MASTER MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST OPERATIONAL AND MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES GUIDE Cessna Model 750 Citation CE-750 (U.S. Registered Airplanes) THIS MASTER MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST OPERATIONAL AND MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES GUIDE SHALL BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION MASTER MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST. COPYRIGHT © 1996 CESSNA AIRCRAFT COMPANY WICHITA, KANSAS, USA 75MELM05 1 OCTOBER 1996 REVISION 5 5 May 2007 CESSNA AIRCRAFT COMPANY MODEL 750 MASTER MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST OPERATIONAL AND MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES NOTICE THE MASTER MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST (MMEL) IS DISTRIBUTED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION. THIS MASTER MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST OPERATIONAL AND MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES GUIDE CONTAINS ONLY THE ITEMS FROM THE MASTER MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST WHICH HAVE OPERATIONAL (O) OR MAINTENANCE (M) PROCEDURE REQUIREMENTS. CESSNA DOES NOT SUPPORT MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST ITEMS NOT PUBLISHED IN THE MMEL. CESSNA’S POLICY IS TO REVISE THIS GUIDE ONLY TO ACCOMMODATE CHANGES TO A NEW MMEL REVISION WHICH REQUIRE A CHANGE TO, OR A NEW, OPERATIONAL (O) OR MAINTENANCE (M) REQUIRED PROCEDURE. IF A REVISED MMEL IS RELEASED, BUT DOES NOT AFFECT ANY REQUIRED PROCEDURE, THE OPERATIONAL AND MAINTENANCE (O&M) GUIDE WILL NOT BE REVISED AT THAT TIME. OPERATIONAL (O) AND MAINTENANCE (M) PROCEDURES IN THIS GUIDE ARE RECOMMENDED BY CESSNA AIRCRAFT COMPANY. THIS DOCUMENT IS NOT FAA APPROVED, BUT IS INTENDED TO AID OPERATORS IN WRITING AND GAINING APPROVAL FOR THEIR SPECIFIC MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST (MEL). THE OPERATOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ENSURING THAT ALL CREWMEMBERS ARE PROPERLY TRAINED IN THE USE OF MEL (O) AND (M) PROCEDURES. THE NARRATIVE SECTION OF EACH MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE IS INTENDED TO SATISFY THE FAR 135 MEL REQUIREMENT FOR TRAINING NONMAINTENANCE INDIVIDUALS WHOM ARE AUTHORIZED, IN THE MEL, TO PERFORM MAINTENANCE TASKS. LOG OF EFFECTIVE PAGES Use this page to determine the currency and applicability of your Master Minimum Equipment List Operational and Maintenance Procedures Guide. Pages affected by the current revision are indicated by an asterisk (*) preceding the pages listed under the Page column of the effective log. Following is a description of the Log of Effective Pages columns: Page - Master Minimum Equipment List Operational and Maintenance Procedures Guide page number. Page Status - Indicates if the page has been added, revised or deleted by the current revision. Revision Number - Indicates the revision number. REVISION NUMBER Original Revision 1 Revision 2 Revision 3 Revision 4 Revision 5 PAGE * Title * i thru ii/iii 21-1 thru 21-2 21-3 thru 21-4 21-5 * 21-6 * 22-1 22-2 * 23-1 * 23-2 * 23-3 * 23-4 thru 23-6 24-1 * 24-2 * 25-1 DATE 1 October 1996 1 August 1997 1 September 1998 2 August 1999 15 April 2002 5 May 2007 PAGE STATUS Revised Revised Revised Revised Added Blank Revised Revised Revised Revised Added Added Revised Blank Revised REVISION NUMBER 5 5 1 4 4 5 5 2 5 5 5 5 1 5 5 (Continued Next Page) I 75MELM04 MASTER MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST OPERATIONAL AND MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES CESSNA AIRCRAFT COMPANY MODEL 750 LOG OF EFFECTIVE PAGES (Continued) PAGE NUMBER PAGE STATUS * 25-2 Added * 26-1 Revised * 26-2 Blank 27-1 Revised 27-2 Added 28-1 Revised * 28-2 thru 28-3 Revised * 28-4 Blank * 30-1 Revised * 30-2 Blank * 31-1 Revised * 31-2 Blank * 33-1 Revised * 33-2 Blank * 34-1 thru 34-2 Revised * 34-2A thru 34-2D Added * 34-3 thru 34-7 Revised * 34-8 Blank * 35-1 Added * 35-2 Blank * 38-1 thru 38-4 Added * 49-1 Revised * 49-2 Added * 52-1 Added * 52-3 Blank 71-1 Revised * 71-2 Blank 73-1 Revised * 73-2 Blank 77-1 Revised * 77-2 Blank 78-1 Original 78-2 Original 80-1 Revised A-1 thru A-2 Original A-3 Revised * A-4 thru A-7 Revised * A-8 Deleted REVISION 5 5 5 4 4 1 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 1 5 1 5 1 5 0 0 1 0 1 5 5 THIS MANUAL IS CURRENT WITH: THE MASTER MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST, WHICH IS DISTRIBUTED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION - REVISION 3a DATED 4/12/2006 FOR THE AIRPLANES LISTED ON THE COVER. 75MELM04 ii/iii MASTER MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST OPERATIONAL AND MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES SYSTEM & SEQUENCE NUMBERS CESSNA AIRCRAFT COMPANY MODEL 750 REMARKS OR EXCEPTIONS 21 AIR CONDITIONING 3. Bilevel Flow Control Valves (O) May be inoperative provided: a) Both valves are verified closed, b) PAC Switches remain OFF, c) Wemac Boost is operational, d) Aircraft is operated unpressurized, e) Aircraft is operated at or below 10,000 MSL, and f) Baggage compartment remains empty. OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES (To Verify no air is flowing out of PACs) Refer to Procedures Guide Appendix page A-3 (Air Distribution Flow Diagram) while performing this procedure. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Start both engines. Ensure APU is shut down and Wemac Boost is OFF. Position CKPT PAC and CABIN PAC selectors to OFF. Place ISOL VALVE to the CLSD (vertical) position. Close all cabin overhead outlets (Wemacs) and open cockpit overhead air outlets. a. There should be no airflow from the cockpit overhead air outlets. Switch to manual pressurization and select and hold the manual control toggle (cherry picker) to the DOWN position. No change in cabin rate should be observed on the cabin rate-ofclimb indicator. Shut down engines. Place placard adjacent to the environmental control panel stating, "COCKPIT AND CABIN PAC's INOP." Make appropriate discrepancy report entry. NARRATIVE With both bi-level flow control valves inoperative, the aircraft may be dispatched if both valves are verified in the closed position. No airflow out of either PAC will indicate that both bilevel flow control valves are in the closed position. Using the manual pressurization is a secondary check to ensure the valves are closed and the cabin is not being pressurized. However, presence of airflow indicates one or both valves are stuck in the open position and further troubleshooting should be initiated prior to aircraft dispatch. 75MELM01 21-1 CESSNA AIRCRAFT COMPANY MODEL 750 SYSTEM & SEQUENCE NUMBERS MASTER MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST OPERATIONAL AND MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES REMARKS OR EXCEPTIONS 21 AIR CONDITIONING 4. Pac Isolation Valve (M) May be inoperative provided: a) Isolation valve is verified CLOSED, b) Both PAC's are operative, c) The APU is operative, and d) Aircraft is operated at or below FL410. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES (To verify Isolation Valve is closed, both PACs operative, and APU is operative) Refer to Procedures Guide Appendix pages A-3 (Air Distribution Flow Diagram) while performing this procedure. NOTE: The following procedure requires use of airplane engines. Locate the airplane in an engine run up area. 1. 2. Set parking brake with antiskid off. Start the right engine per checklist procedures and set idle power. (a) Place the isolation valve switch on the environmental control panel to the CLSD position. Set APU BLEED AIR switch to OFF. (b) Place the CAB PAC in the ON position. Place the CKPT PAC to the ON position. (c) Place the R ENG BLD AIR switch to the HP/LP position. (d) Verify the isolation valve is closed by ensuring no airflow is present at the pilot and co-pilot's footwarmer ducts located beneath the rudder pedals. (e) Verify airflow is present from the left side dropped aisle ducting in the cabin area. 3. Verify both PACs are operative as follows: (a) Start left engine per checklist procedures, and set at idle power. Set APU BLEED AIR switch to OFF and verify ISO VALVE is set to closed. (b) Place the CKPT PAC in the ON position. Place the CABIN PAC in the ON Position. (c). Place the L ENG BLD AIR switch to the HP/LP position. Place the R ENG BLD AIR switch to the HP/LP position. (d) Verify airflow is present at the pilot's and co-pilot's footwarmer duct located beneath the rudder pedals and airflow is present from the left side dropped aisle ducting in the cabin area. (Continued Next Page) 21-2 75MELM01 MASTER MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST OPERATIONAL AND MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES SYSTEM & SEQUENCE NUMBERS CESSNA AIRCRAFT COMPANY MODEL 750 REMARKS OR EXCEPTIONS 21 AIR CONDITIONING 4. Pac Isolation Valve (continued) 4. 5. Shut down engines. Start APU per the checklist procedures and verify normal operation. (a) Place the isolation valve switch on the environmental control panel to the CLSD position. (b) Set APU BLEED AIR to ON. Place the CAB PAC in the ON position. PLACE THE CKPT PAC in the ON position. (c). Place the R ENG BLD AIR switch to the HP/LP position. (d) Verify the isolation valve is closed by ensuring no airflow is present at the pilot and co-pilot's footwarmer ducts located beneath the rudder pedals. (e) Verify airflow is present from the left side dropped aisle ducting in the cabin area. 6. Place placard adjacent to the ISOL VALVE selector stating, "ISOL VALVE INOP." 7. Make appropriate discrepancy report entry. 6. Outflow Valves (M)(O) Both may be inoperative provided. a) At least one valve is secured OPEN, b) Aircraft is operated in an unpressurized configuration, c) Aircraft is operated at or below 10,000 feet MSL, and d) Baggage compartment remains empty. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES (To Secure Outflow Valve(s) NOTE: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The secondary outflow valve is the most accessible of the two outflow valves and is located on the right side of the aft cabin area at FS 424.54, WL 106.15. Gain access to the secondary outflow valve by removing necessary equipment and furnishings on right side of the vanity area. Remove tee-bolt latch and O-ring at base of outflow valve. Pull outflow valve from pressure bulkhead enough to secure the valve away from the bulkhead opening. Place placard adjacent to the pressurization control panel stating, "PRESSURIZATION SYSTEM INOP." Make appropriate discrepancy report entry. OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES 1. 2. 3. 75MELM04 Prior to engine start, crew will select “MANUAL” pressurization control. Following takeoff, crew will monitor cabin differential gauge to ensure differential remains at “0”. Do not operate the aircraft above 10,000 feet MSL. 21-3 CESSNA AIRCRAFT COMPANY MODEL 750 SYSTEM & SEQUENCE NUMBERS MASTER MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST OPERATIONAL AND MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES REMARKS OR EXCEPTIONS 21 AIR CONDITIONING 8. Cabin Differential Pressure Gauge (O) May be inoperative provided: a) Cabin Altimeter is operative, and b) A Chart is provided to convert Altitude Pressure to Differential Pressure. OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES 1. 2. 3. Refer to Standard Atmosphere Chart Appendix Page A-2 to convert cabin altitude to differential pressure. Place placard adjacent to Cabin Differential Pressure Gauge stating, “CABIN DIFFERENTIAL GAUGE INOPERATIVE.” Make appropriate discrepancy report entry. 10. Cabin Altimeter (O) May be inoperative provided: a) Cabin Differential Pressure Gauge is operative, and b) A Chart is provided to convert Differential Pressure to Altitude Pressure. OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES 1. 2. 3. Refer to Standard Atmosphere Chart Appendix Page A-2 to convert cabin differential pressure to altitude. Place placard adjacent to Cabin Differential Pressure Gauge stating, “CABIN ALTIMETER INOPERATIVE.” Make appropriate discrepancy report entry. 16. Baggage Door Seal (O) May be inoperative provided: a) The aircraft is operated below 41,000 feet, b) The number of flights with the baggage compartment not pressurized is logged, and c) AFM and Maintenance Manual limitations are complied with. OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES 1. 2. 