________________________________________________________

3.) _________________________________________________________________________________________

 exaggerated, sensationalist reporting to attract readers

Wrote stories about Spanish atrocities a.) New York Journal = ________________________________________________________________

Spanish fed Cuban prisoners to sharks and dogs b.) New York World = _________________________________________________________________

 Cuba is a place with “blood on the roadsides, blood in the fields, blood on the doorsteps, blood, blood, blood!”

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Spain Reacts

(p. 269-270)

Calls for War

Against Spain

(p. 270-271)

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Chapter 7 Section 2 – The Spanish-American War

(p. 268-275)

1.) __________________________________________________________________________________ to Cuba a.) _____________________________________________________________ = appointed as governor

El Carnicero = The Butcher

2.) Cuban rebels ______________________________________________________________________________ a.) Hoped ___________________________________________________________________________

Hit-and-run raids destroyed plantations, sugar mills, tore up RR tracks, and attacked supply depots

3.) _________________________________________________________________________________________ a.) used to ___________________________________________________________________________

Hundreds of thousands men, women, and children died of starvation and disease

General Weyler sent villagers to concentration camps

News reports of these camps angered Americans

1897 = William McKinley becomes president

Did not want to intervene in the war

Did not want to lose lives or hurt the economy

1.) Sept. 1897 = US asked Spain if the they could help ________________________________________________ in Cuba

Warned that if the war did not end soon, the USA would become involved a.) Spain ____________________________________________________________________________ b.) Spain offered ___________________________ to Cuba if they remained part of the Spanish empire

2.) _________________________________________________________________________________________

3.) Jan. 1898 = ________________________________________________ in Havana, Cuba_________________

Spanish loyalists were upset by the concessions that were offered by Spain to Cuban rebels a.) __________________________________ was sent to _____________________________________

4.) Feb. 9, 1898 = New York Journal printed a Spanish letter that _______________________________________

 written by the Spanish ambassador

It said President McKinley was “weak and a bidder for the admiration of the crowd”

Americans were upset at the insult to the president

5.) Feb. 15, 1898 = __________________________________________________ exploded in the Havana Harbor a.) Americans believed that the __________________________________________________________

 “Remember the Maine”

6.) _________________________________________________________________________________________

Congress authorized $50 million for war and McKinley was pressured to declare war

 jingoism = aggressive nationalism

April 11, 1898 = the president asked Congress to declare war

7.) April 19, 1898 = US Congress proclaimed _______________________________________________________ a.) _________________________________________________________________________________ b.) Gave the president _________________________________________________________________

8.) April 24, 1898 = _________________________________________________________________ on the USA


Chapter 7 Section 2 – The Spanish-American War

(p. 268-275)

The Battle of Manila Bay


(p. 271-272)

American Forces in


(p. 272)

A War on Two Fronts

(p. 271)

Philippines were a Spanish colony

1.) US wanted to prevent the ____________________________________________________________________


2.) May 1, 1898 = Commodore _____________________________________ takes control of ________________


They entered at midnight

At dawn, 4 US ships destroyed all 8 of the Spanish ships

 US was surprised by Dewey’s quick victory

3.) _________________________________________________________________________________________

Troop were sent from San Francisco a.) _________________________________________________________________________________

Guam was a Spanish possession in the Pacific Ocean

4.) _________________________________________________________________________________________

Filipino rebel who had tried to stage an unsuccessful uprising against the Spanish in 1896

Joined with US troops after Dewey contacted him a.) Helped ___________________________________________________________________________


5.) _________________________________________________________________________________________

Manila = Philippine capital

 Spanish troops weren’t prepared to fight in Cuba

Tropical diseases

Weakened from months of fighting rebels

Old warships

Poorly trained crews

Needed to keep their fleet strong to supply troops from Spain to Cuba

US troops were not prepared either

Poor resources to train and equip volunteers

Unsanitary conditions in training camps

More US soldiers died from epidemics than in battle with the Spanish

 US navy’s North Atlantic Squadron blockaded Cuba

1.) June 14, 1898 = 17,000 US troops land _________________________________________________________

Spain had shore-based guns that protected their fleet at Santiago a.) to _______________________________________________________________________________ b.) force __________________________________________________________________________ to do battle

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An American Empire

(p. 273)

Debate Over the

Annexation of the


(p. 273-274)

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Chapter 7 Section 2 – The Spanish-American War

(p. 268-275)

2.) ______________________________________________________ advance towards _____________________

Western US volunteer cavalry unit made up of cowboys, minders and law officers

Led by Colonel Leonard Wood

Theodore Roosevelt was second in command

3.) July 1 = __________________________________________________________________________________ a.) _________________________________________________________________________________

El Caney - a village northeast of Santiago b.) _________________________________________________________________________________