17. APU Bleed Air Max Cool Valve Record number of flights made with the baggage compartment unpressurized. Make appropriate discrepancy report entry. (M) May be inoperative provided a blocking plate is installed to block APU cooling bleed airflow. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE 1. 2. 21-4 Using a stainless steel sheet at least .025 inches, up to a thickness which will allow the duct/valve/V-band clamp assembly to be re-assembled, fabricate a stainless steel circular disk, with a diameter the same as the outside diameter of the flanges on the duct and the valve. With the V-band clamp removed, slide the disk in place between the duct and valve flanges. (Continued Next Page) 75MELM04 MASTER MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST OPERATIONAL AND MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES SYSTEM & SEQUENCE NUMBERS CESSNA AIRCRAFT COMPANY MODEL 750 REMARKS OR EXCEPTIONS 21 AIR CONDITIONING 17. APU Bleed Air Max Cool Valve (Continued) 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Hold the lower half of the clamp in place to prevent the disk from slipping out. Reinstall the V-band clamp. Do a functional check to detect any escaping air from capped line or valve. (a) Start the APU. (b) Turn the bleed air and at least one of the ECU's ON to provide conditioned air to cabin. (c) A technician should carefully check for leaks. There should be no air escaping. Place a maintenance tag on the assembly after blocking. Make appropriate discrepancy report entry. Placard the Max Cool Valve switch on the APU control panel stating "Bleed Air Max Cool Valve INOP." NOTE 75MELM04 The above procedure requires the installation of a blocking plate. In the absence of a blocking plate installation, with an "OPEN" failed valve, it will not be possible to start the engines using the APU. Aircraft must be started with an air supply cart. Refer to MMEL for APU INOP relief. 21-5 MASTER MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST OPERATIONAL AND MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES SYSTEM & SEQUENCE NUMBERS CESSNA AIRCRAFT COMPANY MODEL 750 REMARKS OR EXCEPTIONS 22 AUTO FLIGHT 1. Autopilot Systems (Flight Guidance Computers) (O) May be inoperative except where RVSM or approach minimums require use of an autopilot provided both Flight Guidance Computers are verified to be operative. (O) One autopilot may be inoperative provided both Flight Guidance Computers are verified to be operative. OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES (for both Autopilot relief items) 1. 2. 3. 4. 3. 4. 2. Lower Rudder Yaw Damper Place placard adjacent to Flight Guidance Controller, “Autopilot (A/B/Both) INOPERATIVE.” Make appropriate discrepancy report entry. Refer to AFM Normal Procedures for Cockpit Preparation and Flight Guidance power up. When the flight guidance is poweredup it accomplishes a system self-test, which takes approximately 30 seconds to complete. When the test is completed, the white FGC A-B MASTER status message will be displayed for five seconds. If failure is detected in either FGC, the blue advisory message FGC A-B FAIL will be displayed. Verify that the white FGC A-B MASTER CAS message is displayed, and FGC A-B FAIL is not displayed. ------------------------ or --------------------------------------With electrical power and avionics on, from MFD Main page 2/2, select FGC Source from A to B, and from B to A. Verify that the FGC A-B FAIL CAS message is not displayed. (O) May be inoperative provided: a) AFM limitations applicable to dual rudder YD failure (see YD FAIL LOWER A-B amber abnormal procedure) are complied with, and b) Both Flight Guidance Computers (FGC's) are verified operative. OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 75MELM05 Place placard adjacent to EICAS Display stating, “Lower Rudder Yaw Damper (A or B) INOPERATIVE.” Make appropriate discrepancy report entry. With electrical power and avionics on, from MFD Main page 2/2, select FGC Source to the side that has the OPERATIVE Lower Rudder Yaw Damper. Verify that EICAS does NOT display an FGC FAIL CAS message. Verify that EICAS does NOT display an YD FAIL LOWER A-B amber message. (Cyan message may be displayed.) NOTE: If FGC Source is selected to the side with the inoperative Yaw Damper, crew should observe a momentary FGC FAIL CAS message, followed by an uncommanded FGC source swap to the "good" side. Flight should be dispatched with the FGC selected to the "good" side. FGC comparator monitoring will still be available, though the autopilot on the "bad" side will not engage because of the failed Yaw Damper. 22-1 CESSNA AIRCRAFT COMPANY MODEL 750 SYSTEM & SEQUENCE NUMBERS MASTER MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST OPERATIONAL AND MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES REMARKS OR EXCEPTIONS 22 AUTO FLIGHT 4. Autopilot Disconnect Switches (AP/TRIM/NWS DISC Switches) (O) Either the pilot's or copilot's control wheel switch may be inoperative provided: a) The autopilot is not utilized at less than initial approach altitude, b) NWS is verified operational, c) Pitch trim is verified operational, and d) Pilot flying must have operational autopilot Disengage switch. OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES 1. 2. Make appropriate discrepancy report entry. Place placard forward of affected control wheel stating: "Autopilot Disconnect Switch INOP." 3. Crew briefings will include a reminder of the inoperative Autopilot Disconnect Switch. 4. Verify operation of Pitch Trim Control and Disconnect Function on left and right control wheel: (a) Pilot side: Verify that Stabilizer follows up and down Primary Pitch Trim inputs and will Disconnect using A/P Disconnect Switch. (b) Repeat 4. (a) for Copilot's Pitch Trim Control and A/P Disconnect Switch. One side must successfully complete test. 5. Verify operation of Nose Wheel Steering and Disconnect Function on left and right control wheel: (a) Pilot side: With Nose Wheel Steering on, verify that nose wheel follows left and right tiller inputs and will Disconnect using A/P Disconnect Switch. (b) Repeat 5. (a) using Copilot's A/P Disconnect Switch. One side must successfully complete test. 22-2 75MELM05 MASTER MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST OPERATIONAL AND MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES SYSTEM & SEQUENCE NUMBERS CESSNA AIRCRAFT COMPANY MODEL 750 REMARKS OR EXCEPTIONS 23 COMMUNICATIONS 2. High Frequency (HF) Communication Systems (O) May be inoperative while conducting operations that require two LRC’s provided: a) SATCOM Voice or Data Link operates normally. b) Alternate procedures are established and used. c) SATCOM coverage is available over the intended route of flight. d) Prior coordination with the appropriate ATC facility is required when INMARSAT codes for SATCOM Voice are not available. NOTE: SATCOM is to be used only as a backup to normal HF communications unless otherwise authorized by the appropriate ATC facilities. OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES 1. 2. 3. 4. Make appropriate discrepancy report entry. Place a placard next to the HF radio controller stating, “HF RADIO INOPERATIVE.” Prior to each flight a crewmember will use either the SATCOM Data Link or Voice system to transmit and receive information from a ground station to ensure that one of the systems are operational. Prior to each flight a crewmember will review SATCOM system User’s Guide or Manual to ensure that coverage exists for the intended route of flight. 3. Passenger Address (PA) System 1) Passenger Configuration (O) May be inoperative provided: a) Alternate, normal, and emergency procedures, and/or operating restrictions are established and used. (O) May be inoperative provided: a) PA not required by FAR, and b) Alternate, normal and emergency procedures, and/or operating restrictions are established and used. NOTE: Any station function (s) that operate normally may be used. OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES 1. 2. 3. 4. 75MELM05 Before entering the cockpit, a crewmember will orally brief the passengers on the items for which he/she would normally use the Passenger Address System. During normal, abnormal or emergency conditions, a crewmember shall face the passengers from the cockpit and perform such announcements and/or give such instructions as are appropriate to the situation. Place placards stating “PA SYSTEM INOP” next to each audio control panel. Make appropriate discrepancy report entry. 23-1 CESSNA AIRCRAFT COMPANY MODEL 750 SYSTEM & SEQUENCE NUMBERS MASTER MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST OPERATIONAL AND MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES REMARKS OR EXCEPTIONS 23 COMMUNICATIONS 1) Passenger Configuration a) Lavatory Speakers (O) May be inoperative provided alternate procedures are established and used. OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES 1. 2. 3. 4. Before entering the cockpit, a crewmember will orally brief the passengers on the items for which he/she would normally use the Passenger Address System. During normal, abnormal or emergency conditions, a crewmember shall face the passengers from the cockpit and perform such announcements and/or give such instructions as are appropriate to the situation. Place placards stating “PA SYSTEM INOP” next to each audio control panel. Make appropriate discrepancy report entry. 2) Cargo Configuration (Courier or Supernumerary Address System) a) Lavatory Speakers (O) May be inoperative provided alternate procedures are used for required passenger briefings. OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES 1. 2. 3. 4. 23-2 Before entering the cockpit, a crewmember will orally brief the passengers on the items for which he/she would normally use the Passenger Address System. During normal, abnormal or emergency conditions, a crewmember shall face the passengers from the cockpit and perform such announcements and/or give such instructions as are appropriate to the situation. Place placards stating “PA SYSTEM INOP” next to each audio control panel. Make appropriate discrepancy report entry. 75MELM05 MASTER MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST OPERATIONAL AND MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES SYSTEM & SEQUENCE NUMBERS CESSNA AIRCRAFT COMPANY MODEL 750 REMARKS OR EXCEPTIONS 23 COMMUNICATIONS 4. Crewmember Interphone System(s) 1) Passenger Configuration a) Flight Deck to cabin, Cabin to Flight Deck Functions (O) May be inoperative provided: a) Flight deck to cabin and cabin to flight deck interphone functions operate normally on at least fifty percent of the cabin handsets. OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES 1. 2. 3. 4. b) Flight Deck to Ground Function Before entering the cockpit, a crewmember will orally brief the passengers on the items for which he/she would normally use the Interphone System. During normal, abnormal or emergency conditions, a crewmember shall face the passengers from the cockpit and perform such announcements and/or give such instructions as are appropriate to the situation. Place placards stating “COCKPIT-CABIN INTERPHONE SYSTEM INOP” next to each audio control panel. Make appropriate discrepancy report entry. (O) May be inoperative provided alternate procedures are established and used. OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES 1. 2. 3. 4. 75MELM05 Before entering the aircraft, a crewmember will orally brief the ground crew on the items for which he/she would normally use the Interphone System. During ground operation the flight crew will use voice commands and/or hand signals to communicate with the ground crew Place placards stating “FLIGHT DECK TO GROUND INTERPHONE SYSTEM INOP” next to each audio control panel. Make appropriate discrepancy report entry. 23-3 CESSNA AIRCRAFT COMPANY MODEL 750 SYSTEM & SEQUENCE NUMBERS MASTER MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST OPERATIONAL AND MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES REMARKS OR EXCEPTIONS 23 COMMUNICATIONS 2) Cargo Configuration a) Flight Deck to Cabin, Cabin to Flight Deck Functions (O)May be inoperative provided: alternate, normal and emergency procedures, and/or operating restrictions are established and used. OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES 1. 2. 3. 4. b) Flight Deck to Ground Functions Before entering the cockpit, a crewmember will orally brief the occupants on the items for which he/she would normally use the Interphone System. During normal, abnormal or emergency conditions, a crewmember shall face the occupants from the cockpit and perform such announcements and/or give such instructions as are appropriate to the situation. Place placards stating “XXXX INTERPHONE SYSTEM INOP” next to each audio control panel. Make appropriate discrepancy report entry. (O) May be inoperative provided alternate procedures are established and used. OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES 1. 2. 3. 4. 10. Recorded Passenger Briefing System Before entering the aircraft, a crewmember will orally brief the ground crew on the items for which he/she would normally use the Interphone System. During ground operation the flight crew will use voice commands and/or hand signals to communicate with the ground crew Place placards stating “COCKPIT-GROUND INTERPHONE SYSTEM INOP” next to each audio control panel. Make appropriate discrepancy report entry. (O) May be inoperative provided alternate procedures are used for required passenger briefings. OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES 1. 2. 3. 4. 23-4 Before entering the cockpit, a crewmember will orally brief the passengers on the items for which he/she would normally use the Cabin Briefer System. During normal, abnormal or emergency conditions, a crewmember shall face the passengers from the cockpit and perform such announcements and/or give such instructions as are appropriate to the situation. Place placards stating “CABIN BRIEFING SYSTEM INOP” adjacent to the control panel. Make appropriate discrepancy report entry. 75MELM05 MASTER MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST OPERATIONAL AND MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES SYSTEM & SEQUENCE NUMBERS CESSNA AIRCRAFT COMPANY MODEL 750 REMARKS OR EXCEPTIONS 23 COMMUNICATIONS 13. Flight Deck Speaker System (O) May be inoperative provided: a) Affected speaker(s) is not required for procedures or aural warnings, and b) A headset is installed, operative, and used for each cockpit position. OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE 1. 2. 3. 14. Radio Management Unit (RMU) Crew will test operation of aural warning systems, including but not limited to GPWS, TCAS, to ensure that sufficient flight deck speakers are operative for crew to hear aural warnings from all affected systems. Place placard stating “XXXXX SPEAKER IS INOPERATIVE” next to the appropriate audio control panel, “XXXXX” being location of the inoperative speaker. Make appropriate discrepancy report entry. (O) May be inoperative provided: a) Remaining RMU is verified to operate normally, and b) Auxiliary Com/Nav Control Display Unit is verified to operate normally. OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE 1. 2. 3. 15. Electronic Checklist System (with or without Cabin Briefing) Prior to each flight a crewmember will use the Auxiliary Com/Nav Control Display Unit to tune at least one com channel and at least one navigational aid, checking for proper reception and transmission. Place placard stating “RMU INOPERATIVE” on the inoperative RMU. Make appropriate discrepancy report entry. (O) May be inoperative provided: a) Paper Checklist is available and b) Alternate normal, abnormal, and emergency operations briefing procedures are established and used. OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE 1. 2. 3. 75MELM05 Crewmembers will ensure that the standard checklist is available and be briefed on its use. If cabin briefer is installed and inoperative, crewmembers will brief passengers. Make appropriate entry on discrepancy report. 23-5 MASTER MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST OPERATIONAL AND MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES SYSTEM & SEQUENCE NUMBERS CESSNA AIRCRAFT COMPANY MODEL 750 REMARKS OR EXCEPTIONS 23 COMMUNICATIONS 16. SATCOM (O) May be inoperative provided procedures do not require its use. (i.e. see item 23-2, HF Comm) OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE 1. Prior to each flight a crewmember will use either the SATCOM Data Link or Voice system to transmit and receive information from a ground station to ensure that one of the systems are operational. 2. Prior to each flight a crewmember will review SATCOM system User’s Guide or Manual to ensure that coverage exists for the intended route of flight. 3. Make appropriate discrepancy entry. 4. Place placard over SATCOM Controller stating “ SATCOM INOP”. 23-6 75MELM05 MASTER MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST OPERATIONAL AND MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES SYSTEM & SEQUENCE NUMBERS CESSNA AIRCRAFT COMPANY MODEL 750 REMARKS OR EXCEPTIONS 24 ELECTRICAL POWER 2. Main Ship Batteries (Aircraft with Parallel Electrical System) (M) One may be inoperative provided: a) The affected battery is disconnected and the connector is stowed, b) The APU is running and the APU generator is verified operating, c) The maximum altitude is FL310, and d) The affected battery switch remains in the OFF position. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 3. Locate the affected battery on either the left or right side fuselage access panel just aft of the wing fairing. Disconnect affected battery connector and cover with a plastic bag and secure with tie wrap. Secure battery connector to prevent movement within compartment. Place placard next to the Battery switch stating which battery has been disconnected and secured. Make appropriate discrepancy report entry. Engine Driven Generators (Aircraft with Parallel Electrical System) (M) One may be inoperative provided: a) The APU is running and the APU generator is verified operating, and b) The maximum altitude is FL310. (Aircraft with Split Bus Electrical System) (M) LH GEN may be inoperative provided: a) DC POWER XTIE Switch – CLOSED, b) The APU is running and the APU generator is verified operating by selecting RH GEN to OFF, verify that load is picked up, then turn RH GEN to ON, and c) the maximum altitude is FL310. (M) RH GEN may be inoperative provided: a) DC POWER XTIE Switch – OPEN, b) The APU is running and the APU GEN verified operating, and c) the maximum altitude is FL310. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES NOTE: 1. 2. 3. 4. 75MELM01 The following procedure is to be used for all three generator relief items above. For all three, APU is to be left running for duration of flight to provide generator redundancy. Remove the affected generator from the engine accessory gearbox and inspect for damage. If the generator is sound and rotates freely, it may be reinstalled for aircraft dispatch. If the generator is not sound or does not rotate freely, it must be repaired or replaced before dispatch of the aircraft. Place a placard near the appropriate generator switch stating, "LEFT/RIGHT GENERATOR INOP." Make appropriate discrepancy report entry. 24-1 MASTER MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST OPERATIONAL AND MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES SYSTEM & SEQUENCE NUMBERS CESSNA AIRCRAFT COMPANY MODEL 750 REMARKS OR EXCEPTIONS 25 EQUIPMENT / FURNISHINGS 1. Passenger Seats 2) Underseat Baggage Restraining Bars (O) May be inoperative provided: a) Baggage is not stowed under seat with inoperative restraining bar, b) Associated seat is placarded “DO NOT STOW BAGGAGE UNDER THIS SEAT”, and c) Procedures are established to alert Cabin Crew of inoperative restraining bar. OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE 1. 2. 3. 3) Armrest Make appropriate entry in discrepancy report. A crewmember shall brief cabin crew or passengers. Briefing will specify which seats are affected, and that baggage should not be stored under those seats. Using a folded paper or other method that will not damage chair, hang or attach a placard to the seat-back stating “DO NOT STORE BAGGAGE ITEMS BENEATH THIS SEAT.” (O) May be inoperative and occupied provided: a) Seat does not block an Emergency Exit, and b) Seat does not restrict any passenger from the main aircraft aisle. OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE 1. Make appropriate entry in discrepancy report. 2. A crewmember shall brief cabin crew or passengers. Briefing will specify which seats are affected. 3. Using a folded paper or other method that will not damage chair, hang or attach a placard to the seat-back stating “ ARMREST INOP”. 11. Pilot seat or Copilot Seat 3) Armrest (M) May be inoperative provided: a) Affected armrest is stowed in the retracted position, and b) Seat is acceptable to the affected crewmember. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES 1. 2. 3. 4. 75MELM05 Make appropriate entry in discrepancy report Obtain tie wrap or equivalent material of twelve inches in length. Place armrest in the stowed position. Secure armrest to the exposed bungee material between the folds of the map pocket behind the crew seat. 25-1 CESSNA AIRCRAFT COMPANY MODEL 750 SYSTEM & SEQUENCE NUMBERS MASTER MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST OPERATIONAL AND MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES REMARKS OR EXCEPTIONS 25 EQUIPMENT / FURNISHINGS 13. Cabin Storage Compartments/ Closets (M) May be inoperative provided: a) Procedures are established to secure the compartment closed, b) The compartment is not used for the storage of emergency equipment, and c) The affected compartment (s) is not used for the storage of any item except those that are permanently affixed. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 25-2 Make appropriate entry in discrepancy report. A crewmember shall close and secure the affected compartment utilizing tape as appropriate to insure the compartment will not come open in flight. A crewmember will ensure the compartment does not contain any items, including emergency equipment except for items that are permanently affixed. A crewmember will brief the passengers as to the location of the emergency equipment, if move from the standard location. Place placard over affected compartment (s) stating “ COMPARTMENT INOP”. 75MELM05 MASTER MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST OPERATIONAL AND MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES SYSTEM & SEQUENCE NUMBERS CESSNA AIRCRAFT COMPANY MODEL 750 REMARKS OR EXCEPTIONS 26 FIRE PROTECTION 2. Baggage Area Smoke Detection System (O) May be inoperative provided: a) No baggage is carried. b) The baggage isolation valve is closed, and c) Procedures are established to log the pressurization cycles and flight hours when the baggage isolation valve is closed. OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES 1. 2. Record each pressurization cycle event during the time the baggage isolation valve is closed. Make appropriate discrepancy report entry. NOTE: 3. APU Fire Detection and Extinguishing System One pressurization cycle is defined as one flight and may be used synonymous with landings. (M) May be inoperative provided the APU is secured and other procedures do not require the use of the APU. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES 1. 2. 3. 1) APU FIRE PUSH Illuminated Switch Disengage and tie wrap master circuit breaker located on the APU section of the right circuit breaker panel. Place placard on APU control panel stating, "APU INOP -- APU FIRE DETECT AND EXT SYS INOP." Make appropriate entry in discrepancy report. (O) May be inoperative provided the APU FIRE CAS message, Master Warning Lights, APU System Master, and Aural Warnings are verified to operate normally. OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES 1. Utilize the APU test switch on the APU panel to verify the items listed above are operational. 2. Make appropriate discrepancy entry. 3. Place placard over APU FIRE PUSH switch stating “ APU FIRE PUSH SWITCH INOP”. 75MELM05 26-1 MASTER MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST OPERATIONAL AND MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES SYSTEM & SEQUENCE NUMBERS CESSNA AIRCRAFT COMPANY MODEL 750 REMARKS OR EXCEPTIONS 27 FLIGHT CONTROLS 1. Synoptic Wing Display (O) Individual components of the synoptic wing display may be inoperative provided: a) The affected system is visually checked for proper operation prior to each takeoff, and b) The affected aspects of the NO TAKEOFF warning system are verified to be operational. OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES 1. 2. Prior to departure, a crewmember will visually verify the operation of the slats, speed brakes and roll spoilers. Verify a NO TAKEOFF advisory (Cyan) CAS message is given with weight-on-wheels, throttles less than 60 degrees and one or more of the following: NOTE: Throttles will be less than 60 degrees power lever angle (PLA) when positioned at idle detent and greater than 60 degrees PLA when positioned at the CLB detent. (a) Slats asymmetry or not deployed. (b) Speed brakes extended. 