All-black 8 th and 10 th Cavalry Regiments helped the Rough Riders at Kettle Hill o 1/4 th of troops fighting in Cuba were African America o 4 received the Medal of Honor for their bravery c.) _________________________________________________________________________________

The Rough Riders took Kettle Hill and then helped to take San Juan Hill

4.) Spanish fleet ______________________________________________________________________________ a.) July 3 = US ships __________________________________________________________________

All Spanish ships were sunk or beached

5.) _________________________________________________________________________________________

Two weeks after Spanish fleet was destroyed

6.) _________________________________________________________________________________________

 See “The Spanish-American War” on p. 270-271

Cuba would became independent as promised

US would annex Guam and Puerto Rico

Philippines = should the US make it independent or take it over?

Democracy or imperialism?

 See “Debates in History” on p. 272-273

 See “Political Cartoons” on p. 274

1.) _________________________________________________________________________________________ a.) _________________________________________________________________________________ b.) _________________________________________________________________________________ o Stopover for trading ships going to China o Market for US goods c.) _________________________________________________________________________________ o Help “less civilized people” o “Surely this Spanish war has not been to grab for empire but a heroic effort [to] free the oppressed and to teach the millions of ignorant, debased human beings thus freed how to live.” – New England minister


The USA & Cuba

(p. 274-275)

Chapter 7 Section 2 – The Spanish-American War

(p. 268-275)

2.) _________________________________________________________________________________________ a.) _________________________________________________________________________________ o Cost of an empire outweighed economic benefits o Andrew Carnegie b.) _________________________________________________________________________________ o

Imperialism violated American principles o Jane Addams and Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain) c.) _________________________________________________________________________________ o American wages would be driven down by cheap Filipino labor o Samuel Gompers

 William Jennings Bryan = See p. 273 “Debates in History”

3.) President _________________________________________________________________________________

 see “Primary Source” quote on p. 274

 “And one night late it came to me this way . . . (1)that we could not give them back to Spain – that would be cowardly and dishonorable; (2) that we could not turn them over to France or Germany . .

. that we would be bad for business and discreditable; (3) that we could not leave them to themselves – they were unfit for self-government . . . and (4) that t here was nothing left for us to do but to take them all, and to educate the Filipinos, and uplift and civilize and Christianize them.” –

President McKinley in A Diplomatic History of the American People

4.) ______________________________________________________________ = Dec. 10, 1898 = US and Spain a.) _________________________________________________________________________________ b.) _________________________________________________________________________________ c.) _________________________________________________________________________________

Feb. 1899 = Senate ratified the treaty

Cuba was independent and made a new constitution

US wanted to make sure that Cuba had close ties with them

1.) _________________________________________________________________________________________

2.) _________________________________________________________________________________________

Submitted by Senator Orville Platt

Conditions added to the Cuban constitution by the US a.) Cuba could not make ________________________________________________________________ b.) Cuba had to _______________________________________________________________________ c.) Cuba had to keep __________________________________________________________________

___________________________________________________________________________________ d.) _________________________________________________________________________________

3.) _________________________________________________________________________________________

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US Territory

Puerto Rico

(p. 275)

US Territory

The Philippines

(p. 275)

Chapter 7 Section 2 – The Spanish-American War

(p. 268-275)

1.) ____________________________________________ (1900) = set up a ______________________________ for Puerto Rico a.) _________________________________________________________________________________ b.) _______________________________________________________________ and executive council b1.) ________________________________________________________________________ o US president had final authority

2.) US Supreme Court ruled that _________________________________________________________________

Puerto Ricans did not have constitutional rights of citizens

3.) 1917 = Puerto Ricans granted ________________________________________________________________

4.) 1947 = Puerto Ricans _______________________________________________________________________

Today = debate over state, independent country, or continue as self-governing commonwealth of the USA

1.) ______________________________________________________________________________ (1899-1902)

Also called the Philippine Insurrection

2.) Emilio Aguinaldo led _______________________________________________________________________

126,000 US soldiers were sent to fight the rebels

50,000-200,000 Filipinos died

4,300 US soldiers died from combat or disease

3.) US ______________________________________________________________________________________ a.) _________________________________________________________________________________

Thousands of civilians died of disease and starvation

4.) ______________________________________________________________ – first US __________________


Tried to win over the Filipinos by making improvements a.) Improved _________________________________________________________________________

____________________________________________________________________________________ b.) Helped to _________________________________________________________________________ c.) Reforms helped ____________________________________________________________________

5.) March 1901 – _____________________________________________________________________________

6.) July 4, 1902 = US __________________________________________________________________________

7.) Mid-1930s = US ___________________________________________________________________________

They were allowed to elect their own congress and president

8.) _________________________________________________________________________________________

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