3. Place a placard adjacent to the EICAS display stating which individual component of the synoptic wing display is inoperative. 4. Make appropriate discrepancy report entry. 2. Control Lock Thandle (Units – 0001 to –0062) (M) May be inoperative provided the system is secured unlocked. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 75MELM04 Remove co-pilot seat and pedestal forward kick-panel on co-pilot side. Remove floorboard 142BT (floorboard surrounding co-pilot's control yoke). Ensure that control lock system is unlocked. Torque-tube arm connected to control-lock control cable should be at full aft travel, with striker plate/latch assembly pulled inboard, away from left hand secondary elevator stop arm. (Refer to 750 Maintenance Manual Detail A, Figure 201, chapter 27-70-00) Using a loop of safety wire through the inboard anchor point for the forward striker plate/latch assembly spring, around the striker plate/latch assembly, and through the inboard anchor point for the aft striker plate spring, secure the striker plate/latch assembly in the retracted (unlocked, inboard) position. (Refer to same section of Maintenance Manual, Figure 202) Secure rudder-lock portion of system at the top of the co-pilot's rudder pedal torque-tubes by installing tie-wrap from the front of the catch, just beneath the cable clevis, around the aft side of the bracket where the springs are anchored, and tightening the tiewrap. (Continued Next Page) 27-1 CESSNA AIRCRAFT COMPANY MODEL 750 SYSTEM & SEQUENCE NUMBERS MASTER MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST OPERATIONAL AND MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES REMARKS OR EXCEPTIONS 27 FLIGHT CONTROLS 2. Control Lock Thandle (Units – 0001 to –0062) (Continued) 27-2 6. Operate controls to verify that elevator and rudder pedals will operate smoothly through their full travel, with no interference. 7. Reinstall the pedestal kick-panel with a maintenance tag stating “Elevator and Rudder Control Lock Disabled.” 8. Re-install co-pilot seat. 9. Safety wire the Control Lock T-Handle in the stowed position. 10. Make an appropriate entry on the discrepancy report. 11. Place a placard on the LH control yoke stating, “FLIGHT CONTROL LOCK INOP.” 75MELM04 MASTER MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST OPERATIONAL AND MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES SYSTEM & SEQUENCE NUMBERS CESSNA AIRCRAFT COMPANY MODEL 750 REMARKS OR EXCEPTIONS 28 FUEL 1. Wing Tank Fuel Quantity Display (M) One may be inoperative provided: a) Fuel Low Level message is operative. b) Both Fuel Flow Indicators are operative, c) The FMS fuel quantity function is operative and utilized, d) Both Wing Tanks are completely filled with fuel, or e) The fuel quantity in both wing tanks is determined by a reliable means. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES 1. Start the engines to ensure both fuel flow indicators and the FMS fuel quantity indicators are operative. NOTE: 2. 3. The engines must be running to observe fuel flow indications on EICAS and decreasing fuel quantity indications on the FMS. Shut down engines. Verify the EICAS low fuel message is operative as follows: Low Fuel Indicating Operational Test. (a) While observing the EICAS display unit, transfer fuel from affected wing or, defuel or fuel the wing fuel tank, associated with the float switch to be checked. NOTE: For single point defuel procedure, refer to item 28-3. (b) Check for the EICAS message FUEL LEVEL LOW L-R to illuminate or clear, (depending on whether fuel is being removed or added). 4. Ensure both wing tanks are completely filled with fuel by either single point or over the wing filler ports. OR 5. Ensure the fuel quantity in each wing tank is between 1900 and 2700 lbs. and verified to be equal by use of the magnetic fuel indicator (dipsticks). NOTE: The magnetic fuel indicators measure the fuel quantity only within the 1900 to 2700 lbs. range. (Continued Next Page) 75MELM01 28-1 CESSNA AIRCRAFT COMPANY MODEL 750 SYSTEM & SEQUENCE NUMBERS MASTER MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST OPERATIONAL AND MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES REMARKS OR EXCEPTIONS 28 FUEL NOTE: 1. Wing Tank Fuel Quantity Display (continued) 6. 7. 3. Center Fuel Quantity Display Add 10% of the dipstick indication for gross weight computations, and subtract 10% of the dipstick indication (15% for JP4/JetB) for range computations. Place placard on instrument panel stating, “(LEFT/RIGHT) WING FUEL TANK QUANTITY DISPLAY INOP.” Total Fuel Quantity Display will also be inoperative. Make appropriate discrepancy report entry. (M) May be inoperative provided: a) Both Fuel Flow indicating systems are operative. b) The FMS fuel quantity function is operative and utilized, c) The center tank is verified empty, or d) The quantity in center tank is verified by other reliable means. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES (To ensure both Fuel Flow displays, and the FMS fuel quantity function, are operative and that the center tank is empty. Total Fuel Quantity Display will also be inoperative.) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Place a placard on the instrument panel stating, "CENTER FUEL QUANTITY DISPLAY INOP." Make appropriate discrepancy report entry. Start the engines to ensure the FMS fuel quantity and fuel flow indicators are operative. Shut down the engines. Defuel and verify the center fuel tank is empty as follows: Defuel Single Point Method. NOTE: Defueling may be slow or not possible if the ground equipment does not have enough suction or the hose is collapsed. Boost pump operation may speed wing tank defueling. (a) Gain access to the refuel/defuel control panel by opening the access door located on the right side of the fuselage fairing forward of the wing leading edge. (b) Ensure that the airplane and defueling equipment are properly grounded together and to an approved static ground. (c) Remove the adapter (receptacle) cover. (d) Insert the nozzle into the receptacle; turn clockwise and latch in place; open nozzle. (Continued Next Page) 28-2 75MELM05 MASTER MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST OPERATIONAL AND MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES SYSTEM & SEQUENCE NUMBERS CESSNA AIRCRAFT COMPANY MODEL 750 REMARKS OR EXCEPTIONS 28 FUEL 3. Center Fuel Quantity Display (Continued) NOTE: Each fuel tank (left wing, right wing and center wing) incorporates a defueling shutoff valve. The defuel shutoff valves in each wing are connected to manual defuel select shutoff valves which may be used to deactivate defueling of selected tank(s) during defueling operation. (e) To deactivate defuel shutoff valve for left, right and/or center wing tank, access door on lower fairing panel and pull handle(s) on manual defuel select shutoff valve(s) outward to extended/horizontal position. (f) Start defueling equipment and monitor the operation. (g) When the tank(s) are empty, shut down defueling equipment and remove the nozzle from the receptacle. (h) If opened, close the manual select shutoff valve (return valve handle to stowed/horizontal position. Close manual defuel select shutoff valve access door. (i) Install receptacle cap and close refuel/defuel control panel access door. Remove grounding cables and move airplane or vehicle from the area. OR MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES (To verify center wing tank fuel quantity) Total Fuel Quantity Display will also be inoperative.) 1. 2. 3. 5. Fuel Low Level Message Verify the center tank fuel quantity by lowering the magnetic fuel level indicator (dipstick) located between the forward and center (main) spar, inboard of the WS 18.35 sealed rib. Place a placard on the instrument panel stating, "CENTER FUEL QUANTITY DISPLAY INOP." Make appropriate discrepancy report entry. (M) May be inoperative provided the associated fuel quantity display is operative. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES 1. 2. 3. 75MELM05 Verify on preflight check, the associated fuel quantity indicator is operative. Place placard on the instrument panel stating, "LEFT/RIGHT FUEL LOW LEVEL MESSAGE INOP." Make appropriate discrepancy report entry. 28-3 MASTER MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST OPERATIONAL AND MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES SYSTEM & SEQUENCE NUMBERS CESSNA AIRCRAFT COMPANY MODEL 750 REMARKS OR EXCEPTIONS 30 ICE & RAIN PROTECTION 2. Pitot Heat L-R SB CAS Failure Message (M) One may be inoperative provided: a) All Pitot Heater components are verified operative before each flight, and b) Aircraft is not operated into known or forecast icing conditions. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES 1. 2. 3. 3. Static Heat L-R Failure Message Refer to AFM, Section III, Normal Procedures (Preflight Inspection and Exterior Inspection), to verify pitot heat operation. Place a placard adjacent to the EICAS display stating, "LEFT/RIGHT PITOT HEAT "MESSAGE" INOP". Make appropriate discrepancy report entry. (M) One may be inoperative provided: a) All Static Port Heater components are verified operative before each flight, and b) Aircraft is not operated in known or forecast icing conditions. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES 1. 2. 3. 13. Drain Mast Heaters Refer to AFM, Section III, Normal Procedures (Preflight Inspection and Exterior Inspection), to verify static port heat operation. Place a placard adjacent to the EICAS display stating, "LEFT/RIGHT STATIC PORT HEAT "MESSAGE" INOP." Make appropriate discrepancy report entry. (M) May be inoperative provided: a) Associated galley service basin and lavatory basin are not used, and b) Any remaining ice is removed from the galley service basins. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES 1. 2. 3. 4. 75MELM05 Gain access to the interior power junction box typically located in the aft port lavatory closet. At the interior junction box, disengage DRAIN HEATER circuit breaker. Place tie wrap around circuit breaker and placard “ DRAIN HEATER INOP”. Make appropriate discrepancy report. 30-1 MASTER MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST OPERATIONAL AND MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES SYSTEM & SEQUENCE NUMBERS CESSNA AIRCRAFT COMPANY MODEL 750 REMARKS OR EXCEPTIONS 31 INDICATING/ RECORDING SYSTEMS 3. Hobbs Flight Hour Meter (O) May be inoperative provided the flight crew records aircraft flight time. OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES 1. 2. 3. 75MELM05 Flight crew member will note and record takeoff and landing times using reliable time keeping instrument. Place a placard adjacent to the Hobbs meter stating, "HOBBS METER INOP." Make appropriate discrepancy report entry. 31-1 MASTER MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST OPERATIONAL AND MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES SYSTEM & SEQUENCE NUMBERS CESSNA AIRCRAFT COMPANY MODEL 750 REMARKS OR EXCEPTIONS 33 LIGHTS 6. FASTEN SEAT BELT and NO SMOKING Signs (O) May be inoperative provided alternate procedures are used for notifying passengers. OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES 1. 2. 3. 12. Cabin Interior Lighting System (including Cabin Indirect Lighting System and Cabin Reading Lights) A crew member shall brief the passengers regarding the lack of FASTEN SEAT BELTS and NO SMOKING signs and shall ask them to be alert during movement on the surface and before takeoff and landing for a crew member announcing, by direct voice or passenger address system from the cockpit, that seat belts should be fastened and that smoking materials shall be extinguished. Place an "INOP" placard next to the SEAT BELT/PASS SAFE switch. Make appropriate discrepancy report entry. (O) Individual lights may be inoperative provided: a) All Cabin Emergency Lighting is verified operative, b) Sufficient lighting is operative for the crew to perform required duties, and c) Lighting configuration is acceptable to the flight crew. OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 75MELM05 Make appropriate discrepancy report entry. Place a placard next to the appropriate lighting control stating: “(appropriate light) INOPERATIVE.” Position the Emergency Light switch, located on the pilot’s instrument panel to the ARM position. Select main ship batteries to OFF. Cabin Emergency Lighting should illuminate, including: 4overhead head lights (3 in the cabin, 1 in the lav), 1 “EXIT” sign above, and 2 adjacent to the door, 1 “EXIT” sign above, and one below the cabin escape hatch, 2 sections of dropped aisle lights (RH aft, LH fwd). Select Emergency Light switch to OFF. 33-1 MASTER MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST OPERATIONAL AND MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES SYSTEM & SEQUENCE NUMBERS CESSNA AIRCRAFT COMPANY MODEL 750 REMARKS OR EXCEPTIONS 34 NAVIGATION 7. Navigation Systems 3) Navigation Databases (O) May be out of currency provided: a) Current Aeronautical Charts are used to verify Navigational Fixes prior to dispatch, b) Procedures are established and used to verify status and suitability of Navigation Facilities used to define route of flight, and c) Approach Navigation Radios are manually tuned and identified. OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES 1. 2. 3. Place placard adjacent to VHF Controller stating: "Navigation Database is not current." Crewmember shall verify the type, suitability, and operational status of each Navigational Facility to be used during route of flight, either by a current Aeronautical Chart, or Airport Facilities Directory, or verbally with FAA personnel, such as through a Flight Service Station briefer. Once tuned, each Navigational Facility shall be identified using the audible signal transmitted by the Facility. 9. Class A TAWS Required by FAR 1) Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS) (O) May be inoperative provided: a) Alternate procedures are established and used, and b) Repairs are made within two flight days. OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES 1. 2. 3. Make appropriate entry on discrepancy report. Install placard on the instrument panel stating “GPWS INOPERATIVE” Crew briefings will include aural callouts through use of appropriate aircraft equipment to ensure obstacle and terrain clearance. Flight crew will review MEA, MSA, DH, MDA, as appropriate of the route being flown. Flight Manual and Operating Manual can be consulted for climb gradients available for the phase of flight being approached, and the ambient conditions (weight, temp, altitude). 2 engine climb is in Section VII of the Operating Manual Climb Tables and the AFM Landing Gross Climb Gradient table. For single engine climb capability, consult AFM Section IV, Second Segment Net Climb, Enroute Net Climb and Approach Gross Gradient Tables. (Continued on next page . 75MELM05 34-1 CESSNA AIRCRAFT COMPANY MODEL 750 SYSTEM & SEQUENCE NUMBERS MASTER MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST OPERATIONAL AND MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES REMARKS OR EXCEPTIONS 34 NAVIGATION 9. Class A TAWS Required by FAR 1) Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS) (Continued) a) Modes 1 - 4 (O) May be inoperative provided: a) Alternate procedures are established, used, and b) Repairs are made within two flight days. OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES 1. 2. 3. d) Advisory Callouts Make appropriate entry on discrepancy report. Install placard on the instrument panel stating “[Specific affected mode] INOPERATIVE” Crew briefings will include aural callouts through use of appropriate aircraft equipment to ensure obstacle and terrain clearance. Flight crew will review MEA, MSA, DH, MDA, as appropriate of the route being flown. Flight Manual and Operating Manual can be consulted for climb gradients available for the phase of flight being approached, and the ambient conditions (weight, temp, altitude). 2 engine climb is in Section VII of the Operating Manual Climb Tables and the AFM Landing Gross Climb Gradient table. For single engine climb capability, consult AFM Section IV, Second Segment Net Climb, Enroute Net Climb and Approach Gross Gradient Tables. (O) May be inoperative provided alternate procedures are established and used. ---------------------------------- Or -------------------------(O) May be inoperative provided: a) Advisory callout not required by FAR, and b) Alternate procedures are established and used. OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES NOTE: References: FAR 91.223, FAR 135.154, TSOC151b, Pilot Guide for the GPWS installed. Advisory Callouts include the “Bank Angle” callout (some systems), “Five Hundred”, and other altitude callouts intended to assist in the approach phase of flight (depending on make and model). Advisory Callouts may also be referred to as “Mode 6” or “Altitude Callouts” in the GPWS Pilot Guide. The following procedure is valid for both Advisory Callout relief paragraphs. 1. 2. 3. 34-2 Make appropriate entry on discrepancy report. Place “GPWS Advisory Callouts INOP” placard on the instrument panel. Crew briefings will include aural callouts during approach, through the use of appropriate aircraft equipment to ensure obstacle and terrain clearance. Briefing should include MDA or DH, and procedure for one flight crew member to call out 500 feet above airport elevation, plus any other call outs agreed upon by the flight crew. 75MELM05 MASTER MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST OPERATIONAL AND MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES SYSTEM & SEQUENCE NUMBERS CESSNA AIRCRAFT COMPANY MODEL 750 REMARKS OR EXCEPTIONS 34 NAVIGATION 9. Class A TAWS Required by FAR 1) Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS) (Continued) e) Windshear Mode (Reactive) (O) May be inoperative provided: a) Alternate procedures are established and used, and b) Windshear Detection and Avoidance System (Predictive) operates normally. OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES NOTE: Cessna does not offer a Predictive Windshear Detection and Avoidance System on any Citation model. Predictive Windshear refers to a Doppler microwave radar system that detects windshear 10 to 40 seconds prior to entry. Since Cessna does not offer Predictive systems, Cessna has no procedure to ensure that it operates normally, and can not support this relief paragraph. ----------------------------- Or -------------------------------(O) May be inoperative provided a) Alternate procedures are established and used, and b) Takeoffs and landings are not conducted in known or forecast windshear conditions. OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES 1. Make appropriate entry on discrepancy report. 2. Place “GPWS WINDSHEAR MODE INOP” placard on instrument panel. 3. Prior to each takeoff and prior to each approach, crew will obtain available weather reports to ensure windshear conditions are neither reported nor forecast in the aircraft flight path. 4. Crew briefings will include aural callouts through use of appropriate aircraft equipment i.e., airspeed, IVSI etc., and available weather reports for detection and prompt resolution of windshear encounter. 2) Terrain SystemForward Looking Terrain Avoidance (FLTA) and Premature Descent (PDA) Functions 75MELM05 (O) May be inoperative provided alternate procedures are established and used. OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES 1. 2. Make appropriate entry on discrepancy report. Install placard on the instrument panel stating “GPWS Forward Looking Terrain Avoidance and Premature Descent Functions INOPERATIVE.” 3. Crew briefings will include (a) Review of significant terrain expected to be encountered and obstacles in the airport area. (b) Aural callouts to be used through use of appropriate air-craft equipment to ensure obstacle and terrain clearance. (Continued Next Page) 34-2A CESSNA AIRCRAFT COMPANY MODEL 750 SYSTEM & SEQUENCE NUMBERS MASTER MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST OPERATIONAL AND MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES REMARKS OR EXCEPTIONS 34 NAVIGATION 2) Terrain SystemForward Looking Terrain Avoidance (FLTA) and Premature Descent (PDA) Functions (Continued) 9. Class B TAWS Required by FAR 1) Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS) (c) Review of MSA and step-down fixes of the approach, and means to verify and call out passage of these points. 4. Flight Manual and Operating Manual can be consulted for climb gradients available for the phase of flight being approached, and the ambient conditions (weight, temp, altitude). 2 engine climb is in Section VII of the Operating Manual Climb Tables and the AFM Landing Gross Climb Gradient table. For single engine climb capability, consult AFM Section IV, Second Segment Net Climb, Enroute Net Climb and Approach Gross Gradient Tables. (O) May be inoperative provided a) Alternate procedures are established and used, and b) Repairs are made within two flight days. OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES 1. 2. 3. Make appropriate entry on discrepancy report. Install placard on the instrument panel stating “GPWS INOPERATIVE” Crew briefings will include aural callouts through use of appropriate aircraft equipment to ensure obstacle and terrain clearance. Flight crew will review MEA, MSA, DH, MDA, as appropriate of the route being flown. Flight Manual and Operating Manual can be consulted for climb gradients available for the phase of flight being approached, and the ambient conditions (weight, temp, altitude). 2 engine climb is in Section VII of the Operating Manual Climb Tables and the AFM Landing Gross Climb Gradient table. For single engine climb capability, consult AFM Section IV, Second Segment Net Climb, Enroute Net Climb and Approach Gross Gradient Tables. (Continued Next Page) 34-2B 75MELM05 MASTER MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST OPERATIONAL AND MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES SYSTEM & SEQUENCE NUMBERS CESSNA AIRCRAFT COMPANY MODEL 750 REMARKS OR EXCEPTIONS 34 NAVIGATION 9. Class B TAWS Required by FAR (Continued) 1) Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS) (Continued) a) Modes 1 and 3 (O) May be inoperative provided a) Alternate procedures are established, used, and b) Repairs are made within two flight days. OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES NOTE: Modes 1 and 3 are Excessive Descent Rate, and Altitude Loss After Takeoff 1. 2. 3. 4. d) Advisory Callouts Make appropriate entry on discrepancy report. Place “GPWS Mode [1 or 2] INOP” placard on instrument panel. Takeoff and approach crew briefings will include the lost of GPWS Mode, and steps to accommodate the loss. During initial climbout, and during approaches, one flight crew member should monitor Altitude and Vertical speed, with appropriate callouts, to ensure that climb and descent rates are appropriate to phase of flight, and all altitude targets are met. (O) May be inoperative provided alternate procedures are established and used. ---------------------------------- Or ---------------------------------(O) May be inoperative provided: a) Advisory callout not required by FAR, and b) Alternate procedures are established and used. OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES NOTE: References: FAR 91.223, FAR 135.154, TSOC151b, Pilot Guide for the GPWS installed. Advisory Callouts include the “Bank Angle” callout (some systems), “Five Hundred”, and other altitude callouts intended to assist in the approach phase of flight (depending on make and model). Advisory Callouts may also be referred to as “Mode 6” or “Altitude Callouts” in the GPWS Pilot Guide. The following procedure is valid for both Advisory Callout relief paragraphs. 1. 2. 3. 75MELM05 Make appropriate entry on discrepancy report. Place “GPWS Advisory Callouts INOP” placard on the instrument panel. Crew briefings will include aural callouts during approach, through the use of appropriate aircraft equipment to ensure obstacle and terrain clearance. Briefing should include MDA or DH, and procedure for one flight crew member to call out 500 feet above airport elevation, plus any other call outs agreed upon by the flight crew. 34-2C CESSNA AIRCRAFT COMPANY MODEL 750 SYSTEM & SEQUENCE NUMBERS MASTER MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST OPERATIONAL AND MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES REMARKS OR EXCEPTIONS 34 NAVIGATION 9. Class B TAWS Required by FAR (Continued) 1) Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS) (Continued) e) Windshear Mode (Reactive) (O) May be inoperative provided alternate procedures are established, used. OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES 1. Make appropriate entry on discrepancy report. 2. Place “GPWS WINDSHEAR MODE INOP” placard on instrument panel. 3. Prior to each takeoff and prior to each approach, crew will obtain available weather reports to ensure windshear conditions are neither reported nor forecast in the aircraft flight path. 4. Crew briefings will include aural callouts through use of appropriate aircraft equipment i.e., airspeed, IVSI etc., and available weather reports for detection and prompt resolution of windshear encounter. 2) Terrain System Forward Looking Terrain Avoidance (FLTA) and Premature Descent (PDA) Functions (O) May be inoperative provided alternate procedures are established and used. OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES 1. 2. Make appropriate entry on discrepancy report. Install placard on the instrument panel stating “GPWS Forward Looking Terrain Avoidance and Premature Descent Functions INOPERATIVE.” 3. Crew briefings will include (a) Review of significant terrain expected to be encountered and obstacles in the airport area. (b) Aural callouts to be used through use of appropriate aircraft equipment to ensure obstacle and terrain clearance. (c) Review of MSA and step-down fixes of the approach, and means to verify and call out passage of these points. 4. Flight Manual and Operating Manual can be consulted for climb gradients available for the phase of flight being approached, and the ambient conditions (weight, temp, altitude). 2 engine climb is in Section VII of the Operating Manual Climb Tables and the AFM Landing Gross Climb Gradient table. For single engine climb capability, consult AFM Section IV, Second Segment Net Climb, Enroute Net Climb and Approach Gross Gradient Tables. (Continued Next Page) 34-2D 75MELM05 MASTER MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST OPERATIONAL AND MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES SYSTEM & SEQUENCE NUMBERS CESSNA AIRCRAFT COMPANY MODEL 750 REMARKS OR EXCEPTIONS 34 NAVIGATION 10. Traffic Alert/Collision Avoidance System (TCAS I) (M)(O) May be inoperative provided: a) System is deactivated and secured, and b) Enroute or approach procedures do not require its use. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES 1. 2. 3. Make appropriate entry on the discrepancy report. Install “INOP” placard on or adjacent to TCAS control unit on instrument panel. Disengage and secure TCAS circuit breaker. OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES 1. 2. When filing flight plans, crew will delete the “T” prefix from the Aircraft Equipment Code. Flight crew will review all appropriate enroute and approach procedure charts appropriate to the flight to ensure TCAS is not required. (M)(O) May be inoperative provided: a) System is not required by FAR, b) System is deactivated and secured, and c) Enroute or approach procedures do not require its use. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES 1. 2. 3. Make appropriate entry on the discrepancy report. Install “INOP” placard on or adjacent to TCAS control unit on instrument panel. Disengage and secure TCAS circuit breaker. OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES 1. 2. When filing flight plans, crew will delete the “T” prefix from the Aircraft Equipment Code. Flight crew will review all Equipment Requirements listed in the FAR governing their operation, including but not limited to Part 91, Part 135, RVSM (where applicable), etc. (Continued Next Page) 75MELM05 34-3 CESSNA AIRCRAFT COMPANY MODEL 750 SYSTEM & SEQUENCE NUMBERS MASTER MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST OPERATIONAL AND MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES REMARKS OR EXCEPTIONS 34 NAVIGATION Traffic Alert/ Collision Avoidance System (TCAS II) (M)(O) May be inoperative provided: a) System is deactivated and secured, and b) Enroute or approach procedures do not require its use. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES Use the same procedures as for the first TCAS I item above. (M)(O) May be inoperative provided: a) System is not required by FAR, b) System is deactivated and secured, and c) Enroute or approach procedures do not require its use. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES Use the same procedures as for the second TCAS I item above. 1) Combined Traffic Alert (TA) and Resolution Advisory (RA) (O) May be inoperative on the non-flying pilot side provided: a) TA and RA visual display is operative on the flying pilot’s side and b) TA and RA audio functions are operative on the flying pilot side. OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES NOTE: 1. 2. 3. 4. 34-4 This item refers to dual dedicated TCAS displays located on the RH and LH instrument panels, which are not part of the Citation X standard equipment. This item does not refer to the RA displays shown on the VSI portion of the PFD, nor to the TA/RA display shown on the MFD. Make appropriate entry on the discrepancy report. Place a placard on the instrument panel in front of the non-flying pilot side stating: “TCAS RA and TA display INOP.” Utilizing the system self-test, crew will verify that TA and RA advisory display on flying pilot side is operational, and audio functions are operational. The pilot with the operational TA and RA elements and audio functions shall conduct any subsequent maneuvering command by the RA (Resolution Advisory). 75MELM05 MASTER MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST OPERATIONAL AND MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES SYSTEM & SEQUENCE NUMBERS CESSNA AIRCRAFT COMPANY MODEL 750 REMARKS OR EXCEPTIONS 34 NAVIGATION 2) Resolution Advisory (RA) Display Systems (O) May be inoperative on the non-flying pilot side. OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES 1. 2. 3. 4. Make appropriate entry on the discrepancy report. Place a placard on the instrument panel in front of the non-flying pilot side stating: “TCAS RA display INOP.” The pilot with the operational RA display shall conduct any subsequent maneuvering commanded by the RA (Resolution Advisory). The non-flying pilot shall monitor the flying-pilot’s vertical speed indicator/RA display during any TCAS-commanded maneuvers. OR (O) May be inoperative provided: a) Traffic Alert (TA) visual and audio functions are operative, and b) TA only mode is selected by the crew. c) Enroute or approach procedures do not require its use. OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES 1. 2. 3. 4. 3) Traffic Alert Display System(s) Make appropriate entry on the discrepancy report. Place a placard on the instrument panel on or near the TCAS control unit stating: TCAS RA display INOP. Using Test function, confirm that Traffic Alert display elements and voice command audio functions are operative. Select TA only mode of operation. (O) May be inoperative provided: a) RA visual display and audio functions are operative, and b) Enroute or approach procedures do not require its use. OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 75OMR05 Make appropriate entry on discrepancy report. Place placard stating, “TCAS TA Display INOP” on the instrument panel. Using test function, confirm that RA display elements (including VSI “fly to” and “do not fly” areas) and voice command audio functions are operative. Prior to departure, flight crew will review enroute charts and approach procedures at destination to determine whether or not TA alerting is required. Monitor PFD VSI for RA commands. 34-5 CESSNA AIRCRAFT COMPANY MODEL 750 SYSTEM & SEQUENCE NUMBERS MASTER MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST OPERATIONAL AND MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES REMARKS OR EXCEPTIONS 34 NAVIGATION 11. Altitude Alerting System (O) May be inoperative provided: a) Autopilot with altitude hold is operative, and b) Enroute operations do not require its use, and c) Repairs are made within three flight days. OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES 1. 2. 3. 12. Display Units (DU’s) Crew briefings will include aural callouts by crewmembers for appropriate altitudes. On the Remote Instrument Controller located on the co-pilot’s pedestal, install placard next to the Altitude Select knob stating “ALTITUDE ALERT INOPERATIVE.” Make appropriate entry in aircraft discrepancy report. (O)(M) One display unit may be inoperative provided: a) The inoperative DU is in the center position, b) Both pilots' PFDs are operative and are in the #1 and #5 positions, c) One DU displays EICAS, and d) One DU displays a MFD. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES NOTE: If the inoperative DU is in the center position, placard the unit as inoperative and make appropriate discrepancy report entry. No further maintenance procedure is required prior to dispatch. 1. Remove inoperative DU as follows: (a) Ensure BATT, AVIONICS MASTER, EICAS POWER and EXTERNAL POWER switches are in the OFF position. (b) Remove bezel controller by turning captive screws on outboard edges of bezel controller counterclockwise. (c) Carefully pull bezel controller away from display unit to disengage electrical connector. (d) Insert hex key in mounting screw at bottom center of display unit. (e) Turn hex key counterclockwise, unlocking unit from mounting rack. (f) Use the display unit extraction tool, P/N CJMD234-108, to unseat unit from mounting rack. (g) Pull display unit out of instrument panel and set aside. 2. Repeat steps 1.a-g to remove the center display unit to replace positions with the operative unit. 3. 34-6 Install inoperative display unit in center position as follows: (a) Carefully slide display unit into mounting rack in instrument panel, ensuring proper mating of electrical connectors. 75MELM05 MASTER MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST OPERATIONAL AND MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES SYSTEM & SEQUENCE NUMBERS CESSNA AIRCRAFT COMPANY MODEL 750 REMARKS OR EXCEPTIONS 34 NAVIGATION 12. Display Units (DU’s) (Continued) (b) Insert hex key in mounting screw at bottom center of display unit. (c) Turn hex key clockwise until display is secured in mounting rack and flush with instrument panel. (d) Carefully place bezel controller into position on display unit, ensuring proper mating of the connector on bezel controller with connector on the display unit. NOTE: Ensure the bezel controllers are reinstalled back in the original locations. (e) Tighten captive screws on outboard edges of bezel controller, securing bezel controller to display unit. 4. Repeat steps 3.a - e installing operative display unit. OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES 1. 2. 3. 4. Verify one display unit displays EICAS and one unit displays MFD. Verify both pilots' PFDs are operative. Install placard over affected display stating, “DISPLAY UNIT INOP.” Make appropriate discrepancy report entry. 19. Flight Guidance Controller 1) Flight Director Command Functions Lights (O) May be inoperative provided flight crew verifies that the selected functions are properly displayed on the PFD/MFD. OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES 1. 2. 3. 4. 75MELM05 Make appropriate entry on discrepancy report. Install placards above both PFD’s stating, “XXX, XXX FD Mode Annunciators INOP”, where “XXX, XXX” are the specific Flight Director Mode Annunciators which are inoperative. During flight, crewmember selecting a flight director mode will verbalize the mode selected. Second crewmember will respond by verbalizing the flight director mode displayed on the PFD. 34-7 MASTER MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST OPERATIONAL AND MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES SYSTEM & SEQUENCE NUMBERS CESSNA AIRCRAFT COMPANY MODEL 750 REMARKS OR EXCEPTIONS 35 OXYGEN 4. Oxygen Servicing Panel Pressure Gauge (s) (O) May be inoperative provided the associated Oxygen Pressure Gauge in the pilot’s instrument panel is Operative. OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE 1. 2. 3. 75MELM05 Make appropriate discrepancy report entry. Verify Oxygen servicing from flight deck gauge (s) with the aid of additional personnel. Place placard over affected gauge (s) stating: “ Oxygen Service Gauge (s) INOP. Verify Oxygen servicing from flight deck gauge (s)”. 35-1 MASTER MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST OPERATIONAL AND MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES SYSTEM & SEQUENCE NUMBERS CESSNA AIRCRAFT COMPANY MODEL 750 REMARKS OR EXCEPTIONS 38 WATER/WASTE 1. Potable Water Systems (M) Individual components may be inoperative provided: a) Associated components are deactivated or isolated, and b) Associated system components are verified not to have leaks. NOTE: Any portion of the system works normally may be used. (M) May be inoperative provided: a) System is drained, and b) Procedures are established to ensure that the system is not serviced. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES NOTE: These procedures are intended to accommodate either relief item for Potable Water Systems. In the Citation X these systems include, but are not limited to: Water tanks in the vanity plumbed and either gravity fed from the upper left bulkhead closet, or pump fed from the lower center vanity to a washbasin, and water tanks with spigots in the refreshment centers. 1. 2. Make appropriate discrepancy report entry. Place placard near the inoperative water system (faucet or spigot) stating: “WATER SYSTEM INOPERATIVE”. For Aft Vanity Water Storage Tank: 3. Disengage and tie-wrap the water heater circuit breaker and (for lower vanity tank with pump) the drawer lights/water circuit breaker, located on the interior electrical panel in the vanity. 4. Open/remove access panels from lower vanity or upper LH bulkhead closet as needed to access tank. 5. Remove quick-disconnect fitting. 6. Remove canister, inspect it and plumbing for leaks and dampness and empty canister. 7. Tape over canister lid and install placard on tank stating: “DO NOT SERVICE”. 8. Re-install canister and access panels For Refreshment Center Liquid Storage Tanks: 3. Remove access panels from Refreshment Center as needed to access tank. 4. Slide tank out of its compartment, disconnect and cap any electrical connectors. 5. Inspect tank and plumbing for leaks and dampness. 6. Drain tank, and remove any plumbing lines. 7. Replace tank without reconnecting any removed electrical or plumbing connections. 8. Reinstall access panels. 75MELM04 38-1 CESSNA AIRCRAFT COMPANY MODEL 750 SYSTEM & SEQUENCE NUMBERS MASTER MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST OPERATIONAL AND MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES REMARKS OR EXCEPTIONS 38 WATER/WASTE 2. Lavatory Waste Systems (M) Individual components may be inoperative provided: a) Associated components are deactivated or isolated, and b) Associated system components are verified not to have leaks. NOTE: Any portion of the system works normally may be used. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES For all scenarios: Prior to door closing, crew will advise all passengers as to the operational status of the toilet. To deactivate a toilet that will not flush: 1. Make appropriate discrepancy report entry. 2. Disengage and tie-wrap the “TOILET POWER” circuit breaker located behind the upper fwd lavatory drawer (to the right of the sink when viewed from the toilet). 3. To check for leaks: (a) On toilets without inspection ports installed in cover: i) Remove seat back and seat pad. ii) Raise toilet seat and remove screws. iii) Remove toilet cabinet top by removing screws and disconnecting flush switch connector. iv) Check all hoses, connections, and general area for leaks. (b) On toilets with inspection ports installed in cover (Ref: SB75025-11): i) Remove seat back and seat pad. ii) Using a port to observe, and another to shine a flashlight, observe thru each available inspection port to check hoses, connections and general area for leaks. 4. Any leaked fluid must be removed from the aircraft. If the tank will not hold fluid, go to step 6. 5. If desired, flush toilet manually as follows: (a) Observe fluid level under the rubber flapper at the bottom of the bowl. If the tank is full, drain it using an appropriate ground service vehicle, following the instructions on the placard located inside the exterior service panel door. Then, with an empty tank, (b) Pour 2 gallons of proper toilet solution into the bowl, rinsing the bowl as the fluid is poured. 6. If desired, service the toilet using an appropriate ground service vehicle, following the instructions on the placard located inside the exterior service panel door. 7. Following servicing or flushing, re-inspect the toilet system for leaks. If the tank drains into the drain line, leave the tank empty and: (a) To prevent damage from freezing, empty the drain line into a ground service cart, and (b) To account for the missing toilet solution, either i) Adjust Zero Fuel Weight and ZFW-Moment for each flight by subtracting 15 pounds and 61.50 Inch-pounds/100 from the calculated Zero Fuel Weight and moment, or ii) Add 15 pounds of ballast at the toilet fuselage station (FS 410). Soft ballast, such as a shot bag, can be placed in the toilet bowl (in a sturdy sealed plastic bag, if possible). Other ballast options include the vanity drawers/cabinets, with 15 to 16 pounds distributed evenly fore and aft of the sink. (Continued next page) 38-2 75MELM05 MASTER MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST OPERATIONAL AND MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES SYSTEM & SEQUENCE NUMBERS CESSNA AIRCRAFT COMPANY MODEL 750 REMARKS OR EXCEPTIONS 38 WATER/WASTE 2. Lavatory Waste Systems (Continued) 8. 9. Re-install toilet seat, cabinet cover, and upholstery. Use paper or plastic to cover the toilet seat, with a placard attached stating; “TOILET INOPERATIVE.” Service instructions with an inoperative toilet servicing system (ie, liquid level sensor, fill valve, frozen fill line, etc): 1. Make appropriate discrepancy report entry. 2. Attach a placard stating which component of the system is inoperative, and if needed, “DO NOT SERVICE”, adjacent to, or connected to the Fill-Port-Cap lanyard, located on the External Toilet Service panel, below the RH engine. 3. Access the Interior Electrical J-box, located at the bottom LH corner of the aft bulkhead closet (aft of the vanity). 4. Disengage the 4 screws/camlocks and remove the J-box cover. 5. Disengage and tie-wrap the “TOILET SVC” circuit breaker 87V. 6. Reinstall the J-box cover and secure the closet. 7. Remove the toilet seat back and seat pad. 8. Raise toilet seat and remove screws. 9. Any leaked fluid must be removed from the aircraft. If the tank will not hold fluid, go to Will Not Flush, Step 6, above. To check for leaks: (a) On toilets without inspection ports installed in cover: i) Remove seat back and seat pad. ii) Raise toilet seat and remove screws. iii) Remove toilet cabinet top by removing screws and disconnecting flush switch connector. iv) Check all hoses, connections, and general area for leaks. (b) On toilets with inspection ports installed in cover (Ref: SB75025-11): i) Remove seat back and seat pad. ii) Using a port to observe, and another to shine a flashlight, observe thru each available inspection port to check hoses, connections and general area for leaks. 10. If toilet servicing is desired, drain the toilet using an appropriate ground servicing vehicle, following the instructions on the placard located inside the exterior service panel door. 11. With inoperative fill valve, pour 2 gallons of proper toilet solution into the bowl. 12. If desired, repeat steps 5, 6, 7. 13. Following servicing, re-inspect the toilet system for leaks. If any leaks are found, leave system drained, refer to Will Not Flush, step 6 above. Install paper or plastic to cover the toilet seat, with a placard attached stating; “TOILET INOPERATIVE”, otherwise, 14. Re-install switch connector, cabinet cover, toilet seat, and upholstery. For an inoperative dump cable (Note, the MMEL does not require a procedure for this item, however Cessna recommends checking for leaks, and offers this servicing procedure, if desired): 1. Make appropriate discrepancy report entry. (Continued next page) 75MELM05 38-3 CESSNA AIRCRAFT COMPANY MODEL 750 SYSTEM & SEQUENCE NUMBERS MASTER MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST OPERATIONAL AND MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES REMARKS OR EXCEPTIONS 38 WATER/WASTE 2. Lavatory Waste Systems (Continued) 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 38-4 Any leaked fluid must be removed from the aircraft. If the tank will not hold fluid, go to Will Not Flush, Step 6, above. To check for leaks: (a) On toilets without inspection ports installed in cover: i) Remove seat back and seat pad. ii) Raise toilet seat and remove screws. iii) Remove toilet cabinet top by removing screws and disconnecting flush switch connector. iv) Check all hoses, connections, and general area for leaks. (b) On toilets with inspection ports installed in cover (Ref: SB75025-11): i) Remove seat back and seat pad. ii) Using a port to observe, and another to shine a flashlight, observe thru each available inspection port to check hoses, connections and general area for leaks. If desired, service the toilet using an appropriate ground servicing vehicle, following the instructions on the placard located inside the exterior service panel door. With an inoperative dump cable, it will be necessary to manually actuate the drain valve by pulling on the cable (located on the top of the tank, see step 2a) leading to the poppet valve in the tank. Following servicing, re-inspect the toilet system for leaks. If any leaks are found, leave system drained, otherwise, fill according to placard instructions. Re-install toilet seat, cabinet cover, and upholstery. Use paper or plastic to cover the toilet seat, with a placard attached stating; “TOILET INOPERATIVE.” 75MELM05 MASTER MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST OPERATIONAL AND MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES SYSTEM & SEQUENCE NUMBERS CESSNA AIRCRAFT COMPANY MODEL 750 REMARKS OR EXCEPTIONS 49 AIRBORNE AUXILIARY POWER 1. Auxiliary Power Unit (APU) (M) May be inoperative provided the APU is secured and other procedures do not require use. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES 1. 2. 3. 2. APU Electrical Power Generating System Disengage and Tie-wrap MASTER circuit breaker located on the APU section of the right circuit breaker panel. Place a placard on APU control panel stating, “APU INOP.” Make appropriate discrepancy report entry. (M) May be inoperative provided. a) APU Generator is verified mechanically sound and capable of rotation, and, b) APU Generator switch remains OFF, OR (M) APU is deactivated and secured. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES 1. 2. 3. Access APU generator and determine that APU generator is mechanically sound and capable of rotation. Place a placard on APU control panel stating, “APU GEN INOP.” Make appropriate discrepancy report entry. OR 1. 2. 3. 5. APU Hobbs Meter Disengage and tie-wrap MASTER circuit breaker located on the APU section of the right circuit breaker panel. Place a placard on APU control panel stating, “APU INOP.” Make appropriate discrepancy report entry. (O) May be inoperative provided APU operation time is recorded. OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES 1. 2. 3. Flight crewmember will note and record APU start and shutdown times using reliable time keeping instrument. Place a placard adjacent to the APU Hobbs meter stating, "APU HOBBS METER INOP." Make appropriate discrepancy report entry. NOTE: 75MELM05 APU Hobbs Meter is located on the APU, not on the APU control subpanel. 49-1 CESSNA AIRCRAFT COMPANY MODEL 750 SYSTEM & SEQUENCE NUMBERS MASTER MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST OPERATIONAL AND MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES REMARKS OR EXCEPTIONS 49 AIRBORNE AUXILIARY POWER 6. APU Fuel Shutoff Valve (M) May be inoperative provided the fuel shutoff valve is secured closed. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES It is not possible to “Secure” the shutoff valve open or closed. If the APU starts, the valve has not failed closed. If the APU will not shutdown, then both this valve, and the valve downstream of the FCU are failed open. Two procedures are offered: One to electrically prevent the valve from opening, the other to actually check for fuel flow through the valve. Place a placard on APU control panel stating, “APU FUEL SHUTOFF VLV FAILED. APU DEACTIVATED.” Make appropriate discrepancy report entry. Disengage and secure APU MASTER circuit breaker located on the Emergency section of the right circuit breaker panel. Select BATTERY 1-2 to ON. Select left fuel boost pump to ON. After 3 minutes, position a second technician outside the aircraft near the empennage. Check the APU drain line for any fuel drip, and inspect the inspection panels between the flaps. Fuel exiting at the APU drain indicates that the fuel shutoff valve and APU fuel solenoid valve are open. Fuel dripping from the wing center section/empennage belly indicates a leak, possibly at the shutoff valve. Either situation must be corrected prior to dispatch. If no fuel flows or drips are present, procedure is successfully completed. Select right fuel boost pump to OFF. Select BATTERY 1-2 to OFF. NOTE: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 49-2 75MELM05 MASTER MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST OPERATIONAL AND MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES SYSTEM & SEQUENCE NUMBERS CESSNA AIRCRAFT COMPANY MODEL 750 REMARKS OR EXCEPTIONS 52 DOORS 9. CABIN DOOR OPEN CAS Message (O) May be inoperative provided: a) All green indicators are verified in view, and b) Inner and External door handles are verified correctly stowed. OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES 1. 2. 3. 4. 75MELM05 A crewmember will visually verify that all green indicators are in view. A crewmember will coordinate with personnel outside the aircraft to verify that the external door handle is stowed. Make appropriate discrepancy report. Place placard above EICAS display and on the cabin door stating “ CABIN DOOR OPEN CAS MSG INOP”. 52-1 MASTER MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST OPERATIONAL AND MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES SYSTEM & SEQUENCE NUMBERS CESSNA AIRCRAFT COMPANY MODEL 750 REMARKS OR EXCEPTIONS 71 POWERPLANT 1. Active Engine Mount System (M) May be inoperative provided the system is deactivated. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES 1. 2. 3. 75MELM01 Disengage and tie wrap the ACTIVE ENG MOUNT circuit breaker located on the left circuit breaker panel. Place placard on instrument panel stating, "ACTIVE ENG MOUNT INOP." Make appropriate discrepancy report entry. 71-1 MASTER MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST OPERATIONAL AND MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES SYSTEM & SEQUENCE NUMBERS CESSNA AIRCRAFT COMPANY MODEL 750 REMARKS OR EXCEPTIONS 73 ENGINE FUEL & CONTROL 1. Engine Synchronizer System (M) May be inoperative provided the engine synch is off. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES 1. 2. 75MELM01 Place placard adjacent to the engine synchronizer selector switch stating, "ENG SYNC INOP-DO NOT TURN ON." Make appropriate discrepancy report entry. 73-1 MASTER MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST OPERATIONAL AND MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES SYSTEM & SEQUENCE NUMBERS CESSNA AIRCRAFT COMPANY MODEL 750 REMARKS OR EXCEPTIONS 77 ENGINE INDICATING 1. Fuel Flow Indicating System (O) One may be inoperative provided all Fuel Quantity Displays are operative. OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES 1. 2. 3. 3. Oil Filter Bypass Message Estimate fuel flow quantities through the use of the FMS and Operating Manual Flight Planning Charts. Place placard adjacent to the fuel flow indicating system stating, "LEFT/RIGHT FUEL FLOW IND SYS INOP." Make appropriate discrepancy report entry. (M) May be inoperative provided the visual indicator is checked prior to first flight of each day. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES 1. 2. 3. 4. 75MELM01 Gain access to the affected (left or right) engine oil filter bypass visual indicator by opening the lower engine cowling. Verify that neither the actual nor the impending bypass red indicator buttons on the oil filter housing have tripped. Place placard on the instrument panel stating, "LEFT/RIGHT OIL FILTER BYPASS MESSAGE INOP." Make appropriate discrepancy report entry. 77-1 MASTER MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST OPERATIONAL AND MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES SYSTEM & SEQUENCE NUMBERS CESSNA AIRCRAFT COMPANY MODEL 750 REMARKS OR EXCEPTIONS 78 ENGINE EXHAUST 1. Thrust Reversers (M)(O) One or both may be inoperative provided thrust reversers are secured in the forward thrust position and performance is not predicated on the use of reversers. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES 1. 2. 3. 4. Ensure that no damage exists to the affected thrust reverser system(s) that would adversely affect the operation of the airplane. Deactivate and secure affected thrust reverser. Refer to Procedures Guide Appendix pages A-5 through A-7 for this procedure. Place "INOP" placards as stated in the appendix procedures. Make appropriate discrepancy report entry. OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES 1. Original Refer to AFM Section IV, Performance, for required runway distances without thrust reversers. 78-1 MASTER MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST OPERATIONAL AND MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES SYSTEM & SEQUENCE NUMBERS CESSNA AIRCRAFT COMPANY MODEL 750 REMARKS OR EXCEPTIONS 80 STARTING 1. Engine Start Valve (M) One may be inoperative provided: a) Alternate starting procedures are established and used, and b) The associated start valve is verified closed after starting. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES (Mechanic(s) only) WARNING: EXERCISE CAUTION WHEN WORKING AROUND COUPLINGS AND VALVES. BLEED AIR LINES/DUCTS AND COUPLINGS MAY BE EXTREMELY HOT AND CAN CAUSE INJURY IF HANDLED CARELESSLY. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Verify normal start pressure (greater than 30 PSI) is available. Use a 1/4" socket to turn the hex fitting at the bottom of the affected engine start valve to the OPEN index mark. Start the engine on the affected engine start valve side. After engine starts, turn the hex fitting at the bottom of the affected engine start valve to the CLOSED index mark. Verify no START VLV OPEN L or START VLV OPEN R EICAS indication exists. Place placard adjacent to the EICAS display stating, "LEFT/RIGHT ENG START VALVE INOP." Make appropriate discrepancy report entry. NARRATIVE: Bleed air pressure will attempt to pressurize the start valve closed during start. The start valve must be held in the open position until normal sequence is terminated. The engine will start to rotate as soon as the start valve is turned to the open position. EICAS displays an indication of the engine start valve position. If the start valve remains open after engine start, the EICAS message START VLV OPEN L or START VLV OPEN R will display amber in color. In addition, the associated engine start button light will remain illuminated if the start valve stays open. 75MELM01 80-1 MASTER MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST OPERATIONAL AND MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES CESSNA AIRCRAFT COMPANY MODEL 750 21 AIR CONDITIONING NOTE: Cabin altitude should be at zero rate to accurately reflect the Standard Atmosphere Chart conversion Appendix Page A-2. Example for converting cabin altitude to differential pressure. Cabin Altitude as read from gage: Pressure at 5000 feet: Aircraft Altitude: Pressure at 38,000 feet: 5000 feet 12.23 PSIA 38,000 feet 3.00 PSIA 12.23 - 3.00 PSIA = 9.23 Differential Pressure Example for converting differential pressure to cabin altitude. Differential Pressure as read from gage: Aircraft Altitude: Pressure at 25,000 feet: 8.00 PSIA 25,000 feet 5.46 PSIA 8.00 + 5.45 PSIA = 13.46 PSIA Interpolate from chart cabin altitude at 13.45 PSIA Cabin Altitude = 2,421 feet Original A-1 CESSNA AIRCRAFT COMPANY MODEL 750 Altitude … Pressure (Feet) … (psia) -1000 … 15.24 -500 … 14.98 0 … 14.70 500 … 14.43 1000 … 14.17 1500 … 13.92 2000 … 13.67 2500 … 13.42 3000 … 13.17 3500 … 12.93 4000 … 12.69 4500 … 12.46 5000 … 12.23 5500 … 12.00 6000 … 11.78 6500 … 11.56 7000 … 11.34 7500 … 11.13 8000 … 10.92 8500 … 10.71 9000 … 10.51 9500 … 10.31 10,000 … 10.11 10,500 …. 9.91 11,000 …. 9.72 11,500 …. 9.54 12,000 …. 9.35 12,500 …. 9.17 13,000 …. 8.99 13,500 …. 8.81 14,000 …. 8.64 14,500 …. 8.47 15,000 …. 8.30 15,500 …. 8.13 16,000 …. 7.97 MASTER MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST OPERATIONAL AND MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES Altitude … Pressure (Feet) … (psia) 16,500 17,000 17,500 18,000 18,500 19,000 19,500 20,000 20,500 21,000 21,500 22,000 22,500 23,000 23,500 24,000 24,500 25,000 25,500 26,000 26,500 27,000 27,500 28,000 28,500 29,000 29,500 30,000 30,500 31,000 31,500 32,000 32,500 33,000 33,500 …. 7.81 …. 7.65 …. 7.50 …. 7.34 …. 7.19 …. 7.05 …. 6.90 …. 6.76 …. 6.62 …. 6.48 …. 6.35 …. 6.21 …. 6.08 …. 5.95 …. 5.83 …. 5.70 …. 5.58 …. 5.46 …. 5.34 …. 5.23 …. 5.11 …. 5.00 …. 4.89 …. 4.78 …. 4.68 …. 4.58 …. 4.47 …. 4.37 …. 4.27 …. 4.18 …. 4.08 …. 3.99 …. 3.90 …. 3.81 …. 3.72 Altitude … Pressure (Feet) … (psia) 34,000 34,500 35,000 35,500 36,000 36,500 37,000 37,500 38,000 38,500 39,000 39,500 40,000 40,500 41,000 41,500 42,000 42,500 43,000 43,500 44,000 44,500 45,000 45,500 46,000 46,500 47,000 47,500 48,000 48,500 49,000 49,500 50,000 50,500 51,000 …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. 3.64 3.55 3.47 3.39 3.31 3.23 3.15 3.08 3.00 2.93 2.86 2.80 2.73 2.67 2.60 2.54 2.48 2.43 2.37 2.31 2.25 2.20 2.15 2.10 2.05 2.00 1.95 1.91 1.86 1.82 1.77 1.73 1.69 1.65 1.61 Standard Atmosphere Chart A-2 Original CESSNA AIRCRAFT COMPANY MODEL 750 MASTER MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST OPERATIONAL AND MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES 78 THRUST REVERSER DISABLING - MAINTENANCE PRACTICES 1. General A. The thrust reverser system shall be disabled with the doors stowed and locked. Disabling is accomplished by physically locking thrust reverser door latches and disconnecting electrical and hydraulic power. One or both thrust reversers may be disabled for flight. (1) B. 2. Enabling is the procedure to render thrust reversers operational after disabling. Description A. The thrust reverser system is disabled mechanically and electrically. (1) (2) B. 3. Disabling is the procedure to render one or both thrust reversers inoperable and still permit normal flight operation. Mechanical disabling consists of inserting latch pins in the outboard latch boxes to physically prevent the thrust reverser door latches from moving. Electrical disabling consists of disengaging and locking out appropriate circuit breakers. Placards are placed in cockpit to alert crew to disabled thrust reversers. Dispatch With Inoperative Thrust Reverser(s) NOTE: A. If only one thrust reverser is to be disabled, accomplish only those steps which are applicable to that thrust reverser. One or both thrust reversers may be disabled for flight. To disable the thrust reversers, use the following procedure: (1) (2) (3) (4) Ensure the thrust reversers are in the stowed and latched position. In the cockpit, disengage LH T/R STOW, LH T/R DEPLOY, RH T/R STOW and RH T/R DEPLOY circuit breakers, located on the left circuit breaker panel. Install MS35489-6 Grommets in all four circuit breaker locations. Remove inboard fairing inspection panel and physically inspect that the lower door hook is engaged in the door latch receptacle. Inspect that the upper door hook is engaged through fairing/door gap at hook locations. Physically inspect that both the upper and lower hooks are engaged in the door latch receptacles on the outboard side through fairing/door gap at hook locations. WARNING: IF THERE IS EVIDENCE OF DAMAGE IN THIS AREA, OR THE DOOR HOOKS ARE NOT ENGAGED IN THE DOOR LATCH RECEPTACLES, REPAIRS SHALL BE MADE PRIOR TO RELEASING THE AIRPLANE FOR FLIGHT. (5) (6) Remove outboard thrust reverser fairing panel to pin thrust reverser assembly, and store. From the Thrust Reverser Pinning Kit, remove latch quick release pin (MS17984C313) and insert through latch box in two places on the outboard side to block both the upper and lower hooks from movement. (7) From the Thrust Reverser Pinning Kit, remove thrust reverser fairing panel (red in color) and install on outboard thrust reverser fairing. (8) Reinstall the inspection panel on inboard thrust reverser fairing. (9) Placard thrust reverser control panel, or thrust reverser enunciator(s) with "T/R INOPERATIVE" warning, as shown in Appendix A-7. (10) Make logbook entry to alert flight crew of inoperative thrust reverser condition. A-4 75MELM05 MASTER MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST OPERATIONAL AND MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES 75MELM05 CESSNA AIRCRAFT COMPANY MODEL 750 A-5 CESSNA AIRCRAFT COMPANY MODEL 750 A-6 MASTER MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST OPERATIONAL AND MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES 75MELM05 MASTER MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST OPERATIONAL AND MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES 75MELM05 CESSNA AIRCRAFT COMPANY MODEL 750 A-7